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This thread is for anything pokemon, especially the Leaf Green/Fire Red versions. Impressions, questions, etc.

So far I've played it for just under an hour. I picked up a squirtle in my Leaf game and just arrived to Veridian city. So far the graphic look very nice, similar to the old games but much more colorful and lush, I like the music too. The pokedex has been expanded to list the criters numerically, by types, alphabetically, or by search, very thorough. Somewhat dissapointed that battle animations are still missing but oh well. I don't know how much I'll get into this game... with so many good ones coming out. I spent well over 100 hrs on my old Blue version but haven't really picked up any of the newer ones.

I'm not sure if you can breed on this version, and it looks like there are no berries to be had. Anyone else find any mayor differences from the originals? I sure wish I had someone to battle me but chances of finding anyone relatively close to my age for that are rather slim, to put it mildly, LOL. Anyone else playing these?
I think I'm going to try to beat Pikmin 2 before buying Leaf Green. I'm not in any rush. I was months late to the party with Sapphire too.


I have Leaf Green and I really think this is the best iteration of the Pokémon games. Such a great remake of the already great game, with features from RuSa in it! Berries are in the game, but you cannot grow them. Meowth can pick some up, or you can get some from various people or trade them into the game.


I played the Japanese version of Fire Red.. and because I played the originals so much, it was a breeze. I don't think I'll be buying the English version because I clocked about 100 hours already in the japanese version, even though it is a great game.
I'm completely and utterly burned out on the Pokemon game mechanics. I put enough hours into Blue/Crystal/Sapphire that if I ever see another fuckin' Pikachu again, I'll probably have a seizure.
I'm about 15 hours in; 3 gyms down and a solid team:

Charmeleon (Fire - Lv26)
My starter pick. Surprisingly strong against Brock, and works well as a general anchor even if the first two gyms have type advantages.

Wartortle (Water - Lv24)
1. I have a GB Player. 2. Rent game from Blockbuster. 3. Choose squirtle and make it to the first town. 4. Trade to my real team! Squirtle/Wartortle is a pretty good water choice; in the first two pokemon games I relied on fishing for Magikarp to turn it into Gyrados, so this time I wanted something different.

Golem (Rock/Ground - Lv28)
Geodude is weak. Graveller is passable. Golem is a monster. Golem using magnitude was enough to wipe out Lt. Surge's gym with only 3 HP damage taken.

Alakazam (Psychic - Lv28)
Psychic isn't as crazy unbalanced as it used to be, but Alakazam is still one of the strongest non-legendary pokemon in the game. Strange story: I gave Kadabra the move "Thief", and the first item I captured was the twisted spoon (Boosts psychic moves)

That should be a strong suggestion for any pokemon player: it's often quite a good idea to give your pokemon an opposite move. In this case, psychic is weak against Dark attacks, so by giving Alakazam 'Thief' (a dark move), I have the upper hand against other psychic types.

Pikachu (Electric - Lv28)
Voltorb is boring, I've already played Magneton to death, and Pikachu is available in Viridian Forest, so he's the mandatory Electric type. Pikachu's defense blows - I needed Lv22 just to get past Misty - but he starts gaining steam thereafter. Raichu will probably be brutally powerful.

I think my sixth member will probably be Snorlax or Porygon, but in order to make any headway before the Elite 4 you need to have utility pokemon. I'm wondering who I should give 'Seismic Toss'...

Butterfree (Bug/Flying - Lv 18)
The best capture pokemon in the game. Butterfree is quick to train, has confusion (a psychic move), and then sleep/poison/stun moves. Sleep is basically mandatory if you ever want to catch quick bastards like Abra.

Paras (who cares - Lv 9)
Bloody useless, but this one is only in the party to load up with HM moves (cut and flash so far). Tentacool is another good HM choice later on.

Game Comments:
-I'm really enjoying how picking Charmander has forced me to build a balanced team. With Yellow I was basically able to focus on Pikachu to the near exclusion of everybody else, but now I'm finding it pays off to have five pokemon within 4 levels of each other.

-Berries exist in the game, but you have to get them off of other pokemon or as field prizes (for example, check all of the garbage cans on the S.S. Anne). So you can't realistically just load up everybody with good berries.

-Move Pokemon is the best UI feature they've added. It was really annoying in Ruby to have to take and give seperately. The new Pokedex is a lot slicker though.

-If you're serious about beating the tar out of the elite four, I can see that teaching some ice moves to one of your top six is crucial, because the only ice pokemon available beforehand are Jynx, Lapras, and Articuno. All of the post Red/Blue pokemon are available only after taking the league championship (including Porygon 2 and Delibird, sigh)

-Breeding is possible, but I'm not sure where abouts in the game it is set up.
I used to play Yellow than Silver, but it's been a while. I'm intersted in getting back into things. So would one recommend going to the new releases or checking out the first GBA titles?


Speaking of Pokémon... Emerald comes out tomorrow in Japan. I knew it was coming soon but damn, I didnt realize it was already going to be out.
FortNinety said:
I used to play Yellow than Silver, but it's been a while. I'm intersted in getting back into things. So would one recommend going to the new releases or checking out the first GBA titles?

Fired Red/Leaf Green is a great way to get back into it, since its mostly just a full-on remake of Red/Blue/Yellow (with silver/gold pokemon unlocked after beating the elite 4) If you've played yellow way too much, you might want to try Ruby/Sapphire first, but the fundamental gameplay experience is the same.


I played through about 30 hours in the Japanese Leaf Green, and another 10 in the U.S. one. Such a great game, and I just got Pokemon Box in the mail, so I can transfer Pokemon between games without too much trouble. I'm also about to order Pokemon Emerald. I'm glad the Japanese and English games are compatible with each other for trades and battles.
I'm glad the Japanese and English games are compatible with each other for trades and battles.

THEY ARE?!?!!?!

argh I just bought Japanese Fire Red like two days ago to trade with John who has Japanese Leaf Green.

Oh, well, I went to the JoySpot and got the ticket for an eventual Lugia/Houhou ... that's worth the extra $5, right?


JackFrost2012 said:
THEY ARE?!?!!?!

argh I just bought Japanese Fire Red like two days ago to trade with John who has Japanese Leaf Green.

Oh, well, I went to the JoySpot and got the ticket for an eventual Lugia/Houhou ... that's worth the extra $5, right?

Yep, they are compatible. A Japanese Sapphire can trade with an English or Italian or Spanish Ruby. Likewise, a Japanese Leaf Green trades flawlessly with an English Ruby, and so on. The Japanese Pokemon Box won't work on an English game, and the same is with Colosseum (I believe).

Say, where exactly are these JoySpots located? I'm actually after a complete Pokedex, and have been trying to hunt down a Japanese Colosseum bonus disc for AGES. :(

I want the ticket for Lugia/Ho-Oh. If I sent you my Japanese FR, would you be willing to plant the ticket inside the game and send it back? I'd pay millions. :D
I want the ticket for Lugia/Ho-Oh. If I sent you my Japanese FR, would you be willing to plant the ticket inside the game and send it back? I'd pay millions. :D

I would ... but the ticket giveaway ended yesterday. :/ That's what drove me to finally purchase Fire Red it two days ago rather than keep waiting. A 25 minute timer and a ticket for Ho-oh ... woo! BTW, I think you get Lugia in Green and Ho-oh in Red ... I'm not sure you have a "choice" in the matter.

JoySpots are mostly in game/electronic stores in Japan. Most Tsutayas have one, as do the majority of Wanpakus. There's a list of locations buried somewhere on Nintendo's Japanese site...

If you want me to hook you up with any future JoySpot giveaways, I'd be happy to. You can send a loose GBA cart to Japan and back for pennies, so no skin off my back.


Unconfirmed Member
Did later shipments of Sapphire in the US fix the berry bug? or would I be stuck hunting down a Colleseum bonus disc if I wanted to pick up and play my old Sapphire version again?


JackFrost2012 said:
I would ... but the ticket giveaway ended yesterday. :/ That's what drove me to finally purchase Fire Red it two days ago rather than keep waiting. A 25 minute timer and a ticket for Ho-oh ... woo! BTW, I think you get Lugia in Green and Ho-oh in Red ... I'm not sure you have a "choice" in the matter.

JoySpots are mostly in game/electronic stores in Japan. Most Tsutayas have one, as do the majority of Wanpakus. There's a list of locations buried somewhere on Nintendo's Japanese site...

If you want me to hook you up with any future JoySpot giveaways, I'd be happy to. You can send a loose GBA cart to Japan and back for pennies, so no skin off my back.

Actually, it's both per cartridge. How nice of Nintendo. :D

Thanks for your offer, I'll keep your gracious offer in mind. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
scola said:
Did later shipments of Sapphire in the US fix the berry bug? or would I be stuck hunting down a Colleseum bonus disc if I wanted to pick up and play my old Sapphire version again?

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure some retail stores in the US had/have kiosks where you can apply the Berry Fix patch for free, if you never bagged a bonus disc.


o_O @_@ O_o
Also, according to my FireRed manual, linking up a copy of Ruby/Sapphire to a copy of FireRed/LeafGreen will also automatically patch your Ruby/Sapphire game with the Berry Fix.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Now THAT'S cool. I stopped reading Pokemon manuals 6 years ago. Heh.

Thanks for the heads up.


o_O @_@ O_o
I skipped over Ruby/Sapphire entirely (plan on picking Emerald and Colloseum up when I'm well into FireRed) so I think I missed all the hubbub, but what was the original problem that's been getting patched?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I believe the Berry system (which causes plants to respawn berries at certain time intervals, stopped working once the internal clock passed a year of time. Something like that.

Berries are kinda important in doing a few side things in the RuSa games, so if you had a file over a year old, you'd either have to start a whole new game by erasing your data, or find a way to patch your game.

I just used my new wireless adaptors to transfer a Squirtle and Bulbasaur from my FireRed cart to my Charmander-leading LeafGreen cart. Awesome. It works flawlessly.


Running off of Custom Firmware
According to the FR and LG manuals, you can update Ru/Sa's berry system by hooking up either Ruby or Sapphire to FireRed, LeafGreen, Pokemon Colosseum, or Pokemon Box.
remake of R/B/Y which I've put at least 1200 hours into, running shoes, and vs seeker have already made this the best pokemon "sequel" since the original. Whether it tops the original depends on how much of a pain in the ass it is to level my team to lv 100. How I miss missingno :( Oh and berries suck.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I was never a fan of the berries, ribbons, or contests. Felt like tacked on sidegames that I felt compelled to do for completion's sake, but never liked doing.

I'm digging these remakes so far.


Mejilan said:
According to the FR and LG manuals, you can update Ru/Sa's berry system by hooking up either Ruby or Sapphire to FireRed, LeafGreen, Pokemon Colosseum, or Pokemon Box.

And the FR/LG solution does work, I tried it out last night. Growing a new batch of berries finally, and the daily contest in Lilycove is working again, too.


Pokemon Emerald fucking rocks!!!

You get:

Latios or Latias

That's pretty damn cool.
I'm greatly looking forward to Emerald. But I haven't even gotten around to buying FireRed yet, which I intended to do on release day but Pikmin 2 has kept me busy.


(more a nerd than a geek)
My favorite enhancement is the help function... accessible at any point in the game with the shoulder buttons... now I can actually use that stupid "Fire vs. Rock vs. Ghost" etc. strategy.

Is there a way to check Pokemon stats (the Pokedex?) while in a battle? I'd love to be able to see a Pokemon's type and status...


Running off of Custom Firmware
Pretty sure you can hit the Pokemon option from combat, select one of your critters, and hit Summary to get a full review of its stats, abilities, and yes, type(s).
So far I'm loving this game. What are the chances of us getting a remake of the Gold/Silver games. I never got too far on those... Are ALL gold/silver pokemon available after you end your quest in Red/Green?

The only thing that I find slightly annoying is the "previouly on your quest" bit. I wish there was an option to turn it off altogether.

Also, is there are way to get Pokemon Box other than by ordering? Where do you order it from?

Uh, what's so bad about the berries? :\
I think the cross-region compatibility is only for generation trades, right? English FR/Japanese FR trades probably can't happen, I'd imagine?

Lugia >>>>> Ho-oh, unless you like rainbow vultures. Well, Ho-oh isn't completely terrible; he's got plenty of punch...just seems kinda lackluster compared to the awesomeness of Lugia's Psychic/Flying type. I'd take Celebi over either, though.

huzkee said:
So far I'm loving this game. What are the chances of us getting a remake of the Gold/Silver games. I never got too far on those... Are ALL gold/silver pokemon available after you end your quest in Red/Green?

No. A fair number are only available with Pokemon Colosseum (or with Pokemon Emerald JP, which conveniently found a way to make Pokemon Colosseum JP useless). Superpowers of Pokemon like Typhlosion can only be obtained by beating Colosseum in order to open up its trade function.

Also, is there are way to get Pokemon Box other than by ordering? Where do you order it from?


Uh, what's so bad about the berries? :\

Bad? Berries are good. Equip them, and your pokemon will use one by themselves as necessary (without blowing your MOVE). Ruby/Sapphire did have a bug as mentioned, but trading with anything newer seems to patch it up.

Oh, one last thing...

Dunno if ECM visits GAF, but aside from appreciating effort in writing something despite the stupid rush nature of game guides...well, the prima guide for FR/LG blows. It's incomplete, poorly laid out, and printed in a font so embarassingly large that even Nintendo wouldn't go for.


Crazymoogle said:
I think the cross-region compatibility is only for generation trades, right? English FR/Japanese FR trades probably can't happen, I'd imagine?

They're only not compatible via the wireless adapter.
Crazymoogle said:
Dunno if ECM visits GAF, but aside from appreciating effort in writing something despite the stupid rush nature of game guides...well, the prima guide for FR/LG blows. It's incomplete, poorly laid out, and printed in a font so embarassingly large that even Nintendo wouldn't go for.

One the other hand, the Japanese Nintendo Dream Fire Red / Leaf Green is prolly one of the best guides I've seen.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I never liked the berry growing, talent contests, or ribbons of Ru/Sa, myself.

And I loathed the time-clock system in G/S/C, thank g-d they didn't keep that up.


JackFrost2012 said:
One the other hand, the Japanese Nintendo Dream Fire Red / Leaf Green is prolly one of the best guides I've seen.

I bet. I'm still kicking myself for not picking it up in Japan (although there were several of them).

In other news, at the mall today several kids bought Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green (FR taking the lead). Target, with its Pokemon sale, had copies behind the register to prepare for the onslaught. Talk about a hit game.
Mejilan said:
I never liked the berry growing, talent contests, or ribbons of Ru/Sa, myself.

And I loathed the time-clock system in G/S/C, thank g-d they didn't keep that up.

I hope Nintendo doesn't hear you. :( I want that clock back, and they need to keep this contest system. Sure it's pointless, but it's a fun diversion.


DarthWufei said:
I hope Nintendo doesn't hear you. :( I want that clock back, and they need to keep this contest system. Sure it's pointless, but it's a fun diversion.

Actually, contests have been favored over gyms in some cases. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game had a few mandatory contests, or increased their focus.


Does the wireless adapter (that comes with the games) work for anything that used a link cable? Like can I play Mario Kart wirelessly now?!


JScott said:
Does the wireless adapter (that comes with the games) work for anything that used a link cable? Like can I play Mario Kart wirelessly now?!

Nope. Games have to support the wireless adapter.

But fear not! For Majesco is making a wireless adapter that will be compatible with all link cable games. Ain't that nice? :p
1UP says the LG/FR games are not compatible with Pokémon Box... Is that true?? I was considering ordering but if it's not gonna let me store from those two I'm not sure I want it. Also, that's a huge oversight from Nintendo... unless they plan to release another Pokémon Box which would be lame...


I'm pretty sure Pokemon Box works with Ru/Sa AND Fire/Leaf. Maybe you have to beat the game first or something to use it, otherwise you could easily swap Ru/Sa Pokemon with FR/LG Pokemon?
0wn3d said:
I'm pretty sure Pokemon Box works with Ru/Sa AND Fire/Leaf. Maybe you have to beat the game first or something to use it, otherwise you could easily swap Ru/Sa Pokemon with FR/LG Pokemon?

Taking a look elsewhere, Pokemon Box support works once you get the Pokemon Net Center restored in FR/LG. Or possibly once you have the proper R/S plates. In any case, it should work eventually (although the box gameplay mode doesn't).
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