What's your ringer team? I milked AS pretty thoroughly and I'm starting up OR, myself, to catch the alternate legendaries. I'm looking over some team options that I haven't used in the past already and I'm interested in suggestions.
I just have 6IV parents so I send over eggs to hatch of either flawless Pokemon, 6IV or 5IV depending on the natures complete with egg moves.
Bagon (either)
Gible (HA)
Ralts (any)
Froakie (HA)
Torchic (HA)
Rufflet (HA)
Turtwig (HA)
Chespin (HA)
Axew (Mold Breaker)
Starly (HA)
fletchling (HA)
Emolga (HA)
Togepi (Serene Grace)
Scyther (anything but swarm)
I don't have my games on right now, so those are off the top of my head. So I just send over those pokes and also use farmed Gen 3 mythicals (Jirachi and Celebi) and Gen 5 Dream Radar HA legendaries.
Some people say this takes the fun out of it, but I'm not 6 years old and I just want to catch Shiny or flawless IV legendaries, so gotta go fast and smash.
So it's not really team building, I send over super powerful pokes and rush through the games. I also do this in older gens too.
Also for gen 6, I personally own these games:
NA - eshop X, OR / cart XYORAS
JP - eshop Y, AS / cart XY x2, ORAS x2
I have four 3DSes (NA XL, JP Pokemon Red 2DS, Pokemon XY Blue 3DS, white N3DS w/ORAS plates).
I also farm events because I live here in Japan, but I like breeding and studying the competitive meta besides collecting. But it's all too time consuming. I got back semi seriously yesterday and I stayed up until 2AM playing (SRing Shiny event legendaries and trying to catch 5IV Landorus adamant).