DeMint: Obama Administration The Most Anti-American In My Lifetime
Brian Beutler | August 11, 2011, 11:25AM
Conservative power-broker Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) ran through his litany of complaints about President Obama on Janet Meffered's Christian conservative radio show Wednesday, and concluded that of all the anti-American administrations in his lifetime, Obama's is the most anti-American.
"We saw within a few days that this President was going to be heavy-handed, he was going to implement his agenda and pay back his political allies, and it just went on from there to ObamaCare and then to Dodd-Frank," DeMint said.
It has been the most anti-business and I consider anti-American administration in my lifetime. Things that are just so anathema to the principles of freedom, and everything he has come up with centralizes more power in Washington, creates more socialist-style, collectivist policies. This president is doing something that's so far out of the realm of anything Republicans ever did wrong, it's hard to even imagine.
Just in point of fact, Obama's health care law is modeled on the Massachusetts health care system, created by former Gov. Mitt Romney. Its success inspired DeMint to support Romney in the last Republican presidential primary. Dodd-Frank was a fairly bipartisan, if insufficient, effort to regulate Wall Street in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. And pretty much every significant thing Obama's done since then -- temporarily extending the Bush tax cuts, funding the federal government, raising the debt limit -- have been done on GOP terms, to end three different hostage crises, and passed with bipartisan support
What in the hell? At some point shouldn't the GOP start to sorta live in reality? Or does it get worse from here?
And how do you calculate that the POTUS is anti-american in any time period?