Psst! Any plan President Obama, much less Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, likes... is not going to get votes from Republicans. It's that simple.
What about Mitch McConnell's plan, you may be wondering? Well, since President Obama said he'd consider a short-term deal, that's now out of the question with Republicans, too.
11 dimension chess by our President. If Obama gets a clean debt ceiling bill, which is what he wanted initially - greatest rope-a-dope strategy I've seen recently.
Republicans who support the Tea Party approve of Boehner's handling of the debt situation by 65% to 30%, while Republicans who are not Tea Party supporters split evenly, 38% approve and 40% disapprove, with the rest having no opinion. This difference is significant despite the smaller sample sizes involved, and suggests that Boehner is having more trouble pleasing the moderate and liberal wing of his party than he is the conservative wing.
At this point, the [Tea Party] group is the most supportive of Boehner, which suggests that he faces more problems from the moderate wing of his party than from the conservative Tea Party wing. The fact that as many Republicans who do not support the Tea Party say they disapprove of how Boehner is handling the situation as say they approve highlights his leadership challenges.