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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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worldrunover said:
The point is the GOP is just as much to blame if not moreso, and are not taking any responsibility for it. It also shows that Washington spending didn't suddenly become out of control in January 2009.

It has never been out of control, and is not out of control now. What is out of control is the lax tax code.


polyh3dron said:
That's revisionist history if I've ever seen it. Republicans had YEARS to protest against all the reckless spending the Bush admin did. They didn't form this Tea Party thing until Obama got elected and these Tea Party protesters blamed the bailouts (such as TARP) on Obama. From 2001-2008 deficits didn't matter.

The first tea party rallies were in December of 2007, in support of encouraging Ron Paul to run. These then spread to other cities and events around America for the next 6 months. Eventually being co-opted by Beck and his ilk as their popularity could not be denied.

I would almost go as far as to say that this particular contribution of yours to this thread was objectively shit, and from the looks of it I am not alone in this. If these Tea Partiers disapproved of Bush as you said then what's the deal with signs like this:

Nice anecdotal evidence to back up your point. Also, you realize that by using GWB as someone you 'would miss' is an admission that he was a shitty president, right? That's supposed to the cutting commentary about using him as the measuring stick.

Generally, when someone responds to a post it's because it has a point of view and some substance behind it to respond or contend with. Shit posts (like 98 percent of yours) just languish there and no one even responds to it. That's a shit post. Minimal effort, no sign of independent thought or nuanced observation. Just two meaningless sentences jammed together that could be any fourth post on a Think Progress comments section.

--- /// ---

Here's a nice article from the summer of 2007 that encapsulates the past year of discontent from mainstream conservatives.


Here's another one that notices the rumblings starting in May of 2006.


I know these realities don't jibe with your mindless one-liners that no one gives a fuck about. But, it's important to be correct and be corrected.


suddenly all those "buy gold!" Fox News commercials seem like a good idea. I should have stocked up on gold and guns so i could take part in urging my congressman to not raise the debt ceiling under any circumstance. Come on chaos, the surrounding area has a weak perimeter defense, maybe i can annex some land.


HamPster PamPster said:
Weren't we winding down the wars anyway?

The $1 trillion in "savings" represents a reduction from the CBO baseline projection. That is, the CBO must presume current spending levels in its projection. Thus, it projects the wars to cost $1.67 trillion over the forthcoming decade. Otherwise, they are not genuine reductions. We already intend to reduce war spending. Currently, we must withdraw our military forces from Iraq by 2012. Likewise, the Administration plans to withdraw the surge forces from Afghanistan by next summer and wholly withdraw in 2014. Also, the GOP's Budget Committee employed this gimmick to inflate the total reductions in its budget. Reid recognized this and used it to "cut" spending without actually reducing spending.
Incognito said:
with a hilariously bad column tonight...


a big wet kiss to the late david broder. this part, though, is pretty funny:

just love the juxtaposition of a group abhorring the two-party process as they sit in 'swank offices financed by hedge funs' that are a few feet from the white house.

el oh el!
I love Friedman's acute, insightful analysis. Hey, I think I read something similar before...oh, wait.

I can't decide if Thomas Friedman is stupid or just lazy -- not that he can't be both I guess...

...The column today is about "American's Elect," the latest internet pipe dream of "radical centrists" (what the hell does that mean?) like Friedman. "Americans Elect" will be the Unity '08 of 2012. And we all remember how ground breaking that organization was.

Why does the New York Times pay for this garbage? Especially when he has written the same column a month ago, two years ago, and over and over again, going back at least six years.

Oh GTFO TA, you and I both know that those few relatively small Ron Paul follower gatherings had very little to do with the Tea Party gatherings orchestrated by Fox News, Glenn Beck and Freedomworks (Dick Armey's org) on April 15, 2009. That group wasn't the first to use hijack the Boston Tea Party for their own cause and they probably won't be the last.

Cognitive Dissonance. It is abundant in that last post of yours. Your "realities" don't jibe with reality.
worldrunover said:
Just a refresher on why we're having this debate right now. Someone should show Republicans.


Ok, let's go through this chart item by item.

War in Afghanistan - bipartisan support so not totally Bush's fault
War in Iraq - war of choice by his administration, did get Democratic representative votes but mainly was protested by Democratic voters, Republicans never really voiced opposition and some even looked down on those that did, had a chance to repudate the president in 2004 election and didn't
Bush tax cuts - campaigned on this during the 2000 election
No Child Left Behind - campaigned on this during the 2000 election
Medicare Part D - I'll give some Republicans credit for trying to stop this, but the administration made its party rubber stamp this, no real back lash in 2004 election
TARP/Tax Rebates of 2008 - Bipartisan support, but a result of lowering of regulation in the banking sector under his administration that allowed it to become a systemic risk

Legislation that Republicans did manage to stop was Immigration reform. That is all I remember them being totally opposed to. Everything else voters were made aware of before hand, and had a chance to show their disapproval in his reelection in 2004 but did not.
Dr. Pangloss said:
Ok, let's go through this chart item by item.

Wingnuts are screaming about "Obama's spending". Bush didn't veto any of that stuff or even fight against it, so it's all under his watch. Likewise Bush didn't veto the seven increases in the debt ceiling, he supported it. He actively participated in doubling the national debt.
A Human Becoming said:
15 minutes until Obama tells us the shitty deal he made with the GOP. *gets popcorn*

No deal has been made. I expect him to paint a photo of how Washington is still trying to come to a bi-partisan agreement. How the process is working. How its vital we increase the deficit. How he can't promise SS checks will be sent out. Nothing new will be said that we didn't know before the speech. He will have a few one-liners that gets folks all in a tizzy and in the end nothing more will be done.
So who wants to bet Obama will just hand wring and call for bipartisanship, chastise "both sides" for not working together, tell us about the good ideas the GOP has and the good ideas the democrats have, mention a letter he received from a child asking if her grandma's SS check will come next week, then close on a "we're America, we can do anything if we work together" wink and nod.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
PhoenixDark said:
So who wants to bet Obama will just hand wring and call for bipartisanship, chastise "both sides" for not working together, tell us about the good ideas the GOP has and the good ideas the democrats have, mention a letter he received from a child asking if her grandma's SS check will come next week, then close on a "we're America, we can do anything if we work together" wink and nod.

I honestly have no idea after the last speech he did.
PhoenixDark said:
So who wants to bet Obama will just hand wring and call for bipartisanship, chastise "both sides" for not working together, tell us about the good ideas the GOP has and the good ideas the democrats have, mention a letter he received from a child asking if her grandma's SS check will come next week, then close on a "we're America, we can do anything if we work together" wink and nod.

Heh, this is what I just posted on my FB page:

T-minus 8 minutes and counting until we see a President who refuses to make the hard and yet correct decision. A President who still doesn't understand he needs a second party in order to negotiate. A President who is all about bi-partisanship even if it means that the country as a whole suffers. Let us watch and yawn.


I don't understand what the alternative is besides Bipartisanship. He's got a split legislature, with one dominate by non-compromisers. There's really not a winning path he can take, short of expanding the Imperial Presidency.


PhoenixDark said:
So who wants to bet Obama will just hand wring and call for bipartisanship, chastise "both sides" for not working together, tell us about the good ideas the GOP has and the good ideas the democrats have, mention a letter he received from a child asking if her grandma's SS check will come next week, then close on a "we're America, we can do anything if we work together" wink and nod.

This is exactly what will happen
Tamanon said:
I don't understand what the alternative is besides Bipartisanship. He's got a split legislature, with one dominate by non-compromisers. There's really not a winning path he can take, short of expanding the Imperial Presidency.

14th Amendment and make the Republicans sue him or threaten with impeachment.


PhoenixDark said:
So who wants to bet Obama will just hand wring and call for bipartisanship, chastise "both sides" for not working together, tell us about the good ideas the GOP has and the good ideas the democrats have, mention a letter he received from a child asking if her grandma's SS check will come next week, then close on a "we're America, we can do anything if we work together" wink and nod.
Bank on it.

Chuck Todd is telling me on Twitter that Obama will call for a compromise between Reid's "everything the GOP ever asked for until they decided they had to have a short term instead of a long-term raise" and the GOP's bullshit plan.
Not only dropping the Reagan bomb, I can almost hear Obama slightly modifying his speech pattern to mimic Reagan just a bit, am I the only one?
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