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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Cyan said:
Yeah, that's pretty bad. I mean, it's not inaccurate. But it's just not something the VP should be saying.
Should he forswear speaking honestly? Like I said, "terrorism" isn't the most exact qualification, but there isn't anything better to call it.


mckmas8808 said:
Can't you also argue that the progressive base isn't as angry as you and Beseda are proposing?

A) Learn to spell my name right. It's just to the left of every post I make.

B) I never proposed that the progressive base was angry, nor did I ever say I was angry about Obama. I speak for myself, and you would do well to do the same. Progressives are no more a monolithic block than black people, GAFfers, or Patriot fans.


teruterubozu said:
eh, everyone will just chalk it up to one of Biden's crazy remarks, Dems and Conservs alike. Nobody tales the dude seriously anymore, which is a shame because he was actually cool 3 years ago.
They shouldn't. Well, progressives shouldn't.

They should dedicate every damn day, if they give a shit about this country, to the removal of these treasonist ass holes from their position. Tell the elderly, you almost had to beg for food. Tell the students, we almost couldn't put you through school. Tell the poor, these people believe that you're not struggling.

It is, quite frankly, disgusting what is going on in Congress. Beyond sad, disgusting. That the same people who scream “America is the best country in the world” would act against her best interest is pathetic. That nobody’s accused them of treason is worse.

Excuse the rant. I have an uncle, cousin, grandfather, father, and several friends that served this nation in combat war zones or deployment for months abroad. It’s sick that their benefit checks are being held as some sort of trump card.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I take it you've watched Boogie Man?

Recently even, but neither that quote or Atwater's schtick were new to me. I cut my political teeth during the Bush Sr. election as a precinct chairman and local Democratic fire-eater. I was gearing up for Clinton when Atwater spun up the rape stories, just before he got the cancer he so richly deserved.


Junior Member
eznark said:
Jesus that is absurd.

The more likely answer is that the myriad local organizations calling themselves tea parties have no idea the thread (or the site) exists at all.

The Tea Party Patriots, and the Tea Party Express are national organizations, and the NAACP made them aware of the site and other racist incidents. Instead of agreeing with the NAACP and clamp down on the racist elements within their movements, they decided to mock the NAACP, and "colored" people in general.
Can I just say how unimpressed I am whenever our congressmen and women read a letter sent to them from one of their constituents? I understand the reason they do it but it always sounds so contrived. Any emotion they attempt to produce comes across almost robotic. I think the only time I didn't feel this way was when Bernie Sanders read a letter last December during his filibuster attempt.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Looks like a vote is happening now. But people seem to only be voting present, so it must not be the official vote that we are looking for.


I'm sure those of you standing up for (and even agreeing with) Biden's idiotic comment had no problem when Sarah Palin targeted Gabrielle Giffords' district as a key district in the 2010 midterms.

To quote President Obama's speech following the Tuscon shootings:

"But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized -- at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do -- it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds."

That speech is meaningless if his VP can call the opposition "terrorists" without fear of being rebuked.
jwluther said:
I'm sure those of you standing up for (and even agreeing with) Biden's idiotic comment had no problem when Sarah Palin targeted Gabrielle Giffords' district as a key district in the 2010 midterms.

To quote President Obama's speech following the Tuscon shootings:

"But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized -- at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do -- it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds."

That speech is meaningless if his VP can call the opposition "terrorists" without fear of being rebuked.

Really? You're comparing the 2?

Palin used crosshairs and said they need to reload after Gifford was shot. Biden referred to the assholes in the tea party as terrorists because that is what they are acting like.

a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror

2 & 3 fit with the Tea Party.
LovingSteam said:
Can I just say how unimpressed I am whenever our congressmen and women read a letter sent to them from one of their constituents? I understand the reason they do it but it always sounds so contrived. Any emotion they attempt to produce comes across almost robotic. I think the only time I didn't feel this way was when Bernie Sanders read a letter last December during his filibuster attempt.

Most of their own musings sound contrived and robotic, at least what I listened to today.

Mike M

Nick N
mckmas8808 said:
Looks like a vote is happening now. But people seem to only be voting present, so it must not be the official vote that we are looking for.
Hmmm, I think that's their out. They get to let the bill pass with a majority of voting members while saying they didn't support it.
Jonm1010 said:

Its been that way for a while. People call themselves conservative but then support liberals policies when specifics are discussed.

I.E. Most people are stupid.
It's pretty interesting how those numbers stay fairly steady for so many years. Yet, the numbers of conservatives and liberals are growing (slightly) while moderates are shrinking. The country is becoming more polarized. But, we already knew that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Can I just say how unimpressed I am whenever our congressmen and women read a letter sent to them from one of their constituents? I understand the reason they do it but it always sounds so contrived. Any emotion they attempt to produce comes across almost robotic. I think the only time I didn't feel this way was when Bernie Sanders read a letter last December during his filibuster attempt.

Yeah it's wack as hell. I hate when Obama does it too.
LovingSteam said:
Really? You're comparing the 2?

Palin used crosshairs and said they need to reload after Gifford was shot. Biden referred to the assholes in the tea party as terrorists because that is what they are acting like.

a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror

2 & 3 fit with the Tea Party.
There's nothing you can't parse in a tortured way if your side does it, we get it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mike M said:
Hmmm, I think that's their out. They get to let the bill pass with a majority of voting members while saying they didn't support it.

Nope the real vote is happening now. With 13:45 left to vote we have 115 "YEAs" and 62 "NOs".
LovingSteam said:
Really? You're comparing the 2?

Palin used crosshairs and said they need to reload after Gifford was shot. Biden referred to the assholes in the tea party as terrorists because that is what they are acting like.

a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror

2 & 3 fit with the Tea Party.
He also accused Republicans of holding "guns to their heads". That's acceptable too right?

a : a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory
b : a portable firearm (as a rifle or handgun)
c : a device that throws a projectile


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
New poll from Gallup.
41% of Americans identify themselves as conservative vs. 21% who identify as liberal. Highest percent of conservatives in many years.
I highly suspect that it's more that people don't want to be branded liberal than people are actually conservative.

Right now the extreme right wing has done an incredible job of framing the argument, anyone who thinks that the government should cut spending is a conservative because liberals just want to SPEND SPEND SPEND! By that definition even I'm a conservative.


LovingSteam said:
Really? You're comparing the 2?

Palin used crosshairs and said they need to reload after Gifford was shot. Biden referred to the assholes in the tea party as terrorists because that is what they are acting like.

a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror

2 & 3 fit with the Tea Party.
First of all, you need to get your facts straight. Palin used crosshairs and the "reload" rhetoric well before Giffords was shot; a rather important distinction, I'm sure you'll agree.

Secondly, I didn't know standing up for conservative principles was terrorizing or frightening? Odd.

Thirdly ... when did the tea party move to Russia?
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!
jwluther said:
First of all, you need to get your facts straight. Palin used crosshairs and the "reload" rhetoric well before Giffords was shot; a rather important distinction, I'm sure you'll agree.

Secondly, I didn't know standing up for conservative principles was terrorizing or frightening? Odd.

Thirdly ... when did the tea party move to Russia?

1. Palin used the statement 'RELOAD' again in June of this year during the lead up to the deficit debate.

2. Standing up for conservative values is one thing. Being willing to throw the country into the abyss financially if you don't get your way is another story.

3. The 3rd definition can be used for the tea party as well. Many despise our government and prefer to have it destroyed.


Biden being all Bideny! I guess we'll be talking about this now instead of the bigger issues... the economy and the renovation of Nassau Coliseum.


balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to make payments while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?


This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
Well, I'm sure the uh... market will correct itself. Anyway, if we're going to rebuild the American middle class, we need less graduate students, more dudes working on assembly lines.
balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Students who get government loans after 2012 have to make payments while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT SUTDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?


Those subsidized loans are very helpful to Americans. But assuming the student reform bill survives, this is just a tax raise on Americans who get student loans in the future.

(Incidentally, that would be a violation of Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class. I guess if you do something indirectly enough, it doesn't count. Or at least nobody will think to call you out on it. And apparently Republicans are okay with revenue increases after all, provided they fall on the middle class alone.)


balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!


you have to be fucking kidding me
If this was Palin calling Obama a terrorist there would be a 6 page thread in the OT lambasting her. I get what Biden was trying to say, but he should have used a different word/phrase.


balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!
As if there weren't enough reasons for people to push off college. Good lord!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!
Unbelievable what's happening to this country. Republicans and everyone who identifies themselves with the party have no fucking shame. What sickening "people".


balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!

At least the Pell Grant stays, but what the hell?

Edit: So, this will only effect those going to graduate school? That includes things like medical school and law school and such, also if those people get these types government loans?


Breaking update: Gabby Giffords returns to D.C.; will vote yes on debt deal.



demon said:
Unbelievable what's happening to this country. Republicans and everyone who identifies themselves with the party have no fucking shame. What sickening "people".
You guys are getting fucked left and right from the way I see it. It's not even discussed before it's like "oh yeah and those student loans are gone too lol"

Trollbama and Boner fucked you guys hard.
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