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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Just got home. I want to renounce all my past promises. I am running on a new platform. A platform of hope. A platform of realizing dreams. A platform of ideas. Well, one idea. An idea that will change the world, nay, the galaxy. I have heard your challenge Mr. Ryan...and I accept.

By 2020, if you elect me President, I promise to cover the moon in yogurt.
eznark said:
Just got home. I want to renounce all my past promises. I am running on a new platform. A platform of hope. A platform of realizing dreams. A platform of ideas. Well, one idea. An idea that will change the world, nay, the galaxy. I have heard your challenge Mr. Ryan...and I accept.

By 2020, if you elect me President, I promise to cover the moon in yogurt.

What flavor of yogurt? If its Raspberry I am in.
I want to feel bad for Boehner, but then I remember he put himself in this position by crafting a bill he knew would never pass the senate or president's desk, then whipped his caucus into a frenzy with brinksman language. That might work with a disciplined group of realists, but the tea party wing is absolutely insane. As McCain pointed out, they honestly think Obama will blink and give them 100% of what they want. Now he might certainly blink, hell one can argue he already did since there are no revenue increases - but they won't get exactly what they want.

What will most likely happen is a 2 trillion or so increase with no taxes or big entitlement cuts, if any at all. A shitty deal from both side's perspective, but if I were a republican I'd be quite baffled that these fools turned down Obama offering them 4 TRILLION in cuts and a possible Medicare age raise in return for some paltry loophole cuts.


PhoenixDark said:
I want to feel bad for Boehner, but then I remember he put himself in this position by crafting a bill he knew would never pass the senate or president's desk, then whipped his caucus into a frenzy with brinksman language. That might work with a disciplined group of realists, but the tea party wing is absolutely insane. As McCain pointed out, they honestly think Obama will blink and give them 100% of what they want. Now he might certainly blink, hell one can argue he already did since there are no revenue increases - but they won't get exactly what they want.

What will most likely happen is a 2 trillion or so increase with no taxes or big entitlement cuts, if any at all. A shitty deal from both side's perspective, but if I were a republican I'd be quite baffled that these fools turned down Obama offering them 4 TRILLION in cuts and a possible Medicare age raise in return for some paltry loophole cuts.

Psst! Any plan President Obama, much less Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, likes... is not going to get votes from Republicans. It's that simple.

House GOP aides... privately cringed when President Barack Obama endorsed the proposal on Tuesday, because his very public embrace makes it even tougher to sell to House conservatives.... Ohio Republican Jim Jordan, leader of a large block of House conservatives, dismissed the proposal... "Forget the 'Gang of Six,' let's go with the 'Gang of 234,' " Jordan said, referring to the winning number of votes for the measure. He said the "Gang of Six" plan was a nonstarter for him and for the members of the Republican Study Committee.

What about Mitch McConnell's plan, you may be wondering? Well, since President Obama said he'd consider a short-term deal, that's now out of the question with Republicans, too.

With growing signs that the months long work would not provide the key to avoiding default, Democratic and Republican leadership aides in the Senate sought to turn attention back to a last-ditch plan developed by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.... even that backup proposal appeared in trouble as Republicans continued to say it would not get the votes needed to pass the GOP-controlled House.

11 dimension chess by our President. If Obama gets a clean debt ceiling bill, which is what he wanted initially - greatest rope-a-dope strategy I've seen recently.


Republicans who support the Tea Party approve of Boehner's handling of the debt situation by 65% to 30%, while Republicans who are not Tea Party supporters split evenly, 38% approve and 40% disapprove, with the rest having no opinion. This difference is significant despite the smaller sample sizes involved, and suggests that Boehner is having more trouble pleasing the moderate and liberal wing of his party than he is the conservative wing.​

At this point, the [Tea Party] group is the most supportive of Boehner, which suggests that he faces more problems from the moderate wing of his party than from the conservative Tea Party wing. The fact that as many Republicans who do not support the Tea Party say they disapprove of how Boehner is handling the situation as say they approve highlights his leadership challenges.​


Bishman said:
If Obama gets a clean debt ceiling bill, which is what he wanted initially - greatest rope-a-dope strategy I've seen recently.
I'm going to let eznark pour yogurt all over my mom if that happens.


speculawyer said:
If we are debating such big cuts in things then why can't we prioritize just pulling out of Afghanistan?

Support for the war has plummeted on all sides. We have put in a ten year effort, I don't think people could say we didn't give Afghanistan a fair shot. If they plunge in anarchy, so be it. NotMyProblem.gif
While a bit brazen, it is the sensible action. Of course, it will not happen. But it would be nice.
Invisible_Insane said:
It's not a great week to try to pay attention to foreign policy, but there are signs that there may be some highly contentious fracturing within the Libyan rebel forces, culminating in the arrest of their chief of staff.

yo dawg I herd you liked civil wars
After the notion of a prompt victory proved illusory, cleavages were going to develop. Likewise, this applies to NATO. It was inevitable. Regrettably, the fissures will protract the conflict and further decimate Libya. Anyway, I do not wish too dredge up past debates.
eznark said:
Just got home. I want to renounce all my past promises. I am running on a new platform. A platform of hope. A platform of realizing dreams. A platform of ideas. Well, one idea. An idea that will change the world, nay, the galaxy. I have heard your challenge Mr. Ryan...and I accept.

By 2020, if you elect me President, I promise to cover the moon in yogurt.
Whom will you choose for a running mate?


Bishman said:

Psst! Any plan President Obama, much less Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, likes... is not going to get votes from Republicans. It's that simple.

What about Mitch McConnell's plan, you may be wondering? Well, since President Obama said he'd consider a short-term deal, that's now out of the question with Republicans, too.

11 dimension chess by our President. If Obama gets a clean debt ceiling bill, which is what he wanted initially - greatest rope-a-dope strategy I've seen recently.

The GOP is conditioned the oppose anything Obama favors--even if it's their idea. That knee-jerk habit of opposing everything Obama related will be their downfall in this.
I can't listen to Boehner without laughing. He always sounds drunk. He sounds like a Dean Martin type drunk and I swear I can hear him burping between words.


Allard said:
He passes it. Being a congressman is one path of life but he will lose all his donors and probably all his business friends if he lets the country default. He has to choose between staying leader of the house (and even that is not a guarantee, he still might get voted out as leader for some his other comments during this whole thing and he will likely lose his seat thanks to business people trying to vote someone else in) or losing everything else.

So again, screwed all around.



Mercury Fred said:
Why don't you be fair about it and pick the candidate who can get the most gay teenagers to hang themselves?

I have no idea what this means? Is Jackson-Lee also anti gay or something?

I can't support your candidacy. Raspberry Activia or no go.
You just want to make this country dependent of government hand out adult diapers.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Best greek yogurt is Zoi Greek Yogurt. This is not up for debate.


reilo said:
Best greek yogurt is Zoi Greek Yogurt. This is not up for debate.

Hm, never heard of it. Of the four or five brands carried around here I was shocked to learn that Kroger is by far the best. Like, not even close.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

LOL at the Harry Reid approval rating. Why the democrats cling to that guy as leader is beyond me.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Bishman said:

Psst! Any plan President Obama, much less Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, likes... is not going to get votes from Republicans. It's that simple.

What about Mitch McConnell's plan, you may be wondering? Well, since President Obama said he'd consider a short-term deal, that's now out of the question with Republicans, too.

11 dimension chess by our President. If Obama gets a clean debt ceiling bill, which is what he wanted initially - greatest rope-a-dope strategy I've seen recently.


Republicans who support the Tea Party approve of Boehner's handling of the debt situation by 65% to 30%, while Republicans who are not Tea Party supporters split evenly, 38% approve and 40% disapprove, with the rest having no opinion. This difference is significant despite the smaller sample sizes involved, and suggests that Boehner is having more trouble pleasing the moderate and liberal wing of his party than he is the conservative wing.​

At this point, the [Tea Party] group is the most supportive of Boehner, which suggests that he faces more problems from the moderate wing of his party than from the conservative Tea Party wing. The fact that as many Republicans who do not support the Tea Party say they disapprove of how Boehner is handling the situation as say they approve highlights his leadership challenges.​

I wish you were right about rope a dope, but honestly it's like Muhammad Ali getting in the ring with a hundred retarded cats and trying to teach them chess.

The Tea Party is a fucking cancer. Is there even a tea Party defense force here, or do they dance around it and pretend to agree with them on specific issues?


Plinko said:
LOL at the Harry Reid approval rating. Why the democrats cling to that guy as leader is beyond me.

Because unless he retires, no other Dem is going to run against him. If he's replaced in an election, it's likely to be by a Republican.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:
Hm, never heard of it. Of the four or five brands carried around here I was shocked to learn that Kroger is by far the best. Like, not even close.
I've tried them all.

Then again, to be fair, Zoi Greek Yogurt (with the tag line: Epic Taste - fit for Gods) is carried in Whole Foods and New Seasons as far as I could find. It costs about the same as Dannon Greek Yogurt at Safeway, which is around $1.19 for 6oz. If you can find it, try it. The Vanilla flavor is delicious.
OuterWorldVoice said:
The Tea Party is a fucking cancer. Is there even a tea Party defense force here, or do they dance around it and pretend to agree with them on specific issues?
I think you described most teabaggers in general. Remember how they're nonpartisan?

When Obama get elected they lost their country and they wanted their country back because it had turned into something different than what it used to be, remember that?

Oh and something something, greek yogurt.


reilo said:
I've tried them all.

Then again, to be fair, Zoi Greek Yogurt (with the tag line: Epic Taste - fit for Gods) is carried in Whole Foods and New Seasons as far as I could find. It costs about the same as Dannon Greek Yogurt at Safeway, which is around $1.19 for 6oz. If you can find it, try it. The Vanilla flavor is delicious.

over 100 miles to the nearest whole foods, I believe! Dannon Greek Yogurt is the worst of them all. But again, the Greek yogurt selection in my holler is pretty slim.


Mercury Fred said:
Not that I know of-- I was just referring to the torture clinics that Bachmann co-owns with the man she's bearding for.

Well I will go with whichever wicked witch wins. I am fair like that. (I was going to say Hil but that seemed too obvious...and she'd like it too much)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:
over 100 miles to the nearest whole foods, I believe! Dannon Greek Yogurt is the worst of them all. But again, the Greek yogurt selection in my holler is pretty slim.
I'm just giving you a price comparison so that you don't shy away from it if you find it, because it's that good. Better than Chobani, which is a good more expensive (although, their Strawberry-Banana mix is amazing). The fact that it costs similar to Dannon's yogurt is astounding.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
ronito said:
I would totally videotape Chichikov letting eznark pour yogurt all over his mom if that happens.

I'd hope his mom was hot.

...is she, Chichikov? :O


reilo said:
I'm just giving you a price comparison so that you don't shy away from it if you find it, because it's that good. Better than Chobani, which is a good more expensive (although, their Strawberry-Banana mix is amazing). The fact that it costs similar to Dannon's yogurt is astounding.

Chobani is ass. I do have access to that. Pretty much every one I have seen is about $1.20. When it comes to yogurt, price is no object! (Though the Kroger stuff being $.89 is a nice bonus).
what a day. although i think chuck schumer and rand paul just gave the game away a little bit ago, respectively. the reid option is the bill that passes.
probably posted before, but what self-anointed tea partier is going to vote 'yes' on a bill that stands no chance of passing the senate?


evil solrac v3.0 said:
what happens when it doesn't pass the senate?

It's not even going to pass the house at this rate. But if it does, and the bill doesn't pass the Senate, it's dead until the next version gets voted on.


Tamanon said:
It's not even going to pass the house at this rate. But if it does, and the bill doesn't pass the Senate, it's dead until the next version gets voted on.
Boehner's bill will fail in the Senate, and then Reid's bill fails in the Senate, and then Obama steps back in to re-litigate a horrible 'compromise' between two horrible bills.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
evil solrac v3.0 said:
what happens when it doesn't pass the senate?

More like what happens when it doesn't pass the house.

Edit: Damn you polyh3dron, Tamanon


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
mckmas8808 said:
So when will this bill be voted on?

The house bill, who knows?

TPM said:
It's been four hours now since Speaker Boehner scuttled the scheduled vote on his own debt plan. We have five TPM reporters up on the Hill, along with dozens of reporters from other outlets, awaiting some signal that Boehner has rounded up the necessary votes. No decisive movement of Republican votes in his direction has been detected, though often times these things don't become publicly visible until after the fact.

There are rumblings, unconfirmed, that Boehner may have to make some tweaks to his bill to win over a few more votes and get it passed. But that would probably delay a final vote until tomorrow at the earliest.

One interesting dynamic here is that this Republican House has foresworn earmarks, the type of baubles that come in very handy when it's time for horse-trading. That makes the art of persuasion more difficult for Boehner.
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