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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Chichikov said:
I understand using teenagers unemployment as an indicator for the overall health of the economy given the way our job market is constructed, but on a higher level, I believe that having more teenagers in the workplace is generally not a good thing.

except they will be far more likely to get into some bad shit, will never gain experience ever so that they may become productive members of society. we do shit jobs as teenagers so we can do slightly less shitty jobs as young adults, so forth
Oh FUCK no.

Baucus on the Super Committee?

He FUCKED over the Dems during the health care bill process. FUCK that guy. Yeah Reid, why don't you put Ben Nelson in the committee while you're at it.


Alpha-Bromega said:
except they will be far more likely to get into some bad shit, will never gain experience ever so that they may become productive members of society. we do shit jobs as teenagers so we can do slightly less shitty jobs as young adults, so forth
I think at 16-19 you should be at school.
High-school first, and even if you don't go to college, it's time to probably pick a trade.
Yes, there are certain professions where that wouldn't apply, and of course, we shouldn't aim for zero unemployment anyway.
But by and large, I still believe that a society was a smaller percentage of teenage labor is a healthier one.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
polyh3dron said:
Oh FUCK no.

Baucus on the Super Committee?

He FUCKED over the Dems during the health care bill process. FUCK that guy. Yeah Reid, why don't you put Ben Nelson in the committee while you're at it.

I'm so over the senate Dems it's not even funny at this point.
polyh3dron said:
Oh FUCK no.

Baucus on the Super Committee?

He FUCKED over the Dems during the health care bill process. FUCK that guy. Yeah Reid, why don't you put Ben Nelson in the committee while you're at it.
Round it off with Erskine Bowles.
Brettison said:
So we have roughly 15-20 mins till the Wisconsin polls close...

Any preclose predictions GAF?

Dems pick up 2 seats, dems cry about voter fraud, Aaron Rogers breaks leg trying to get through a crowd of angry voters, Lions win the division

I'm heading to CVS to pick up some snacks, brb


Still Tagged Accordingly
saw this on reddit. i already understood all the basics, but i thought it was a good summary of the position america (and the rest of the world) is in and where it's headed.


top comment on the reddit thread
Old guy here, just like to point out that in many respects we have been here before. After WWII we had a crushing debt of 120% of GDP. Many thought it was an impossible situation that would inevitably lead to financial collapse. After a couple decades of high taxes on the wealthy (90-70%), GDP growth and modest inflation, that debt dwindled in the rear view mirror into a fairly insignificant amount.
20 years of 70-90% tax on the rich? wow


I do not understand why Senators from the least populated states always get all this power.
Senators from California and New York or the other populated states should be on this committee.

The Senate is a piece of shit.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Scrow said:
saw this on reddit. i already understood all the basics, but i thought it was a good summary of the position america (and the rest of the world) is in and where it's headed.


top comment on the reddit thread
20 years of 70-90% tax on the rich? wow
the top marginal rate was 90% at one point. It was on the equivalent of $10 million or more of income IIRC.
OmniOne said:
I do not understand why Senators from the least populated states always get all this power.
Senators from California and New York or the other populated states should be on this committee.

The Senate is a piece of shit.
Giving the minority a voice, yo!


Couple of folks coming over to watch the election results soon. One of them's bringing some champagne, so we can drink to victory, or just drink.


Scrow said:
saw this on reddit. i already understood all the basics, but i thought it was a good summary of the position america (and the rest of the world) is in and where it's headed.


top comment on the reddit thread
20 years of 70-90% tax on the rich? wow

The video is purposely misleading. We have had very little inflation, and the inflation we have had recently has nothing to do with too many US dollars having been printed.

We have in fact deflation and would have much more of it if it hadn't been for the Fed's intervention, which can't go on forever. We have excessively high production capacity and inventory, and falling demand (which has much more to fall still). This can only lead to deflation. Doesn't matter how much money gets printed, it won't be enough to cause inflation.

You'll get inflation when demand will be high. That's not any time soon.

If China's economy slows down we'll see even more deflationary pressure.

The video sounds like a passive Ron Paul-ish piece.


Chichikov said:
I think at 16-19 you should be at school.
High-school first, and even if you don't go to college, it's time to probably pick a trade.
Yes, there are certain professions where that wouldn't apply, and of course, we shouldn't aim for zero unemployment anyway.
But by and large, I still believe that a society was a smaller percentage of teenage labor is a healthier one.

The article was specifically about teens being unable to find summer jobs, not full time employment. A summer job is one of the best introductions to the work force in the US, and the job experience will help them find future employment.


balladofwindfishes said:
Darling (R) takes Thiensville (District 8): Darling 942, Pasch 585

Only 1%, but Huffington seems to be calling it
Good lord, no one's calling anything. Is this your first election?
Looks like the Democrats might win this

They're pulling early leads in 3 districts, which is what they need to take back the Senate.

gkryhewy said:
Good lord, no one's calling anything. Is this your first election?
"We just got a report from the Ozaukee County Clerk that Alberta Darling took Thiensville in the 8th Senate District. Numbers to come "

Seems pretty confident to me


balladofwindfishes said:
Darling (R) takes Thiensville (District 8): Darling 942, Pasch 585

Only 1%, but Huffington seems to be calling it
They are saying he took that one town, not the District.


balladofwindfishes said:
Looks like the Democrats might win this

They're pulling early leads in 3 districts, which is what they need to take back the Senate.

"We just got a report from the Ozaukee County Clerk that Alberta Darling took Thiensville in the 8th Senate District. Numbers to come "

Seems pretty confident to me
Thiensville is the 1%.


i dont see them pulling out 3 wins, there really isn't much independent discussion to back up the polling numbers people threw around before hand. You only have to go as far as the Prosser contest

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
polyh3dron said:
Oh FUCK no.

Baucus on the Super Committee?

He FUCKED over the Dems during the health care bill process. FUCK that guy. Yeah Reid, why don't you put Ben Nelson in the committee while you're at it.

Don't forget Joe Lieberman. Can't have an ineffectual Democratic delegation without him.


Well, here you go: According to a new national survey, for the first time ever most Americans don't believe their own member of Congress deserves re-election.

Read full results (pdf).

And the CNN/ORC International Poll released Tuesday also indicates that while Republicans may have had the upper hand in the recent battle over raising the debt ceiling, they appear to have lost a lot of ground with the public and the party's unfavorable rating is now at an all time high.
Only 41 percent of people questioned say the lawmaker in their district in the U.S. House of Representatives deserves to be re-elected - the first time ever in CNN polling that that figure has dropped below 50 percent. Forty-nine percent say their representative doesn't deserve to be re-elected in 2012. And with ten percent unsure, it's the first time that a majority has indicated that they would boot their representative out of office if they had the chance today.
"That 41 percent, in the polling world, is an amazing figure. Throughout the past two decades, in good times and bad, Americans have always liked their own member of Congress despite abysmal ratings for Congress in general," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland


Poll was taken among adults and not likely voters.
GhaleonEB said:
Results are still early, but they sure don't look good. If they can't pull any of these off....not much to say. Huge fail.

A few analysts have argued that the results from the recall will foretell just how successful the tea party will be in 2012.


9:52 PM: Almost an hour into the counting. Two of the races are basically tied, four have Republicans up by solid margins. But most of the races have relatively few districts reporting. The exceptions are Cowles and Harsdorf who now have solid leads with more than 30% reporting. That's not terribly surprising since those two were considered the safest Republicans up tonight.
It really seems like this is some of you guys first election.


I think you need to have realistic expectations here. These are all counties that Republicans won in 2008, y'know, when Obama won and there was tons of Democratic turn-out.
Its 9pm, how many lawsuits have been filed?

The fact that every democrat doesnt have a healthy lead means there has been massive voter fraud.

Theres no way the good people of Wisconsin are such idiots.


tokkun said:
I think you need to have realistic expectations here. These are all counties that Republicans won in 2008, y'know, when Obama won and there was tons of Democratic turn-out.
Governor Walker carried the six districts on Tuesday’s recall ballot by an average of 13 percentage points in 2010 — better than his statewide margin of 6 percentage points.


jamesinclair said:
Its 9pm, how many lawsuits have been filed?

The fact that every democrat doesnt have a healthy lead means there has been massive voter fraud.

Theres no way the good people of Wisconsin are such idiots.

Wow, panicky-gaf is out early tonight.
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