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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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jwluther said:
Breaking update: Gabby Giffords returns to D.C.; will vote yes on debt deal.

Wow, nice to see her up and able.


balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!
They read HuffPosts article on people whoring themselves out and figured it was for the best?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The bullshit passed. Get that stinker to the Senate so they can pass the shitty Mcshitty bill tonight.
Wilsongt said:
At least the Pell Grant stays, but what the hell?

Edit: So, this will only effect those going to graduate school? That includes things like medical school and law school and such, also if those people get these types government loans?
Old Way: You took the loan out, but it only gained interest after you graduated, so you had 2 (if masters) year to not collect any interest on the loan

New: You take the loan out and it collects interest immediately. The loan will continue to grow in cost even while you are in school. Drives costs up by about 5,000 a student, a year, but could be a ton more if you go to a expensive school. It's expected to cost graduate students millions!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
balladofwindfishes said:
Old Way: You took the loan out, but it only gained interest after you graduated, so you had 2 (if masters) year to not collect any interest on the loan

New: You take the loan out and it collects interest immediately. The loan will continue to grow in cost even while you are in school. Drives costs up by about 5,000 a student, a year, but could be a ton more if you go to a expensive school. It's expected to cost graduate students millions!
balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!

Students don't vote in high percentages . . . old people do. The squeaky wheel . . .


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
balladofwindfishes said:
Old Way: You took the loan out, but it only gained interest after you graduated, so you had 2 (if masters) year to not collect any interest on the loan

New: You take the loan out and it collects interest immediately. The loan will continue to grow in cost even while you are in school. Drives costs up by about 5,000 a student, a year, but could be a ton more if you go to a expensive school. It's expected to cost graduate students millions!

Is this from gov't backed loans or straight gov't loans?


balladofwindfishes said:
Old Way: You took the loan out, but it only gained interest after you graduated, so you had 2 (if masters) year to not collect any interest on the loan

New: You take the loan out and it collects interest immediately. The loan will continue to grow in cost even while you are in school. Drives costs up by about 5,000 a student, a year, but could be a ton more if you go to a expensive school. It's expected to cost graduate students millions!

That's... very shitty. Especially when there was just a thread a couple of weeks ago about how Master's degrees are becoming the new Bachelor degrees. Washington not wanting people to be educated confirmed?

It probably isn't a deal breaker for some. It just means instead of paying for the rest of your life on student loans, you will be playing the rest of your life and the rest of your children's lives... But, damn.
mckmas8808 said:
Is this from gov't backed loans or straight gov't loans?

Only the latter exists now. That's why it's actually just a tax raise, but only targeted at the class of people who take out student loans.

I really wish we would do things more straightforwardly instead of disguising everything. What an incredibly dysfunctional society we have.
I sincerely hope this federal student loan change is temporary. We can't increase taxes on the wealthiest, but no problem doing this to our future generation.

For the past few days, I've been just fuming about our political leaders, those in power, well, just about everyone in the baby boomer generation. I have nothing but disdain for those who are about to retire on the backs of the next generation.
Wilsongt said:
Doesn't go until effect until next year. I don't think it applies to current loans...

WOW. That sucks.

sincerely hope this federal student loan change is temporary. We can't increase taxes on the wealthiest, but no problem doing this to our future generation.

This country is starting to become pretty damn backwards.
marathonfool said:
I sincerely hope this federal student loan change is temporary. We can't increase taxes on the wealthiest, but no problem doing this to our future generation.

I don't think it is temporary. If you want it back, you'll have to organize together with like-minded others and take it back.


Sorry, but I can't help but blame students' apathy. Not all are, but most students are young-ish (less than 35 years old, at any rate) and don't fucking vote unless they think it's an event where the first black man becomes president.

But hey, keep doing this to yourself, students. You dumbfucks' apathetic attitudes and unwillingness to stay off your cell phones long enough to see what is really going on in the world sure are doing you a lot of good. Wake the fuck up and vote for someone who really believes in the same things that you do.

You have absolutely, positively nobody to blame but yourself. If there's one area you have to credit the radical Tea Partiers, it's in consistency and their upfrontness about exactly what they planned to do all along. They told you what their priorities were, so don't act like you are fucking surprised.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Well, this means I might have to put off grad school for a few years. Great thing for someone with an undergrad degree in psych.

Edit: ^ Nice generalizing


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
loosus said:
Sorry, but I can't help but blame students' apathy. Not all are, but most students are young-ish (less than 35 years old, at any rate) and don't fucking vote unless they think it's an event where the first black man becomes president.

But hey, keep doing this to yourself, students. You dumbfucks' apathetic attitudes and unwillingness to stay off your cell phones long enough to see what is really going on in the world sure are doing you a lot of good. Wake the fuck up and vote for someone who really believes in the same things that you do.

You have absolutely, positively nobody to blame but yourself. If there's one area you have to credit the radical Tea Partiers, it's in consistency and their upfrontness about exactly what they planned to do all along. They told you what their priorities were, so don't act like you are fucking surprised.
I'd be surprised if even this gets them to get out and vote in significantly greater numbers. Damn teenagers. [waves cane]
Sounds like there will be less people getting a Master's/PhD. Also sounds like I'm even more thankful that I pulled a fellowship straight out of undergrad and am loan-free for grad school.
The deal also cuts Homeland Security and other government jobs. Luckily I'm nearing the end of the application process for so and so agency, but still, if I don't get the job, then I don't see many jobs being posted on USAjobs in the foreseeable future. I'll be pretty depressed if that happens. Guess there's always Army OCS. Or move to NC and become a highway patrolman.


Passing metallic gas
TacticalFox88 said:
Maybe this will wake young people up and get them off Facebook and their phones and start protesting. >.<

I wouldnt count on it..unless they took away their phones and facebook..which the way the teaparty is steering the right will probably be next week.
America, competing for the future by making it increasingly expensive for our citizens to attain higher education, failing to aggressively approach our primary education problems and ignoring our vast infrastructure needs while borrowing is the cheapest it will be for a long time.

Way to go guys.


Soka said:
Sounds like there will be fewer American people getting a Master's/PhD. Also sounds like I'm even more thankful that I pulled a fellowship straight out of undergrad and am loan-free for grad school.

Foreign students will still come gladly to take all the spots that Americans can't afford, then go home with their American education to make their countries better than America.


Suite Pee said:
Well, this means I might have to put off grad school for a few years. Great thing for someone with an undergrad degree in psych.

Edit: ^ Nice generalizing
I am tired of hearing this. Students have the numbers easily to turn this ship around. They choose not to.

Students aren't doing shit. Fuck anybody who calls that "generalizing." Students are just being stupid, and you're defending their stupidity.
SoulPlaya said:
So, they got rid of subsidized Stafford loans. There's just no point anymore.
They didn't get rid of them, they just took away the no-interest-while-you're-in-school part of them, and only for degrees beyond a bachelor's.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
empty vessel said:
Only the latter exists now. That's why it's actually just a tax raise, but only targeted at the class of people who take out student loans.

I really wish we would do things more straightforwardly instead of disguising everything. What an incredibly dysfunctional society we have.

For some reason Americans at large don't care about that. Just don't raise taxes on the rich.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
loosus said:
I am tired of hearing this. Students have the numbers easily to turn this ship around. They choose not to.

Students aren't doing shit. Fuck anybody who calls that "generalizing." Students are just being stupid, and you're defending their stupidity.

Yeah, as a whole you're probably right. I'm still bitter about this decision, guess I'm not really included in the student population as of a few months ago.

I definitely want to smack the next person that says they don't care about politics because they're waiting for some stupid "revolution." Same fuckers that didn't show up for the midterms in Wisconsin.
So I'm thinking of moving to a more progressive country when I graduate? Any suggestions? Maybe a country not completely controlled by corporate shills?


At this point I am glad I am in at a university in a field that covers the cost of tuition by either being on a professor's grant or being a TA. =/


lacks enthusiasm.
loosus said:
I am tired of hearing this. Students have the numbers easily to turn this ship around. They choose not to.

Students aren't doing shit. Fuck anybody who calls that "generalizing." Students are just being stupid, and you're defending their stupidity.
I didn't know students were all united under the same political ideologies. Your comparison to the Tea Party is specious at best.


Good to see Giffords back.

Damn shame about the Stafford loans - accruing interest on the full principle for two years or more is HUGE and will cause significant hardship. What an embarrassment.


Here's another thing to remember: with fewer people going to grad school, that it eventually going to lead to a loss in graduate programs -- guaranteed. Some programs -- even if you can afford to attend -- are simply not going to exist because grad schools must have numbers. College programs exist because society as a whole wants those programs, not because individuals want them.
MrGame&Watch said:
So I'm thinking of moving to a more progressive country when I graduate? Any suggestions? Maybe a country not completely controlled by corporate shills?

If it wasn't for me wanting to work for the U.S. government (and maybe the intelligence community) , I'd probably move out the country, too. But I wouldn't feel like learning another language.


Obama is a pussy. Dems gave up too much on this deal, because their leader is big ass pansy. Srsly he might be cool, but he's way too soft, passive. Stop with all this 'lead from behind' bullshit. You have to know when to let it all play out and when to take charge.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
If it wasn't for me wanting to work for the U.S. government (and maybe the intelligence community) , I'd probably move out the country, too. But I wouldn't feel like learning another language.

In Canada we speak moon language, yup!


XMonkey said:
I didn't know students were all united under the same political ideologies. Your comparison to the Tea Party is specious at best.
You can be mostly a fiscal conservative and still see the value in providing subsidized loans. Hell, that's where I stand.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Matthew Gallant said:
I'm watching him rant about obamacare and obama's hubris and excessing spending and radical arrogance on Cspan.

Fucking piece of shit.

And he's saying obama's been obstructionist in the debt ceiling debate.


Canova said:
Obama is a pussy. Dems gave up too much on this deal, because their leader is big ass pansy. Srsly he might be cool, but he's way too soft, passive. Stop with all this 'lead from behind' bullshit. You have to know when to let it all play out and when to take charge.
Exactly what could he have done? Really? He didn't have the numbers in Congress -- not even close.

We Americans put radicals in place. When you have radicals that ARE NOT GOING TO COMPROMISE AT ALL, it doesn't matter what you do.


Guys, don't you realize students don't have time to vote! We're all busy, y'know, partying and having lives and stuff. Only old people have time to watch TV all day and follow politics and stuff!

When election time comes around next year, I am so going to go all gung ho and posting shit about people getting out and voting.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
"The best way to increase revenue in this government is to get the government out of the way and let the private sector create jobs"

I want to punch rep franks through my TV
balladofwindfishes said:
last minute deal!

Graduate students who get government loans after 2012 have to gain interest while in school.
You are no longer able to defer payments on graduate student loans as of 2012. I repeat, as of 2012, SUBSIDIZED GOVERNMENT GRADUATE STUDENT LOANS ARE NO MORE

the hell?

This was done to save the Pell Grant CNN says.
This is going to cause a major spike in the cost of school, almost immediately 5,000 dollars a year!

Welp, America, it was a nice 20 years but I'm going to have to break up with you soon.
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