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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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A Human Becoming said:
That was fucking pointless wasn't it? I just zoned out while Boehner was talking because nothing Obama and him said gave me hope.
If the Republicans keep being dumbfucks then no, there is really nothing Obama can do.

He's not going to do the 14th Amendment thing, no way in hell. The GOP would scream bloody murder and call him a dictator ad nauseum.


Hmmm.. We're fucked. Boehner can't pass his plan in the House. Reid's plan will be filibustered. It's impossible to get a deal done in a week.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
PhoenixDark said:
I must say I'm surprised Obama stuck to his position, I expected him to take tax cuts off the table. So now we're left with a stalemate. The debt limit will be raised no doubt, but at what cost...

Like I said, after his speech he gave last week, I was unsure which direction tonight would go.
I did not, however, expect the republicans to be called out to the extent they were.


Obama: "We need to compromise."

Boehner: "We gave them a plan and they didn't take it. They need to compromise."

Seriously, listening to Boehner just makes me so fucking angry. He sounds like a butt-hurt twelve year old who's taking his ball and going home.


gcubed said:
Eznark, can I come to the farm and watch it burn?

My compound is going to be the safest place around when your world ends!

Politically speaking, both speeches were solid and will change nothing.

(Boehner could have come out and said "I agree 100% with President Obama" and I'm guessing 75% of the above posts would not have changed)


Ghost_Protocol said:
Is this really all because of a 3% increase in taxes for corporations and the wealthy? Really?

Job creators... can't tax in a recession... name your excuse. Thin veil of bullshit essentially.


I thought Obama and boehner had a big deal settled until asshat Cantor showed up. Now he's doubling down on the steaming shitpile that the tea party passed?


Suikoguy said:
Like I said, after his speech he gave last week, I was unsure which direction tonight would go.
I did not, however, expect the republicans to be called out to the extent they were.

Even a push over has a breaking point. Obama is nearing his if he's not there already.


perfectchaos007 said:
Listening to Boehners response, it's pretty clear the sides will never agree. We're screwed
Nah, this will go on for a bit until the dems take everything the repugs shove up their ass. The Republicans are just hellbent on gutting social security and they won't stop until it's completely gutted. They want that money to make the rich even more privileged than the average citizen. These idiot rednecks and teabaggers will go right along with it too.
eznark said:
Politically speaking, both speeches were solid and will change nothing.

(Boehner could have come out and said "I agree 100% with President Obama" and I'm guessing 75% of the above posts would not have changed)
One was truthful and the other was so full of shit it was overflowing.




gcubed said:
I thought Obama and boehner had a big deal settled until asshat Cantor showed up. Now he's doubling down on the steaming shitpile that the tea party passed?

This might shock you but sometimes the politically motivated single-anonymous-sourced narrative pushed by online shit peddlers is inaccurate.


My 401k am sad.

The market is going to take a collective crap on everything.

All thanks to the economic terrorists known as as the tea party.


Saadster said:
I'm seriously pissed off right now, so stupid, they just don't realize that they need to be looking out for the welfare of the country! IT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB.
Yeah, but here's the problem. Actually, here's the equation.

Democrats = Country > Political Party
Republicans = Political Party > Anything else

The Repubs have ALWAYS been about playing the game of politics and doing everything they can to stay in power. Democrats aren't exactly saints, but you don't see them with a 24 hour propaganda news station or 24 hour misinformation/lying radio schedule either.


Ghost_Protocol said:
Is this really all because of a 3% increase in taxes for corporations and the wealthy? Really?

No this is about some assholes trying to figure out how to destroy the economy while not taking any blame for it because the alternative makes the president look too good.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ha! I knew obama was gonna disappoint. Seems he still likes capitalism.

Tamanon said:
It's going to be hilarious when a clean debt ceiling passes.

lol, neither obama nor the reps want a clean bill.


eznark said:
This might shock you but sometimes the politically motivated single-anonymous-sourced narrative pushed by online shit peddlers is inaccurate.

I refuse to believe I could be lied to by news

Neo Samus

I wanted to yell boehner so badly during his speech. It makes my blood boil. How can (american's) vote for these morons??? We need to tax the rich more, plan and simple.


Shadow780 said:
job creators


get your fact straight.

Why do people fall for this? Have they created taxes in the last decade with these tax cuts? Not one bit, in fact, 2000-2010 had the smallest amount of net jobs created ever.

The far right can screw off.

(I know YOU are being sarcastic btw. :p )
Well, sell your stocks and buy gold and grain. Boner made it clear hes taking us off the cliff.

Will flights to Tahiti be cheaper now or next week when the world is on fire?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tamanon said:
It's going to be hilarious when a clean debt ceiling passes.
then we'll see whether rating agencies will actually follow through with their threats to downgrade our credit if the ceiling is raised without a cogent debt-reduction plan.


Wow, the republicans really are an embarrassment. These sheltered deluded clowns are going to destroy this country.

You really have to have your thumb up your ass to think this is acceptable governing.


Obama needs to outsource his next speech to bigsicily and go all Ross Perot up in this bitch. No laser pointers either, old fashioned retractable metal ones so he can slap it against the charts


el retorno de los sapos said:
Trying to email my rep (a republican) and her site is down....

Email is worthless for representative correspondence. If you care, make a phone call.

Well, sell your stocks and buy gold and grain
If you didn't do this two years ago you are a fool and should probably just keep your money in that index fund.


So if America blows up because of this, Obama will lose the 2012 election. Right? Whatever the nature of this "debate", it's happening under his watch.

And let's face it. The Democrats are fucking pathetic when it comes to framing issues. Pubs will definitively capitalize on the debt default to win.

It's actually clever. In that Kim Jong Il "fuck the people to gain power" kind of way.
eznark said:
Email is worthless for representative correspondence. If you care, make a phone call.

If you didn't do this two years ago you are a fool and should probably just keep your money in that index fund.

Well to be fair my stock portfolio is quite varied. Made a fortune off Embraer and Cemex for example.

Latin America FTW


but believes in Chael
This is so awesome. I wish more Tea Party members got elected into office. We need to get the Tea Party into the Oval Office and majority of Congress. We need to end the Republican Party and nothing will do it quicker than them governing.


scorcho said:
then we'll see whether rating agencies will actually follow through with their threats to downgrade our credit if the ceiling is raised without a cogent debt-reduction plan.
Aren't these the same shitheads who rated toxic mortgages AAA?


eznark said:
My compound is going to be the safest place around when your world ends!

Politically speaking, both speeches were solid and will change nothing.

(Boehner could have come out and said "I agree 100% with President Obama" and I'm guessing 75% of the above posts would not have changed)

I'd like to point out that I have many farm skills, along with extensive killing and dressing experience ranging from small game to large. I also have a complete collection of the Foxfire books, and know how to build a number of simple machines from scratch.

Just sayin, if the country collapses, I wouldn't be a burden. And my beard is likely to scare most people away.


jamesinclair said:
Well to be fair my stock portfolio is quite varied. Made a fortune off Embraer and Cemex for example.

Latin America FTW

I cornered the entire frozen orange juice market.

silver for the win

Just sayin, if the country collapses, I wouldn't be a burden. And my beard is likely to scare most people away.

I welcome you, my bearded compadre. Pick up Kinky on the way.


scorcho said:
then we'll see whether rating agencies will actually follow through with their threats to downgrade our credit if the ceiling is raised without a cogent debt-reduction plan.

Which, by the way, is absolute bullshit as I'm sure you know. It makes no sense why suddenly they would care about the deficit itself.
Xdrive05 said:
So if America blows up because of this, Obama will lose the 2012 election. Right? Whatever the nature of this "debate", it's happening under his watch.

And let's face it. The Democrats are fucking pathetic when it comes to framing issues. Pubs will definitively capitalize on the debt default to win.

It's actually clever. In that Kim Jong Il "fuck the people to gain power" kind of way.
People in polls are blaming the GOP by almost 20 more points than Obama
eznark said:
I cornered the entire frozen orange juice market.

silver for the win

I welcome you, my bearded compadre. Pick up Kinky on the way.

Am I invited? I don't yet have a baseball team to root for (grew up a Dogers fan but after O'Malley sold to Rupert I was done') I'd take the Brewers as my own. I do have a wife and daughter but they won't take up much room. I can also grow a fierce beard.
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