I just threw up in my mouth a little.gutter_trash said:
I just threw up in my mouth a little.gutter_trash said:
Somebody should modify that ad to cut out the actual candidate and replace it with a cardboard cutout that says [Place Candidate Here].Kusagari said:That Perry ad is pretty much the gold star standard of what works in American politics. If this is what's in store for the rest of the campaign then Obama's in deep shit.
Korey said:We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?
With all the anti-Obama attitudes everywhere, it would probably not surprise me if we did. Now it's more of "Will he be worse than Bush?"Korey said:We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?
Korey said:We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?
Snaku said:Unless the economy sees a massive upswing, I'm afraid so.
Free markets are of consumers and producers where consumers/viewers are able to decide who they want to spend their money/time with.ivedoneyourmom said:Why not let the market (who spends the most money on favors and advertising) decide the election?
The Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets.org) is a national research group that tracks money spent on U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The table above shows the Top 20 All-Time Political Donors from the organization's "Heavy Hitter List" of the 100 biggest political donors in federal-level politics from 1989-2010.
OpenSecrets tracks political contributions by source, and also identifies the political leanings of the organizations who spend money on political donations. For example, the National Education leans strongly Democrat, the National Auto Dealers leans mildly Republican, and the National Association of Realtors is politically balanced.
Overall, the top 20 political donors lean strongly Democrat, see the average above in the last row of the chart: 76% Democrat vs. 20% Republican.
Note: Koch Industries ranks #87 at $9.5 million and AFSCME ranks #2 at $45.2 million. Read here what AFSCME has to say about the evil Koch brothers.
Honestly, I'm more worried about 2016 than 2012, to be perfectly honest. The dems need to start grooming candidates to replace Obama.Korey said:We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?
Ron Paul is the only Republican in the House that points out the stupidity of the Republican party.empty vessel said:Will Ron Paul endorse publicly funded media?
TacticalFox88 said:Honestly, I'm more worried about 2016 than 2012, to be perfectly honest. The dems need to start grooming candidates to replace Obama.
Mardak said:Free markets are of consumers and producers where consumers/viewers are able to decide who they want to spend their money/time with.
I never said the government needs to additionally regulate the media, but what exists to prevent new entrants from entering the market? Who controls the airwaves and communication channels?
But the important issue is that now that corporate media is in their position to pick candidates that benefit them, why do you feel that you don't need to do anything about it even though you don't like the process?
I H8 Memes said:Something about Rick Perry really reminds me of Martin Sheen's character in The Dead Zone.
Korey said:We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?
Those interests being? You like your money being wasted in unwinnable wars? You like your money to lose value because of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars? You like the government telling you what you can and cannot do? You like your money to go to the corporate media to pick even more candidates?ivedoneyourmom said:Because I have a brain, and know that voting for a libertarian is against my best interests.
When government shrinks and stays that way, businesses have no interest in getting involved in politics. Then a truly free market exists where consumers like you and me benefit instead of corporate media and the military industrial complex benefiting by stealing taxpayer money.ivedoneyourmom said:When the government shrinks, businesses get even more powerful.
I don't think he has a choice. If he's going to run an effective campaign, he's going to have go on the attack. I don't think he can pussy out this time.Puddles said:Obama just needs to run this message over and over:
Puddles said:Obama just needs to run this message over and over:
The General Election will be GLORIOUSAveron said:Jesus. One decent ad and people are already starting to panic. I see PoliGAF will be quite unbearable next year.
TacticalFox88 said:The General Election will be GLORIOUS
Mike M said:![]()
This is a billboard in Lewis County WA that we pass when visiting my wife's family. Different message on each side, changes every month or so I think.
Landowner was very upset out I5 going right through his farm, billboard's been protesting everything government related in the decades since.
Mardak said:Those interests being? You like your money being wasted in unwinnable wars? You like your money to lose value because of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars? You like the government telling you what you can and cannot do? You like your money to go to the corporate media to pick even more candidates?
I would assume you would say no to most of those, so what is more important than those issues that you wouldn't want Ron Paul to be president?
Except even in areas where government isn't involved, corporations have shown that they are more than willing to deceive and dick their consumers. The pseudoscience studies the tobacco industry published just as serious scientific investigation into the harmful effects of smoking being a prime example.Mardak said:When government shrinks and stays that way, businesses have no interest in getting involved in politics. Then a truly free market exists where consumers like you and me benefit instead of corporate media and the military industrial complex benefiting by stealing taxpayer money.
TacticalFox88 said:The General Election will be GLORIOUS
Texas unemployment rate - 8.2%PhoenixDark said:Pretty sure there are millions of Americans who would love to get minimum wage right now, with 9% unemployment. That would be a suicidal talking point.
DOO13ER said:Ads aside, Perry is going to be scary to anyone that knows his history. In Texas at least it's like this guy can't fuck up enough to get fired. He half-assed his way to a third term by making the genius connection that since Bill White is a Democrat and Barack Obama is a Democrat, Bill White is like Barack Obama.
Averon said:If PoliGAF is flipping their shit over this, I can't wait to see what will happen when the first poll showing Perry with a lead gets posted.
That seems most likely to me.besada said:For the record, I think Perry will win the nomination and then get beat by Obama in the general. Feel free to put a pin in it for crow eating purposes.
The thing is compared to the rest of the bunch, Perry is very charismatic. He is also a vile enough human being where people should be extremely frightened over the possibility of him becoming president.Averon said:If PoliGAF is flipping their shit over this, I can't wait to see what will happen when the first poll showing Perry with a lead gets posted.
besada said:For the record, I think Perry will win the nomination and then get beat by Obama in the general. Feel free to put a pin in it for crow eating purposes.
Karma would be a glorious bitch if Perry's first election defeat was courtesy of Obama.besada said:For the record, I think Perry will win the nomination and then get beat by Obama in the general. Feel free to put a pin in it for crow eating purposes.
Mortrialus said:The thing is compared to the rest of the bunch, Perry is very charismatic. He is also a vile enough human being where people should be extremely frightened over the possibility of him becoming president.
Branduil said:That seems most likely to me.
it's likely to be a close election, decided by moderates who, one after the other, wonder 'didn't we just kick this type of yokel out in 2008?'LovingSteam said:But Phoenix says Obama is gonna lose!
DOO13ER said:Karma would be a glorious bitch if Perry's first election defeat was courtesy of Obama.
Averon said:It's one thing to be worried about Perry winning; that's totally reasonable. It's another to declare 'game over' over one ad on Youtube.
Karma Kramer said:If Perry does indeed beat Obama, goodbye USA, I no longer can live here
Karma Kramer said:If Perry does indeed beat Obama, goodbye USA, I no longer can live here