i have classmates that rely on that grant, it better not be true..
Incognito said:accoring to rich lowry
Averon said:FUCK! Obama will never sign off on that, right?
polyh3dron said:The vote is now officially postponed.
Die in a glorious fire, Grand Old Party.
polyh3dron said:The vote is now officially postponed.
Die in a glorious fire, Grand Old Party.
I really want to know what it will take for moderate Republicans to repudiate those individuals that are really out there. Why must they constantly shift to the right and embrace the crazy? What will it take? I guess we'll have to go to the edge to keep the Republican party in one piece. Heaven forbid that the sane ones team up with Democrats and actually governor.DEO3 said:I almost feel sorry for Boehner, he can't get a compromise bill passed in the House, he can't get a teaparty bill passed in the Senate, and if the world comes crumbling down he's going to be the one everyone blames. He's trying so hard to get something, anything, passed in order to not be left holding the bag, but the dude is fucked.
Oblivion said:You know, it looks like Boehner's role as speaker is borked no matter what he does at this point. Not that I give a shit what happens to him, but what I fear is that he'll just say 'fuck it', if that's the case, and let the country default.
like a candle, it's flickering violently in its relatively final momentseznark said:Again? But they just died in 2008
besada said:See, now that sounds like a better fit for Rick.
Rick Sanchezs next gig: FIU football announcer
Incognito said:it won't get to obama's desk.
eznark said:Again? But they just died in 2008
Incognito said:accoring to rich lowry
Ether_Snake said:Here comes the student protests.
That's the only way out of any political dead-end.
Let me off this train.Incognito said:accoring to rich lowry
Ether_Snake said:Here comes the student protests.
That's the only way out of any political dead-end.
Ether_Snake said:Here comes the student protests.
Evening Musuko said:As an american college student, I doubt it.
Now, if this was an election year...I'd still doubt it.
Ether_Snake said:Every other country faced with austerity cuts had students protesting, and it's far from over.
US students better follow suit.
Ether_Snake said:Every other country faced with austerity cuts had students protesting, and it's far from over.
US students better follow suit.
Ether_Snake said:US students better follow suit.
besada said:I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thanks.
Ether_Snake said:Every other country faced with austerity cuts had students protesting, and it's far from over.
US students better follow suit.
PhoenixDark said:Since Reid's bill deals with the budget, will it be possible to use reconciliation in order to avoid a filibuster? If not I guess Obama steps back in with a shitty compromise, or if we're lucky we just get a clean bill.
accoring to rich lowry
Oblivion said:Word. That shit worked out so well for us in Cali throughout the whole Schwarzenegger administration.
worldrunover said:Also: GOP wants tax cuts for those among us who kick puppies for a living. Or for fun. Either way, really.
Incognito said:accoring to rich lowry
pourmecoffee This vote is going to cut into CSPAN's regularly scheduled show, "Non-Tenured Professors at Half-Empty Barnes & Nobles.
Voinovich to me on Tea Party congressmen: "Theyre flamethrowers. 'We're going to get what we want or the country can go to hell.'"
ToxicAdam said:I love this tweet:
--- // ---
Plinko said:That one about the Tea Party doesn't surprise me at all.
Voinovich to me on Tea Party congressmen: "Theyre flamethrowers. 'We're going to get what we want or the country can go to hell.'"
That's me! HoorayTacticalFox88 said:I feel sorry for class of 2012. Holy shit.(((
Jeels said:Can someone help respond to this guy:
"I'd let that argument fly except compromise wasn't really needed under Obama's honeymoon. If his party had towed his line while they had an unstoppable majority they could have passed any kind of legislation they wanted--including the debt ceiling. It didn't happen because people in his own party didn't have the courage to back him. It's not so black and white or good vs bad guys. Neither party is completely innocent or guilty. In the end it comes down to if you want government or private sector to do more or less. You can't play a game alone. Both sides are playing it. They're both just answering to their constituencies. Neither side has some mandate from the American people and both are going to do whatever they can to bring success in the eyes of their supporters."
Also the debt ceiling has already been raised three times under Obama, albeit before you let the people in clown pants shit themselves repeatedly in the house of representatives.Drakeon said:The reason the democrats didnt up the debt ceiling is because they didn't anticipate the crazies holding the entire world hostage with it. It's always been a routine thing to pass regardless of who was president or who controlled congress. It has nothing to do with his own party not believing in him (Obama).
jamesinclair said:Wonder how many people will zero out their portfolios tomorrow and move to a Caribbean island?
besada said:Financial secession. SomeDude was right!