SolKane said:So the results won't be in tonight?
SolKane said:So the results won't be in tonight?
Brettison said:What'll be funny is if the Dems win the seat despite the allegations already starting about voter fraud, and bad voter counting.
quadriplegicjon said:If they win or lose, it doesn't matter, the way Kathy Nickolaus handles the votes is a disgrace.
Gonaria said:Yup, I don't think this is a term I have used before, but she is unAmerican. Absolutely disgusting
Ulairi said:I don't think I said that. I just said the vast majority has come from the Dems, which is true.
gcubed said:What has she done that is so bad besides being an attention whore?
Ulairi said:And, what specifically has she done wrong tonight and I'd like to see your evidence for your beliefs.
cartoon_soldier said:Source?
Ulairi said:Being the county clerk for a very conservative county in close elections.
Just one year ago, county officials ordered an audit of Waukesha Countys outdated election system after Nickolaus removed election data from county computers and installed them on personal computers in her office. Even before this issue, Nickolaus was resistant to an independent and thorough review of her election system.
The Waukesha County Board also heavily criticized the clerk after she brushed aside their recommendations for improving election security. At one point during a hearing in January, board chairman Jim Dwyer grew exasperated with Nickolaus and said, "There really is nothing funny about this, Kathy. Don't sit there and grin when I'm explaining what this is about."
"Wisconsin deserves elections that are fair, clean and transparent," said Scot Ross, the executive director of the progressive advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. "There is a history of secrecy and partisanship surrounding the Waukesha County Clerk and there remain unanswered questions."
Well, that's that then. I mean, how could we not trust a chart from the Heritage Foundation?Ulairi said:
Ulairi said:[/IMiG]
14million out of 30 million does not equal vast majority
gcubed said:14million out of 30 million does not equal vast majority
The $31 million spent on the recallsthe six August 9 elections and two more targeting Democratic state senators on August 16splits evenly between left- and right-leaning groups. Where the spending is lopsided, McCabe says, is between the candidates and outside spending groups. In-state and out-of-state independent advocacy groups have dropped five times more than the candidates. Not that the candidates are struggling: GOP state Sens. Alberta Darling and Dan Kapanke have both smashed the state senate spending record of $722,000 in their recall races; so far, Darling has spent more than $1 million and Kapanke more than $800,000. (For comparison, the average winning congressional campaign in 2010 cost $1.4 million, a figure Darling could exceed.)
The biggest spender on the Democratic side is We Are Wisconsin, a coalition of labor unions. Campaign finance filings show about $8.8 million in spending by the group so far. Other Democratic groups include the Greater Wisconsin Committee, a liberal advocacy organization that has pumped roughly $1.5 million into the recalls to date, and the state's main teachers' union, the Wisconsin Education Association Council, whose spending McCabe puts at about $500,000. Obama for America, the president's reelection committee, is also involved in the recalls, organizing volunteers for get-out-the-vote drives.
The conservative playing field is more scattered. Instead of one powerhouse coalition, numerous conservative outfits have trained their sights on a few individual recall races, rather than blanketing the state. The Republican State Leadership Committee, a group devoted to electing GOPers at the state level, has zeroed in on the Green Bay TV market, McCabe says, hoping to boost GOP Sen. Rob Cowles' chances against former Brown County Executive Nancy Nusbaum. Two groups with ties to the Koch brothers, Americans for Prosperity and Citizens for a Stronger America, have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into TV ads, direct mail, and more. The Club for Growth, a fiscally conservative advocacy group, has also been active in Wisconsin's TV markets, McCabe says.
While the spending is more or less even, here's the big difference between the two sides: The left-leaning groups usually disclose their donors, while the right-leaning groups mostly don't. For McCabe, the geyser of dark money is the big story of the recalls. He says two-thirds of the recall spending derives from undisclosed sources, and he blames the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision for allowing so much anonymous spending.
Brettison said:Quite frankly at this point does it matter how the final few votes come down if the voter fraud accusation is there? We won't really know shit until all of that is sorted out which could be weeks and weeks from now.
PS: I'm only still awake cause I wanted a late night bowl of cereal.
Ulairi said:why are the milwaukee wards taking so long to get in? Must be Democratic county clerks trying to screw the election! They want to see what the one ward in Menomonee falls does! GAL! THIEVES!
quadriplegicjon said:Are Milwaukee ward votes kept on one persons old ass personal computer without independent oversight?
You ok there buddy? Having some troubles comprehending things?Ulairi said:why are the milwaukee wards taking so long to get in? Must be Democratic county clerks trying to screw the election! They want to see what the one ward in Menomonee falls does! GAL! THIEVES!
Chumly said:You ok there buddy? Having some troubles comprehending things?
Chumly said:You ok there buddy? Having some troubles comprehending things?
Ulairi said:The judicial election was reviewed and no wrong doing was found. Just conspiracy.
Dude Abides said:Apolitical detached observers are easily agitated it would seem.
Ulairi said:I'm poking fun of the people that think some little Waukesha county clerk is this evil woman out to destroy democracy without any evidence of that. Have any of the results from Waukesha been outside of the historical norms?
quadriplegicjon said:Yeah, nothing shady happened there at all:
quadriplegicjon said:I called her shady, and regardless of the outcome, the way she does things HAVE to change.
Are you seriously arguing for less transparency instead of more? wtf?
Ulairi said:I think most likely she's an incompetent boob and should be voted out of office for the mistake in the first part. I just don't think she's some dastardly evil mastermind out to ruin Wisconsin politics.
airmangataosenai said:Ulairi is like the conservative answer to Mcmackis back in 2008.
Ulairi said:Were the results against the historical norms from Waukesha county and outside the results as a % of vote in the election? You link to a conspiracy website that shows a photo with no evidence of actual fraud.
Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit,[1] progressive news organization in the United States that operates a web site[2] and distributes a daily newsletter. Registered in September 2001,[3] Truthout publishes original political news articles, opinion pieces, video reports and artwork. According to its web site, "As an organization, Truthout works to broaden and diversify the political discussion by introducing independent voices and focusing on undercovered issues and unconventional thinking."[4]
Truthout has featured content from writers Paul Krugman, Dahr Jamail, Henry Giroux, Jason Leopold, Bill Moyers, Andy Worthington, Kathy Kelly, Norman Solomon, William Rivers Pitt, Kelpie Wilson, Ken Morris, Dean Baker and Richard Silverstein.[4] The organization has reported extensively on the torture policies of the Bush administration, the health care debate, veterans' issues, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the labor movement, prison reform and election politics.
Brettison said:I don't think so either. That being said I don't see how you can keep your job after a fuck up like that in which your job is such a serious one.
Not going to concede tonight.@ sandyforsenate : Neither Sandy or the Democratic Party will issues any statements tonight. Thank you very much for your support tonight. #wirecall
quadriplegicjon said:Conspiracy website?
Yeah, no actual evidence of fraud, but just one more shady thing to add to the countless other crap.
Ulairi said:Almost every ward is in except Milwaukee. I want to know what's taking them so long and which part of the district!
EDIT: What will be funny is if Paasch wins because of these last few wards, we're going to see a complete flip on people claiming voter fraud.
A Human Becoming said:I remember eznark being confident Dems would take at least four of the seats. What a let down.
Ulairi said:Have you read their "reporting" on 9/11? A whole lot of conspiracy came out from that website which is why I don't take them serious. Do you have anything from the jsonline or something more credible?
quadriplegicjon said:I'm not claiming voter fraud. Who else is claiming voter fraud? I am saying, and I quote, 'the way Kathy Nickolaus handles the votes is a disgrace.'
Ulairi said:Almost every ward is in except Milwaukee. I want to know what's taking them so long and which part of the district!
EDIT: What will be funny is if Paasch wins because of these last few wards, we're going to see a complete flip on people claiming voter fraud.