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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Invisible_Insane said:
Simply providing further evidence that significant numbers of the beneficiaries of government spending are not aware that they are disposed thus.

So what does that have to do with what Ronito claimed?

Most Americans are in personal debt, and since the Tea Party is largely representative of the general population, it would be hard to understand how they aren't in debt. It's not that complicated.

Curious. Most demographics I have seen is that the Tea Party heavily skews white, male, older, educated and wealthy. Is that largely representative of our population?

but the difference is that you don't hear liberals shouting about how terrible the debt is.

As somebody who was cognizant through the Reagan/Bush years, you should know better.
Dude Abides said:
But she did. If anyone was breaching etiquette, it was her. Being a guest in someone's house doesn't mean you have to sit quietly and nod as they lecture you on controversial subjects.

Then he got exactly what he deserved.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
balladofwindfishes said:
losing it against who?

"Generic republican."

I know--not the same. But he's lost almost ten points with independent voters in 2 months. I wonder how it will change with the debt deal.


There is a statistic somewhere (I am sure one of you poligaffers have it on hand) at what income level you are actually contributing to (paying more in than you receive in services) the federal government.

Was somewhere in the realm of $75k/year?
ToxicAdam said:
So what does that have to do with what Ronito claimed?
Well, clearly, since I can't demonstrate that all Tea Partiers are deeply indebted and dependent to varying degrees on government services, the larger point he was making is obviously invalid.
Plinko said:
"Generic republican."

I know--not the same. But he's lost almost ten points with independent voters in 2 months. I wonder how it will change with the debt deal.

it's back to where it was (roughly) before the bin laden thing spiked his popularity.

Americans have short memories.

Really makes me wonder, if this comes down to say...Bachman being the deciding vote, what does she do?

lol. bachmann is an idealogue first, politician second. Of course she'll vote against it on principle.


Junior Member
So... The day of reckoning has come for this mess..

This is how I am assuming leaders of both houses have this planned out..

1. House squeezes the bill by a small margin sends it to the Senate.
2. Senate amends the fuck out of it and sends it back.
3. House passes it with no Teabaggers and most democrats behind it.
4. Senate passes bill
5. Obama signs it on sunday.....

This is the scenario that is apparent. However it all depends if the house passes the bill, if they can't pass it tonight I really have no clue how they would proceed.

From a Democrats perspective the best case scenario politically would be for the house bill to crash and burn in the House, and Establishment Republicans have to come groveling towards democrats to figure out a balanced bill..

From a country first perspective the plan laid above is the best we can hope for. As far as maintaining stability in the markets.(I DON"T like it)
Dude Abides said:

She was providing him a meal in her house. She can say whatever the hell she wants. She wasn't exactly following impeccable etiquette either, but a man possessing even the slightest ounce of grace would have bit his tongue, finished his food and kept quiet and declined further invitations.

But this isn't exactly proper for PoliGAF so I'll leave it at that.
i_am_not_jon_ames said:
~5:45pm EST
what happens if the house votes no on this bill

I mean if they vote for it, then it moves to the Senate and they gut it, destroy it and ammend their own bill, which they would pass easily and bounce the blame back to the house.

But if it fails... then the GOP will have nothing. Boehner will be forced to work with Democrats or have the blame fall on his poor leadership
balladofwindfishes said:
what happens if the house votes no on this bill

I mean if they vote for it, then it moves to the Senate and they guy it, destroy it and ammend their own bill, which they would pass easily and bounce the blame back to the house.

But if it fails... then the GOP will have nothing. Boehner will be forced to work with Democrats or have the blame fall on his poor leadership
Clean bill with the Dems? haha. I know the chance is infinitesimal, but imagine?


balladofwindfishes said:
what happens if the house votes no on this bill

I mean if they vote for it, then it moves to the Senate and they guy it, destroy it and ammend their own bill, which they would pass easily and bounce the blame back to the house.

But if it fails... then the GOP will have nothing. Boehner will be forced to work with Democrats or have the blame fall on his poor leadership

Boehner's ruined.
TP reps celebrate.
Senate passes something (Reid or McConnell).
House accepts it (without TP support).
President signs it.
Crisis averted.
TP continues to be the establishment's lapdogs.


Teh Hamburglar said:
She was providing him a meal in her house. She can say whatever the hell she wants. She wasn't exactly following impeccable etiquette either, but a man possessing even the slightest ounce of grace would have bit his tongue, finished his food and kept quiet and declined further invitations.

But this isn't exactly proper for PoliGAF so I'll leave it at that.


When people sprout bullshit, you challenge them, regardless of circumstance or location.
Clevinger said:
Bachmann's said repeatedly that she'd vote no. She's a True Believer.

True. I half wonder if Boehner would prefer giving her the decision, once the bill comes back from the senate changed. It would no doubt ruin her candidacy and take some of the blame away from him. Two birds with one brick


Invisible_Insane said:
Well, clearly, since I can't demonstrate that all Tea Partiers are deeply indebted and dependent to varying degrees on government services, the larger point he was making is obviously invalid.

Ronito said:
I find it funny how many tea partiers are all for a balanced budget admendment, yet they have 2nd mortgages, a $30,000 SUV car loan and are up to their eyeballs in debt.


Are you saying that because many tea partiers are reliant on government services they shouldn't expect the government to keep a balanced budget or support spending cuts?
It is going to be interesting how GOP fair in the next election. With the total failure to raise the debt ceiling (and we may have more turns in store) but couple that with the union striking deal and kill medicare votes hanging around their necks, it gives the Dems a lot of ammunition. That is if they're smart enough to use it.

Dude Abides

Teh Hamburglar said:
She was providing him a meal in her house. She can say whatever the hell she wants. She wasn't exactly following impeccable etiquette either, but a man possessing even the slightest ounce of grace would have bit his tongue, finished his food and kept quiet and declined further invitations.

But this isn't exactly proper for PoliGAF so I'll leave it at that.

Nah, she waives her right to insist on etiquette by breaching it herself. No grace is owed to the graceless.


Plumbob said:
If the Senate does this gutting and amending process, would that bypass a filibuster? How?

No, but I don't see anyone crazy enough to filibuster (silently or openly) at this late date besides Rand Paul.

And even if he does, 52 Dems and at least 4 Reps (those opposed to Boehner Plan) that want something done, so that leaves 4 more reasonable Reps to break it.
I'd expect McCain to be one of those 4.
Wray said:

When people sprout bullshit, you challenge them, regardless of circumstance or location.

I've learned those types of people can't be reasoned with, totally impervious to facts. So sometimes it's just better to let it go and avoid the headache :-/
I think there's confusion of the issue. She has the right to say what she wants and kick anyone out of her house that disagrees. Doesn't mean she's not a douche-bag for doing it.


Plumbob said:
If the Senate does this gutting and amending process, would that bypass a filibuster? How?
All it does is speed up how fast the bill can be considered, since bills sent from the House can go through an expedited process relative to ones that originate in the Senate. No affect on procedural maneuvers to block them, though.

It's being done purely because of time.


We were talking about mortgage companies not having the paperwork they needed to foreclose in some thread the other day. Today ProPublica serves up:
Internal Doc Reveals GMAC Filed False Document in Bid to Foreclose
"This assignment of mortgage has all of the markings of GMAC finding that it lacked a needed mortgage assignment in order to foreclose and just making it up," said Thomas Cox, a Maine foreclosure defense attorney.

In New York, it's a felony to file a public record with "intent to deceive."

"It's fraud," said Linda Tirelli, a consumer bankruptcy attorney. "I want to know who's going to do a perp walk for recording this."
No one, of course.

And because we can't stop talking about it:
A Reading List for Following the Debt Ceiling Drama
ToxicAdam said:
"all for" is a colloquial way of expressing enthusiasm regarding a given topic, and may not necessarily be a universal qualifier in this instance.

Furthermore, there exists a literary device, called hyperbole, wherein one exaggerates for dramatic effect--the literal use of the universal qualifier should not be assumed.

The intent, I believe, of Ronito's remarks was to highlight the contradiction between Tea Partiers insisting that the government balance its budget (especially in light of the oft-made government-household comparison), given their own likely indebtedness/



Invisible_Insane said:
The intent, I believe, of Ronito's remarks was to highlight the contradiction between Tea Partiers insisting that the government balance its budget (especially in light of the oft-made government-household comparison), given their own likely indebtedness/

But there is no proof of that. It's bullshit.

Not really, because you said this:

Simply providing further evidence that significant numbers of the beneficiaries of government spending are not aware that they are disposed thus.

When I asked for clarification of what the information in the link had to do with proof of what Ronito was asserting.


25 Republican Congressmen are now on public record against Boehner's plan.

Either some of them are going to flip-flop or Boehner's going to need Democrats to pass his plan.
2 of the 5 Democrats that supported Cut, Cap & Balance are on public record against as well.
Are we going to see an all-night arm-twist-a-thon like Medicare Part D again?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Did I just see a FUCKING CNN segment where they shown today how the White House literally RickRolled everybody on Twitter?!?! The guy from the White House linked to the Rick Roll youtube video today on Twitter and this is worthy of 90 seconds of conversation?

Now it's not that big of a deal, but wow. Of all things to talk about.


DasRaven said:
25 Republican Congressmen are now on public record against Boehner's plan.

Either some of them are going to flip-flop or Boehner's going to need Democrats to pass his plan.
2 of the 5 Democrats that supported Cut, Cap & Balance are on public record against as well.
Are we going to see an all-night arm-twist-a-thon like Medicare Part D again?

I'm starting to wonder if Boehner can survive if this vote doesn't pass. The Tea-Party are already against it, and if it fails, Boehner would have squandered his good will with the Tea Party for nothing.


ronito said:
Average american has $14,000 in credit card debt.
You gonna say Tea Partiers don't feed into that number?
$14,000 might be the mean, but the average American has no credit card debt. Statistics! :p



Fox Anchor Wonders If Moon Volcanoes Mean Global Warming Isn't Happening

JON SCOTT: Does it go, you know, anywhere close to the climate change debate that's underway here on earth? I mean, you know, if the moon had --

BILL NYE: Well, it does for me.

SCOTT: -- had erupting volcanoes, a few years, well, a few million years ago, however you want to put it --

NYE: No, billion.

SCOTT: -- you know, it's not like we've been up there burning fossil fuels.

NYE: Uh, no, volcanoes are not connected to the burning of fossil fuels, it's connected to mining, but the big thing for us, on my side of this thing, is the science is true, and so when you discover -- the people who got really got involved in climate change, got involved in it often by studying Venus, the planet Venus. So the physics, the science that happens on Venus, is the same as the science that happens on the earth, the science that happens on the moon, in this case the geology the study of rocks, that happens on the moon, is the same science that happens on the earth. So when you say to yourself, well, I'm going to ignore all the evidence of climate change, you're saying, I'm going to ignore the best ideas anybody's ever had, that's science. And so this is quite troubling to those of us on our side of it.

SCOTT: Why aren't they erupting now?

NYE: Well the moon cooled off, that's a great question. That's a fabulous question. The moon is quite a bit smaller than the earth so it cools off faster.

I really wish this was an Onion article. I really, really do.

Video in link.
You mess with Boehner. You might get boned.

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan's open defiance of Speaker John Boehner's efforts to solve the debt-ceiling crisis could cost the Urbana Republican his safe seat in next year's election.

Two Republican sources deeply involved in configuring new Ohio congressional districts confirmed to The Dispatch today that Jordan's disloyalty to Boehner has put him in jeopardy of being zeroed out of a district.

"Jim Jordan's boneheadedness has kind of informed everybody's thinking," said one of the sources, both of whom spoke only on condition of anonymity. "The easiest option for everybody has presented itself."

Jordan's rural 11-county district, which has a 60 percent Republican voter index, "is easy to cannibalize because it stretches so far," said the other source.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Holy shit

No longer "Holy shit" unless it's delayed indefinatley.
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