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So, can anyone in the know explain what rare pokemon are available and which are still NOT available in the Red/Green and RuSa versions?

Have there been any events to get Mew in NA at all?? :p


anyone know if male nidorans are in leaf green? i just got the game and nidoking was part of my original lineup so i want to find one, but all i can find are females dammit, i went to the area the pokedex says theyre at, but ive had well over 50 encounters and still no male nidoran.....


huzkee said:
I got my male nidoran in ROUTE 3, they're a bit harder to find than the females. I got him at Level 6. Hope that helps :)

Cool thanks, was beginning to wonder if it was actually in leaf green, thought maybe they gave it an area in the pokedex by mistake. Now i know it's just ultra ultra rare! YAY MORE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS

Edit: found it! finally!
huzkee said:
So, can anyone in the know explain what rare pokemon are available and which are still NOT available in the Red/Green and RuSa versions?

Colosseum complicates things a bit by adding some extra pokemon availability (and Jirachi for preorder customers, whoo!) but basically here's the not available rundown:

Lugia (Hidden on Island 8 which requires a special event pass)
Celebi (damnit...celebi is as good as a grass/psychic type gets)
Deoxys (Hidden on Island 9. Sort of like unknown, the form of Deoxys changes based on the game it is caught in. Requires a special event pass)

The list grows substantially if you uninclude Colosseum, and the 'not availables' are available in japan (Celebi through japanese colosseum bonus, lugia through the ticket event, mew and deoxys in pokemon emerald).

Everybody else is supposedly available, although some are definitely more difficult to catch than others (fearing that the upgrade for Porygon 2 may be difficult to obtain)


Except for Jirachi in America and Celebi in Japan, Colosseum is no longer needed because of Emerald and Fire Red/Leaf Green.
I feel so lame asking this, and I'm gonna conflate Japanese and English Pokemon names, prolly, but...


I just beat the second gym, and my main team is a L26 Charmeleon, L24 Pikachu, and L20 Clefable. I also have an Oddish and Butterfree hanging out at around L13 each. The Abras I'm trying to catch generally range from 9-11.

I've never played a Pokemon game before, so this feeling of addiction is new to me, but I want Abra so bad I can taste it! He always teleports away ... I tried putting him to sleep using Clefable's "sing" but Clefable kills him in one hit at her current level. I try switching in Oddish or Butterfree, which usually works, but by the next round when they get a turn Abra wakes up and hightails it out of there. Is there any way to increase the effectiveness/rounds of Sleep? Any other Pokemon with better debilitating moves? Any statistical way I could just toss balls at him with full energy and catch him eventually? I WANT ABRA, HELP ME GET ABRA, WHINE WHINE WHINE.

Also, what does "paralyze" do? Cause it doesn't seem to stop Pokemon from acting during battle or anything...

The EASIEST METHOD from the beginning of the game: Catch a Caterpie and evolve it to Metapod at level 7 and then into Butterfree at level 10. Then at level 16 he learns SleepSpore. Use that on the Abra, your Butterfree should be fast enough to move first.

Personally, I always do this when I start a new game of Red/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen.

Another option if you don't feel like doing that, is chucking pokeballs until you do. There's one other way as well, you can buy an Abra from the Rocket Game Corner for a few hundred coins. (Rocket game coins not Pokeyen).

At your level, you can probably just put it to sleep with Butterfree or Clefairy and chuck pokeballs or great balls. I never bother whacking an Abra, once it's asleep it has a good chance of just being caught at full health.

Also, Paralyze not only makes a pokemon occasionally unable to move, it also cuts its speed to a 1/4 of its normal speed stat. It's pretty useful, and it also makes wild pokemon easier to catch.
Dragona Akehi said:
The EASIEST METHOD from the beginning of the game: Catch a Caterpie and evolve it to Metapod at level 7 and then into Butterfree at level 10. Then at level 16 he learns SleepSpore. Use that on the Abra, your Butterfree should be fast enough to move first.

Since my Butterfree's lower than he should be, anyways, this seems the best solution. Thanks for the advice on trying to capture with full health while sleeping, too - I did it twice and it didn't work, but I guess I was just unlucky. Let's go!
It also relies on your luck. :p Though, with your pokemon's levels you should have an easier time of catching the abra. Use great balls, they're your friend.

Really though if you just can't catch one, buy one from Rocket Corner, it's the same as catching it in the wild. The only thing is that you can't do is get one at level 8 (lowest level possible), since they start out at level 10, I believe.
Dragona Akehi said:
It also relies on your luck. :p Though, with your pokemon's levels you should have an easier time of catching the abra. Use great balls, they're your friend.

Stupid question: what are Great Balls and where could I buy them!
You can first purchase them in Lavender Town, for 600 pokeyen. How far are you? With your levels I thought you'd already have hit Lavender. They're blue pokeballs (you have the JPN version I'm guessing), and you can occasionally find them BEFORE Lavender as "treasures".

If you don't have great balls yet, you can just use regular pokeballs, that's how I caught mine. Great balls are just the "second level" of pokeballs, after which come ultra balls and then finally the master ball. (There's only one of them.)
Heh, I love it when this thread comes back.

I wrote a series of journals covering stuff like catching Abra as well as general pokemon progression for most of the game which also may be of some help.
Bobety said:
Cool thanks, was beginning to wonder if it was actually in leaf green, thought maybe they gave it an area in the pokedex by mistake. Now i know it's just ultra ultra rare! YAY MORE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS

Actually, you can trade for a male Nidoran later on - the aptly named 'Mr. Nido'.

And if you think that encounter rate is maddening, try catching Chansey.


I like Pokemon alot actually. I just wish building up an amazing team wasn't so time consuming. And the games are alike I find. Also, onnce I get addicted to collecting, I always eventually become jaded and depressed because theres no way I'm ever going to be able to "collect 'em all" given the fact that I missed some once-in-a-lifetime chance at some Nintendo event in TOKYO to download one rare pokemon or something... :p


Poke Ball = モンスターボール
Great Ball = スーパーボール
Ultra Ball = ハイパーボール
Master Ball = マスターボール

Master Ball >>>>>>>> Ultra Ball >> Great Ball >> Pokeball
See, I forgot what Great Balls were called in Japanese. Been playing the English version too long. :p

Also you can find Nidoran male/female, Nidorino/Nidorina in the Safari Zone.

Anyway I'm on my way to the Elite Four for the first time, my current team are as follows (FireRed):

Charizard - (AKEHI) Lv46
Wing Attack (Will change this to Return or perhaps Earthquake)
Rock Slide
Blast Burn

Alakazam - Lv45
Psybeam (Change to Seismic Toss or Shockwave)
Calm Mind

Dragonair Lv 50
Secret Power (Change this to Outrage with Safeguard to prevent confusion)
Surf (Change to Flamethrower)
Thunderwave (I might keep this, or change this to Blizzard or Return)

Raichu (PIKABUM) Lv46
Thunderbolt (May change to Thunder)
Thunder Wave
Brick Break
Secret Power (May change to Rain Dance, to make Thunder 99% accurate)

Gyrados (MIZAO) Lv50
Secret Power (Change to Earthquake)
Bite (Change to Return)
Strength (Change to Flamethrower)

Those are my "five". I carry around a utility pokemon right now for my HM needs. I plan on adding a bred Sandslash to my team. And possibly having backups like Arcanine or Slobro/SloKing, Kangaskan and maybe an Umbreon to diversify. Once I have the National Dex, I'll have much more problems in trying to choose my favourite six, since there's a bunch that I like quite a bit in Ru/Sa and to a lesser extend G/S.
Dragona Akehi said:
Anyway I'm on my way to the Elite Four for the first time, my current team are as follows
Charizard - (AKEHI) Lv46
Wing Attack (Will change this to Return or perhaps Earthquake)
Rock Slide
Blast Burn

Pretty solid, although you don't really need two fire attacks. I would replace Blast Burn with Sunny Day, or Flamethrower with Earthquake. Wing Attack is pretty weak; Return is a good choice, but so is Outrage or Dragon Claw.

Alakazam - Lv45
Psybeam (Change to Seismic Toss or Shockwave)
Calm Mind

Calm Mind/Psychic/Recover are basically unanimous (and powerful) choices. Seismic toss never seems to be that useful to me since its damage = Level, so I recommend Shadow Ball, but if you feel confident about fighting Ghost/Dark types then it probably doesn't matter too much which way you go.

Dragonair Lv 50
Secret Power (Change this to Outrage with Safeguard to prevent confusion)
Surf (Change to Flamethrower)
Thunderwave (I might keep this, or change this to Blizzard or Return)

Dragonair beefs up quicky, so it's hard to argue this moveset. Blizzard would be great since Ice moves are so useful, but for game progression Surf and Thunderwave are good. I really think you should get a dragon move, though. How did you manage to load up on Secret Powers?

Raichu (PIKABUM) Lv46
Thunderbolt (May change to Thunder)
Thunder Wave
Brick Break
Secret Power (May change to Rain Dance, to make Thunder 99% accurate)

Brick Break is a good medium power move, but you don't run into light screen too often so I would suggest a more vicious attack, like Hyper Beam or Focus Punch (although, FP is so risky I can't recommend it without encore). Rain Dance isn't a very good idea unless you have another Water focused pokemon. Your Gyrados might work in that regard.

Gyrados (MIZAO) Lv50
Secret Power (Change to Earthquake)
Bite (Change to Return)
Strength (Change to Flamethrower)

Earthquake is useful but probably moreso on Charizard. I would probably give Gyrados a counter-type move like Thunderbolt, and/or a rare one like Ice Beam. (Sigh, why is Ice Beam so expensive?!)

Those are my "five". I carry around a utility pokemon right now for my HM needs. I plan on adding a bred Sandslash to my team. And possibly having backups like Arcanine or Slobro/SloKing, Kangaskan and maybe an Umbreon to diversify. Once I have the National Dex, I'll have much more problems in trying to choose my favourite six, since there's a bunch that I like quite a bit in Ru/Sa and to a lesser extend G/S.

Reminder: You can't get SloKing or Umbreon until after the Elite Four (SloKing requires Kingsrock, Umbreon requires a game with a timer) Kangaskan is a good unique choice although I would take Chansey or Snorlax. Sandslash is always a good overlooked choice, since ground-only types are rare.

Best of luck with that team - Lv50 and below is pretty rough for the Elite four, and you don't have a lot of dragon/ice breaker moves, which means getting past Jynx and Dragonite is going to be rough. You might want to think about adding some status effect moves, like Toxic, just to wear down those guys.

You're right - choosing a nationaldex team is a lot tougher. As my article said, I settled on Blaziken/Shiftry/Blastoise/Golem/Raichu/Jirachi, but there were an awful lot of runner ups. Sadly, some of the ones I really wanted would have required slugging my way through the crap that is Pokemon Colosseum.
Crazymoogle said:
Pretty solid, although you don't really need two fire attacks. I would replace Blast Burn with Sunny Day, or Flamethrower with Earthquake. Wing Attack is pretty weak; Return is a good choice, but so is Outrage or Dragon Claw.

I realise that usually two fire moves are a bad thing, but I don't really want to use BlastBurn all that often since it's basically Hyper Beam with Fire Element. Resting one turn is a bitch in battles. Also, Wing Attack is just there for now, since I don't like to use TM's until I'm ready (and it's useful for training because it has quite a few PP). Outrage is a no, I have BAD LUCK with confusion. Dragon claw, maybe, but I don't think you can get that TM until you trade with Ru/Sa.

Calm Mind/Psychic/Recover are basically unanimous (and powerful) choices. Seismic toss never seems to be that useful to me since its damage = Level, so I recommend Shadow Ball, but if you feel confident about fighting Ghost/Dark types then it probably doesn't matter too much which way you go.

Shadow Ball is sorta weak, and the movesets I mention would be when they hit lv100 anyway, so by then Seismic Toss would be good. Besides it's good to have something against Dark types...

Dragonair beefs up quicky, so it's hard to argue this moveset. Blizzard would be great since Ice moves are so useful, but for game progression Surf and Thunderwave are good. I really think you should get a dragon move, though. How did you manage to load up on Secret Powers?

I like Thunder Wave because not only may they NOT move, but it drops their speed to 1/4 their original. Also, tourneys (not that I've ever gone heh) only let you sleep/poison/etc only one pokemon, while you can paralyse as many as you wish.

You can buy Secret Power at the Celadon market. (The big multilevel mall building.) It's a good training move. I forget which floor though. Most of the current moveset here are just for training.

Brick Break is a good medium power move, but you don't run into light screen too often so I would suggest a more vicious attack, like Hyper Beam or Focus Punch (although, FP is so risky I can't recommend it without encore). Rain Dance isn't a very good idea unless you have another Water focused pokemon. Your Gyrados might work in that regard.

Well I might also choose Return for him as well. I don't like Hyper Beam as I mentioned above. Besides two 105 attacks with Return (when your monster can't possibly love you more) is better than one 150 attack. Rain dance is a good idea simply because then I can use Thunder. It's a less than normal Pikachu/Raichu moveset, I know, but it's interesting. Also, Brick Break is good because it's a fighting move, and I can whack Rock types with it...

Earthquake is useful but probably moreso on Charizard. I would probably give Gyrados a counter-type move like Thunderbolt, and/or a rare one like Ice Beam. (Sigh, why is Ice Beam so expensive?!)

Unfortunately Gyrados' SP ATK stat is absolute shit (in fact half of his attack stat), also Earthquake gives me SOME sort of defense against Electric types. That's why I'm going to stock up on some Earthquake TMs.

Reminder: You can't get SloKing or Umbreon until after the Elite Four (SloKing requires Kingsrock, Umbreon requires a game with a timer) Kangaskan is a good unique choice although I would take Chansey or Snorlax. Sandslash is always a good overlooked choice, since ground-only types are rare.
Yeah I know, I did mention breeding the Sandslash after all. >;)=

Sandslash's only problem is his speed and SP DEF stats, and he's really powerful in my Ruby game. Fortunately since I have access to both games easily, so trading all this back and forth won't be so bad. Heh.

Best of luck with that team - Lv50 and below is pretty rough for the Elite four, and you don't have a lot of dragon/ice breaker moves, which means getting past Jynx and Dragonite is going to be rough. You might want to think about adding some status effect moves, like Toxic, just to wear down those guys.

I've beaten the Elite Four way too many times to lose. I'm also kinda sorta leveling within Victory Road.. But I have alot of luck when I fight CPU opponents.

You're right - choosing a nationaldex team is a lot tougher. As my article said, I settled on Blaziken/Shiftry/Blastoise/Golem/Raichu/Jirachi, but there were an awful lot of runner ups. Sadly, some of the ones I really wanted would have required slugging my way through the crap that is Pokemon Colosseum.

I think the ONLY way I can consolidate a team is by having more than one. I have too many favourites to just pick six.
Dragona Akehi said:
I realise that usually two fire moves are a bad thing, but I don't really want to use BlastBurn all that often since it's basically Hyper Beam with Fire Element. Resting one turn is a bitch in battles. Also, Wing Attack is just there for now, since I don't like to use TM's until I'm ready (and it's useful for training because it has quite a few PP). Outrage is a no, I have BAD LUCK with confusion. Dragon claw, maybe, but I don't think you can get that TM until you trade with Ru/Sa.

You might be right. I also see what you mean about training, because unless you have an outlet for PP items, you definitely want a different moveset than you would for hardcore battling. What really surprised me was in trading from Ruby, because for some reason I still had 2 PP Ups and a PP Max.

I think Hyper Beam type attacks are still useful for tough battles, because when you fight guys who can use full restore, that extra 1-hit power is worth a turn out.

Shadow Ball is sorta weak, and the movesets I mention would be when they hit lv100 anyway, so by then Seismic Toss would be good. Besides it's good to have something against Dark types...

Sure it's weak, but you need some sort of anti-psychic weapon. I found that with Alakazam, I could use calm mind twice, and then blow through psychic and anti psychic pokemon just by switching between Psychic and Shadow Ball. Dark moves would be a good alternative but they're scarce in LG/FR (the only one I trust is Shiftry, and that requires the nationaldex)

But hey, if you're gunning for LV100, that changes things. I just can't imagine the patience you'll need to achieve such a feat (and correct me if I'm wrong, but we can't just train against the Elite 4 since they take off and don't come back until the nationaldex lv70+ version).

I like Thunder Wave because not only may they NOT move, but it drops their speed to 1/4 their original. Also, tourneys (not that I've ever gone heh) only let you sleep/poison/etc only one pokemon, while you can paralyse as many as you wish.

Only one? How does that work? Some sort of custom solution for dealing with Curselax?

You can buy Secret Power at the Celadon market. (The big multilevel mall building.) It's a good training move. I forget which floor though. Most of the current moveset here are just for training.

Wait a minute, aren't we mixing the powers up, though? Hidden Power (which you can't buy) has a unique effect based on the pokemon, while Secret is based on the location, and hence not very flexible for interiors? Maybe SP is more useful than I'm thinking?

Unfortunately Gyrados' SP ATK stat is absolute shit (in fact half of his attack stat), also Earthquake gives me SOME sort of defense against Electric types. That's why I'm going to stock up on some Earthquake TMs.

I forgot about how they sacked Gyrados in SP ATK, and I know how useful Earthquake is, but...just some feeling about using the same move on multiple pokemon that I can't shake.

Sandslash's only problem is his speed and SP DEF stats, and he's really powerful in my Ruby game. Fortunately since I have access to both games easily, so trading all this back and forth won't be so bad. Heh.

I find Sandshrew/Sandslash trips me up because without the rock element, he's not as vulnerable to other elements (like double water weakness or super-ground weak)

I think the ONLY way I can consolidate a team is by having more than one. I have too many favourites to just pick six.

Yeah. My problem is that many of my favorites are normal type. Porygon2, Snorlax, Togetic...(well, Togetic is only a step away from choosing Luvdisc, but...) Some of the legendaries and near legendaries are pretty remarkable too - Steel/Psychic and Dragon/psychic are powerful choices, which bodes well to the Metagross/Latias/RayQuaza in backup. I would have loved to get Deoxys but Nintendo seems adamant about only giving it away during that music tour.

One thing that caught my eye - one of the islanders specifically says there are more than ten islands, which could mean more of the legendaries might be card accessible?
Crazymoogle said:
You might be right. I also see what you mean about training, because unless you have an outlet for PP items, you definitely want a different moveset than you would for hardcore battling. What really surprised me was in trading from Ruby, because for some reason I still had 2 PP Ups and a PP Max.

I think Hyper Beam type attacks are still useful for tough battles, because when you fight guys who can use full restore, that extra 1-hit power is worth a turn out.

Yeah I know it is very useful specially if it criticals! But I've never been a big fan of Hyper Beam... just strikes me as vulnerable somehow. But that's also part of the reason I had my Charizard learn Blast Burn... You never know when it'd be useful as a Desperation Move.

Sure it's weak, but you need some sort of anti-psychic weapon. I found that with Alakazam, I could use calm mind twice, and then blow through psychic and anti psychic pokemon just by switching between Psychic and Shadow Ball. Dark moves would be a good alternative but they're scarce in LG/FR (the only one I trust is Shiftry, and that requires the nationaldex)

Well I use an Absol in Ru/Sa. That's why I also plan on getting an Umbreon eventually. The thing is, Alakazam is pretty much the strongest non-legendary Psychic type, so I'm not so worried about Psychics, but rather Dark types since you can't even hit them with a Psychic attack. Hence why I'm thinking of Seismic Toss..

But hey, if you're gunning for LV100, that changes things. I just can't imagine the patience you'll need to achieve such a feat (and correct me if I'm wrong, but we can't just train against the Elite 4 since they take off and don't come back until the nationaldex lv70+ version).

They do disappear? Oh well there's still the whole VS thingie and plenty of high level wild pokemon around. It'll take forever, but that's my "final goal" with all my favourites... I'd never cheapen out and get Rare Candies.

Only one? How does that work? Some sort of custom solution for dealing with Curselax?

Well maybe they've changed the rules, but that's what they used to be, heh.

Wait a minute, aren't we mixing the powers up, though? Hidden Power (which you can't buy) has a unique effect based on the pokemon, while Secret is based on the location, and hence not very flexible for interiors? Maybe SP is more useful than I'm thinking?

You've got them mixed up. Secret Power is based on the Pokemon (for instance, with my Gyrados and Dragonair they have a good chance of paralyzation,) while Hidden Power is based on location. SP is Normal, has a base attack stat of 70 and there's like 20PP, so it's wonderful for training. And you can pretty much buy as many as you want.

I forgot about how they sacked Gyrados in SP ATK, and I know how useful Earthquake is, but...just some feeling about using the same move on multiple pokemon that I can't shake.

Well he was pretty much always that way (ATK > SP ATK) but I'm glad they traded some of the SP ATK towards his pathetic SP DEF (it's alot better now). I understand why you don't like the same attacks on different pokemon, but in the case of Earthquake it's too useful to pass up in this case. And yes most likely my Sandslash will get it too... However, I'm more likely to avoid Earthquake now on my Charizard I think... I'll figure something else out.

I find Sandshrew/Sandslash trips me up because without the rock element, he's not as vulnerable to other elements (like double water weakness or super-ground weak)
Him and Marowak are the best Ground types. I just happen to think Sandshrew/Sandslash is cuter. And yes, how "cute" or "appealing" a pokemon's design is probably the biggest part of my choosing. Pathetic, I know. :p

Yeah. My problem is that many of my favorites are normal type. Porygon2, Snorlax, Togetic...(well, Togetic is only a step away from choosing Luvdisc, but...) Some of the legendaries and near legendaries are pretty remarkable too - Steel/Psychic and Dragon/psychic are powerful choices, which bodes well to the Metagross/Latias/RayQuaza in backup. I would have loved to get Deoxys but Nintendo seems adamant about only giving it away during that music tour.

I'm not a big Normal type fan. They just always struck me as quite "weak" in Red and Blue, and old poke-prejudices die hard I guess. Because of an outside influence, I rarely raise Legendaries (said influence says they're "cheap" and I tend to agree with him), but whenever I FINALLY catch Latios, I'm probably going to use him because yes, he IS that cool.

And I hate Nintendo for not giving people a chance to get "Tickets" without going to a tour or whatever. SOME PEOPLE (ie: moi) NEVER GET THEM IN THEIR AREA FUCKTARDS! I just wish there was another way of unlocking those places. Stupid Nintendo.

One thing that caught my eye - one of the islanders specifically says there are more than ten islands, which could mean more of the legendaries might be card accessible?

Well which ones? The Dogs are available through FR/LG, and all the others appear attainable through trading... Possibly the upcoming Pearl/Diamond DS games? I dunno...
Him and Marowak are the best Ground types. I just happen to think Sandshrew/Sandslash is cuter. And yes, how "cute" or "appealing" a pokemon's design is probably the biggest part of my choosing. Pathetic, I know. :p

I use Togetic and Delibird, and favor Blissey/Wigglytuff, so I know exactly what you're talking about. -_-;

I'm not a big Normal type fan. They just always struck me as quite "weak" in Red and Blue, and old poke-prejudices die hard I guess. Because of an outside influence, I rarely raise Legendaries (said influence says they're "cheap" and I tend to agree with him), but whenever I FINALLY catch Latios, I'm probably going to use him because yes, he IS that cool.

The cool thing about normals is that they usually have the best move variety and HP range outside of legendaries. Porygon in particular is an unpredictable monster.

I never caught Latios, but I happened to come across the EON ticket and Jirachi bonus disc (which since I don't need anymore, I've got in my for sale pile) Latias + Soul Dew = power. I agree with you on the area comment; ecards seemed like the perfect solution, but the battle ecards were basically printed garbage.

I like many of the legendaries because they were so useful in mastering the original two games, but I guess now it's more of a cuteness/coolness factor, because I'd take Celebi in a heartbeat over most of the pokemon roster.

Well which ones? The Dogs are available through FR/LG, and all the others appear attainable through trading... Possibly the upcoming Pearl/Diamond DS games? I dunno...

Possibly just making it easier to grab some pokemon that were only colosseum bound...but since Emerald fits that bill, hmm....

I want Typhlosion and Ampharos back.

(Woohoo! Pearl/Diamond!)


Randomly talking....

I'm not a big Normal type fan. They just always struck me as quite "weak" in Red and Blue, and old poke-prejudices die hard I guess.
Normals were arguably the best type in the original red/blue (psychic being the only competition). Thy've become a lot less significant over time though, ever since Nintendo started making fighting moves a realistic possibility and changed the recharge rules to hyper beam. (no denying plenty are great, it's just they're part of a much bigger picture now).

Shadow Ball on Alazkazam is a bad idea, 'Zam has no attack. Much better off feeding effort values into Spec. Attack and using calm mind and elemental punches. From what I understand, Recover isn't even a viable option so much anymore because of durability issues. Although honestly I'm not terribly familiar with the Advance metagame....

Gyrados rocks with Dragon Dance.

I want Typhlosion and Ampharos back.

In regards to sleep - it (only one at a time) originally was a rule in stadium one where you were prohibited from using a move that would let more than one go to sleep (given that these were 3 on 3 fights, makes sense). It eventually just became a gentleman's rule that everyone abided by for 6 on 6 matches in Red/Blue, even though it made less sense when it was 6 on 6. In Gold /Silver, the game had several new counters to using sleep, but the rules persisted. I'm pretty sure people still use it now, although it's ridiculously old and needs to be at least somehow amended.

one of the islanders specifically says there are more than ten islands, which could mean more of the legendaries might be card accessible?

Hidden Legendaries on islands, and Emerald stuff.
There should be only 9. Ho-oh and Lugia on 8 and Deoxys in 9. Mew will be available in Emerald though.

Dragon claw, maybe, but I don't think you can get that TM until you trade with Ru/Sa.
It's on victory road.

Also Dugtrio is the best ground type :)


The Eon's are the only Pokemons worth having... and Ninetales.. damn Naruto

Must say that the quest summary in Fire/Leaf is a great addition, nice to always see what you have done, I hardly ever remember so it is great.


Mew in Emerald is on World's Edge Island, which might make it 10 islands. Birth Island, Navel Island and World's Edge Island are technically not a part of the Sevii Islands.


Due to the fact I wasn’t able to use the Super Game Boy for Ruby I never got into like the previous games, so thank goodness for the fact I finally caved in and got a GBPlayer for Leaf Green.
My final team is shaping up to be Porygon2, Lanturn, Camerupt, Heracross, Miltank (when I can get a hold of one) and something else. I was planning for a Politoed instead of Lanturn, but I’m not getting Sapphire just so I can breed the moves I want onto the ol’ mediocre but loveable bastard.

I’m currently mired in this rather annoying process of EV training (which I preferred never knowing existed), so I’m wasting an extraordinarily long time on the completely pointless but more amusing process of naming.


Crazymoogle said:
Calm Mind/Psychic/Recover are basically unanimous (and powerful) choices. Seismic toss never seems to be that useful to me since its damage = Level, so I recommend Shadow Ball, but if you feel confident about fighting Ghost/Dark types then it probably doesn't matter too much which way you go.
Actually no, considering Alakazams incredibly weak normal attack stat, shadow ball would be a waste of a move slot and probably still wouldn't do as much as seismic toss. Shadow ball would be good with a Pokemon with high attack, but definately not Alakazam.
Earthquake is useful but probably moreso on Charizard. I would probably give Gyrados a counter-type move like Thunderbolt, and/or a rare one like Ice Beam. (Sigh, why is Ice Beam so expensive?!)
No, once again, Gyrados has a really low special attack stat, thunderbolt and ice beam would not be very strong moves used by him, i'd teach him more attack bases moves myself. It sucks how much they butchered him since the Red/Blue days, he used to be cool damn it!
Grubdog said:
Actually no, considering Alakazams incredibly weak normal attack stat, shadow ball would be a waste of a move slot and probably still wouldn't do as much as seismic toss. Shadow ball would be good with a Pokemon with high attack, but definately not Alakazam.

Well, like I said, we're talking non multiplayer here, in which case Shadow Ball does good damage + recover keeps your HP in check + calm mind keeps your defense high against the psychic moves being used against you. With enemy levels between 46 and 54, seismic toss wasn't nearly as useful.

No, once again, Gyrados has a really low special attack stat, thunderbolt and ice beam would not be very strong moves used by him, i'd teach him more attack bases moves myself. It sucks how much they butchered him since the Red/Blue days, he used to be cool damn it!

I won't deny Gyrados is crippled on SP ATK, but sticking to physical attacks during the regular game strikes me as a bad idea too. As you say, though, Gyrados was a lot more powerful in R/B/G/S


Yeah, fair enough, I tend to think too much about the big picture (lvl 100 multi battles) than simply beating and enjoying the main game. :p
My "final" movelists are meant for multiplay. Other than that, I tend to use moves that have plentiful PP and don't inherently suck. After all, there's always Fresh Water to save the day!


At this point I've gotten rather sick of pouring time into creating a really slick team meant for multiplay, and then rarely if ever getting a chance to use it.

These seem to have higher level enemies to boost exp., but I still dunno if it'll really be worth it.


Dugtrio isn't ugly, he's badass-looking is what he is.


As far as I'm concered G/S/C were the last great Pokemon games. And even those were just upgrades from the originals. I really used to love Pokemon but Nintendo simply refuses to do anything interesting with the massive amount of potential it has and that angers me, a lot.

Untill I see a drastic change in the series or heck, even if they ever let me import my Crystal Pokemon to a newer version I don't see myself ever buying another Pokemon RPG. I also find it frightening that so many people don't mind the state of the series.

Oh well, it's easy money for Nintendo.
Heh I know what you mean Gruco. I literally had NO ONE to play Red/Blue against. I'm lucky now, I have an eternal competitor!

And Dugtrio isn't badass, he looks like an ugly angry Pierre for fuck's sake.

Seriously how can you pick THIS:


over THIS:


Soooo cute!

And my competitor INSISTED I also mention that "Dugtrio has too low of a DEF and HP stat anyway."
Dragona Akehi said:
You can first purchase them in Lavender Town, for 600 pokeyen. How far are you?

I just completed the water gym and beat my rival for the first time. I think I'm still two towns away from Lavender Town. Ohhhh well.


JackFrost2012 said:
I just completed the water gym and beat my rival for the first time. I think I'm still two towns away from Lavender Town. Ohhhh well.


If you ask me, Pokemon Emerald's a bit of a smoother experience in terms of difficulty than Fire Red and Leaf Green, which, while easier than the original counterparts, were a bit more difficult that Ruby/Sapphire and now Emerald.
If you ask me, Pokemon Emerald's a bit of a smoother experience in terms of difficulty than Fire Red and Leaf Green, which, while easier than the original counterparts, were a bit more difficult that Ruby/Sapphire and now Emerald.

Well, having never played a Pokemon before, I'm taking it slowly, enjoying raising and capturing people, and having a generally lazy time. I've been going by the rule that my team should be about the same levels as the gym leaders' Pokemon I'm fighting, but apparently that's necessarily true...
JackFrost2012 said:
I just completed the water gym and beat my rival for the first time. I think I'm still two towns away from Lavender Town. Ohhhh well.

You JUST beat Misty and your Charmeleon is level 26? What are you doing? Smoking each and every poor wild pokemon out of the grass just to slaughter the poor bastards? o_O

*imagines piles and piles of smoking Caterpie corpses among the tall grass in Viridian Forest*



Well sure it's more cute when you look at the unevolved form!

Dugtrio has great speed, good attack, and an instantaneous trapping ability, so HP and Def don't matter when he kills everything before they get a chance to fight back.

Also, look at those eyes! Dugtrio is in a permanent state of being PISSED, which is pretty cool.

Although to be honest, I do have fond memories of Sandslash raping things in Red/Blue...
Dragona Akehi said:
You JUST beat Misty and your Charmeleon is level 26? What are you doing? Smoking each and every poor wild pokemon out of the grass just to slaughter the poor bastards? o_O

Well, I wasn't so clear on the concept of a raising a "team" at first, so I was basically using Charmeleon 98% of the time. Which was working great until I reached the Water Gym, oops! So I spent a while raising my Pikachu and other guys, and am gonna try to be more Fair and Balanced once I get on. I think I'm gonna set my ~20 team to: Charmeleon, Pikachu, Gyrados, Oddish, Abra, and Chansey or maybe Mankey. Any big issues with that lineup? I'm just trying to play the game, not looking to clean people's clock at level 100 3 vs 3 matches.
Yeah that's a balanced team for beating the game, more or less. Depends on the movesets you give them as well.

But I still pray for the Caterpie. :(
Dragona Akehi said:
Yeah that's a balanced team for beating the game, more or less. Depends on the movesets you give them as well.

That reminds me: how rare are these Technique Machines I get? I haven't used any yet for fear of fucking up my Pokmeon forever and never finding them again. Sob.
Some TMs can be bought, (a very small amount) or traded for with Rocket Coins, but the majority you find, and they only can be used/found once.

TMs that can be bought:

ROAR (Switches out the current monster during trainer battles)
HYPER BEAM (Strong physical attack of 150 power but they can't move the next turn)
ATTRCT (Makes opposite gendered monsters not attack randomly)
BRICK BREAK (Destroys LIGHT SCREEN and REFLECT protection moves, also causes damage)
DIG (Dig underground, having opponent's attack miss you and then you whack em)
SECRET POWER (Good normal attack, great for training, available in Celadon City)

Rocket Coins


There's probably a few more. Check GameFaqs.

Also there is the Move Tutor, basically moves that TMs in the Original Red and Blue, but subsequently phased out in later versions are back by a random person teaching that skill to a pokemon in your party. Now, that can only be used once as well..

HMs can be used multiple times, but they're usually weak (see Cut) or just plain useless. However, there are a couple that are very useful for training purposes. Now, in the Original Red and Blue, HM moves were permanent and unable to be removed. Now, there's a dude named the "Move Deleter" and he can erase any move in a pokemon's moveset. Therefore you can teach good training HMs (like Strength and Surf, Surf is actually really good to keep as a final moveset move) and then when you decide what to give your pokemon "permanently" have that HM move then deleted.

Now since you're playing the JPN version (and I can't remember shit what was called what) some of these terms are probably quite different.
JackFrost2012 said:
Well, I wasn't so clear on the concept of a raising a "team" at first, so I was basically using Charmeleon 98% of the time. Which was working great until I reached the Water Gym, oops! So I spent a while raising my Pikachu and other guys, and am gonna try to be more Fair and Balanced once I get on.

Yeah, that's the trouble way to do it. Back when I played Pokemon Yellow, I relied on a three pokemon team to blow past the first four gyms, and then was basically in a huge bind and forced myself to raise a team. Strangely enough I was on the train one day and somebody came up to me to make some trades, I netted a Lv99 Mewtwo, and took down the Elite four while taking almost no damage, but that's getting off topic.

I think I'm gonna set my ~20 team to: Charmeleon, Pikachu, Gyrados, Oddish, Abra, and Chansey or maybe Mankey. Any big issues with that lineup? I'm just trying to play the game, not looking to clean people's clock at level 100 3 vs 3 matches.

Charmeleon ->Charizard (Fire/Flying)
The anchor of your team. Give him a strong fire move and then mix in flying (wing attack), ground (earthquake) or another unexpected type move. The learned moves are pretty useful so you won't need to use a lot of TMs unless you want to. Evolves naturally at Lv36 - might as well let it happen.

Pikachu ->Raichu (Electric)
I can't imagine getting through the game without Raichu, although if you get tired of the merchandising phenom, try Magnemite. Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at Lv26, so wait until then at least before you use a lightning stone to change him into Raichu. I usually evolve him at Lv26 since thunder can be learned as a TM.

Magikarp ->Gyrados (Water/Flying)
Strong initially but as mentioned, seriously hamstrung late. You will probably be able to survive well with Gyrados but I would personally recommend Staryu/Starmie instead (although that's a Leafgreen only choice). I'd keep Bite as psychic defense. As you've guessed, Magikarp is useless no matter what moves he has, so Gyrados ASAP is the best method.

Oddish -> Gloom ->Vileplume (Grass/Poison)
One of my favorites. Vileplume evolves from gloom with the use of the leaf stone. Default moveset sucks; I'd keep Sleep Powder, but then use TMs to get the good stuff. Sludge bomb is a must, Giga Drain and Solarbeam can also be useful. Vileplume is known for status attacks, so if you don't have Sludge bomb yet, Toxic is another interesting choice.

Abra -> Kadabra ->Alakazam (Psychic)
Kadabra is pretty strong, but in order to create Alakazam you have to trade him to somebody else (he evolves instantly upon the other person receiving Kadabra - at which point you can trade back if needed). There's no faster move acquisition so just evolve as soon as you can. You'll have a much easier time with Alakazam if you stick with the easy moveset of Calm Mind (TM04), Recover (Lv25), Psychic (Lv36), and another attack move. I recommend Shadow Ball as an anti-psychic attack, but there are other good moves to consider through TMs.

Chansey (Normal) or Primeape (Fighting)
Mankey->Primeape ain't shabby, but he's far outstripped by Machop->Machoke->Machamp, or your choice of Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan (you get to take in an event later). Fighting types definitely have advantages but get demolished by psychics. Personally, I would take Chansey (to the point of making it a main team member) but she's really hard to catch. Chansey is one of the few pokemon to learn the powerful healing move Softboiled, and has a hella amount of HP. If you've been taking proper care of Chansey (keeping her in the party, keeping her levels good and not letting her faint/suffer under status too often), then there is a good chance that when you earn the nationaldex she will evolve into Blissey.

Keep in mind that although training six pokemon is a responsible thing to do, it's a lot easier to progress through the game if you train five seriously, and keep a sixth for learning HMs. A full six pokemon roster isn't crucial until the Elite 4, and by then you'll have all sorts of choices, and the EXP. SHARE item, which automatically gives the pokemon holding it half of EXP earned without being in battle.

There are definitely better choices out there, but I think paras is a good HM camel early on, and catching paras earns you a tinymushroom. Later on in the game (much later), you can talk to a guy who can teach your pokemon moves they forgot (essentially, any move they could have learned naturally), but you need 2 tiny mushrooms to do it. So while it's not a collection priority, the benefits are obvious.

As far as choosing moves, just try using TMs/HMs to check what they do. TMs aren't used up until you confirm what pokemon to use it on, so you can easily check out the accuracy, attack power, and move effects. This can be really helpful, because if you've been using Thundershock and have the TM for Thunderbolt, it becomes a slam dunk to look at it and realize that Thunderbolt does the exact same thing, but with higher power. A good balance is usually 2 attack moves, one defense move, and one status move, but you can mix it up pretty liberally and get away with it.
Also a good utility pokemon later in the game is Farfetch'd. He can learn Cut (THE most frequently required HM move) and Fly (THE most convenient HM move). Flash isn't used much, Strength and Surf are actually good attacks in battle (looking straight at your Gyrados there) and Rock Smash isn't required until One Island.
Crazymoogle: thanks for the detailed advice! It's prolly best I ran into trouble so soon, as it's forcing me to play the game more balanced and realistically. ;)

I want to get a Machamp eventually, so I'm leaning against taking Mankey too far. Also, I messed up when I said Chansey; I meant Clefable. I have a friend with Leaf Green (johntv) I can trade with, so evolving Abra to max is no problem (I finally caught him this morning! yeah!). I'll ask John about getting me a Starmie; maybe I can trade him an Oddish for it.

Where do you get Cut and other HMs? I presume they show up automagically as you go through the story... Also, what does "HM" stand for? Poor Japanese versioned me ... I know most of the Pokemon names bilingually, but the move names are 120% lost on me. ;) Oh, well, that's why I bought the guidebook. :p
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