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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Branduil said:
Who is going to beat him in the primaries? No one is excited about Romney and other candidates are jokes.

I still think Romney has a shot. Perry is being tied to Bachmann too much right now. In fact, Bachmann seems to have the biggest media spotlight right now out of all of them, which isn't saying much for any of the GOP candidates out there.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Perry's chances are really slim considering the percentage of people that still blame Bush for the current situation.
Branduil said:
Who is going to beat him in the primaries? No one is excited about Romney and other candidates are jokes.
Romney will have better chance of winning rust belt, swing states and Florida compared to Perry. Lots of independent voters make up those states. Perry will obviously dominate the south. In the end, it always comes down to who can carry a couple of states that are sometimes blue and sometimes red, and Romney has a better shot at that than anyone else.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, if Perry becomes the president what world should expect? He doesn't look crazy like McCain or stupid like Bush or crazy and stupid like Palin. I hope there will be no more debt ceiling debates...


Suikoguy said:
Perry's chances are really slim considering the percentage of people that sill blame Bush for the current situation.
In the general election, definitely. But he's going to win the primary. He's the most electable tea party candidate in the race.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
subversus said:
ok, if Perry becomes the president what world should expect? He doesn't look crazy like McCain or stupid like Bush or crazy and stupid like Palin. I hope there will be no more debt ceiling debates...

Wow, you really know nothing about the man do you?
Sorry to have to break this to you...

Branduil said:
In the general election, definitely. But he's going to win the primary. He's the most electable tea party candidate in the race.

I think it depends on voter turnout for the primaries. The general population is souring on the tea party.


Branduil said:
In the general election, definitely. But he's going to win the primary. He's the most electable tea party candidate in the race.

Thats why primaries need a serious overall. Too many wackjob candidates get nominated because of that


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Suikoguy said:
Wow, you really know nothing about the man do you?
Sorry to have to break this to you...

No, I wasn't interested in american politics that much until some people in your Congress decided that they live alone on this planet.


Gold Member
Suikoguy said:
Perry's chances are really slim considering the percentage of people that still blame Bush for the current situation.
There's an ever-growing number of people out there who are starting to blame the current situation on Obama. The bottom line is that the buck stops with the president and lots of folks are tired of hearing him deflect and blame. People expect a leader to take responsibility and lead by example, regardless of who is to blame.

What we have in Washington right now is a bunch of stooges who don't want to be held responsible for their actions. Republicans blaming democrats, democrats blaming republicans. Everything is ok as long as they say they're sorry. All blame, no leadership.


teruterubozu said:
Which is why he won't win the primary.
Who do you think is going to be voting in the primaries?

But what clinches it is that Romney is as exciting as a wet rag, and he won't take a stand on anything for fear of alienating someone. No one is going to get excited for lukewarm Romney.

Perry is a consummate politician. I don't believe he has any strong values except winning elections, but he's charismatic enough for some people to think he does.


subversus said:

/goes to Wikipedia

At least with Bush, I thought he was, deep down, a decent person, even though he made some seriously bad and terrible decisions and was a horrible president. Perry, well...
Branduil said:
Who do you think is going to be voting in the primaries?

But what clinches it is that Romney is as exciting as a wet rag, and he won't take a stand on anything for fear of alienating someone. No one is going to get excited for lukewarm Romney.

NOBODY was excited for McCain in the GOP but he won the primary because he was the "safest".


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
subversus said:
No, I wasn't interested in american politics that much until some people in your Congress decided that they live alone on this planet.
I don't think Rick Perry thinks he's alone on this planet. I do think he just might bomb you in the name of Jesus, though.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
On another subject:
Still not sure if this is just Campaign Obama™, or an Obama that finally gets the republicans ARE largely to blame.


It does seem a bit early for campaign Obama, and the shift did occur after the debt ceiling fiasco. But, I'm also suffering from "sky if falling" syndrome. Furthermore, the campaign cycle continues to get longer and longer.


teruterubozu said:
NOBODY was excited for McCain in the GOP but he won the primary because he was the "safest".
That was a different political climate. McCain would never have won the primary today.

Also McCain still had a lot more gravitas than Romney.


ReBurn said:
There's an ever-growing number of people out there who are starting to blame the current situation on Obama. The bottom line is that the buck stops with the president and lots of folks are tired of hearing him deflect and blame. People expect a leader to take responsibility and lead by example, regardless of who is to blame.

What we have in Washington right now is a bunch of stooges who don't want to be held responsible for their actions. Republicans blaming democrats, democrats blaming republicans. Everything is ok as long as they say they're sorry. All blame, no leadership.

Which is why we get committees tasked with making all of the tough decisions and will see many more committees in the future


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wouldn't Bachmann siphon some support away from Perry in the primaries? They'll be competing for a lot of the same voters, while Romney will have the slightly saner crowd.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
demon said:
I don't think Rick Perry thinks he's alone on this planet. I do think he just might bomb you in the name of Jesus, though.

he's a hardcore christian, right? I doubt that he's that religious deep inside. It's more like collective counciousness thing. McCain would bomb whoever he wanted to bomb, that's for sure. The dude was crazy.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
subversus said:
he's a hardcore christian, right? I doubt that he's that religious deep inside. It's more like collective counciousness thing. McCain would bomb whoever he wanted to bomb, that's for sure. The dude was crazy.

Does it matter?


subversus said:
he's a hardcore christian, right? I doubt that he's that religious deep inside. It's more like collective counciousness thing. McCain would bomb whoever he wanted to bomb, that's for sure. The dude was crazy.

I don't think McCain is/was crazy. I think he is simply a political opportunist with no real convictions and will do/say whatever is necessary to get elected. In 2000, he thought that was being a moderate republican. In 2008, it was a hard core right wing republican
Suikoguy said:
On another subject:
Still not sure if this is just Campaign Obama™, or an Obama that finally gets the republicans ARE largely to blame.


It does seem a bit early for campaign Obama, and the shift did occur after the debt ceiling fiasco. But, I'm also suffering from "sky if falling" syndrome. Furthermore, the campaign cycle continues to get longer and longer.

Just halfway through, but I hear him blaming partisan Washington. That's a far cry from placing the blame squarely at the foot of those responsible.

The logical response to his shitty appeal is simply, "we need a leader from the center!!!"

Same ol', same ol'.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Gonaria said:
I don't think McCain is/was crazy. I think he is simply a political opportunist with no real convictions and will do/say whatever is necessary to get elected. In 2000, he thought that was being a moderate republican. In 2008, it was a hard core right wing republican

No, McCain was angry. His experience in Vietnam + old age (I don't care anymore) + power = loose canon.

demon said:

looks like a PR move. but I bet he believes in it too. He feels like he's a shepherd and all that stuff.


What's Perry's path to the nomination if Bachmann wins Iowa? Iowa generally chooses one winner, New Hampshire chooses another, and then South Carolina determines who was right.


subversus said:
No, McCain was angry. His experience in Vietnam + old age (I don't care anymore) + power = loose canon.

Oh, I definitely agree with that. He seemed like one angry dude who felt like he was entitled to the presidency. Still, I wouldnt call that crazy
Gonaria said:
Oh, I definitely agree with that. He seemed like one angry dude who felt like he was entitled to the presidency. Still, I wouldnt call that crazy

Palin was also grating on him too, causing him to rupture a few veins.
Gonaria said:
At least with Bush, I thought he was, deep down, a decent person, even though he made some seriously bad and terrible decisions and was a horrible president. Perry, well...
Perry ignores phone calls because he really wants that innocent retarded man put to death.

Bush had his issues... but as far as I know he never ignored a phone call from someone on death rows attorney.
Ecotic said:
What's Perry's path to the nomination if Bachmann wins Iowa? Iowa generally chooses one winner, New Hampshire chooses another, and then South Carolina determines who was right.
Iowa = Bachmann
NH = Romney
SC = Perry

I don't see Bachmann losing Iowa and Romney losing NH.
Dan said:
Wouldn't Bachmann siphon some support away from Perry in the primaries? They'll be competing for a lot of the same voters, while Romney will have the slightly saner crowd.

Probably, especially if she decides to stay in the race well after it's clear she can't win. In terms of 08, her candidacy will wind up like Edward's was to Obama's: her voters clearly will support Perry over Romney, giving her some leverage if she sticks around long enough to give her endorsement to Perry.
TacticalFox88 said:
I wonder if he would ever admit he regrets choosing her as a VP candidate.

I thought he did soon after the elections, saying that she "went rogue", which she turned around and used as the title for her book.


RustyNails said:
Iowa = Bachmann
NH = Romney
SC = Perry

I don't see Bachmann losing Iowa and Romney losing NH.
Do you think voters will hold out that long though? Maybe waiting for South Carolina isn't as long as Rudy waiting for Florida, but the absence of an early victory speech is awfully dampening for a campaign.

Also, I remember in 2008 John McCain won South Carolina because Huckabee and Romney split the anti-McCain (i.e. anti-moderate) vote and McCain won. If Bachmann wins Iowa and has the buzz and momentum, I wonder if she and Perry will split the tea party crowd and let Romney win South Carolina. This is the one scenario that I envision Romney winning the nomination.
Clevinger said:
Vice Presidential Nominee Rubio
I hardly think Rubio's an ace in the hole, even just in Florida. The last round of polling PPP did there had respondents break even between "would you be more/less likely to vote for GOP if Rubio was the VP," so it'd be pretty much a wash. He's not very well-known, and he didn't even win by majority (yay three-ways, though he came pretty close, anyway).

Jeb Bush would probably put FL in the red column because he's super-popular there, but at the expense of losing the general election. Not a lot of indies would go for a ticket of Bush's right hand man and his brother.

Also, Romney's not winning SC.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, I read a Wiki article on Perry. Looks like another sleazy politician with ambitions and bags of energy + charisma. I can't judge his effectiveness as a governor as I know nothing about Texas. The death penalty episode is pretty usual stuff, he knew it could destroy him so he blocked the investigation. Yeah, it's sleazy but most politicians would do they same since they can't afford to lose popularity.

I don't care about his science views and gay marriage views since they won't be a concern for other countries. I don't reject intelligent design theory and I don't think that pollution leads to global warming too (it leads to much worse things) so I could even sympathize with him on these topics if I lived in US.

I haven't found any mentions of his connections to oil companies, PMCs and military industry in general and that's a good thing. Or did I miss something?

anyway who is going to run from democrats against him? Obama? or could it be another candidate?
subversus said:
anyway who is going to run from democrats against him? Obama? or could it be another candidate?
Unless there was a successful primary challenge to Obama (which almost never happens), it'd be him.

I think Perry would be crushed by Obama.

Nate Silver, up in here, justifying my optimism:

So the bottom line is this: the Gallup poll indicates a pretty substantial shift in the partisan climate. But whether not it will be enough for Democrats to take over the House will depend on turnout. A turnout scenario like 2010 would not get the job done for Democrats, while 2008-type turnout very probably would. Some in-between scenario like 2004 (which is perhaps the most likely case) would make control of the House a coin flip.

Of course, we’ll want to see whether Gallup’s figure is confirmed by other pollsters — as well as how the numbers change over the course of time.[./quote]
Should point out that PPP had Dems at a similar 7-point lead in their last generic ballot poll.

Rasmussen also had GOP leading by only 2 points this week, even with their house effect.


Ecotic said:
Do you think voters will hold out that long though? Maybe waiting for South Carolina isn't as long as Rudy waiting for Florida, but the absence of an early victory speech is awfully dampening for a campaign.

Perry will have all the money he needs to stay in as long as he needs to. That's one of Perry's particular strengths. He's a master at fund-raising.

Speaking of Perry: He's been in the race a day and we already have a video of him in cowboy gear.


subversus said:
I don't care about his science views and gay marriage views since they won't be a concern for other countries. I don't reject intelligent design theory and I don't think that pollution leads to global warming too (it leads to much worse things) so I could even sympathize with him on these topics if I lived in US.

Intelligent design certainly isn't a theory.

I'm hoping the GOP picks the craziest crazy they can find so the youth and minorities feel compelled to vote.
Ecotic said:
Do you think voters will hold out that long though? Maybe waiting for South Carolina isn't as long as Rudy waiting for Florida, but the absence of an early victory speech is awfully dampening for a campaign.

Also, I remember in 2008 John McCain won South Carolina because Huckabee and Romney split the anti-McCain (i.e. anti-moderate) vote and McCain won. If Bachmann wins Iowa and has the buzz and momentum, I wonder if she and Perry will split the tea party crowd and let Romney win South Carolina. This is the one scenario that I envision Romney winning the nomination.
I admit, I don't have much experience following presidential politics especially the primaries. I started paying attention half way through 2008 democratic primary season, so I don't really know how the votes will split and if voters will wait on their chosen candidate. The way I see it, Bachmann has got Iowa up in tizzy. Perry needs to lay some serious foundation over there if he needs to overcome her, and I doubt he is going to do that. There isn't much difference between the two's policies and they both appeal to hard right, Christian values types. So why would Iowans vote for Perry over Bachmann, who has been barnstorming Iowa for months now? I mean, Perry isn't even on the Ames poll. We'll see though, because it's a bit early as of now. Perry has got no shot in NH because of mainly moderates there. I only see SC as the vacuum for Perry to fill in.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
subversus said:
I don't care about his science views and gay marriage views since they won't be a concern for other countries. I don't reject intelligent design theory and I don't think that pollution leads to global warming too

One of the most important things that government does is fund scientific research. I won't ever vote for someone that doesn't understand the concept of scientific theory because they aren't only bad for America, but for all of humanity. Think of any period in American history where times were good and the economy was leveraging new technology.


Also on the subject of science, an acceptance or preference for creationism or intelligent design, or the inability to recognize the scientific merits of global warming, betrays a flawed decision making process. The information to make a decision is there and they have misunderstood it or ignored it. That should be the single scariest potential trait for a Presidential candidate that someone could imagine. It certainly is not limited to just science.


KHarvey16 said:
Also on the subject of science, an acceptance or preference for creationism or intelligent design, or the inability to recognize the scientific merits of global warming, betrays a flawed decision making process. The information to make a decision is there and they have misunderstood it or ignored it. That should be the single scariest potential trait for a Presidential candidate that someone could imagine. It certainly is not limited to just science.
Agreed. Which is why it is sick that the US voting public bars atheists from higher offices.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
teh_pwn said:
One of the most important things that government does is fund scientific research. I won't ever vote for someone that doesn't understand the concept of scientific theory because they aren't only bad for America, but for all of humanity. Think of any period in American history where times were good and the economy was leveraging new technology.

I can't see how one being a proponent of intelligent design theory should oppose scientific research. They are not mutually exclusive unless I miss something and intelligent design theory has some radical, fundamental flavour in US as religion in some states.


subversus said:
I can't see how one being a proponent of intelligent design theory should oppose scientific research. They are not mutually exclusive unless I miss something and intelligent design theory has some radical, fundamental flavour in US as religion in some states.

Intelligent design is not a theory. It's a religious hypothesis.
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