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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
From the Guardian

Oh here's Michele Bachmann on Fox News. How will she be voting? "I'll be voting no. I'm not satisfied that this is dealing with the spending issue."

After that the lights of logic and syntax are dimmed. Something about a pro-growth economy.

What would get her to switch her vote? "I won't be switching." Soon, she's celebrating the "America where real people live" who are "working and dying and paying for this". Dying?

Just hilarious.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Right, that is what I was (poorly) trying to say, holding the healthcare bill out as an illustration.

I am supportive of much of the administration's policies, and even of the healthcare bill despite it's flaws, but you can't point to any of them and wonder why the progressive base is angry, without being ignorant of the details of the legislation.

Thank you, I needed that. :lol

Can't you also argue that the progressive base isn't as angry as you and Beseda are proposing?
BruiserBear said:
There is something funny about using a foreign news site to get your U.S. election coverage.

Guardian Liveblogs are awesome. They're great for breaking news, funny tidbits and explanatory when necessary. I barely even bother reading the news articles now on topics covered by the liveblog because essentially they are just extended summaries of what was on yesterday's liveblog.



Reading through the last few pages, I feel like this should go in the OP. Maybe w/ the definition of marginal utility.


I think Obama was counting on the fact that he and the Dems saved the big three and Pell grants from being cut and that would be enough to appease the base. It isn't exactly working out like that though is it? The tax bailouts for big oil and the super rich coupled with spending cuts when unemployment is so high is making the left fume.
Cyan said:
Sad statement on US media, isn't it?

That phone hacking scandal sure does make the UK media look good, eh?

While the U.S certainly has some pathetic media outlets, I think there are also plenty of fair sources to be found. Personally I think CNN is the best all around option.


eznark said:
Despite multiple sites on the internet claiming he is a lizard man, Tony Blayr has never actually denied being a lizard-man. He hasn't even denounced the claims! So...I guess you think he is a lizard man?
Oh, I dunno.


Those eyes look kind of lizard-like to me. :p

BruiserBear said:
That phone hacking scandal sure does make the UK media look good, eh?
To be fair, the only ones implicated so far are News International, the UK subsidiary of News Corp, which is a thoroughly American company, and also runs Fox News.

Liars and demagogues on one side of the pond, corruptors and criminals on the other.
slit said:
I think Obama was counting on the fact that he and the Dems saved the big three and Pell grants from being cut and that would be enough to appease the base. It isn't exactly working out like that though is it? The tax bailouts for big oil and the super rich coupled with spending cuts when unemployment is so high is making the left fume.

And also because the left doesn't believe there will at anytime be the pivot to jobs that we want. If Obama and the Dems succesfully manage to pivot to jobs and pass something things would become better. Republicans are not going to allow that.


BruiserBear is apparently unaware that The Guardian is the news outlet which blew the lid off the phone hacking story.
BruiserBear said:
That phone hacking scandal sure does make the UK media look good, eh?

While the U.S certainly has some pathetic media outlets, I think there are also plenty of fair sources to be found. Personally I think CNN is the best all around option.

No, when the people discussing the debt ceiling, or heathcare reform are political consultants on EVERY TV Channel it is pathetic. Not to mention CNN's hiring of Red State's founder as "Political Consultant"


just got off the phone with my father who lives in PA...they cut his social security. he was getting roughly $830 a month but now it's down to $715 because PA no longer pays toward medicare. he's in his 70's and never stopped working to make ends meet. he said next year he's just going to quit his job and go on medicaid. meanwhile people with more money than they literally know what do with get tax breaks. USA USA USA USA USA


slit said:
I think Obama was counting on the fact that he and the Dems saved the big three and Pell grants from being cut and that would be enough to appease the base. It isn't exactly working out like that though is it? The tax bailouts for big oil and the super rich coupled with spending cuts when unemployment is so high is making the left fume.

I thought there was only ~$7 billion in cuts for 2012.


BruiserBear said:
That phone hacking scandal sure does make the UK media look good, eh?/QUOTE]

It did actually, we uprooted the worst of the tabloids and it showed that excellent investigative journalism is still around in the UK (The Guardian). The press here is ridiculously good, even if the BBC wasn't around I'd still be saying that.

CNN is alright in terms of political bias but I find their production style is a little off.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I see Foxnews.com is already trying its best to scare people:

Huge headline said:
Deal's Big Secret: Tax Hikes Possible

Run for the hills! Complete with picture of Obama with his mouth open wide looking like he's going to eat the American public.


thekad said:
I thought there was only ~$7 billion in cuts for 2012.

I think it's actually a little higher than that but I could be wrong. It doesn't matter anyway, the liberals and even the Tea Party to some extent are pissed because some of these cuts could be triggered by a congress that hasn't even been seated yet. There is too much vagueness in this budget and because of that paranoia is running rampant.


Meadows said:
BruiserBear said:
That phone hacking scandal sure does make the UK media look good, eh?

It did actually, we uprooted the worst of the tabloids and it showed that excellent investigative journalism is still around in the UK (The Guardian). The press here is ridiculously good, even if the BBC wasn't around I'd still be saying that.

CNN is alright in terms of political bias but I find their production style is a little off.
Yes, ridiculously good at telling you which footballer is snogging which pop starlet/prostitute/intern/whatever.

Other than that, agreed on all counts.

On-topic: this bill actually might not pass? Look, America, I know it's not a great deal for anyone, but please don't fuck this up for the rest of us. And again, fuck Fox News.


cartoon_soldier said:
Apparently the full Progressive Caucus will vote No according to incoming reports. House vote going to be interesting.

Nate Silver: Bill now projected to pass 258-173 by same method I was using earlier.


So I haven't been following this, have they come to an agreement? Isn't the debt ceiling deadline tomorrow?


Saadster said:
So I haven't been following this, have they come to an agreement? Isn't the debt ceiling deadline tomorrow?
There's an agreement but it hasn't actually passed either house of Congress yet.


Evlar said:
There's an agreement but it hasn't actually passed either house of Congress yet.

And in simple terms what is the agreement now? did the republicans compromise or did Obama have to bow down to their demands?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Saadster said:
And in simple terms what is the agreement now? did the republicans compromise or did Obama have to bow down to their demands?

I would say that the Dems bowed to 2/3 of the demands.
Things could have been far worse, the 1:1 cuts to defense gives democrats some leverage in the second part of negotiations.
Joe said:
just got off the phone with my father who lives in PA...they cut his social security. he was getting roughly $830 a month but now it's down to $715 because PA no longer pays toward medicare. he's in his 70's and never stopped working to make ends meet. he said next year he's just going to quit his job and go on medicaid. meanwhile people with more money than they literally know what do with get tax breaks. USA USA USA USA USA
Tell him to make sure he makes his voice heard in the elections next year. Tell him to throw the bums out of PA legislature who are pulling these shenanigans. Also tell him to take his friends with him to the polling station.


ToxicAdam said:
Let's be honest here, if you push a liberal on the issue hard enough, he will admit that he thinks most of the Republican party is racist.

This is just an extension of that.

I think about 15 to 20% of the Republican party is explicitly racist, and another ten or twenty percent are racist-lite. Of course, I can't prove that anymore than you can prove they aren't.

What I think they mostly are is people who could give a fuck about the poor, who are disproportionately people of color. I think that sometimes make them seem racist even when their internal motives have little to do with race.

But pretending there are no racist motivations in the party not only ignores plenty of history, but is at least as repugnant as what you're accusing liberals of here. If they don't want to be tarred with the racism brush, they should maybe spend less time hiring folks like Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, who have been genuinely proud of their ability to couch racist ideals in politically correct speech.

Lee Atwater said:
You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now that you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is that blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado said:
Even if some people say, ‘Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,’ they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don’t even want to have to be associated with him. It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck, and you’re a part of the problem now and you can’t get away. I don’t want that to happen to us, but if it does or not, he’ll still get, properly so, the blame because his policies for four years will have failed the American people.



Gaf has made me believe that Obama will be wielding the powers of zombie Abraham Lincoln by unleashing the 14th amendment all over conservatives' faces....

no compromise goddamnit >_<


So, ostensibly PAC's aren't supposed to be able to coordinate with a campaign right? It seems weird to me that given that election law, a candidate would be able to sit on the board of a PAC that is campaigning hard for her.



I try not to think of the GOP as racist but then i see a stack of ann coulters books in walmart like 50x50 deep read the intro and it has raghead and all sorts of ridiculous shit in it, just makes me shake my head and want to move out of the country


jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.

Tea partiers have called Democrats every name in the book. It's even worse for Obama. So I'm not crying tears they're being called out.
jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.
You do realize that Republicans have been calling Obama an economic terrorist, Muslim(using it as an insult which is even worse considering the reasons America was founded), Socialist, Unamerican, etc.

While he is being extreme it's typical politics and if any political party/politician deserves to be called that its the Tea Party.


jwluther said:
Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.
No, it's really not.

These are elected officials who are holding the world economy hostage, for no good reason. They were elected to act in good faith, to uphold the constitution of the United States of America, and to make decisions that would benefit her country. They are not doing that. They have made fear mongering and lying their weapons. They have manipulated and scared people into believing lies and falsehoods. They do not act like adults and use their beliefs as a weapon to attack their own countrymen.

I believe "terrorist" is an apt description.


jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.

Somehow I doubt Olbermann will shed tears over the lowering of the political discourse on his youtube show.
jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.
It's not the most delicately put of insults, but what should you call people who are unwilling to allow the debt ceiling to be raised, knowing full well what the consequences would likely be?
jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.

eh, everyone will just chalk it up to one of Biden's crazy remarks, Dems and Conservs alike. Nobody takes the dude seriously anymore, which is a shame because he was actually cool 3 years ago.
jwluther said:
Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.

Agreed. That and his violent rhetoric about Republicans holding "guns to their heads" should be condemned..... But it's Joe Biden. He's an idiot. Nobody takes him seriously.
edit: ha....beaten


jwluther said:
Posted? Probably not...

Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Regardless of your political views, regardless of your position on the debt ceiling debate, for an elected official, for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to compare an opposing group to "terrorists" is beyond reprehensible.
Yeah, that's pretty bad. I mean, it's not inaccurate. But it's just not something the VP should be saying.
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