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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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i can't stand republicans anymore. If our government were run like a business we'd move overseas and rule from afar.

No he doesn't want a blank check today you idiot, he wants you to pay the last blank check you signed.
My reaction to Boehner's mind-bending mental gymnastics:

Good speech. The fact he recognises the Rep. proposal will just kick it into the long grass and then he'll face this same debacle in 6 months is a good thing. Everybody involved needs to strive to be 'reasonable' and accept certain elements of the opposing plans. That's what compromise is all about. If they can't do that within this week, if they drag the world to the edge of another economic disaster and make themselves look partisan and very unreasonable indeed, the electorate will get to know about it.


A Human Becoming said:
Hasn't he always been by Republicans?
Yes. The funny thing is, he couldn't even be elected today in any major seat either in Congress or the White House. He was pretty right of center, but far left compared to all the teabaggers that came in this year.
It is a LARF to claim conservatives abandoned or really even complained about Bush. The 2 times the irrational hate from the sideshow ever stayed inside the tent was Harriet Myers and Immigration.

The Way Back To The Majority [4]: The GOP Must Defend The Bush Administration
Unfortunately, the primary reason why the Administration's numbers are down is the very same reason the numbers are very unlikely to head in the opposite direction; the Bush White House's problems with communicating to the American people.

For the sake of our own preservation, we have to do the job the Bush Administration has shown absolutely no interest in doing; to effectively sell, defend and explain itself. From Iraq, to homeland security, to civil rights, to Katrina and even to the economy, the Bush Administration has sat complacently back and allowed the Press and the Democrats to set the narrative and paint it as incompetent, malevolent and mendacious.

Some retro Ron Paul cuts from RedStare.

Ron Paul has only about 3,000 real supporters nationwide. He's got another 5000 or so who are just damn dirty liberal hippies in need of real jobs.
Which Congressman Wants $8 million to "market" wild American shrimp?
Attention, Ron Paul Supporters (Life is *REALLY* Not Fair).
An olive branch to Ron Paul supporters


balladofwindfishes said:
Bi-Partisan support



What, didn't like 3 Democrats vote for it?

That's what qualifies a "bi-partisan" support these days?

To be fair its the same bi partisan support the health care bill has


Listening to Boehner, it's obvious no compromise will be reached. YOU FUCKING IDIOTS YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN OUR NATION AND RUIN THE WORLD'S ECONOMY YOU FUCKTARDS.


"There's no stalemate in Congress. The House passed a bill with bi-partisan support." Even if we disregard his fuzzy definition of bi-partisan, he does realize that there are two houses of Congress, right?


Boner is not the enemy, I think its the tea party bozos who is preventing him from pushing through the deal he had with Obama. The 4 trillion mega deal.

But as house leader, he has to back his caucus.
ezekial45 said:
Boehner is such a boner.

Ugh, this is very disheartening. It seems like it's gonna take a miracle for this to be resolved.

It's going to be resolved. This is all theater. I just hope someone blinks in time.
I must say I'm surprised Obama stuck to his position, I expected him to take tax cuts off the table. So now we're left with a stalemate. The debt limit will be raised no doubt, but at what cost...


I'm seriously pissed off right now, so stupid, they just don't realize that they need to be looking out for the welfare of the country! IT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB.
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