Baraka in the White House
2-Terms of Kombat
besada said:I'm working on a serious mancrush right now.
Chichikov said:Stay the fuck back.
That bitch is mine.
I have a list and shit.
I guess my response is "And....?"Evlar said:I think it's more that Perry will run on his record as Governor of Texas, much like Bush did. And Obama won't fail to point that out.
If government interference is the reason why the country is sitting on fire, you call it government interference when Ron Paul would have moved the country away from the fire or extinguished it?Cyan said:Sounds like government interference i.e. communism.
Why should Utah defining marriage one way be able to force the ideas of its people on another state like California? States that are more accepting of the greater society's beliefs in marriage will attract families and businesses to support those families.
Are you against Ron Paul's position of states rights?
There is no freedom from implicit racial discrimination. People have their 1st amendment right to say whatever they want, and those people will suffer the consequences from their society for what they say. Just because you don't like what someone has to say means you have the right to prevent them from saying it? You although have the choice to get mad or ignore the person and his business and tell other people to ignore that person.
Nobody is forced to be negatively impacted by another person's racism. But truly hateful people will be hateful in one way or another even with laws that seemingly try to improve morality. What benefit does a store owner get for treating a customer poorly with bad food or bad service?
That was a typo. I meant to say "pages." As far as criticism you have ignored, you have failed to address every single post addressing and attempting to correct your misunderstandings of the social structure of the 1960s.Ages on what scale? What criticism have I ignored and not addressed?
Society has through government shown that the people want to let others know the harmful effects of tobacco. However this takes more responsibility away from parents to teach their children what is right and wrong. Just because smoking is illegal for minors does not mean they are any wiser when they become of age and can buy cigarettes themselves.
The best thing you can say about libertarians is that, because their views derive from abstract theory, they tend to be principled and rigorous in their logic. Those outside of government at places like the CATO Institute and Reason magazine are just as consistent in their opposition to government bailouts as to the kind of regulation that might have prevented one from being necessary. "Let failed banks fail" is the purist line. This approach would deliver a wonderful lesson in personal responsibility, creating thousands of new jobs in the soup kitchen and food-pantry industry.
The worst thing you can say about libertarians is that they are intellectually immature, frozen in the worldview many of them absorbed from Ayn Rand. Like other ideologues, libertarians react to the world failing to conform to their model by asking where the world went wrong. Their heroic view of capitalism makes it difficult for them to accept that markets can be irrational, misunderstand risk and misallocate resourcesor that financial systems without vigorous government oversight constitute a recipe for disaster. They are bankrupt, and this time, there will be no bailout.
Oblivion said:I like where this is going.
No, it's like saying Perry was hand-picked by Bush to be his successor. He was in Bush's Texas administration and originally became governor by succession from Lt. Governor when Bush was elected President.Mike M said:I guess my response is "And....?"
I just don't the relevance of pointing out that Bush also ran on his record as governor as Texas compared to what his record actually is.
It's like saying people won't vote for Perry because he wears a tie and Bush wore a tie.
Perry said (re: Fed Chairman Bernanke), If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what yall would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treasonous in my opinion.
Did I ever give you my rant about how Krav Maga is bullshit?besada said:And you probably know some Krav Maga shit. I'm backing off.
I have not, but you do realize that there are Jews that look like that, right?eznark said:Have you seen his t-shirt line? Braun has to bathe in irony (or he is a Jewish guido)
I think we have a gang-rape.eznark said:Two filthy pinko commies, one leftier than the next, fighting over the affections of a selfish, married, asshole libertarian.
I think we have a sitcom, people!
But he suggested that Texas secede from the union, which is like the ultimate form of treason. Can't wait to see the political ads calling Perry out on that.Clevinger said:
Do you see Congress passing a bill to get rid of unemployment benefits for President Paul to sign? Aren't unemployment benefits handled at the state?Chichikov said:Opposing unemployment benefits
And it's better to have a system where insurance companies benefit by having laws require people to have health insurance or otherwise they'll be fined? Why push for a system that benefits insurance providers that drives patients and doctors further apart from each other?Chichikov said:socialized medicine
Government interference is not the reason why the country is sitting on fire. What the fuck. Will you stop repeating crap? Your stupid fucking deregulated free market jesus crashed the economy. Free market when left unchecked will destroy everything it touches including the institution it belongs to. Ron Paul would've done jack shit. He'd have presided over an economy with 15% unemployment by not bailing out your free market entrepreneurs sitting in Wall St. He'd have watched the country burn while he slowly instituted young earth creationism in schools and chiseled away women's suffrage laws, civil rights act and americans with disability act. I mean, an establishment has right to build the itself however the hell it wants. Who wants to spend extra money for a ramp for wheel chair freeloaders?Mardak said:If government interference is the reason why the country is sitting on fire, you call it government interference when Ron Paul would have moved the country away from the fire or extinguished it?
Uhh, no thanks.Mardak said:Vote Paul for President: He most likely won't get to do all the things he's promising to do.
Clevinger said:
Mardak said:And it's better to have a system where insurance companies benefit by having laws require people to have health insurance or otherwise they'll be fined? Why push for a system that benefits insurance providers that drives patients and doctors further apart from each other?
Big Baybee said:But he suggested that Texas secede from the union, which is like the ultimate form of treason. Can't wait to see the political ads calling Perry out on that.
Mardak said:And it's better to have a system where insurance companies benefit by having laws require people to have health insurance or otherwise they'll be fined? Why push for a system that benefits insurance providers that drives patients and doctors further apart from each other?
eznark said:No he didn't.
Perry said:Oh, I think theres a lot of different scenarios. Texas is a unique place. When we came into the Union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that.
My hope is that America, and Washington in particular, pays attention. Weve got a great Union. Theres absolutely no reason to dissolve it.
But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what might come out of that.
eznark said:No he didn't.
?CNN said:"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
Hey, you know logic shouldn't be used when creating policy!Gonaria said:Or we could just eliminate health insurance all together, have govt provide health care for everyone, and we all save a ton of money in the process.
Needs Somdude as the wacko neighbor.eznark said:Two filthy pinko commies, one leftier than the next, fighting over the affections of a selfish, married, asshole libertarian.
I think we have a sitcom, people!
Cyan said:
Big Baybee said:But he suggested that Texas secede from the union, which is like the ultimate form of treason. Can't wait to see the political ads calling Perry out on that.
eznark said:No he didn't.
"That's a nice union you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it."eznark said:He suggested secession is a possibility, which it is of course. Unlike many posters here calling for the flyover/red/poor states to be split from the prosperous and forward thinking coasts, Perry never even said it was something that should be done.
Big Baybee said:Not even a hint, Ez?
BertramCooper said:Why are the Republicans too fucking stupid to realize that Jon Huntsman is the only decent candidate in this field?
nateeasy said:"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that? But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
Are we missing this part? Hate Perry if you want. But saying he suggested Texas should secede isn't accurate.
Because the people in that state have decided that they don't want their money spent a certain way. If you live in that state and want to make a difference, engage in the state-level elections. Until then, the rest of the states and their residents can choose not to subsidize Utah, and eventually enough people in the state will get fed up with the state's stupid policies and either leave or also take part in making a difference.Mortrialus said:The real question is why should Utah be allowed to deny marriage and all of the benefits that come with it to homosexuals:
Better question, why would anyone want to move to Utah to begin with if that's their policy? California would be plenty happy to get increased revenues. California has a better coast line anyway.Mortrialus said:Again, why should Utah be allowed to revoke that from homosexual couples that move into their state?
Sure, I claim that I did not grow up in that time, so I have no first-hand experience of what that was like. However, I did grow up with the rest of society starting to treat people equally independent of their sexual orientation, and I would argue that it was not that much different from what was happening in the 1960s in some aspects.Mortrialus said:you sound profoundly ignorant of the social climate that lead to the Civil Rights Act and I would recommend fixing that.
Sinoox said:I honestly think you're joking. Ron Paul an interventionist? What the hell have you been watching? I would think that would be the one thing people would be able to grasp since he's talked about it the most. Ron Paul is a constitutionalist, plain and simple. If you don't like the constitution maybe you should be the one that takes parting. I would happily leave if there actually was a country that followed America's law of the land, unfortunately there isn't and Pakistan sure as hell doesn't come close to being one.
Are you missing that part?nateeasy said:"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that? But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
Are we missing this part? Hate Perry if you want. But saying he suggested Texas should secede isn't accurate.
BertramCooper said:Why are the Republicans too fucking stupid to realize that Jon Huntsman is the only decent candidate in this field?
Oh wait. Because they're Republicans.
He's an awkward dude, but I admire him. I like that he's relatively moderate and doesn't let the LDS church dictate his politics.eznark said:I blame John Huntsman
Yeah, calling his campaign anemic would be generous. It's practically nonexistent.Dude Abides said:It's not their fault Huntsman doesn't actually want to be the nominee.
Wasn't that bad in 1960's in some aspects? You're cuckoo. We still had lynching going on during the 60's, my friend. Have you heard about Mississippi Burning? 1964.Mardak said:Sure, I claim that I did not grow up in that time, so I have no first-hand experience of what that was like. However, I did grow up with the rest of society starting to treat people equally independent of their sexual orientation, and I would argue that it was not that much different from what was happening in the 1960s in some aspects.
Mardak said:Why should Utah defining marriage one way be able to force the ideas of its people on another state like California? States that are more accepting of the greater society's beliefs in marriage will attract families and businesses to support those families.
Eh? The "big boy" the author focuses on spent 45 million over 21 years. Meanwhile the US Chamber if Commerce spent 144 million dollars lobbying in 2009 alone. Direct donations are a minuscule portion of overall political cash.eznark said:I found the sheer dollar amount staggering first. Then I was surprised by who it was going to. Then I chuckled at the potential results of "getting money out of politics."
RustyNails said:Wasn't that bad in 1960's in some aspects? You're cuckoo. We still had lynching going on during the 60's, my friend. Have you heard about Mississippi Burning? 1964.
Waaaaait a minute. You ain't fooling me.Mandark said:I'm not here to judge that.
The important thing is that we approach this disparity like the nation did in the 1960's, by following a policy of states rights and federal noninterference.
Some states had more progressive policies towards racial equality, and as those states attracted more residents and businesses, it put pressure on the other states to adopt those policies.
This is the kind of marketplace of ideas that Ron Paul supports. Shouldn't you?
My deregulated free market? I'll assume you meant the bipartisan "free market" with FHLMC and FNMA.RustyNails said:Your stupid fucking deregulated free market jesus crashed the economy.
Mandark said:The important thing is that we approach this disparity like the nation did in the 1960's, by following a policy of states rights and federal noninterference.
eznark said:He suggested secession is a possibility, which it is of course. Unlike many posters here calling for the flyover/red/poor states to be split from the prosperous and forward thinking coasts, Perry never even said it was something that should be done.
If I say that it is possible for you to get raped by a raccoon, am I suggesting you cover your ass in jelly and run through the pines?
WickedAngel said:Not to sane people.
Mandark said:I'm not here to judge that.
The important thing is that we approach this disparity like the nation did in the 1960's, by following a policy of states rights and federal noninterference.
Some states had more progressive policies towards racial equality, and as those states attracted more residents and businesses, it put pressure on the other states to adopt those policies.
This is the kind of marketplace of ideas that Ron Paul supports. Shouldn't you?
So a system that requires everyone have insurance coverage "drives patients and doctors further apart from each other" than a system that currently leaves nearly one fifth of the US population uninsured? riggggggggggghtMardak said:And it's better to have a system where insurance companies benefit by having laws require people to have health insurance or otherwise they'll be fined? Why push for a system that benefits insurance providers that drives patients and doctors further apart from each other?
Not legally.eznark said:He suggested secession is a possibility, which it is of course.
U Got TrolledDude Abides said:What? That isn't what happened. What "put pressure on the other states to adopt those policies" was the federal government.
This is my first encounter with a genuine Ron Paul supporter in the wild - is this a widely held belief about how racial equality (formal at least) came about in this country?
Edit: shit. Trolled.