Plumbob said:I would be in favor of a five or ten year balanced budget amendment
Why would you be in favor of something that limits how we can react to a particular situation or the ebbs and flow of the economy?
Plumbob said:I would be in favor of a five or ten year balanced budget amendment
I don't like it. I'd be much more in favor of Congress doing cost over time analysis in their budgets. For example, using cheaper asphalt which needs to be repaved every other year versus a better asphalt that only needs to be repaved once a decade. The economy is too up and down to attempt to balance the budget.Plumbob said:I would be in favor of a five or ten year balanced budget amendment
Congress budget never limits emergency spending. Like, how the President keeps on asking and getting more money for Iraq and Afghanistan.LovingSteam said:Why would you be in favor of something that limits how we can react to a particular situation or the ebbs and flow of the economy?
we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Doing something like removing the social security wage base limit on taxable income doesn't fix spending problemsgcubed said:why again do we need to even entertain SS cuts?
knitoe said:Congress budget never limits emergency spending. Like, how the President keeps on asking and getting more money for Iraq and Afghanistan.
LovingSteam said:Why would you be in favor of something that limits how we can react to a particular situation or the ebbs and flow of the economy?
sarcasm i hope?GaimeGuy said:we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Doing something like removing the social security wage base limit on taxable income doesn't fix spending problems![]()
LovingSteam said:Why would you be in favor of something that limits how we can react to a particular situation or the ebbs and flow of the economy?
The entire thrust of cutting is politically motivated.ToxicAdam said:That's been my problem with the GOP since they took the house. They have been clearly disingenous about spending cuts the entire time. First it was to 'roll back' all spending to 2008 levels (why not 2000 or 2004?), then it was the government shutdown where they proposed a paltry list of cuts (but all their proposals were for Democrat pet projects like Planned Parenthood and Public Broadcasting) now it's for less cuts than other plans AND a renewal of this debate next year. An election year.
So, every step of the way their spending cuts have been more politically motivated than actually for real concern about the systemic spending problems within our government.
I don't think yo uunderstand what an amendment means, then.knitoe said:Congress budget never limits emergency spending. Like, how the President keeps on asking and getting more money for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Yes, sarcasm. And I know about how the immediate problems with SS are a short term isue caused by the relative size of the baby boomer generation to the next generationgcubed said:sarcasm i hope?
Its not SS's fault that is full of IOUs as its surplus was raped and pillaged for other purposes. Even then the offset of SS is a single generation issue
Plumbob said:I would be in favor of a five or ten year balanced budget amendment
gcubed said:why again do we need to even entertain SS cuts?
GaimeGuy said:Yes, sarcasm. And I know about how the immediate problems with SS are a short term isue caused by the relative size of the baby boomer generation to the next generation
Comparing the US budget to family finance is not particularly useful.ronito said:I find it funny how many tea partiers are all for a balanced budget admendment, yet they have 2nd mortgages, a $30,000 SUV car loan and are up to their eyeballs in debt.
ronito said:I find it funny how many tea partiers are all for a balanced budget admendment, yet they have 2nd mortgages, a $30,000 SUV car loan and are up to their eyeballs in debt.
ronito said:I find it funny how many tea partiers are all for a balanced budget admendment, yet they have 2nd mortgages, a $30,000 SUV car loan and are up to their eyeballs in debt.
Wow. I award Perry both "most blatant flip flop" and "most illogical argument" of the campaign so far, and at the same time too. This guy is off to a good start.besada said:So, Perry's for a Federal Marriage Amendment
"The real fear is states like New York will change the definition of marriage for Texas," he said. "That is the reason the Federal Marriage Amendment is being offered. It's a small group of activists judges and really a small handful, if you will, of states and these liberal special interest groups that are intent on a redefinition, if you will, of marriage on the nation for all of us, which I adamantly oppose. Indeed, to not pass the Federal Marriage Amendment would impinge on Texas' and other states' right not to have marriage forced upon them by these activist judges and these special interest groups."
Average american has $14,000 in credit card debt.ToxicAdam said:Any stats to back this up?
aswedc said:Wow. I award Perry both "most blatant flip flop" and "most illogical argument" of the campaign so far, and at the same time too. This guy is off to a good start.
BotoxAgent said:My friend's mom is a huge TEA party supporter....and bitches about Obama and
govt spending.
The kicker is that she doesn't work and collects checks from the govt.
And when she was in her usual Obama rant over dinner once, I pointed out her hypocrisy and she kicked me out of the house.
these people are seriously broken inside the head.
BotoxAgent said:My friend's mom is a huge TEA party supporter....and bitches about Obama and
govt spending.
The kicker is that she doesn't work and collects checks from the govt.
And when she was in her usual Obama rant over dinner once, I pointed out her hypocrisy and she kicked me out of the house.
these people are seriously broken inside the head.
aswedc said:Wow. I award Perry both "most blatant flip flop" and "most illogical argument" of the campaign so far, and at the same time too. This guy is off to a good start.
And they continue to focus on the bullshit.Bishman said:New White House talking point: House GOP plan will ruin your Christmas
By Greg Sargent
With the debate heavily focused on comparisons of the spending cuts in the Harry Reid and John Boehner proposals, the fact that Boehners approach would put us all through another bruising debt ceiling debate in six months has not received the attention Democrats had hoped for.
So the White House is circulating a new set of talking points to outside allies and surrogates, instructing them on a new way to make this case: If Boehner has his way, the debt ceiling debate will steal Christmas.
Here are the key bits from the talking points, which were sent over by a source:
Today, the House will vote on Speaker Boehners proposal, but that vote does nothing to move the country closer to a solution.
Of course, the fact that the Boehner plan would force another fight over the debt ceiling is one of the things that recommends it to Republicans: They want him to hike the debt ceiling again just as the reelection campaign is heating up. But by pointing out that this could spark another massive political battle over the holidays the most important time of the year for our economy the White House is hoping to dramatize the unpleasantness of this prospect in a way that might grab more media and public attention.
- To be clear: This bill is dead on arrival in the Senate and there is zero chance this makes it to the Presidents desk...
- Rather than compromising for the sake of the country, the House GOP continues to play politics with the full faith and credit of the United States -- even saying that their strategy is to tell the country to take it or leave it and blame the President for default.
- Under the Boehner bill, we will be right back into this debate during the holiday season, which is the most important time in the year for our economy.
ronito said:Average american has $14,000 in credit card debt.
You gonna say Tea Partiers don't feed into that number?
What I'm trying to get across is that a balanced budget is nice. But as anyone who's come up against an unforeseen circumstance you need the ability to go into the red. Companies do it all the time. Wanna fund a war? How you going to do that? Economic downturn? Well, what are you going to do? I'm all for fiscal responsibility. But you gotta have flexibility.
besada said:Not any stranger than the number of them who receive various forms of government aid while screaming about the evils of welfare.
Flo_Evans said:heh, I know this one cop who is going back to school. Gets all kinds of government assistance/grants (not to mention his paycheck is directly from taxes) rants all day on facebook about government spending and taxes are to high.
Teh Hamburglar said:She is a douche but she has that right. Its her house. You acted the fool after being invited as a guest at the dinner table. Time and place for everything, Botox.
ronito said:Average american has $14,000 in credit card debt.
You gonna say Tea Partiers don't feed into that number?
What I'm trying to get across is that a balanced budget is nice. But as anyone who's come up against an unforeseen circumstance you need the ability to go into the red. Companies do it all the time. Wanna fund a war? How you going to do that? Economic downturn? Well, what are you going to do? I'm all for fiscal responsibility. But you gotta have flexibility.
We can laugh conservatives out of the thread? Could have sworn I'd tried that.ToxicAdam said:This isn't a serious argument. Ronito, you're lucky you're a liberal here. If a conservative made an argument as weak as this, he would be laughed out of the thread.
You used the the word 'many' which would imply most or a sizeable amount. Which would imply the a sizeable majority. The onus is on you to prove a claim. Otherwise you are talking out of your ass.
Teh Hamburglar said:She is a douche but she has that right. Its her house. You acted the fool after being invited as a guest at the dinner table. Time and place for everything, Botox.
vas_a_morir said:Nobody is arguing she didn't have the right to do that... but I tell you, SHE acted the fool. If you can't handle dissenting opinion on a subject, you should not broach the subject. That's like when you beat your friend playing Genesis, and they kick you out. Beyond childish.
Invisible_Insane said:We can laugh conservatives out of the thread? Could have sworn I'd tried that.
Teh Hamburglar said:Its her house. He was a guest. You don't talk politics at the dinner table.
Teh Hamburglar said:Its her house. He was a guest. You don't talk politics at the dinner table.
ToxicAdam said:This isn't a serious argument. Ronito, you're lucky you're a liberal here. If a conservative made an argument as weak as this, he would be laughed out of the thread.
If only there was a way to put this succinctly on billboards across the land.empty vessel said:There's nothing wrong with a flexible balanced budget amendment (emphasis on the flexible). The important political question is how the budget is balanced. We already spend among the lowest of all industrialized countries (a component of which includes the highest military spending of all industrialized countries). Slashing spending even more will literally destroy this country. It has a barely functioning government that is wholly inadequate to protect American workers and consumers from predatory corporations as it stands. Indeed, the very point of further reductions in spending is to make us even more vulnerable, and reduce labor and consumer bargaining power lower than the abysmal level it already is. This is why the Republican party cares so much what kind of spending is cut, and why none of their bills touch defense spending (which favors business interests). Republicans, their business backers, and their manipulated tea party warm bodies, are attempting to deliver the coup de grace to the US right now.
Simply providing further evidence that significant numbers of the beneficiaries of government spending are not aware that they are disposed thus.ToxicAdam said:You're providing a link with no context. What is it implying in relation to what me and Ronito were discussing?
besada said:There's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on in people who want restrict help from the government. There always has been. The Tea Party has simply raised it to a new level.
besada said:So, Perry's for a Federal Marriage Amendment and Bachmann says her husband is off limits.
I'm always fascinated by politicians who think saying something is off limits has any effect other than to drive media to focus on it.
GaimeGuy said:The dems don't give leadership positions to ideologues traditionally, or the best policy wonks. It's all based on seniority.
Guys like Harry Reid and Max Baucus are basically goldwater republicans. If someone like Al Franken were in charge of proceedings you'd see a much different result. As it stands, conservatives hold the majority in the house and most of the powerful positions in the senate.
Remember, pretty much every liberal policy passed by the house when the dems controlled the white house and both chamberes of congress was gutted and neutered by the senate. Even the public option and medicare buy ins were killed for health care, and those supposedly had ~55 supporters, more than enough to pass under reconciliation to avoid the cloture vote stonewalling.
Also, the GOP has leveraged against things like food stamps and the debt ceiling to get what it wants. They've gone scorched earth wherever they can most easily make a stand. In 2009-2010 it was in the senate due to the conservative and weak leadership of reid and structural/procedural flaws in the senate rules (which still exist). In 2011 it's in the chamber they control (the house). You need to pass legislaiton in bot chambers, so making a successful stand in either the house or the senate is good enough to get things done your way.
Teh Hamburglar said:Its her house. He was a guest. You don't talk politics at the dinner table.