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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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GhaleonEB said:
Boehner's bill will fail in the Senate, and then Reid's bill fails in the Senate, and then Obama steps back in to re-litigate a horrible 'compromise' between two horrible bills.
Why do they even need to compromise in the first place? This is a simple yes or no, raise the debt or not. Here's the consequences of raising it, here's the consequences of NOT raising it. Vote yes or no (though it's obvious which answer it should be) All that other shit can go out the window.


Byakuya769 said:

People are definitely going to campaign on that picture.
eznark said:
Just got home. I want to renounce all my past promises. I am running on a new platform. A platform of hope. A platform of realizing dreams. A platform of ideas. Well, one idea. An idea that will change the world, nay, the galaxy. I have heard your challenge Mr. Ryan...and I accept.

By 2020, if you elect me President, I promise to cover the moon in yogurt.
You know, if it involved building a seriously powerful lifter, I'd vote for you even though I hate yogurt. Build me a Saturn 6 rocket with twice the power of the Saturn 5 and I'll campaign for you.


Dr. Pangloss said:

Bah, you yankees need to take lessons from the truly corrupt.
Some renewed interest among legislators undoubtedly stems from the uproar over a now infamous walk through the state Senate by chicken magnate Lonnie "Bo" Pilgrim in 1989.
Pilgrim distributed blank $10,000 checks to eight senators, along with advice on how to vote on pending workers' compensation legislation.
The incident spotlighted a gaping hole in the state's bribery statute, a loophole that forced Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle to rule out any prosecution of Pilgrim. Under Texas law, a reported campaign contribution is an automatic exception to the bribery statute; Pilgrim and others involved insisted his checks were contributions.
"What Bo Pilgrim did was outrageous and it ought to be a crime," Earle said. "Theoretically, someone could go on statewide TV, stand next to a candidate and say, `I'm going to give you $1 million in a campaign contribution and I plan to make full disclosure of that. And by the way, I hope you'll vote this way.'
"Under our law, there would be nothing illegal about that," he said.
Nothing like direct bribes on the floor of the Senate.




Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Steny Hoyer was on TV just now pushing for a straight up debt limit only vote. He said that if the Beohner bills fails, then the next step for the House should be a debt limit only bill.

HELLZ to the YEAH!
besada said:
Bah, you yankees need to take lessons from the truly corrupt.

Nothing like direct bribes on the floor of the Senate.
Sir, I take offense at your comment against my heritage. I will have you know that my home state voted for the venerable Edwin Edwards not once but four times. I also happen to be a distant relation to our former esteemed governor. When Katrina happen the saying went, "The only one who can help us is in federal prison, and he only wants 10% off the top."


LOL. I would cheer the destruction of the rebublican party if it wasn't also tied to the destruction of our country.

At this point we DESERVE a credit downgrade based on how retarded we are, regardless if we pass a deal to pay our bills.
Flo_Evans said:
LOL. I would cheer the destruction of the rebublican party if it wasn't also tied to the destruction of our country.

At this point we DESERVE a credit downgrade based on how retarded we are, regardless if we pass a deal to pay our bills.
We just need a party to replace them. That's not as idiotic, religiously zealoted, and ass kissers to the rich
Flo_Evans said:
At this point we DESERVE a credit downgrade based on how retarded we are, regardless if we pass a deal to pay our bills.
It is really hard to argue against that right now.

Things are completely dysfunctional.


Listening to BBC interview some tea party congressman, they really seem stuck on this idea that there is no reason to act hastily and compromise because the treasury will still have money til at least the 9th or 10th.

When pushed on the economic repercussions they seem to dodge and weave talking about the real downgrade will be not passing something that cuts the total the debt ceiling will be raised. And then claiming the ball is in the democrats court because they already passed something.


Dr. Pangloss said:
Sir, I take offense at your comment against my heritage. I will have you know that my home state voted for the venerable Edwin Edwards not once but four times. I also happen to be a distant relation to our former esteemed governor. When Katrina happen the saying went, "The only one who can help us is in federal prison, and he only wants 10% off the top."

It's hard to tell who's a Yankee on the internet. I apologize. Anyone who grew up in Louisiana (where I lived for four years) has been through more than I can throw at them on the internet, though.


I'd love to see what each congressmen' investments are. Shit should be public. Let's see how many of them are trying to make a profit of this thing right now.


Flo_Evans said:
LOL. I would cheer the destruction of the rebublican party if it wasn't also tied to the destruction of our country.

At this point we DESERVE a credit downgrade based on how retarded we are, regardless if we pass a deal to pay our bills.

Well, that's the thing. Our credit rating is likely getting downgraded regardless of whether or not the debt ceiling goes up because we aren't taking steps to begin paying down the debt.


The GOP brought this on themselves. They got behind and endorsed lunatics and now Boehner and company are paying a price because if a bill doesn't come out of the house, the Dems position is strengthened. You have Tea Party reps praying for their leadership because the Republican leaders are trying to twist their arm, WTF.


Dr. Pangloss said:
Sir, I take offense at your comment against my heritage. I will have you know that my home state voted for the venerable Edwin Edwards not once but four times. I also happen to be a distant relation to our former esteemed governor. When Katrina happen the saying went, "The only one who can help us is in federal prison, and he only wants 10% off the top."
Funny enough, our local NPR in baton rouge was saying something today about how a recent poll ranked Edwin Edwards receiving a majority of support if he were to run for governor again.

I guess the Louisiana democrats finally have an electable candidate to run against Jindal.


Gas Guzzler
Ether_Snake said:
I'd love to see what each congressmen' investments are. Shit should be public. Let's see how many of them are trying to make a profit of this thing right now.

The only way to plan to make a profit is to run the sheep out of their positions by causing fear and buying up stuff on the cheap.

But you'd have to know you can pull it out before it's too late and that the markets are happy with the out come.

Markets could easily keep falling after a deal is done...if the deal sucks.


slit said:
The GOP brought this on themselves. They got behind and endorsed lunatics and now Boehner and company are paying a price because if a bill doesn't come out of the house, the Dems position is strengthened. You have Tea Party reps praying for their leadership because the Republican leaders are trying to twist their arm, WTF.

Most Republicans share the Tea Party's desire to significantly cut most federal spending. There isn't a whole lot of difference in terms of ideology. However, the difference is how zealous the Tea Party is. They're unwilling to budge on anything that breaches the hard, conservative line in the sand they've drawn on every issue, and they don't realize that sometimes you make concessions to better position yourself down the line.

I'm a conservative, but I do hate the Tea Party.


Fatghost said:
The only way to plan to make a profit is to run the sheep out of their positions by causing fear and buying up stuff on the cheap.
Shorting. Buying puts. Betting on vol.

There are plenty of ways to profit from wild, downward trending markets.


Hey, my representative was one of the ones who came over to Boehner's side. I told him if he couldn't bring himself to do the right thing, at least he could manage to do the not stupid thing. Somehow I don't suspect my call was the tipping point.

He's a shitty representative, but at least he stopped a second generation of Armey's from getting into the House.


Fatghost said:
The only way to plan to make a profit is to run the sheep out of their positions by causing fear and buying up stuff on the cheap.

But you'd have to know you can pull it out before it's too late and that the markets are happy with the out come.

Markets could easily keep falling after a deal is done...if the deal sucks.

It is pretty much certain that the longer they wait, the more likely it is that markets will fall.

And congressmen are stupid at this game too.

So I bet a bunch of them are shorting left and right, and buying gold like crazy, and everyday going "derp? I thought markets would fall some more. Let's delay this some more, I'm gunna be rich soon!"


Gas Guzzler
Cyan said:
Shorting. Buying puts. Betting on vol.

There are plenty of ways to profit from wild, downward trending markets.

No guarantees. You're talking about individual politicians taking risk but not having full control over what the other politicians do. The crisis could end unexpectedly or even not be as big a deal as you were betting on.

Really the markets haven't reacted that strongly to this. It's not much more than a typical week long correction. Over all the markets down about 3% over a week? In the summer?

I wouldn't think any of them are doing this intentionally to make money on the market. They're doing this to make political hay.


However, digging into the S&P report reveals some details that might be more problematic for many seeming “deficit hawks.” Though this report does suggest that $4 trillion in cuts/increased revenue over the next ten years would be enough to keep an AAA rating, it also says that its baseline for savings assumes the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012. Will many of these “deficit hawks” abandon those tax cuts in order to appease S&P and keep an AAA rating?

What S&P is concerned about—and we should be concerned with—is the trajectory of debt as a percentage of GDP, which has shot upwards in recent years. One of the biggest drivers of our debt problems in the short term is the poor economy (Medicare is one of the biggest in the long term). And S&P warns that refusing to raise the debt ceiling could lead to a worsening of the economy and further degrade the US debt outlook. This S&P analysis suggests that raising the debt ceiling without $4 trillion in savings and the repeal of the Bush tax cuts might lead to a downgrade (nowhere does it say that it will downgrade US debt if cuts are less than $4 trillion), but refusing to raise the debt ceiling would very likely lead to a downgrade.

The miserable employment picture and resulting diminished tax revenues probably accounts for at least half (and perhaps much more) of the current deficit—over $700 billion dollars a year. Getting back to a fully functioning economy would shave trillions off the debt over the next decade. Anything that gets in the way of a real economic recovery would likely worsen, not resolve, our debt crisis


Seems like our AAA rating will be shot regardless of what happens based on our current trajectory.


I almost feel sorry for Boehner, he can't get a compromise bill passed in the House, he can't get a teaparty bill passed in the Senate, and if the world comes crumbling down he's going to be the one everyone blames. He's trying so hard to get something, anything, passed in order to not be left holding the bag, but the dude is fucked.


besada said:
He's a shitty representative, but at least he stopped a second generation of Armey's from getting into the House.

I hear you. My Congressman (Flake:AZ6) is running for Senate to replace Kyl, so he's not painting himself into a corner. He's been a "no" seemingly from the beginning. He's one of the few Reps I consider still reasonable, but I won't be supporting him for Senate.


DEO3 said:
I almost feel sorry for Boehner, he can't get a compromise bill passed in the House, he can't get a teaparty bill passed in the Senate, and if the world comes crumbling down he's going to be the one everyone blames. He's trying so hard to get something, anything, passed in order to not be left holding the bag, but the dude is fucked.

He painted himself into this corner, don't feel too sorry for him.


Britain's dominance of the world was ended by two world wars, America's by a bunch of fucking loonies led by an orange man and a woman who was/wasn't a witch. Seriously though it's just fascinating watching US politics from here in the UK, our politics is focused on the centre ground and rather dull in comparison.


lacks enthusiasm.
DEO3 said:
I almost feel sorry for Boehner, he can't get a compromise bill passed in the House, he can't get a teaparty bill passed in the Senate, and if the world comes crumbling down he's going to be the one everyone blames. He's trying so hard to get something, anything, passed in order to not be left holding the bag, but the dude is fucked.
Don't even come close to feeling sorry for him. He turned down fantastic deals (from a GOP perspective) early on in this process and is now having to deal with the fallout from his, and his parties, hubris.
DEO3 said:
I almost feel sorry for Boehner, he can't get a compromise bill passed in the House, he can't get a teaparty bill passed in the Senate, and if the world comes crumbling down he's going to be the one everyone blames. He's trying so hard to get something, anything, passed in order to not be left holding the bag, but the dude is fucked.

Don't, it's not like he hasn't been a boner through the entire process.
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