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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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That Perry ad is pretty much the gold star standard of what works in American politics. If this is what's in store for the rest of the campaign then Obama's in deep shit.
Kusagari said:
That Perry ad is pretty much the gold star standard of what works in American politics. If this is what's in store for the rest of the campaign then Obama's in deep shit.
Somebody should modify that ad to cut out the actual candidate and replace it with a cardboard cutout that says [Place Candidate Here].

(except for the balancing budgets and improved job market part. he can keep those and run with em)


Korey said:
We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?

With all the anti-Obama attitudes everywhere, it would probably not surprise me if we did. Now it's more of "Will he be worse than Bush?"
the thing I don't understand with all this pessimism about Obama's chances is how much Obama holds an advantage against Perry electoral college wise. Perry will take the south but will have a much harder time taking Ohio and PA and states like Colorado and Nevada which he needs IMO. Romney has a much better chance in those states IMO.


ivedoneyourmom said:
Why not let the market (who spends the most money on favors and advertising) decide the election?
Free markets are of consumers and producers where consumers/viewers are able to decide who they want to spend their money/time with.

I never said the government needs to additionally regulate the media, but what exists to prevent new entrants from entering the market? Who controls the airwaves and communication channels?

But the important issue is that now that corporate media is in their position to pick candidates that benefit them, why do you feel that you don't need to do anything about it even though you don't like the process?




The Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets.org) is a national research group that tracks money spent on U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The table above shows the Top 20 All-Time Political Donors from the organization's "Heavy Hitter List" of the 100 biggest political donors in federal-level politics from 1989-2010.

OpenSecrets tracks political contributions by source, and also identifies the political leanings of the organizations who spend money on political donations. For example, the National Education leans strongly Democrat, the National Auto Dealers leans mildly Republican, and the National Association of Realtors is politically balanced.

Overall, the top 20 political donors lean strongly Democrat, see the average above in the last row of the chart: 76% Democrat vs. 20% Republican.

Note: Koch Industries ranks #87 at $9.5 million and AFSCME ranks #2 at $45.2 million. Read here what AFSCME has to say about the evil Koch brothers.


empty vessel said:
Will Ron Paul endorse publicly funded media?
Ron Paul is the only Republican in the House that points out the stupidity of the Republican party.


There were two votes one day:
- cut funding for NPR
- cut funding for Afghanistan

Ron Paul highlights the absurdity of Republicans cheering to cut millions of dollars from NPR instead of trillions of dollars from military spending.

On his priority list, President Paul would save on military costs way before looking at things that shave off something that contributes to less than 0.001% of the debt.


TacticalFox88 said:
Honestly, I'm more worried about 2016 than 2012, to be perfectly honest. The dems need to start grooming candidates to replace Obama.

At the risk of pulling an amirox, now I know you are lying!


Mardak said:
Free markets are of consumers and producers where consumers/viewers are able to decide who they want to spend their money/time with.

I never said the government needs to additionally regulate the media, but what exists to prevent new entrants from entering the market? Who controls the airwaves and communication channels?

But the important issue is that now that corporate media is in their position to pick candidates that benefit them, why do you feel that you don't need to do anything about it even though you don't like the process?

Because I have a brain, and know that voting for a libertarian is against my best interests.

I am aware that the media is in the position of picking candidates that benefit them. In fact, all big business is in the position to pick whomever will benefit them - they control the money, so they to a certain extent control the politicians that need their money. Fixing this is done by voting for politicians that will regulate campaign contributions (haha, fat chance), not by voting for someone that believes the government should be shrank to the point of impotence. Understand? When the government shrinks, businesses get even more powerful.


I H8 Memes said:
Something about Rick Perry really reminds me of Martin Sheen's character in The Dead Zone.


Dubya on steroids


Dems are really Chicken Littles when it comes to elections; ~16 months away and everyone's acting like the sky is falling. You don't see Repubs acting like this pretty much ever.

While I agree Perry is a good challenge, everyone's been underestimating Obama. He may have had a rough time governing, but he sure as hell is the most formidable political campaigner in recent history. He's the guy that brought down the Clintonian machine, c'mon.


Korey said:
We're going to be getting a crazy in the White House, aren't we?


Yup. I'm sticking with my prediction: as things don't ever get better and as voters get more and more frustrated, we'll see a series of one-term presidents.

Random related thoughts:

- Justice Ginsburg: step down. Now. While you have a chance at getting a decent replacement.

- I hope that Perry and the next Congress don't touch home energy improvement tax credits..

- How does America poach jobs from other countries?

- I wonder if more and more people will give-up hope on national politics and turn either inward (personal mitigation strategy) or toward more local politics. At least with local politics, there's still hope.. right?

- As effective as Perry's first ad is, I wonder if a Perry=Bush 2.0 ad campaign would weight as heavily on voters' minds. Could this be an effective counter-weight?

- I really hope my prediction is wrong. I'd love to see Tea Partier heads explode in November 2012.

- If Perry wins, it's going to be fascinating to see how he handles our national energy predicament going forward. We can't ignore the issue forever. The phrase, "deal with reality, or reality will deal with you" comes to mind..


ivedoneyourmom said:
Because I have a brain, and know that voting for a libertarian is against my best interests.
Those interests being? You like your money being wasted in unwinnable wars? You like your money to lose value because of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars? You like the government telling you what you can and cannot do? You like your money to go to the corporate media to pick even more candidates?

I would assume you would say no to most of those, so what is more important than those issues that you wouldn't want Ron Paul to be president?

ivedoneyourmom said:
When the government shrinks, businesses get even more powerful.
When government shrinks and stays that way, businesses have no interest in getting involved in politics. Then a truly free market exists where consumers like you and me benefit instead of corporate media and the military industrial complex benefiting by stealing taxpayer money.


Passing metallic gas
Obama would crush all three of them at the same time. If there is obe thing the man does exceptionally is talk a good game. On a national level the gop is a wasteland.
You guys worry too much. Everyone looks good right out of the gate. Even Pawlenty was considered a heavy weight till yesterday. Just wait till the next debate or Perry makes a gaffe. Also, making America's economy like Texas sounds stupid. Not all of us have oil and natural gas. And who are we going to leach citizens from? That's basically what Texas does: steal business from other states. Is this a secret immigration reform campaign? Will we allow Mexico and Canada to move into the United States?

Also, Obama is going to hit Perry with the costs that his budget cuts have made. You think he's going to let Perry get away with cutting 4 billion in education and use an accounting gimmick saying that the fastest growing state will not see its student population increase in the next 2 years. America is going to have to make a choice. Does it really want the programs or do they want tax cuts?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sorry, guys, but I'm not buying the "Perry will crush Obama" stuff.

That ad makes him look EXACTLY like President Bush. Exactly. There's nothing that differentiates the two. America still remembers what Bush's policy did to the country.

Also, once the democrats start attributing Perry's Texas employment rate to the insane profits of the oil industry, that will kill that talking point in a heartbeat. People HATE the oil companies right now.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Ads aside, Perry is going to be scary to anyone that knows his history. In Texas at least it's like this guy can't fuck up enough to get fired. He half-assed his way to a third term by making the genius connection that since Bill White is a Democrat and Barack Obama is a Democrat, Bill White is like Barack Obama.


Mike M said:

This is a billboard in Lewis County WA that we pass when visiting my wife's family. Different message on each side, changes every month or so I think.

Landowner was very upset out I5 going right through his farm, billboard's been protesting everything government related in the decades since.

I'm half Mexican and that got me laughing. Rick Perry is same old same old, Ron Paul all the way.
Mardak said:
Those interests being? You like your money being wasted in unwinnable wars? You like your money to lose value because of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars? You like the government telling you what you can and cannot do? You like your money to go to the corporate media to pick even more candidates?

I would assume you would say no to most of those, so what is more important than those issues that you wouldn't want Ron Paul to be president?

His support of the Defense of Marriage Act is one. His backwards ideals where a person's freedom to allow their racism to actively and negatively impact another's life is more important than the freedom from racial discrimination is another. I'm not sure why I'm arguing with your or why I bother talking with any of Ron Paul supporters. You been posting for ages, completely ignoring all criticism of Ron Paul and failing to address any of it.

Mardak said:
When government shrinks and stays that way, businesses have no interest in getting involved in politics. Then a truly free market exists where consumers like you and me benefit instead of corporate media and the military industrial complex benefiting by stealing taxpayer money.
Except even in areas where government isn't involved, corporations have shown that they are more than willing to deceive and dick their consumers. The pseudoscience studies the tobacco industry published just as serious scientific investigation into the harmful effects of smoking being a prime example.


TacticalFox88 said:
The General Election will be GLORIOUS

If PoliGAF is flipping their shit over this, I can't wait to see what will happen when the first poll showing Perry with a lead gets posted.
PhoenixDark said:
Pretty sure there are millions of Americans who would love to get minimum wage right now, with 9% unemployment. That would be a suicidal talking point.
Texas unemployment rate - 8.2%
New York unemployment rate - 8%
Massachusetts unemployment rate - 7.6%
Some miracle. Those high tax, high regulation states must be doing something right. Also, not to mention the quality of jobs involved in these states.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
DOO13ER said:
Ads aside, Perry is going to be scary to anyone that knows his history. In Texas at least it's like this guy can't fuck up enough to get fired. He half-assed his way to a third term by making the genius connection that since Bill White is a Democrat and Barack Obama is a Democrat, Bill White is like Barack Obama.

That's enough to win in Texas. I don't think it flies throughout the country.


Averon said:
If PoliGAF is flipping their shit over this, I can't wait to see what will happen when the first poll showing Perry with a lead gets posted.

"something something something.. I'm moving to Canada/Finland/France."


For the record, I think Perry will win the nomination and then get beat by Obama in the general. Feel free to put a pin in it for crow eating purposes.
Averon said:
If PoliGAF is flipping their shit over this, I can't wait to see what will happen when the first poll showing Perry with a lead gets posted.
The thing is compared to the rest of the bunch, Perry is very charismatic. He is also a vile enough human being where people should be extremely frightened over the possibility of him becoming president.


Mortrialus said:
The thing is compared to the rest of the bunch, Perry is very charismatic. He is also a vile enough human being where people should be extremely frightened over the possibility of him becoming president.

It's one thing to be worried about Perry winning; that's totally reasonable. It's another to declare 'game over' over one ad on Youtube.


Branduil said:
That seems most likely to me.

Why do you think so? The economy is stagnant, Obama's approval is in the toilet, Perry has a great platform to run on (which will be hard for Obama to attack). Perry is handsome and charismatic and a supposedly great campaigner and he'll have oodles of corporate money behind him.

I'm not saying Obama can't win, just that it seems more and more unlikely to me, especially if it's Perry instead of Romney.


testicles on a cold fall morning
LovingSteam said:
But Phoenix says Obama is gonna lose!
it's likely to be a close election, decided by moderates who, one after the other, wonder 'didn't we just kick this type of yokel out in 2008?'

Clevinger: what is Perry's great platform - that if your state had massive gas and oil wealth, you too could survive a massive housing market bubble?
DOO13ER said:
Karma would be a glorious bitch if Perry's first election defeat was courtesy of Obama.

It will be particularly satisfying if the execution of an innocent man is the scandal that hurts him most.

Averon said:
It's one thing to be worried about Perry winning; that's totally reasonable. It's another to declare 'game over' over one ad on Youtube.

The weak economy puts Obama in a very shaky position that Perry can easily capitalize on.
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