That'd be so awesome if they lost both. I'd be dancing in the streets. As is, I'm glad the taxpayers of this state have finally broken the back of the public unions and their corrupt relationship with the Democrats, having a seat on both sides of the bargaining table to negotiate contracts. I live in Wisconsin. I have kids in the school system. My school system went from MASSIVE deficits, to a million dollar surplus because of the budget repair bill. Overnight. All they did was switch from the corrupt WEAC insurance, which was FAR more costly than normal insurance, and now class sizes are going DOWN in my district.
So taxpayers saved money. We hired more teachers. Bad teachers can now be fired. Money is no longer flowing directly from the teachers paycheck into the union coffers and then on to elect Democrats to negotiate more bad deals with the unions.
It's truly a win, win, win. I simply can't understand why we would want bad teachers to be protected to the point that they can't be fired. I can't understand why we wouldn't want teachers contributing the same amount the private sector does to their lavish retirement and health benefits. I can't understand why we wouldn't want to reward good teachers with higher pay. None if makes sense when you think about it. Wisconsin voters have seen the light.
I'll end on this. I was driving down the street today and I saw a giant sign supporting one of the Republican Senators being recalled (who won) and it was on a farmer's private property. Last night someone spray painted over his private property "RECALL". I think it's that attitude from public sector unions that ultimately helped Republicans win the day. People are fed up with the way unions are behaving. From the fraudulent doctor notes, to schools having to cancel classes because the teachers cut class, to private property being vandalized, to seeing teachers behave like crazed lunatics at the capital, I think it was a real eye opener. In the end, I think this result proves just how bad things are for Obama. I don't think he can win this state in 2012, and he won this state BIG a few years ago. We would need unemployment down around 7 percent for him to have a shot at it, and that's all but an impossibility at this point. If he can't win Wisconsin, he sure can't win Ohio, and Michigan looks bad, and PA even looks bad. I think this spells the end of his presidency.