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Pokemon butts available for purchase in October


Rösti;180250974 said:

I honestly came into this thread expecting it to be a title that the mod changed as a joke. I totally did not expect actual Pokemon butts. I'm at a loss now. What has my life become?


And, yet, we can't even get half-assed support for the Pokemon Amiibo in a multitude of Nintendo games.

Haha seriously. This is ok but God forbid pokemon have unique sound effects in mario maker or their shiny recolors in smash 4.

That aside, it's nice to see the best pokemon(buizel) getting some love....as strange as this is lol.


I'm buying those boxers, so every time my girlfriend is in the shower, I can come at her wearing them and say "can I get a Pikachu (peek-at-chu?")
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