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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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airmangataosenai said:
According to AP Milkwaukee is just as pro-Dem as Waukesha is pro-Repub, and the precinct count is even between the two groups with a 1,000 vote lead for Pasch. I'd say he has a good chance right now.

You are assuming that all districts are in a county are uniform and equally sized, but that is not the case. Some of those northern Milwaukee districts are full of rich conservatives, and the Waukesha districts are pretty populous.

quadriplegicjon said:
That doesn't answer my question at all.

Scroll up. I answered your question earlier.


Brettison said:
LAWeekly Blog Post!

Millionaires Don't Pay Taxes? 1,470 of America's Richest Didn't, According to IRS
By Dennis Romero Mon., Aug. 8 2011 at 3:12 PM

Southern California has more millionaires than just about anywhere else in the nation, with L.A. coming in at No. 1, Orange County at No. 4, and San Diego ranking No. 6 in cities with the most seven-figure-plus households in 2008.
So maybe we should feel a little guilty, especially as President Obama and the GOP are headed toward draconian federal cuts, the United States' credit rating is down a notch, and the stock market is diving like a conservative congressman in a bathroom stall.

Because many millionaires and billionaires, it was revealed today, don't pay taxes like you and me:

In fact, many don't pay taxes at all. Now, those familiar with the Mack-truck sized loopholes written into the tax code (example: the wealthy who make their money off capital gains only pay a 15 percent tax rate, if that) shouldn't be surprised.

According to a recently released IRS report (PDF), 1,470 millionaires and billionaires paid zero taxes in 2009.

The report states that donations to charity, investment in government bonds, and taking cash from overseas operations has resulted in a legit, $0-tax bill for these high rollers.

Of course, some Democrats in congress have been trying to eliminate tax loopholes and discounts as part of the debt ceiling debate. But while Republicans are gung-ho to cut federal largess in the name of a solvent Republic, they've been quick to protect those who live largest.

In fact, as we recently told you, the 400 richest earners across the land pay a 17 percent tax rate (yours is more like 35 percent).

If you're not pissed off yet, read David Cay Johnston's "9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes."

the amount of income paid in taxes to the federal government starts at around 30% for the rich and goes down to about 5% for the bottom quintile. the rich can pay more, but trying to suggest that the system isn't progressive is simply disingenuous.


mernst23 said:
District 18 only has 3 precincts left to report with King up ~1200

Yeah, of the Winnebago counties that reported, there is a 16 pt pro-Democrat swing compared to that the average for that county in Prosser/Kloppenberg. Looks like the sex scandal hit home after all.


Down to Darling who is not going to lose her district.

Is there anything stopping the Republicans doing recall again NEXT year? My fear is that we're going to have constant recall elections going on.


Ulairi said:
Down to Darling who is not going to lose her district.

Is there anything stopping the Republicans doing recall again NEXT year? My fear is that we're going to have constant recall elections going on.

If the dems don't win 3 there is no reason to waste time and money on seats when the redistricting bill just passed basically ensures the reps get some of the seats back in the next election


Ulairi said:
Down to Darling who is not going to lose her district.

Is there anything stopping the Republicans doing recall again NEXT year? My fear is that we're going to have constant recall elections going on.

You need to be in office at least one year before the start of the recall. It's a lot more likely that next year will be a recall of Scott Walker and possibly the 2010 Republicans as well.

Although I think this will only end up being a 2 seat pick up for the Democrats, I think that they demonstrated Republican weakness. You can set Hopper aside due to his sex scandal, but Kapanke lost by 10 pts. And Walker's approval rating right now is less than 40%.
Ulairi said:
Down to Darling who is not going to lose her district.

Is there anything stopping the Republicans doing recall again NEXT year? My fear is that we're going to have constant recall elections going on.

So you said Dems would pick up 1 seat. You were wrong. It's quite possible you may be wrong yet again =P


I love that MSNBC is in Madison. How not to properly represent the whole state.

Also, who is this guy saying there was this massive ground swell in District 18? Hopper beat King by only 200 votes in 2008. It was close then. I never had anyone come to my door. What work is he taking credit for?


Mrbob said:
I love that MSNBC is in Madison. How not to properly represent the whole state.

Also, who is this guy saying there was this massive ground swell in District 18? Hopper beat King by only 200 votes in 2008. It was close then. I never had anyone come to my door. What work is he taking credit for?

They don't like you


LovingSteam said:
So you said Dems would pick up 1 seat. You were wrong. It's quite possible you may be wrong yet again =P

Not with Darling.

I said looks like 5/6. I'm holing the guns with Darling. If you're not in WI you're not going to know her district. There are parts of her Milwaukee portion that are VERY Republican. She is killing in the UWM area but she has a lot more of her area left to be counted.


Mrbob said:
I love that MSNBC is in Madison. How not to properly represent the whole state.

Also, who is this guy saying there was this massive ground swell in District 18? Hopper beat King by only 200 votes in 2008. It was close then. I never had anyone come to my door. What work is he taking credit for?

There was a massive ground swell in 2008 too. Remember Barack Obama?


Mrbob said:
I love that MSNBC is in Madison. How not to properly represent the whole state.

Also, who is this guy saying there was this massive ground swell in District 18? Hopper beat King by only 200 votes in 2008. It was close then. I never had anyone come to my door. What work is he taking credit for?
2008 was also a huge Dem year. The fact that Hopper survived that automatically makes him a hard candidate to beat.


Ulairi said:
Not with Darling.

I said looks like 5/6. I'm holing the guns with Darling. If you're not in WI you're not going to know her district. There are parts of her Milwaukee portion that are VERY Republican. She is killing in the UWM area but she has a lot more of her area left to be counted.

Even though I agree with your conclusion, do you actual have information on which geographic districts of Milwaukee are in, or are you just making it up?


tokkun said:
Even though I agree with your conclusion, do you actual have information on which geographic districts of Milwaukee are in, or are you just making it up?

No. I'm saying that she's going to take Waukesha. I'm talking about with Milwaukee, we don't know what portion has come in. We know that she's going to win the UWM area but we don't know which portion of Milwaukee has reported in.


Matt said:
2008 was also a huge Dem year. The fact that Hopper survived that automatically makes him a hard candidate to beat.

There is a HUGE union in district 18, and they were extremely motivated to vote today. It is the reason King is ahead. This really isn't a surprise.
2 pickups:
11:41 PM: AP calls 18th District race for Jessica King (D). Second Dem pick up of the evening.

11:42 PM: Republicans are claiming that got district 8 wrapped up. But the non-partisan number counters I'm watching see no such clarity.

Well...ok then

Republican strongholds yet to report in in D-8 race. Well, that's a wrap folks.

2 pickups, not bad though.


Mrbob said:
I love that MSNBC is in Madison. How not to properly represent the whole state.

Also, who is this guy saying there was this massive ground swell in District 18? Hopper beat King by only 200 votes in 2008. It was close then. I never had anyone come to my door. What work is he taking credit for?

So inappropriate to be in the state's capital.


Wow did a New York firefighter union member just compare the attacks on September 11 to the recall election today? Holy shit.


Mrbob said:
Wow did a New York firefighter union member just compare the attacks on September 11 to the recall election today? Holy shit.

Yes. Yes, they did. Unions are a religion. We're seeing the% of union workforce getting smaller and the people who enter unions are more likely to be from union families. It's a crutch for them.


Ulairi said:
Yes. Yes, they did. Unions are a religion. We're seeing the% of union workforce getting smaller and the people who enter unions are more likely to be from union families. It's a crutch for them.

We need more non public union participation. Its embarrassing to see my generation take a broomstick up the ass with a grin on their face from corporate overlords.


gcubed said:
We need more non public union participation. Its embarrassing to see my generation take a broomstick up the ass with a grin on their face from corporate overlords.

The type of work we are doing versus prior generations does not lend itself to union formation.


Fuck, Man I was going to go to bed early.. I am now going to stay up and see what will happen

I wonder how much MSNBC will lose their shit if Pasch wins


Brettison said:
2 pick ups might not seem bad, but isn't this really and all or nothing thing if the dems don't get at least 3?

Yes it is and there are two dems up for recall elections so they could lose those as well. This whole thing has been a mess but at least I'll get the stupid "You hate kids and old people Mrs. Darling" tv ads off my Brewers baseball.


Brettison said:
2 pick ups might not seem bad, but isn't this really and all or nothing thing if the dems don't get at least 3?

Yes, and the dems need to hold onto two recall elections next week as well.


Brettison said:
2 pick ups might not seem bad, but isn't this really and all or nothing thing if the dems don't get at least 3?

Not really.

First, you have the whole "symbolic" thing - i.e. voters showing that they are unhappy with the current direction and willing to vote people out. That may make some Republicans less willing to kowtow the Walker agenda.

Second, back in the big union battle, there was one Republican senator who sided with the unions. So it is not unrealistic to expect occasional defections. Previously it took 3 Republicans changing sides, now it will just take one.


Ulairi said:
The type of work we are doing versus prior generations does not lend itself to union formation.

There are plenty of options for white collar service unions. Those uniobs are much less aggressive while the corporations stance against them is much more aggressive
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