Mortrialus said:
His support of the Defense of Marriage Act is one.
Ron Paul believes in states' rights, but he believes it's even sillier that people need to get government approval to get married in the first place. His ultimate stance is that the federal government should have no say in marriage so states do not need to define marriage. But because the federal government does tie marriage into issues like taxes, states need to define something.
Why should Utah defining marriage one way be able to force the ideas of its people on another state like California? States that are more accepting of the greater society's beliefs in marriage will attract families and businesses to support those families.
Are you against Ron Paul's position of states rights?
Mortrialus said:
His backwards ideals where a person's freedom to allow their racism to actively and negatively impact another's life is more important than the freedom from racial discrimination is another.
There is no freedom from implicit racial discrimination. People have their 1st amendment right to say whatever they want, and those people will suffer the consequences from their society for what they say. Just because you don't like what someone has to say means you have the right to prevent them from saying it? You although have the choice to get mad or ignore the person and his business and tell other people to ignore that person.
Nobody is forced to be negatively impacted by another person's racism. But truly hateful people will be hateful in one way or another even with laws that seemingly try to improve morality. What benefit does a store owner get for treating a customer poorly with bad food or bad service?
Are you against the freedom of speech?
Mortrialus said:
You been posting for ages, completely ignoring all criticism of Ron Paul and failing to address any of it.
Ages on what scale? What criticism have I ignored and not addressed?
Mortrialus said:
Except even in areas where government isn't involved, corporations have shown that they are more than willing to deceive and dick their consumers. The pseudoscience studies the tobacco industry published just as serious scientific investigation into the harmful effects of smoking being a prime example.
Society has through government shown that the people want to let others know the harmful effects of tobacco. However this takes more responsibility away from parents to teach their children what is right and wrong. Just because smoking is illegal for minors does not mean they are any wiser when they become of age and can buy cigarettes themselves.
Similar to the situation with alcohol, European countries where society has parents that regularly drink a glass of wine and share it with their child has fewer issues of college students wanting to drink recklessly. Students who get introduced to alcohol by other students that drink only because they were never allowed to get into more trouble.
The same story repeats for sex. Parents who just ignore it or explicitly say no and say no more end up with more grandchildren earlier than those parents that talk about safe sex and explain their reasoning to the child as opposed to the child getting information from peers with equally little knowledge or ulterior motives.
Government stepping in to be the parent lets parents feel like they don't need to do anything and the child ends up so disassociated with the original intent of why the laws were passed in the first place.