ok, I read a Wiki article on Perry. Looks like another sleazy politician with ambitions and bags of energy + charisma. I can't judge his effectiveness as a governor as I know nothing about Texas. The death penalty episode is pretty usual stuff, he knew it could destroy him so he blocked the investigation. Yeah, it's sleazy but most politicians would do they same since they can't afford to lose popularity.
I don't care about his science views and gay marriage views since they won't be a concern for other countries. I don't reject intelligent design theory and I don't think that pollution leads to global warming too (it leads to much worse things) so I could even sympathize with him on these topics if I lived in US.
I haven't found any mentions of his connections to oil companies, PMCs and military industry in general and that's a good thing. Or did I miss something?
anyway who is going to run from democrats against him? Obama? or could it be another candidate?