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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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aronnov reborn said:
You mean they wait 4 years until you're out of office?

Main street america will love me.

Ill actually run ads on primetime trash TV to inform america of how great I am.

Unlike the current system where people who dont read newspapers dont have a clue whats happening.

45 seconds during american idol is all I need.

Thats all it takes to reveal how terrible the GOP is for america.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Evlar said:
And what... Rolling over for a President who is turning more and more conservative by the week is perfectly acceptable? "We got judges, who cares about the economy?" I think you're vastly understating the price we're paying for the possibility of Supreme Court nominations.

This is insane. How do you figure this is the case? Sadly the Congress has become more conservative since the 2010 election remember?



West: Wasserman Schultz And Dems Attack Me Because I’m A Black Conservative

"I grew up in the inner city, strong values, came from a strong military family and background," West continues. "What we do is we totally invalidate the liberal social welfare policies and programs. And you know, I'm the threat because I'm the guy that got off their 21st-century plantation, and they cannot afford to have a strong voice such as mine out there, reverberating and resonating across this country."
jamesinclair said:
I have an idea. Elect me as preseident.

I'll tell corporate america this.

"Want to bring that money back? I suggest you do it now while it will be taxed at 35%, because Im about to implement a tax-break holiday. As of August 15, 2011, money brought back into the country will be taxed at 50%. Your move."

That way, money comes back AND we get our taxes AND we break the moral hazard cycle.
I hope your party agrees with you and isn't a bunch of spineless cowards.


Dram said:

West: Wasserman Schultz And Dems Attack Me Because I’m A Black Conservative

"I grew up in the inner city, strong values, came from a strong military family and background," West continues. "What we do is we totally invalidate the liberal social welfare policies and programs. And you know, I'm the threat because I'm the guy that got off their 21st-century plantation, and they cannot afford to have a strong voice such as mine out there, reverberating and resonating across this country."
Yawn. Nonsense and more nonsense.
Ao about those jeeeeeeeeeerbs?
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits increased 10,000 to 418,000, the Labor Department said, above economists' expectations for a rise to 410,000.

Economists said the elevated claims indicated the economy's anticipated pull out of the soft patch it has been trapped in since the beginning of the year might only be modest.

"Jobless claims are a leading economic indicator. These numbers don't support the case for having 3.5 to 4 percent growth in the second half of the year that some people had talked about," said John Silvia, chief economist at Well Fargo in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Also, you know what happens when you give a company with too much money massive tax breaks?

This is how they thank you for it.

Specifically, Fidelity plans to move between 80 and 100 jobs in its pricing and cash management services unit from offices on the South Boston Waterfront to Texas and New Hampshire by the end of next year, according to Fidelity employees in the unit or with direct knowledge of the plans.

I guess getting tax breaks in 2008 isnt relevant any more.

State Street Corp. said yesterday it will cut 850 jobs, including 558 in Massachusetts, as it launches a second major round of layoffs in less than a year.

The Boston financial services giant said all the affected workers are in information technology and described the cuts as part of an “IT transformation,’’ where transactions and data can be processed in less costly ways. State Street manages investments and handles record keeping on trillions of dollars for pensions and other investors; it depends heavily on technology in its business.


The cuts come as State Street reported yesterday an 18 percent surge in its second-quarter earnings from a year ago, to $502 million, or $1 per share. Operating expenses, however, also soared, jumping 20 percent to $1.8 billion, due to increases in salaries and benefits, the company said.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
At this point I'm starting to wonder how much of a difference there is between getting full fucked and half fucked. Both parties seem content to let the financial sector raid the economy and pave the way to the middle class's death.

You can't be serious? PD it was just a few years ago when you were straight hating on Bush and how he did things. Now there's little difference?

You just mad right now right?
speculawyer said:
Oh Texas.
Yeah, I'm super excited about Rick Perry and the possibility of putting another Texan in the White House!


Oh....wait, no....

speculawyer said:
It is would be interesting to see what would happen to USA politics if Obama lost, Kennedy died, and abortion became illegal in much of the USA. I dread the prospect of that but it sure would make for interesting times. We would witness an acceleration in the USA's slide from super-power to silly-power.
So America's super-power status is dependent on the ability to have abortions?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
WhiteHouse RT pfeiffer44@ - Wrong. POTUS pushing for biggest deal possible, but nothing new MT. RT NYT NEWS ALERT: Obama and Boehner Close to Major Budget Deal, Congressional Leaders Are Told
eznark said:
So overhead outpaced earnings? Makes sense to get that under control.

Yes, it makes sense to get 2 billion in tarp money, fire their american IT division, and hire in india for 90% less.

Our tax dollars are work.


jamesinclair said:
Yes, it makes sense to get 2 billion in tarp money, fire their american IT division, and hire in india for 90% less.

Our tax dollars are work.

To be fair to State Street (but only slightly because it's a shitty company) they fought against being involved in TARP and they repaid that $2 billion two years ago.
GhaleonEB said:
I assume this is what you are referring to.

A Congressional aide briefed on ongoing negotiations between House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama says the two principals may be nearing a "grand bargain" on to raise the debt limit which would contain large, set-in-stone spending cuts but only the possibility of future revenue increases.

"All cuts," the aide said. "Maybe revenues some time in the future."


Doesn't a grand bagain mean people on both sides give up things? If this comes to pass, then yes, they called Obama's bluff, and he folded.

One of the most frustrating things about this farce is Obama's argument progressives/liberals should support deficit reduction because it takes the issue off the table, thus allowing us to talk about infrastructure and other spending. I'm not sure if that was just a talking point or whether he truly believes that shit; if it's the latter he truly hasn't learned a thing since Jan 09.

He will always be labeled a tax and spend liberal by the GOP, regardless of the fact that he hasn't raised taxes. He'll always be labeled anti-second amendment, despite not touching gun laws. And he will never be able to propose spending without being opposed by the GOP. It's like he still doesn't understand just what type of people he's dealing with.
PhoenixDark said:
One of the most frustrating things about this farce is Obama's argument progressives/liberals should support deficit reduction because it takes the issue off the table, thus allowing us to talk about infrastructure and other spending. I'm not sure if that was just a talking point or whether he truly believes that shit; if it's the latter he truly hasn't learned a thing since Jan 09.

He will always be labeled a tax and spend liberal by the GOP, regardless of the fact that he hasn't raised taxes. He'll always be labeled anti-second amendment, despite not touching gun laws. And he will never be able to propose spending without being opposed by the GOP. It's like he still doesn't understand just what type of people he's dealing with.

Yup, GOP will always say that. I think Obama more thinks that a debt deal will allow him to sell more spending to the moderates and public.

Even then, this debt deal being negotiated is awful.


eznark said:
That is his position, but he hasn't brought up abortion once as governor as far as I know. His big deals were budget reform/economy, voter ID and conceal carry (with the obvious huge emphasis being on the first).
I understand why economic/budgetary reform took precedence. But I am surprised that it has not hitherto been broached. I presumed it would be a priority for someone as ardently anti-abortion as Walker.
Dude Abides said:
Yep. Somebody on some show or podcast said that the best strategy in playing chicken is to remove the steering wheel from your car at the outset, and make sure the other player sees it, which is basically what the GOP has done.
True. The most frightening aspect of chicken is that an irrational player has the advantage. The implications of this for the budgetary game should be obvious.


DasRaven said:
This is why I couched my post with, "If this comes to pass, then yes, they called Obama's bluff, and he folded." We don't know yet, but I was responding to the developments as they leak out, on the condition they prove accurate. We all know they often or not, and that the status of things is fluid.

The punt on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy kicked my opinion of Obama down many notches. It set my expectations for these kinds of negotiations quite low.


Skiptastic said:
Yeah, I'm super excited about Rick Perry and the possibility of putting another Texan in the White House!

WTF is wrong with LBJ? He's the most progressive President we've had since FDR.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Diablos said:
WTF is wrong with LBJ? He's the most progressive President we've had since FDR.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Vietnam. Wiretapping MLK Jr.


GhaleonEB said:
I assume this is what you are referring to.

A Congressional aide briefed on ongoing negotiations between House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama says the two principals may be nearing a "grand bargain" on to raise the debt limit which would contain large, set-in-stone spending cuts but only the possibility of future revenue increases.

"All cuts," the aide said. "Maybe revenues some time in the future."


Doesn't a grand bagain mean people on both sides give up things? If this comes to pass, then yes, they called Obama's bluff, and he folded.

I almost believe this could happen, even though both sides are denying it now. If you think about it from a political perspective, it makes sense since presumably it could pass with just Republican votes in the House because it doesn't raise taxes.

House Republicans can say they got the President to enact cuts without raising taxes.

House Democrats can say that they voted against social program cuts and run in 2012 on a plan of protecting those programs from further cuts.

President Obama can blame the House republicans for not reaching the grand bargain he wanted, and use the unfinished revenue piece as an election year issue.

John Boener would get to keep his job because he didn't "cave".

The only problem I see with my reasoning it it requires Obama to behave in a overtly political way that he hasn't done previously.
The problem with these deals is that it will take months to find out who really caved do to all the secrets and double talk.

itll be Obama


Yeah, that wasn't cool. But:

LBJ Major Legislation Signed said:
1963: Clean Air Act of 1963
1963: Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963
1963: Vocational Education Act of 1963
1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964
1964: Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964
1964: Wilderness Act
1964: Nurse Training Act of 1964
1964: Food Stamp Act of 1964
1964: Economic Opportunity Act
1964: Housing Act of 1964
1965: Higher Education Act of 1965
1965: Older Americans Act
1965: Social Security Act of 1965 [Medicare, Medicaid]
1965: Voting Rights Act
1965: Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965
1966: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
1967: Age Discrimination in Employment Act
1967: Public Broadcasting Act of 1967
1968: Architectural Barriers Act of 1968
1968: Bilingual Education Act
1968: Civil Rights Act of 1968
1968: Gun Control Act of 1968
...you can't help but appreciate that.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Diablos said:
Yeah, that wasn't cool. But:

...you can't help but appreciate that.
Of course, but he's not infallible. So to say that "wtf is wrong with LBJ?!" is a bit of revisionist history... or at least ignorant to the facts.
Why is letting the Bush Tax cuts expire even a negotiable item?

Wasn't the extension Obama did last fall "temporary" supposedly?

The only way the Bush Tax cuts would be on the negotiation table is if Obama really had no intention of letting them expire... (which definitely seems like the case)

If there aren't significant revenue increases in the deal, then Obama and Dems truly suck. The American public is firmly on their side. A solid majority want spending cuts and tax hikes on the rich. A solid majority blame the Republicans for the obstruction on increasing the debt ceiling.

There is absolutely no reason to cave at this point...

...EXCEPT, Obama/Dems don't want the country slide into further shit. I'm guessing Obama knows that even if people blame Republicans for the debt ceiling fiasco in the near term, Obama will own even a worsening economy. This is actually the only card the Republicans have left to play. They're assuming Obama will sign something no matter what because ultimately Obama's re-election chances can't handle another economic slide. Whereas the new GOP House members don't give a phuck if the economy gets worse under Obama. They would never pull this shit with a Republican President.


RustyNails said:
I'd vote for LBJ over Bams

Yup. At least he demonstrated presence of gonads when dealing with Congress.

Maybe Hillary could loan him some. The coward needs to give a primetime Ross Perot-style speech to the American people, complete with charts, letting them know precisely why we're about to default. He has this incredible weapon called "the bully pulpit," he's supposedly a good speaker... and yet he refuses to get out there and use these resources. Utter disappointment.
RustyNails said:
I'd vote for LBJ over Bams

I would too, but we have to remember that it is doubtful LBJ would have done any of those things had there not been substantial political pressure coming from outside the halls of Washington to do it. Keep in mind, Nixon's record wouldn't look all that different from LBJ's, and it would look a lot more like LBJ's than Obama's record would.

Who the individuals in power are is a lot less important than what pressure is being applied to them. That's why Obama's record looks as weak as it does by comparison.


HylianTom said:
Yup. At least he demonstrated presence of gonads when dealing with Congress.

Maybe Hillary could loan him some. The coward needs to give a primetime Ross Perot-style speech to the American people, complete with charts, letting them know precisely why we're about to default. He has this incredible weapon called "the bully pulpit," he's supposedly a good speaker... and yet he refuses to get out there and use these resources. Utter disappointment.

Oh please, you're reaching now.
1. The 88th & 89th Congresses were overwhelmingly Democratic (66/64 in the Senate), even with the Dixiecrats included. Even Nixon's first Congress (90th) was 60+% Dem.
Do you think we'd be having this discussion if we had a 60+% Democratic House or Senate?

2. He's given 3 press conferences since the Biden group broke down and public sentiment has moved significantly in his direction since he started. Remember a month ago when House Reps were saying the 08/02 date was just a made-up deadline and America agreed?

Laws are made in the Congress, not the White House. So unless you're sending two Dem Senators and a Dem Representative to DC, your focus is off.


empty vessel said:
I would too, but we have to remember that it is doubtful LBJ would have done any of those things had there not been substantial political pressure coming from outside the halls of Washington to do it. Keep in mind, Nixon's record wouldn't look all that different from LBJ's, and it would look a lot more like LBJ's than Obama's record would.

Who the individuals in power are is a lot less important than what pressure is being applied to them. That's why Obama's record looks as weak as it does by comparison.

Can you see in the foreseeable future any kind of liberal push in the US? The right dominates every kind of discourse on any issue, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


DasRaven said:
Oh please, you're reaching now.
1. The 88th & 89th Congresses were overwhelmingly Democratic (66/64 in the Senate), even with the Dixiecrats included. Even Nixon's first Congress (90th) was 60+% Dem.
2. He's given 3 press conferences since the Biden group broke down and public sentiment has moved significantly in his direction since he started. Remember a month ago when House Reps were saying the 08/02 date was just a made-up deadline and America agreed?

Fair enough, and I was being dramatic, but the man has a pattern in dealing with congressional Republicans that isn't very encouraging.


HylianTom said:
Fair enough, and I was being dramatic, but the man has a pattern in dealing with congressional Republicans that isn't very encouraging.

I don't disagree that it is uncomfortable to observe, but that's the field he has to play on since people didn't turn out in 2010. They hold the purse strings.
So he has to either come terms with their demands or somehow force them to act in America's best interests and a small vocal minority currently prevents them from doing so.


Obama is a doormat. He caves on every issue and gets nothing for it. Somehow, despite being President, the Republicans have been running the show the whole time.

Think of all the compromises he made in Obamacare, and they still didn't get a single Republican to vote for it. Why even bother with those compromises if it earns you nothing in return?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Zzoram said:
Obama is a doormat. He caves on every issue and gets nothing for it. Somehow, despite being President, the Republicans have been running the show the whole time.

Think of all the compromises he made in Obamacare, and they still didn't get a single Republican to vote for it. Why even bother with those compromises if it earns you nothing in return?

As far as Healthcare reform goes, he needed the votes of the Blue Dogs. Without them, it would not have passed.
Bluth said:
Can you see in the foreseeable future any kind of liberal push in the US? The right dominates every kind of discourse on any issue, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

You never know, but it will obviously take work (and time) to organize political movements. Still, I think history reflects that it is possible for things to change pretty rapidly depending on what's happening. I'm not optimistic, but I'm not hopeless either.


Professional Schmuck
Liberalism is like getting older. America is just in that botox phase of her life. In the end, it's coming. Either giant mega corporations will continue to pacify us with neat gizmos and matrix-level distractions, or we'll change it ourselves. I have a feeling it'll be the former, and that's ok with me. Just make sure I can afford them.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Chichikov said:

As promised, I'm making this a thing.

That reported 3/1 deal was the mother of all cave-ins.
For fuck's sake, David Brooks supported it.

What deal was that?


It's like Greg Sargent is talking straight to PoliGAF:

The rumors about the debt limit and deficit negotiations are flying this afternoon, followed, as usual, by panic on the left and the right that the worst versions of each rumor is true. “We’ve been sold out!” is the cry of the day.

And yet, it’s worth remembering that early reports are usually wrong, almost always in the details and quite often in their entirety. Why? Lots of reasons. Rumors of a budget deal could be accurate. They also could be spin; they could be trial balloons; they could be a source getting something wrong; they could be a reporter getting something wrong.

Remember, people in politics who talk to reporters usually have an agenda. If they’re leaking something, odds are that they have a reason, and that reason could very well be an attempt to influence events through publicity. That is, they could be afraid someone will happen, so they’ll try to kill it by leaking that it will happen, in order to generate opposition. On the other hand, sometimes the leaker does know exactly what will happen, and is leaking in order to influence the story about it. Given a deal, which parts to we want to emphasize? Leak those.

Or: it could be that the leaker knows that there is no deal yet, but wants to gauge reactions to a possible deal.

Or: perhaps the leaker is believes that the information is accurate, but it actually isn’t. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone on the periphery of a Washington negotiation (or, for that matter, any negotiation) is convinced that he’s a major player. And then there are the reporters. They’re competitive; they’re all looking for the scoop, and even the best ones jump the gun at times.

One more thing. When it comes to the budget, a lot of this stuff is highly technical and complex, including such seemingly obvious things as what counts as a tax increase or what counts as a spending cut. I guarantee that if a deal is reached and enacted, people will be arguing for years — quite possibly, for decades — about basic questions about the size and shape of the deal.

So my first advice to everyone is to calm down; the odds that the initial stories get important things wrong are very high even if they were based on public announcements of a deal, and they’re much higher when it’s only at the rumor stage.

My second advice to activists, however, is that once you’ve calmed down, is to get to work. If it’s a trial balloon and you don’t like it, shoot it down; if it’s a tentative deal, make sure everyone knows your position. It’s no time to be fatalists, moaning about how John Boehner or Barack Obama has betrayed you.​

Edit: the Pentagon will certify on Friday that they are ready for DADT repeal to be implemented.
quadriplegicjon said:
As far as Healthcare reform goes, he needed the votes of the Blue Dogs. Without them, it would not have passed.
Didn't the whole thing came down to reconciliation vote which needed a simple majority? He was flirting with blue dog and Olympia Snowe, but when he realized that the raccoon on top of Ben Nelson's head became hostile, he did the ol' reconciliation move.
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