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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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It's not like Jesus wasn't clear, but I guess some people just don't want to hear -
"You cannot serve both God and money".

Also, dude knew his football:

Jesus Christ Claims Tim Tebow Not Ready To Be NFL Starter

DENVER—Jesus Christ, noted Son of God and football analyst proclaimed Monday that second-year Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow lacks the pocket presence, arm strength, and passing accuracy necessary to be a starter in the NFL. “Tim’s place is at the right hand of the other backups on the bench, and his earthly works show that he deserves to dwell there all the days of his life,” said Lord and Savior of all mankind, adding, ““It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for Tim Tebow to complete a pass against the Cover-2”. “For Tebow must have faith in coach Fox’s plan, and pay his dues by wearing the headset, and by calling in plays from the clipboard while watching from the sidelines.” Christ also asked Tebow to stop praying to Him and asking to be made the number one quarterback in the depth chart, claiming “that’s never going to fucking happen.”​


Passing metallic gas
jamesinclair said:
I enjoy when poligaf threads get their own spinoff, like the current boner/baby thread.

Its amusing to watch the crazing come out of the woodwork. Theyre too scared to join us here though.

Personally id post more but the thread moves so fast by the time I find something to post about its already been posted by someone far more articulate and more informed than I.
aronnov reborn said:
i know.. one side want's to give them fish off my plate by their standards (I already give to charity by my free will).. the other side wants them to learn how to fish... i really do wonder which side is closer.... to the "christian" teaching.

Wait... you're not using the fish thing because you think it's from the Bible are you? Because I have heard a lot of people claim that, and it isn't.


Chichikov said:
It's not like Jesus wasn't clear, but I guess some people just don't want to hear -
"You cannot serve both God and money".

Also, dude knew his football:

Jesus Christ Claims Tim Tebow Not Ready To Be NFL Starter

DENVER—Jesus Christ, noted Son of God and football analyst proclaimed Monday that second-year Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow lacks the pocket presence, arm strength, and passing accuracy necessary to be a starter in the NFL. “Tim’s place is at the right hand of the other backups on the bench, and his earthly works show that he deserves to dwell there all the days of his life,” said Lord and Savior of all mankind, adding, ““It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for Tim Tebow to complete a pass against the Cover-2”. “For Tebow must have faith in coach Fox’s plan, and pay his dues by wearing the headset, and by calling in plays from the clipboard while watching from the sidelines.” Christ also asked Tebow to stop praying to Him and asking to be made the number one quarterback in the depth chart, claiming “that’s never going to fucking happen.”​
Why does Jesus talk about himself in the third person? Just because he's famous or whatever, jeez.


aronnov reborn said:
i know.. one side want's to give them fish off my plate by their standards (I already give to charity by my free will).. the other side wants them to learn how to fish... i really do wonder which side is closer.... to the "christian" teaching.
Hahaha, awesome. I'd refine it a little.

One side wants to help them learn to fish, but in the mean time gives them a few fish to keep them going.

The other side wants them to shut up and go learn how to fish. Unfortunately, they have no boats, they have no rods or line, and all they've got for bait are old bootstraps.

Also all the fish are dead.
aronnov reborn said:
i know.. one side want's to give them fish off my plate by their standards (I already give to charity by my free will).. the other side wants them to learn how to fish... i really do wonder which side is closer.... to the "christian" teaching.

Jesus literally gave the poor fish.


Skimming the last page or two, I'd like to halfheartedly propose an IdeologyGAF thread. Keep this one for the horse race stuff!

Tommy Thompson, (formerly?) beloved Wisconsin Republican governor is now getting hammered by the Club For Growth.


This kind of shocks me and it speaks either to a massive miscalculation on the part of the Club for Growth or it speaks to a seismic shift in Wisconsin politics. That Senate race for Kohl's seat is going to be fascinating.
Giving credit where credit is due:
This idea hasn't gone totally viral yet. There is a Republican case against making sure that poorer people pay income taxes. It's being made by Ron Paul.

"Dr. Paul doesn't want to be president so he can raise taxes on anyone, especially on the poor and middle class," says Ron Paul's spokesman, Jesse Benton. "If half of the American people don't pay income taxes, then we are halfway to our goal of eliminating it for everyone."
Man has principles unlike the other talking point Republicans. I can't wait till a tax question comes up in the presidential debates. Hope Obama makes them tell all those elderly and poor people that they are moochers. As Jon Stewart showed it would take half of everything the bottom 50% have to equal a tax increase on the top marginal rate from 35% to 39%.


eznark said:
Skimming the last page or two, I'd like to halfheartedly propose an IdeologyGAF thread. Keep this one for the horse race stuff!

Tommy Thompson, (formerly?) beloved Wisconsin Republican governor is now getting hammered by the Club For Growth.


This kind of shocks me and it speaks either to a massive miscalculation on the part of the Club for Growth or it speaks to a seismic shift in Wisconsin politics. That Senate race for Kohl's seat is going to be fascinating.

I'd go more for a miscalculation on the part of the Club for Growth. Didn't they do this in the past, destroying their brand in the process. They get a few people in power again and will repeat.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
besada said:
That's exactly what I said he was going to do. He's trying to ride the Tea Party vote to the nomination, and then he'll switch tack from saying stupid things to beating on Obama about jobs and the economy.

Again, very few people are paying any attention to the Republican nomination process at this point. In particular, very few independents.

But he can't hide from video cameras and the internet (youtube). It'll get your ass every time in the 21st century.

Dude Abides

Cubsfan23 said:
try again

Why should I? Obama could clearly lose all the states Kerry did, and perhaps several more.

Cubs fans may think he's perfectly dreamy and invincible but Cubs fans think a lot of crazy things.


Dude Abides said:
Why should I? Obama could clearly lose all the states Kerry did, and perhaps several more.

Ya, I thought that was an extremely lazy and strange answer to your map...which shows how a GOP candidate can win the presidency a scant 6 years ago.
eznark said:
Ya, I thought that was an extremely lazy and strange answer to your map...which shows how a GOP candidate can win the presidency a scant 6 years ago.

The point was that the map could contract to pre-2008 levels, when an economic meltdown convinced voters to support a candidate they might not have supported otherwise. Obama's numbers in some switched states like Colorado and NC are still good, but who knows if that will hold through another year of high unemployment and a lack of leadership.

Obama's saving grace could be Rick Scott


PhoenixDark said:
The point was that the map could contract to pre-2008 levels, when an economic meltdown convinced voters to support a candidate they might not have supported otherwise. Obama's numbers in some switched states like Colorado and NC are still good, but who knows if that will hold through another year of high unemployment and a lack of leadership.

Obama's saving grace could be Rick Scott

... and Kaisch. FL and OH pretty much seals it with the flipped states he is still polling well in.
gcubed said:
... and Kaisch. FL and OH pretty much seals it with the flipped states he is still polling well in.

I'm more bullish on Ohio. Seems like they could fall for someone like Romney. But then again his corporate background in firing people could resonate there more than other states


PhoenixDark said:
I'm more bullish on Ohio. Seems like they could fall for someone like Romney. But then again his corporate background in firing people could resonate there more than other states

Personally i dont think we'd even be having a "maybe" conversation in Ohio if it wasn't for Kaisch. I think Obama can get decent traction in FL for the GOP trying to kill medicare without Scott, but Scott just puts it over the top.

I dont care what polls say, PA is blue, so i'm not even considering that. Obama can make up for Ohio if he loses that by carrying what appears to be newly flipped states that still support him (as of today)

If things get worse, then all bets are off. I think that Perry is underestimating this thing called the "internet" and is overestimating his ability to walk back his primary remarks come time for the general election. IMO when all the dust settles, Romney has the best chance of beating Obama, though i'm not sure if he is going to make it out of the primaries.

Although i forgot about the new formidable duo of Bachmann/Huntsman. They will sweep it all


I'm not sure what effect people's affection for John Kasich will have on the 2012 race. He's not up for office, so it's not like there will be more Democrats lining up to vote him out.

If anything, I'm sure the national GOP will make a very strong play at Sherrod Brown's Senate seat and drive up turnout for that.


Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman says he'd be open to running as vice president if rival and tea party favorite Michele Bachmann wins the nomination.

Now that's just sad, Johnny.


Does he get stretching powers?


Now, the former Massachusetts governor is attempting to beat Obama to the punch in outlining a comprehensive jobs proposal.

Romney announced last night in a Fox Business Network interview that he would reveal a jobs plan in Nevada on Sept. 6, the day after Labor Day. Obama announced last week that he would unveil his own plan just after Labor Day.
”He’s going to come out on Nov. 6 with his jobs plan -- why doesn’t he come out with it already?“ Romney said, apparently misstating when Obama plans to make the announcement. “If it’s a continuation of what we’ve seen in the past, we know it will fail.”

”I’m also in Nevada on Sept 6, and I will be coming out with my jobs plan, and it’s going to be very different than his,” Romney added. “And if we follow my jobs plan, we’re going to get America working again.”

I wonder if this will compel some other Republican candidates to release a 'jobs plan'. A Bachmann proposal would be hilarious.



ToxicAdam said:
I wonder if this will compel some other Republican candidates to release a 'jobs plan'. A Bachmann proposal would be hilarious.


Why does a Romney jobs plan have me immediately jump to downsizing

besada said:
Bachmann's plan is to guarantee 2% unemployment by fiat.

and under $2/gal gas the same way


ToxicAdam said:
I'm not sure what effect people's affection for John Kasich will have on the 2012 race. He's not up for office, so it's not like there will be more Democrats lining up to vote him out.

If anything, I'm sure the national GOP will make a very strong play at Sherrod Brown's Senate seat and drive up turnout for that.

Ya, I think Ohio will be interesting. The vote on the union bill is this fall right? I think that will go a long way towards indicating just how angry actual voters are towards Kasich. While his disapproval number is still high, I don't think that in any way translates to votes for Obama.

I also think Wisconsin will be in play more than other years. Walker is already bouncing back (up to 45% I believe from lows in the mid-30's) and there looks to be really strong candidates running for Kohl's senate seat on the GOP side that will drive a ton of GOP voters to the polls. Tammy Baldwin is almost certain to be the Dem nominee, and she will not draw outside of Madison. Every name I have heard so far in the GOP camp has significantly more out-state support. I don't think it is at all a stretch to think Wisconsin could go red, especially with the absurd amount of money the National party and interest groups will be dumping into the state to get that Senate seat.
besada said:

Does he get stretching powers?[/QUOTE]
Bububu they'll hate us! Another middle eastern intervention!

By the way, Susan Rice = Invisible Girl? WTF. Hillary should be there.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
tanod said:
Start with the New testament. The New testament is the substance. The Old testament is only still included to provide the historical context for the teachings in the New.

Just want to say that this is not totally true. The Old Testament does still have somethings in it for Christians to pay attention to as far as substance is concerned.
speculawyer said:
That is terribly sad for Huntsman. It also reflects continued crazy advancement in the GOP . . . going from a moderate/crazy ticket in 2008 to a crazy/moderate ticket.

Who's the lady in that Fantastic 4? I presume the others are Cameron, Sarkozy, and Obama.

Susan Rice, ambassador
speculawyer said:
Who's the lady in that Fantastic 4? I presume the others are Cameron, Sarkozy, and Obama.
To Answer myself, it is Susan Rice the US Ambassador to the UN. The USA gets double-billing.

Someone mocking the opponents:


Yeah . . . I'm sure Rush, GOP politicians will do this . . . sure.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
RustyNails said:
Bububu they'll hate us! Another middle eastern intervention!

By the way, Susan Rice = Invisible Girl? WTF. Hillary should be there.

Susan Rice has put in a lot of work too.
RustyNails said:
Bububu they'll hate us! Another middle eastern intervention!

By the way, Susan Rice = Invisible Girl? WTF. Hillary should be there.

Libya was a massive success for NATO, Sarkozy, Rice, Cameron, and Obama.

But Obama is not going to get any credit for this. The conservatives/right/GOP will bash this to no end because Obama did it . . . even though they would be trumpeting non-stop if it were President McCain. And many on left view this as a military campaign and thus it is bad no matter what.

The delusional hatred on the right is off the charts. Obama helped depose Reagan's nemesis Quadaffi and the right just can't seem hate Obama any more. He helped depose a crazy Muslim dictator to help usher in democracy . . . I seem to remember the right liking that idea . . . I had it fucking drilled into my head for 7 fucking years nonstop. And instantly, it all changes because it is Obama in the whitehouse.

Someone explain this to me. I'm not going to blame this on racism although I'm sure that is part of it for a slice of those on the right. Is it just the most unbelievable petty partisanship? Raging envy?

Key-rist . . . the USA just had a nice military success story and many on the right are hell-bent on shitting all over it. Amazing.

(Yeah, I just spent too much time reading comment sections. I guess more responsible people on the right are not this petty. That Gergen tweet was nice.)


tanod said:
Start with the New testament. The New testament is the substance. The Old testament is only still included to provide the historical context for the teachings in the New.

You don't believe that it is greatly beneficial to have an understanding of the historical context of the world Jesus supposedly was preaching to? Reading Hebrew mythology AKA the Old Testament is a requirement for interpreting Jesus' actions.

Could it be that you happen to hold a literalists interpretation of the New Testament? Because If you are a Christian, one that believes in the doctrine, to avoid reading the Old Testament is tantamount to sticking your head in the sand.


speculawyer said:
Someone explain this to me. I'm not going to racism although I'm sure that is part of it for a slice of those on the right. Is it just the must unbelievable petty partisanship? Raging envy?

It's always seemed to be more of a, "How dare you win that White House, Democrat? That's ours.. it belongs to real Americans, not you elitist, city-dwelling, educated, science-believin' freaks. You must vacate our house as soon as possible."

That was the tone/attitude that I got while living in Louisiana and Mississippi during the Clinton presidency. I'm on a blue island in Austin right now (until I move back to NOLA - a different blue island - in October), but the attitude in Louisiana seems to be the same again. It's almost like the Democrat winning the White House must've won by fluke, and that he has some gall to do so.


speculawyer said:
Libya was a massive success for NATO, Sarkozy, Rice, Cameron, and Obama.

But Obama is not going to get any credit for this. The conservatives/right/GOP will bash this to no end because Obama did it . . . even though they would be trumpeting non-stop if it were President McCain. And many on left view this as a military campaign and thus it is bad no matter what.

The delusional hatred on the right is off the charts. Obama helped depose Reagan's nemesis Quadaffi and the right just can't seem hate Obama any more. He helped depose a crazy Muslim dictator to help usher in democracy . . . I seem to remember the right liking that idea . . . I had it fucking drilled into my head for 7 fucking years nonstop. And instantly, it all changes because it is Obama in the whitehouse.

Someone explain this to me. I'm not going to racism although I'm sure that is part of it for a slice of those on the right. Is it just the must unbelievable petty partisanship? Raging envy?

Key-rist . . . the USA just had a nice military success story and many on the right are hell-bent on shitting all over it. Amazing.

(Yeah, I just spent too much time reading comment sections. I guess more responsible people on the right are not this petty. That Gergen tweet was nice.)

While Kucinich may very well be a racist, he and others painted themselves into a corner by calling the operation illegal. It's not like he can now praise it for being successful after saying the NATO generals should be court martialed.
mckmas8808 said:
Susan Rice has put in a lot of work too.
Absolutely. But Hillary was instrumental in achieving international consensus, and making sure Russia, China and India do not veto the resolution. She flew to and from US, EU and Middle-east in a pretty non-stop fashion for days prior to the acceptance of the resolution.


Invisible_Insane said:
One of those statements is patently ridiculous. One is not.

It's an interesting article. You should read it!

Iaffaldano stressed that his study did not mean that global warming would translate to stronger earthquakes happening more often, with the relevant patterns developing over "the order of millions of years."
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