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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Once again, this is all a massive democrat fail.

Why not run this ad during "Americas got talent"

"The republican house has spent the last 3 months talking about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush, 17 times under Reagan. It has never been an issue. Today we have real issues like unemployment, healthcare, and environmental disasters. Why is the GOP wasting times with these political games....? Why is the GOP trying to cut social security and medicare instead of focusing on our economy? Why is the GOP putting the world economy on the line, all so they can try and score a pointless political win?

Enough with the games."

(add appropriate sad music and sadder looking seniors)
jamesinclair said:
Once again, this is all a massive democrat fail.

Why not run this ad during "Americas got talent"

"The republican house has spent the last 3 months talking about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush, 17 times under Reagan. It has never been an issue. Today we have real issues like unemployment, healthcare, and environmental disasters. Why is the GOP wasting times with these political games....? Why is the GOP trying to cut social security and medicare instead of focusing on our economy? Why is the GOP putting the world economy on the line, all so they can try and score a pointless political win?

Enough with the games."

(add appropriate sad music and sadder looking seniors)

Yawn. There's very few Republicans not willing to raise the debt ceiling. They're trying to use it as leverage to get spending cuts. FYI. Your ad would be very deceptive.


more money than God

Has anyone heard of these things being included in the McConnell plan? If so, then this could be worse than the Go6 plan. God, everything being proposed is just so damn vague. What the hell are we agreeing to? At this point, I would support just a clean debt ceiling raise. I don't trust what Congress will try to pass in such a short time.


SoulPlaya said:
For the sake of millions who depend on SS and Medicare? So, that the nation's middle class doesn't carry an even greater burden? Then yes, let the Repubs "absolve themselves of blame". They've already done so multiple times, and Obama has done nothing about it. Besides, if he supports this, then I would have a whole new slew of things to justifiably blame Obama with.
People get so caught up in the partisan game of keeping score that they forget that those deals have MASSIVE impact on people's life.

I'm not joking, if raising Medicare eligibility age is put on the table, I hope someone challenge Obama in the primaries.
Someone serious.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
SlipperySlope said:
Yawn. There's very few Republicans not willing to raise the debt ceiling. They're trying to use it as leverage to get spending cuts. FYI. Your ad would be very deceptive.

Obama and the Democrats have proposed spending cuts... much more than what the Republicans have proposed.


Yes, this sadly is news in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (ABC 4 News) - Jon Huntsman, apparently, can swear like a sailor.

Huntsman, in a recent article in a national magazine, is quoted as using a very bad word.

In the new issue of Esquire, there's a long article about Huntsman, Utah's former governor who's now running for president.

In the article, Huntsman talks about the death of Osama Bin Laden.

Huntsman is very angry that Bin Laden was hiding in plain sight in Pakistan.

In fact Huntsman, who's been to Pakistan, is quoted as saying,

"...I know their politics, and I was angry that this guy could be thirty miles north of Islamabad...that's just such
b-------, I can't even believe it."

For some, it may be surprising to hear that kind of word from someone with a strong LDS background.

Especially so, if you compare it to the other Mormon in the presidential race.

Mitt Romney has a reputation of being someone who doesn't swear.

Now, there was one alleged incident during Utah’s 2002 Olympics.

That's when reports surfaced that Romney may have said another bad word, but he denied it.

Although, this, perhaps, gives rise to some interesting questions.

Did Jon Huntsman swear on purpose just to show a national audience he's a regular guy who can cuss?

Or, did Huntsman swear to show he’s not like Romney?

Romney’s worst language, by the way, may be - as reported during Utah’s Olympics - when he says “H-E double hockey sticks.”
This is just so sad.
ronito said:
Romney’s worst language, by the way, may be - as reported during Utah’s Olympics - when he says “H-E double hockey sticks.”

I refuse to believe this is an article for adults.

Lamestream media indeed.
PantherLotus said:
RE: Cenk

I like his somewhat "man he must really not be bought and paid for yet the way he keeps going after everyone" appeal, but I was never a huge fan. He never seemed particularly polished and his presentation always felt a touch off. I don't know how to describe him other than thinking about him a teenage girl that rolls his eyes a lot and huff-puffs when he gets exasperated. W/e.

In any case, I can't imagine what he was thinking by refusing a time slot move. Where else does he think he's going to go? A year ago he was doing public access youtube videos, right? What's he going to do, join Olbermann? I think he was foolish, but maybe he has another offer out there.

RE: Al Sharpton

Agreed that he can interview, and he knows his shit -- but that man needs a freaking anchor. It's so painful watching him stumble through every single intro/outro on the prompter. Get him his very own Mika like Joe has in the mornings and call it a day. It could be really outstanding if they do it right.

What I liked about Cenk is that he didn't entertain the usual song and dance most politicians do on these shows. If a politician dodged a question by going into a canned talking point, he would almost always call them out on it by being direct and concise. Chris Matthews can see through the talking points, but his rebuttals are often long-winded, which allow the politician to latch onto a tangent and avoid the question. Cenk generally knew to keep is follow-ups concise. It's probably why he struggled to get Republicans on the show after a while.

But most of all, I liked Cenk because he had the attitude of most young progressives. The rest of MSNBC's lineup is filled with a bunch of baby boomer old men. Maddow is great but she's more of a wonkey activist progressive. Cenk was like your progressive drinking buddy who lives just down the street who is in tune with the same issues as you.

Now they're replacing Cenk with Al Sharpton.... another Baby Boomer from the Civil Rights era.... so much for "Leaning Forward". Was that really the best black/minority host they could find?
The Chosen One said:
What I liked about Cenk is that he didn't entertain the usual song and dance most politicians do on these shows. If a politician dodged a question by going into a canned talking point, he would almost always call them out on it by being direct and concise. Chris Matthews can see through the talking points, but his rebuttals are often long-winded, which allow the politician to latch onto a tangent and avoid the question. Cenk generally knew to keep is follow-ups concise. It's probably why he struggled to get Republicans on the show after a while.

But most of all, I liked Cenk because he had the attitude of most young progressives. The rest of MSNBC's lineup is filled with a bunch of baby boomer old men. Maddow is great but she's more of a wonkey activist progressive. Cenk was like your progressive drinking buddy who lives just down the street who is in tune with the same issues as you.

Now they're replacing Cenk with Al Sharpton.... another Baby Boomer from the Civil Rights era.... so much for "Leaning Forward". Was that really the best black/minority host they could find?
I could only watch Al Sharpton for about five minutes. The guy is incredibly boring. Not annoying, just boring.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Just raise the debt ceiling, like we always have in the past.

Then worry about the rest after that. I really hate the fact the GOP is holding this hostage for no reason other than disparaging the President and to win votes next year.
NervousXtian said:
Just raise the debt ceiling, like we always have in the past.

Then worry about the rest after that. I really hate the fact the GOP is holding this hostage for no reason other than disparaging the President and to win votes next year.
Did you hate it when Obama and the Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was President?
What comes around, goes around. Welcome to politics.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Did you hate it when Obama and the Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was President?
What comes around, goes around. Welcome to politics.

You mean when they knew that it had enough votes to pass and threw in protest votes? Both are crappy political stunts, but one much, much more serious and shitty and dangerous to do.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Did you hate it when Obama and the Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was President?
What comes around, goes around. Welcome to politics.
False equivalence ftw. It's common on all sides to make the cheap 'conscientious objector' vote when it's clear a needed piece of legislation will pass. Welcome to politics.


gkryhewy said:
False equivalence ftw. It's common on all sides to make the cheap 'conscientious objector' vote when it's clear a needed piece of legislation will pass. Welcome to politics.

As it stands, that is essentially what this will amount to. Kabuki theater on behalf of the GOP to try and appease the tea partiers. It's the same "deal" they would probably have worked out 6-8 weeks ago, however this charade gives both sides the opportunity to look tough for their base.

The debt limit will be raised, not because it is good/bad/right/wrong but because for the vast majority, getting reelected demands it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm starting to get really, really worried about this. A lot of people, and indeed, a lot of legislators don't seem to think this will cause any long-term damage. They seem to think a simple 2 or 3 week partial government shutdown is the worst that could occur.

I don't see this issue getting resolved before midnight on the 2nd at the earliest. Expect interest rates to skyrocket and deficits to climb further out of control as a result. Hello 2nd recession.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
As it stands, that is essentially what this will amount to. Kabuki theater on behalf of the GOP to try and appease the tea partiers. It's the same "deal" they would probably have worked out 6-8 weeks ago, however this charade gives both sides the opportunity to look tough for their base.

The debt limit will be raised, not because it is good/bad/right/wrong but because for the vast majority, getting reelected demands it.

The people who are voting against the increase control the House of Representatives. It wouldn't be a protest vote. Big big difference
gkryhewy said:
False equivalence ftw. It's common on all sides to make the cheap 'conscientious objector' vote when it's clear a needed piece of legislation will pass. Welcome to politics.
Are you new to politics?
The GOP has slightly more leverage than the Dems did in 2006. They're using it. Welcome to politics.


GaimeGuy said:
The people who are voting against the increase control the House of Representatives. It wouldn't be a protest vote. Big big difference

You seem to believe they will actually hold up whatever deal is approved by their masters. They won't. When a real deadline is set and reached, the parties will pretend to hold their noses and vote for a deal that they all probably love and will be filled with shit that fucks all us plebes.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
You seem to believe they will actually hold up whatever deal is approved by their masters. They won't. When a real deadline is set and reached, the parties will pretend to hold their noses and vote for a deal that they all probably love and will be filled with shit that fucks all us plebes.
but they've been doing this for the last 3 or so years, and they just shut down the government for a few weeks here in MN over tax increases on individuals making over $500k. This new wave of ultraconservatism that sprouted up during the 2008 election season with Palin and the Tea Party doesn't compromise, and there are tons of junior representatives who don't seem to fully understand the ramifications of a default yet.


GaimeGuy said:
but they've been doing this for the last 3 or so years, and they just shut down the government for a few weeks here in MN over tax increases on individuals making over $500k. This new wave of ultraconservatism that sprouted up during the 2008 election season with Palin and the Tea Party doesn't compromise, and there are tons of junior representatives who don't seem to fully understand the ramifications of a default yet.

I wish national politicians had the stones of local elected officials but they generally do not. I know you can be pretty um, enthusiastic in your reactions to the minute-to-minute slog of these negotiations but I would worry much. We're two weeks from the "deadline" and already the sides are talking about another temporary extension.


SoulPlaya said:
I don't understand, why do you think the Gof6 proposal is a good idea? Because it somehow makes the repubs look bad? What about all the damage it would do?

I don't think G0f6 is a good idea, I think it is a better approach than the other options currently being discussed and indicative of a shift in the Rep position.
Senate Reps (even Marco Rubio) are now supporting a revenue increase, this is previously unheard of.

I have no concern about its potential damage because I know it'll never become law in its current form. Senate Dems are on-record against MC/SS benefit cuts.
So, no getting passed the Senate and no chance of the President signing it if it did.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
I wish national politicians had the stones of local elected officials but they generally do not. I know you can be pretty um, enthusiastic in your reactions to the minute-to-minute slog of these negotiations but I would worry much. We're two weeks from the "deadline" and already the sides are talking about another temporary extension.
so we can do this shit and create tons of uncertainty 3 more times during the current session of congress? Great, just great, why don't we amend the constitution to prevent the government from being able to act in emergency circumstances in the future while we're at it. Oh wait, they're trying to do that, too.


GaimeGuy said:
so we can do this shit and create tons of uncertainty 3 more times during the current session of congress? Great, just great, why don't we amend the constitution to prevent the government from being able to act in emergency circumstances in the future while we're at it. Oh wait, they're trying to do that, too.

Now you're getting it!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
Now you're getting it!
Play with fire and you're going to get burnt.

The more times we play games on the brink of default, the more likely it is that one of these times, someone is crazy enough to let it happen.

My concerns still stand, especially if we end up having to do this in October 2012.


GaimeGuy said:
Play with fire and you're going to get burnt.

The more times we play games on the brink of default, the more likely it is that one of these times, someone is crazy enough to let it happen.

My concerns still stand, especially if we end up having to do this in October 2012.

Probably, but what fun is it if they don't play with fire every now and then?

Updating my Wisconsin predictions, I now think they GOP will lose 3 seats and thus lose control of the senate...until 2012 when they regain it thanks to the hilarious redistricting they just passed.

That is based on this turnout analysis: http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/news/125927223.html

Looking at the remaining Walker agenda though, it's kind of meh. He's kind of got nothing left (Big Idea wise) that he wants to do it seems.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
jamesinclair said:
Once again, this is all a massive democrat fail.

Why not run this ad during "Americas got talent"

"The republican house has spent the last 3 months talking about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush, 17 times under Reagan. It has never been an issue. Today we have real issues like unemployment, healthcare, and environmental disasters. Why is the GOP wasting times with these political games....? Why is the GOP trying to cut social security and medicare instead of focusing on our economy? Why is the GOP putting the world economy on the line, all so they can try and score a pointless political win?

Enough with the games."

(add appropriate sad music and sadder looking seniors)

That would be wholly disingenuous. I believe Obama himself (along with many top democrats enraged by the republicans lack of agreement) voted against debt ceiling raises when Bush was in office. Needless to say, the debt ceiling is just a political leverage point. The only way to prevent it from being used solely for leverage would be by eliminating it. What good is a ceiling if you can just raise it any time you feel like it?


eznark said:
Looking at the remaining Walker agenda though, it's kind of meh. He's kind of got nothing left (Big Idea wise) that he wants to do it seems.
Does he not want to outlaw abortion in all circumstances? I remember him advocating this position during the campaign. And given the deluge of anti-abortion bills this cycle, I imagine Wisconsin will follow the trend.


Jackson50 said:
Does he not want to outlaw abortion in all circumstances? I remember him advocating this position during the campaign. And given the deluge of anti-abortion bills this cycle, I imagine Wisconsin will follow the trend.

That is his position, but he hasn't brought up abortion once as governor as far as I know. His big deals were budget reform/economy, voter ID and conceal carry (with the obvious huge emphasis being on the first).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
That is his position, but he hasn't brought up abortion once as governor as far as I know. His big deals were budget reform/economy, voter ID and conceal carry (with the obvious huge emphasis being on the first).
how about workong on those rail projects, I'm sure some good infrastructure for public transportation would help provide jobs and reduce the burden on the economy gas has for individuals and famliies. ;)


GaimeGuy said:
how about workong on those rail projects, I'm sure some good infrastructure for public transportation would help provide jobs and reduce the burden on the economy gas has for individuals and famliies. ;)

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Killing the new trains was probably his second biggest issue. He essentially did that just by getting elected though...talk about easy.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Senate may begin consideration of the House GOP's "cut, cap, and balance" plan


Anti-tax activist Norquist says letting the Bush tax cuts expire won't violate his group's pledge

Well that's a relief. As long as they have Norquist's blessing, right? He's their boss, after all.


Professional Schmuck
The Chosen One said:
What I liked about Cenk is that he didn't entertain the usual song and dance most politicians do on these shows. If a politician dodged a question by going into a canned talking point, he would almost always call them out on it by being direct and concise. Chris Matthews can see through the talking points, but his rebuttals are often long-winded, which allow the politician to latch onto a tangent and avoid the question. Cenk generally knew to keep is follow-ups concise. It's probably why he struggled to get Republicans on the show after a while.

But most of all, I liked Cenk because he had the attitude of most young progressives. The rest of MSNBC's lineup is filled with a bunch of baby boomer old men. Maddow is great but she's more of a wonkey activist progressive. Cenk was like your progressive drinking buddy who lives just down the street who is in tune with the same issues as you.

Now they're replacing Cenk with Al Sharpton.... another Baby Boomer from the Civil Rights era.... so much for "Leaning Forward". Was that really the best black/minority host they could find?

Hey, great points. I basically agree with everything you said, with the caveat that cenk-as-drinking-buddy is precisely why I didn't like to watch his show. If I want that I can talk to my friends. (I don't have any friends, LOL!).

I particularly like Matthews' long windedness, but I do agree that he lets obvious rebuttals out there all the time. That's probably why he continues to get guests, though.

If I were running MSNBC, here would be my lineup:

5PM EST: Melissa Harris-Perry
6PM EST: Chris Matthews
7PM EST: Rachel Maddow
8PM EST: Laurence O'Donnell
9PM EST: Chris Hayes

Obviously my 5 and 9 slots are wishful thinking, but hey, it's my network and in my world ratings come after content. Al and Ed have to go, sorry guys.


Professional Schmuck
On topic --

We're in full self-fulfilling prophecy mode here with Tim Pawlenty, as he grasps at w/e he can by going after the PMS dog whistle attack on Bachmann. Pretty despicable, but what else do you expect when they all essentially agree on matters of substance? So he goes for the women-cain't-rule card, painting him as a classless d-bag, and then he walks it back, painting himself as a coward with little conviction.

We already knew this, but he's done. Like done done. I doubt he makes it out of Iowa. Serious threats ("serious," LOL) remaining: Romney, Bachmann, Huntsman, Perry. That's your field!
PantherLotus said:
Hey, great points. I basically agree with everything you said, with the caveat that cenk-as-drinking-buddy is precisely why I didn't like to watch his show. If I want that I can talk to my friends. (I don't have any friends, LOL!).

I particularly like Matthews' long windedness, but I do agree that he lets obvious rebuttals out there all the time. That's probably why he continues to get guests, though.

If I were running MSNBC, here would be my lineup:

5PM EST: Melissa Harris-Perry
6PM EST: Chris Matthews
7PM EST: Rachel Maddow
8PM EST: Laurence O'Donnell
9PM EST: Chris Hayes

Obviously my 5 and 9 slots are wishful thinking, but hey, it's my network and in my world ratings come after content. Al and Ed have to go, sorry guys.
Chris Hayes is supposed to get his own show at some point in the future, as I remember reading in the Times a while ago. He's not very good in front of a prompter, but I do enjoy hearing what he has to say.

Harris-Perry... eh.


PantherLotus said:
If I were running MSNBC, here would be my lineup:

5PM EST: Melissa Harris-Perry
6PM EST: Chris Matthews
7PM EST: Rachel Maddow
8PM EST: Laurence O'Donnell
9PM EST: Chris Hayes

Obviously my 5 and 9 slots are wishful thinking, but hey, it's my network and in my world ratings come after content. Al and Ed have to go, sorry guys.

Maybe I'm old-school, but I much prefer panel discussions (This Week/McLaughlin) over the single talking head in my pundit shows.
I'd love to see MSNBC develop a daily panel of Sharpton / Harris-Perry / Steele / Bernard. A national look at politics from a black perspective is long overdue.

I'm also a big fan of panel discussions among actual journalists, like Matthews' syndicated show and Reliable Sources.
Most of these people couldn't hold down a show alone, but are usually great in small quantities. Then again, that would thin the guest bench for the tentpole shows.
gkryhewy said:
False equivalence ftw. It's common on all sides to make the cheap 'conscientious objector' vote when it's clear a needed piece of legislation will pass. Welcome to politics.

True. When you are new you have credibility to do stands that meaningless in function but at least look the part is better than the old-guard taking turns so they still have margins.

Obama started in the Senate after these were thrown on the debt card.

$1,260,000,000,000 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
$87,000,000,000 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
$53,000,000,000 Energy Policy Act of 2003
$350,000,000,000 Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003
$500,000,000,000 The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
Afghanistan War
Iraq War
more defense/security spending on top
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Did you hate it when Obama and the Dems voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was President?
What comes around, goes around. Welcome to politics.
Really? Really?

You don't understand the difference here? Why am I not surprised?
From the new CNN Poll



RustyNails said:
It's amazing how the GOP are holding no political cards, and they're still going to get a deal more radical than anything they were able to do under Bush, when they had control of all branches of the government.

Anyone still want to make the case that Obama is some sort of a long game master negotiator?
Chichikov said:
It's amazing how the GOP are holding no political cards, and they're still going to get a deal more radical than anything they were able to do under Bush, when they had control of all branches of the government.

Anyone still want to make the case that Obama is some sort of a long game master negotiator?
He's doing what I call the "Rounders." Get cleaned out in the first ten minutes, come back to win it in the long run.
Invisible_Insane said:
He's doing what I call the "Rounders." Get cleaned out in the first ten minutes, come back to win it in the long run.

If by "win in the long run" you mean "release a best selling memoirs after losing re-election" sure
Chichikov said:
It's amazing how the GOP are holding no political cards, and they're still going to get a deal more radical than anything they were able to do under Bush, when they had control of all branches of the government.

Anyone still want to make the case that Obama is some sort of a long game master negotiator?

The republicans might get some spending cuts they wanted, but this is a pyhrric victory at best.


Because all of them (outside of maybe bachmann) know that the debt ceiling HAS to be raised eventually. it's inevitable.

Unfortunately, the GOP has ran so far to the right with the rhetoric and BS that *ANY* compromise on taxes will get them primaried by tea party candidates or club for growth- hell, some of these groups see raising the debt limit AT ALL as a "betrayal", tax increases or no.

So they're left holding out to the last possible second for reasons that keep seeming more and more unreasonable to the general public, as the poll above is demonstrating. So this "win" is going to come at the cost of a bunch of them getting creamed in the primaries no matter what happens, and the respect of the GOP taking serious, serious hits among moderates which can put the general election firmly in democratic hands for 2012.

If Obama comes out of this looking better to moderates and independents than he looked going in (and this is likely) the GOP loses.
GaimeGuy said:
Well that's a relief. As long as they have Norquist's blessing, right? He's their boss, after all.
Yeah, who died and made him Republican leader? I bet you barely 10% of Republicans even know who Grover is.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Manmademan said:
The republicans might get some spending cuts they wanted, but this is a pyhrric victory at best.


Because all of them (outside of maybe bachmann) know that the debt ceiling HAS to be raised eventually. it's inevitable.

Unfortunately, the GOP has ran so far to the right with the rhetoric and BS that *ANY* compromise on taxes will get them primaried by tea party candidates or club for growth- hell, some of these groups see raising the debt limit AT ALL as a "betrayal", tax increases or no.

So they're left holding out to the last possible second for reasons that keep seeming more and more unreasonable to the general public, as the poll above is demonstrating. So this "win" is going to come at the cost of a bunch of them getting creamed in the primaries no matter what happens, and the respect of the GOP taking serious, serious hits among moderates which can put the general election firmly in democratic hands for 2012.

If Obama comes out of this looking better to moderates and independents than he looked going in (and this is likely) the GOP loses.

Yeah, the GOP talking point going around now is that the compromise is debt ceiling incresae for spending cuts, but obama is demanding taxes on top of it.

They're making it sound like raising the debt ceiling is a concession being made by republicans. The GOP is treating the debt ceiling as a partisan issue. Thi sis very very very dangeorus.

PS: I have heard from multiple sources that word is almost all of the 40-50 new junior representatives are opposed to raising the debt ceiling. They really don't have a clue what the ramifications of such a decision would be. And with guys like Cantor taking charge I'm not sure they'll be put in their place.
Manmademan said:
So this "win" is going to come at the cost of a bunch of them getting creamed in the primaries no matter what happens, and the respect of the GOP taking serious, serious hits among moderates which can put the general election firmly in democratic hands for 2012.

If Obama comes out of this looking better to moderates and independents than he looked going in (and this is likely) the GOP loses.

But who cares? My goal is not to have a certain party in power. My goal is to have certain policies enacted. If Democrats are content to enact Republican policies, then why should anybody care if they win or lose in 2012?



@JohnBoehner - False. Senate should pass #CutCapBalance. RT NYT NEWS ALERT: Obama and Boehner Close to Major Budget Deal, Congressional Leaders Are Told
empty vessel said:
But who cares? My goal is not to have a certain party in power. My goal is to have certain policies enacted. If Democrats are content to enact Republican policies, then why should anybody care if they win or lose in 2012?

the more the GOP is marginalized, the more the "center" can move to the left, instead of the right, and the more reasonable legislation can get passed.

Example: I feel that The healthcare bill would have been a thousand times better if not for the need to placate Blue dogs (who are pretty much extinct) and a handful of independents and republicans.


Professional Schmuck
Invisible_Insane said:
Chris Hayes is supposed to get his own show at some point in the future, as I remember reading in the Times a while ago. He's not very good in front of a prompter, but I do enjoy hearing what he has to say.

Harris-Perry... eh.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for gorgeous, super-intelligent, well-educated, strong opinionated black ladies with an extremely slight lisp. Freaking YUMM.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Looks like they might be getting the repatriation holiday they've had a hard on for the past few years...

Taibbi: Corporate Tax Holiday in Debt Ceiling Deal: Where's the Uproar?

For those who don’t know about it, tax repatriation is one of the all-time long cons and also one of the most supremely evil achievements of the Washington lobbying community, which has perhaps told more shameless lies about this one topic than about any other in modern history – which is saying a lot, considering the many absurd things that are said and done by lobbyists in our nation’s capital.

Here’s how it works: the tax laws say that companies can avoid paying taxes as long as they keep their profits overseas. Whenever that money comes back to the U.S., the companies have to pay taxes on it.

Think of it as a gigantic global IRA. Companies that put their profits in the offshore IRA can leave them there indefinitely with no tax consequence. Then, when they cash out, they pay the tax.

Only there’s a catch. In 2004, the corporate lobby got together and major employers like Cisco and Apple and GE begged congress to give them a “one-time” tax holiday, arguing that they would use the savings to create jobs. Congress, shamefully, relented, and a tax holiday was declared. Now companies paid about 5 percent in taxes, instead of 35-40 percent.

Money streamed back into America. But the companies did not use the savings to create jobs. Instead, they mostly just turned it into executive bonuses and ate the extra cash. Some of those companies promising waves of new hires have already committed to massive layoffs..

It was bad enough when lobbyists managed to pull this trick off once, in 2004. But in one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington, companies immediately started to systematically “offshore” their profits right after the 2004 holiday with the expectation that somewhere down the road, and probably sooner rather than later, they would get another holiday.
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