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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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empty vessel said:
If you can't even be bothered to accurately restate a position, why would I value your assessment of anybody? The piece to which Manos linked contains no assertions about Obama's specific intent (other than an implication of ignorance or indifference). It does contain assertions about the effects of actions.
I can't be more clearer when I say BlackAgendaReport guy is a crackpot. What more clarity do you need about my position? He's a total nutball and runs a loony website which unfortunately has a following from people like you. Do you take Alex Jones seriously as well?
Hey PoliGAF! I have a question that I figured would be best answered here

I'm currently in a political class at my university, and I've been on a 2 year hiatus from following politics. Now I'll need to keep current on what's going on in the political realm, so I was wondering what websites are the best and most unbiased for getting news on US politics

cartoon_soldier said:
1. He still felt that Republicans would compromise
2. HCR was important and people don't realize that passing HCR was needed for US's long term future. No doubt it should have been done in 1/4th the time it actually took them. Same reason here though, he believed that his Election Victory was clear indication that US supported HCR and though some Republicans could be made ot back their own Ideas.
3. Their economic team and a lot of other people for that matter underestimated the recession. The hope then was that by the time the Stimulus effect is going down, economy would have picked up at a rate far higher than it has.

The beginning of 2010 had encouraging signs, then everybody got tied into Midterm Elections and then nothing has been able to be got done by this Congress because to even do the simple thing we have to deal with crazy republicans.

1. A naive assumption that should have died in Jan. of 09 yet continues to this day

2. Valuable time was allowed to be wasted by Baucus, and later by Reid - in both cases courting republicans who had no intention in voting for the bill. I agree it was important to pass, but immediately after it was finished the administration pivoted to a watered down financial reg bill. We're talking about early 2010, not later when the midterms slowed everything down. With 59 dems in the senate and a dem house, MOST of Obama's jobs plan could have been passed. Which would have given dems something to actually campaign on in 2010.

Is the health care bill worth 9% unemployment and the high chance of losing the WH and senate in 2012? What could have been the most pivotal time of Obama's presidency was pretty much wasted from an economic perspective.

3. See #2. Also there was wide discussion that the economy would slow down once the stimulus ran out, yet this was never addressed. Stimulus would most likely be off the table (considering the actual stimulus bill was still being spent) but there were steps that could have been taken to provide relief to workers and give some support to businesses. It would have been far easier to get one republican senator then than 8-9 now. And while blue dogs weren't supportive of many more liberal policies, everything Obama is proposing now is right up their alley.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
When I see this picture


I keep on thinking that Biden is taking the kid and thanking the people for the gift.
RustyNails said:
I can't be more clearer when I say BlackAgendaReport guy is a crackpot. What more clarity do you need about my position? He's a total nutball and runs a loony website which unfortunately has a following from people like you. Do you take Alex Jones seriously as well?

On what basis do you equate Alex Jones to BAR other than a conspiracy theory of your own invention? It's one thing to disagree with somebody; it's quite another to pretend they said something they did not in order to avoid cognitively processing what was said.

If you (falsely) believe BAR to be the equivalent of Alex Jones, what does that make Bill Quigley?

Or Mark Fancher?

Or Sikivu Hutchinson?

You do not have to reduce somebody to irrelevance to disagree.
Geez, MSNBC is acting like half of the east coast fell into the sea. You guys had a moderate earthquake which caused zero deaths and minimal damage. Get over it.
Cubsfan23 said:
One big reason Obama's doing pretty well in these match ups is the Hispanic vote. Exit polls in 2008 showed him winning it by a 36 point margin over McCain but he builds on that in all of these match ups with a 37 point advantage over Romney at 66-29, a 46 point one over Perry at 72-26, a 48 point edge over Bachmann at 74-26, a 49 point lead on Palin at 74-25, and a 53 point spread on Herman Cain at 75-22. This is a good example of what Republican strategist Mike Murphy has described as the economics vs. demographics tension for next year's election. The economy could sink Obama but at the same time an ever growing expanding Hispanic vote that he wins by a huge margin could be enough to let him eek out a second term. It's certainly propping him up on this poll.

Even in worse case scenarios, Obama will win due to the hispanic vote (blacks turning out also helps of course)

Not if the Hispanic vote comes out in far lower numbers than 08, which is possible given the economy and Obama's broken promises (immigration reform, DREAM*)

*I refuse to believe the DREAM act could not have been passed if Obama put some actual pressure on the party, when he had 60 dems in the senate. The issue was not even fought over until it was out of grasp.


speculawyer said:
What I do have a problem with is 'black agenda' since it is needlessly provocative and implies a desire to only help black people (with a possible detriment to others). You hear nonstop about the "gay agenda" from conservatives and they are using it in a pejorative manner if you have not noticed. A major gay rights fund understands PR better and call themselves the Human Rights Campaign.

HRC's quasi-closeted campaign for equality has always amused me. You can support gay rights on a bumper sticker without anyone knowing what it is you're supporting!

At least Democratic elected officials get nice dinners out of the deal.
empty vessel said:
On what basis do you equate Alex Jones to BAR other than a conspiracy theory of your own invention? It's one thing to disagree with somebody; it's quite another to pretend they said something they did not in order to avoid cognitively processing what was said.
I didn't invent any conspiracy theory. Check out the articles there. Global class warfare, africanophobia, race wars and tinpot nonsense in all the Libyan articles. Here's another pearl of wisdom from Glen Ford
What has become apparent from reports filtering out of the country is that many of the 1.5 million black African migrant workers trapped in Libya feel themselves under racial siege, hunted by what Black Americans would immediately recognize as lynch mobs – “pogrom” is another word that springs to mind – especially in the rebel-held areas.
Pogroms being carried out against blacks in Libya. Then we have the likes of total nutbags like Cynthia McKinney (a 9/11 truther) also writing there:
“Every President since Bush, including President Obama, has expressed some fealty in one way or another to the idea of a 'New World Order.'”
But, Libyans govern themselves by The Green Book, a form of direct democracy based on the African Constitution concept that the people are the first and final source of all power. Clearly, the U.S. move is counter-Revolution.
40 years of rule from green book has resulted in such amazing freedoms, as if. These people are incredibly under-qualified to write about world politics and international law. They're a bunch of conspiracy loons who've found an outlet to express themselves. Gaddafi had cozy relations with African countries, Black Panthers and Nation of Islam. He gave out millions to them. Of course, they see this in the context of race wars:
“If you want to stop Black people, then one key move is to stop Colonel Qaddafi.”
empty vessel said:
Jesus literally gave the poor fish.

and I literally give to the poor with money and time... NASHVILLE RESCUE MISSION...

where we not only give to the poor with 0 government contribution in the missions entire history but place them with jobs, counseling, financial advise, and judeo-christian teachings... but i guess i need the government to take money from people like me to FORCE me to give charity... as their program works so much better.

there's nothing "christian" (the original argument) about forcing people to give.

It's ridiculous to think that the right religious side doesn't care about the poor. with rescue missions and churches I've been apart of i can't count the amount of times we've gotten money collected to pay for groceries, utility bills, college classes, and even jobs for those that needed them... and they were not even religious people per say or even members of the church.

the 'crazy, evil, wrong side of history' right does more good with their charity then the government does.


Incognito said:
summer obama popularity dive, as usual. i'm sticking with obama reelected, GOP taking senate and losing house.

It's not just Obama. For some reason, summertime is usually a crappy period for Dems. Remember all the panic about Obama letting the election slip away in the summer of '08? Kerry being swiftboated in the summer of '04? The HCR sideshow in the summer of '09?
Averon said:
It's not just Obama. For some reason, summertime is usually a crappy period for Dems. Remember all the panic about Obama letting the election slip away in the summer of '08? Kerry being swiftboated in the summer of '04?
I blame old people.
RustyNails said:
I didn't invent any conspiracy theory. Check out the articles there. Global class warfare, africanophobia, race wars and tinpot nonsense in all the Libyan articles. Here's another pearl of wisdom from Glen Ford

Pogroms being carried out against blacks in Libya. Then we have the likes of total nutbags like Cynthia McKinney (a 9/11 truther) also writing there:


40 years of rule from green book has resulted in such amazing freedoms, as if. These people are incredibly under-qualified to write about world politics and international law. They're a bunch of conspiracy loons who've found an outlet to express themselves. Gaddafi had cozy relations with African countries, Black Panthers and Nation of Islam. He gave out millions to them. Of course, they see this in the context of race wars:

First, the least you could have done was linked to the articles from which you extracted statements. I'll provide them:

Ford: Race and Arab Nationalism in Libya
McKinney: Why Obama Attacked Libya

Second, I don't see anything unreasonable about the Ford quote.

Third, if you want to know what somebody thinks, read what they say, not what right-wingers tell you they say. McKinney has sought investigations to learn whether the Bush Administration's negligence or incompetence contributed to the event, not whether Bush orchestrated 9/11 or whether a missile hit the Pentagon.

Fourth, that 40 years of rule from the green book has resulted in amazing freedoms is no more fanciful than that Western capitalist countries use their military power to topple foreign governments with a history of independence from the Western economic order; set up independent democracies in those countries; and then peacefully leave the residents to enjoy their new-found liberty. Whatever you want to think about McKinney (and I don't care what you think about her), that the invasion of Libya by the West is not necessarily a good thing for Libyans (or Americans) is hardly an unreasonable opinion to hold.

Nor is it unreasonable to point out that the Lybian rebels do not have the best track record. You claim that BAR writers are unqualified to talk about Libya. That may well be so, but the truth of the matter is that, for all you think you know about Libya based on what you've read, you also don't know shit. Nor does anybody else. That's because the people from whom you and anybody else are getting information also don't know shit. One thing we do know (from history) is that the reality of what is happening is unlikely to be anything like it has been presented by Western media, officials, and elites. This is what makes your cheerleading potentially dangerous. It is based on a complete lack of reliable information. You think you are rooting for something, but have no real basis for understanding what exactly it is you are rooting for.

So, going back to my original point. I am skeptical that we have aided the formation of an independent democracy and not merely established a Western client state in Libya where there used to be a government that was independent of that order. The West lost Egypt (although that struggle is still ongoing) and gained Libya. Time will tell, and I'll meet you here in 20 or 30 years to compare prescience.


aronnov reborn said:
and I literally give to the poor with money and time... NASHVILLE RESCUE MISSION...

where we not only give to the poor with 0 government contribution in the missions entire history but place them with jobs, counseling, financial advise, and judeo-christian teachings... but i guess i need the government to take money from people like me to FORCE me to give charity... as their program works so much better.

there's nothing "christian" (the original argument) about forcing people to give.

It's ridiculous to think that the right religious side doesn't care about the poor. with rescue missions and churches I've been apart of i can't count the amount of times we've gotten money collected to pay for groceries, utility bills, college classes, and even jobs for those that needed them... and they were not even religious people per say or even members of the church.

the 'crazy, evil, wrong side of history' right does more good with their charity then the government does.

So are you trying to say that charity would be able to handle taking care of everybody in need of assistance if the government would just stop taking peoples' money? That's fucking ridiculous.

A person who is against government assistance to the poor either
a.) Doesn't give a shit about poor people
b.) Completely fails to understand the limitations and unpredictability of charity.

edit: And also, I will agree that a lot of charitable organizations are much more efficient than government programs. I think where we differ is that I would rather improve the government programs than eliminate them.
KingK said:
So are you trying to say that charity would be able to handle taking care of everybody in need of assistance if the government would just stop taking peoples' money? That's fucking ridiculous.

A person who is against government assistance to the poor either
a.) Doesn't give a shit about poor people
b.) Completely fails to understand the limitations and unpredictability of charity.

edit: And also, I will agree that a lot of charitable organizations are much more efficient than government programs. I think where we differ is that I would rather improve the government programs than eliminate them.

no way we could support the illegals immigrants on these programs or the people that abuse the government system.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Why wasn't he doing that back in 09, or most of 2010. This situation can largely be blamed on him for not focusing on the economy.

So you haven't seen him at any battery plant or speaking about the economy at all in 2 years?


aronnov reborn said:
no way we could support the illegals immigrants on these programs or the people that abuse the government system.

Very Christian of you. You also can't support the people legally here. Churches and charity have been around throughout history, and we've seen what an excellent job they've done taking care of the poor.
aronnov reborn said:
and I literally give to the poor with money and time... NASHVILLE RESCUE MISSION...

where we not only give to the poor with 0 government contribution in the missions entire history but place them with jobs, counseling, financial advise, and judeo-christian teachings... but i guess i need the government to take money from people like me to FORCE me to give charity... as their program works so much better.

there's nothing "christian" (the original argument) about forcing people to give.

It's ridiculous to think that the right religious side doesn't care about the poor. with rescue missions and churches I've been apart of i can't count the amount of times we've gotten money collected to pay for groceries, utility bills, college classes, and even jobs for those that needed them... and they were not even religious people per say or even members of the church.

the 'crazy, evil, wrong side of history' right does more good with their charity then the government does.

So basically:
1. You have no biblical support
2. Your primary objection (as I surmised) is "it's my money, don't take it from me!!!"
3. You want to make an argument about efficacy, but will not provide any data to support it.

I've worked with many similar organizations, and they do great work. (though that bolded judeo-christian shit needs to stop. If you're Christian, you're Christian.. quit trying to measure your support for Israel in every unrelated discussion or action.) However, it's nothing short of fantasy to say that those organization don't have waste. "Wastefulness" is in the nature of charity itself: not everyone is going to take your gift and use it wisely. The act of giving is a demonstration of relinquishing your belongings in faith that they were never truly yours to begin with, not some exercise involving means testing of who REAAAAAAAAAALLLY needs your charity.

aronnov reborn said:
no way we could support the illegals immigrants on these programs or the people that abuse the government system.

Are you serious? You see no contradictions here?


aronnov reborn said:
no way we could support the illegals immigrants on these programs or the people that abuse the government system.

What is this, I don't even...

Ok, completely ignoring the fact that, even subtracting the exaggerated effect immigration and abuse has on the system, there would still be no way in hell charity could pay for all the legitimate American citizens in need; are you really implying that it is acceptable in Christian teachings to ignore those in need just because they aren't US citizens?

You are a troll or you are delusional.
KingK said:
What is this, I don't even...

Ok, completely ignoring the fact that, even subtracting the exaggerated effect immigration and abuse has on the system, there would still be no way in hell charity could pay for all the legitimate American citizens in need; are you really implying that it is acceptable in Christian teachings to ignore those in need just because they aren't US citizens?

You are a troll or you are delusional.

nope. just not a socialist.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
besada said:
Very Christian of you. You also can't support the people legally here. Churches and charity have been around throughout history, and we've seen what an excellent job they've done taking care of the poor.

Honestly there only but so much we all can do for the poor. There will always be poor people living in terrible conditions.
ivedoneyourmom said:
Once again, have you actually read the bible?

of course.. and it clearly says after i tithe 10% to give to the poor and tons of hours a year to to the poor i should then give more money to a government to redistribute wealth to more poor who may or may not actually need it. If I ever argue against this it's a clear sign that i hate poor people.


aronnov reborn said:
nope. just not a socialist.

You don't have to be a socialist to comprehend simple logic.

If you really believe that charity/free market could take care of everyone in need of help, you are delusional.


Everything is tsundere to me
Mr. Paer said:
Hey PoliGAF! I have a question that I figured would be best answered here

I'm currently in a political class at my university, and I've been on a 2 year hiatus from following politics. Now I'll need to keep current on what's going on in the political realm, so I was wondering what websites are the best and most unbiased for getting news on US politics

NPR is probably the single best news reporter out there. Hater's gonna hate, but they go out of their way to get both sides of the issue most if not all of the time.
aronnov reborn said:
of course.. and it clearly says after i tithe 10% to give to the poor and tons of hours a year to to the poor i should then give more money to a government to redistribute wealth to more poor who may or may not actually need it. If I ever argue against this it's a clear sign that i hate poor people.

10% is the bare minimum.


aronnov reborn said:
of course.. and it clearly says after i tithe 10% to give to the poor and tons of hours a year to to the poor i should then give more money to a government to redistribute wealth to more poor who may or may not actually need it. If I ever argue against this it's a clear sign that i hate poor people.

Cool, now that we've got that sorted out, why do you hate poor people?


mckmas8808 said:
Honestly there only but so much we all can do for the poor. There will always be poor people living in terrible conditions.

You're obligated to help the poor, period. If you believe that the Bible is the word of God, it's pretty clear on the subject. It doesn't discuss any limit on what you should do. In fact, it makes it clear that if you don't help the poor, it's just like not helping Jesus, and you'll be damned.

It never suggests that the poor will cease to exist, but it is very clear about what the adherents of the faith are required to do in regards to the poor. And it's not make themselves wealthy while making excuses for why they can't be helped.

If you want to argue with the Bible and Christ's words, that's between you and your god.

Oh, and while I'm on the subject, this one is for Arronov, another Christian who apparently hasn't read his Bible:
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others.


aronnov reborn said:
of course.. and it clearly says after i tithe 10% to give to the poor and tons of hours a year to to the poor i should then give more money to a government to redistribute wealth to more poor who may or may not actually need it. If I ever argue against this it's a clear sign that i hate poor people.
Jesus was quite big on wealth redistribution -
“Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

Also generally, Jesus clearly says that you should pay your taxes and help the poor.
You can make the case that the two are completely unrelated, but I think it requires quite a mental gymnastics to do so.


I should mention that I think continuing to argue this in the context of Christian teachings is pointless. We don't live in a theocracy. We should pay taxes and have programs that help the poor because it's the right thing to do as a society. Period. What Jesus and the Bible have to say on the subject is rather irrelevant.
empty vessel said:

Yeah, and that thing is filled with all the crazy and stupid that RustyNails pointed out. I haven't seen you actually refute anything.

Look if you are going to read and cite the blogs of paranoid and conspiracy obsessed lunatics, then you have to expect people to (and rightly so) call you out for it.

You can huff and puff all you want, but it doesn't change the fact you cited some awful garbage, people called you on it, and you didn't actually try and make a defense of it, instead trying to switch topics.


aronnov reborn said:
I dont tithe to a church. I set my money apart and donate it or buy/pay for those that need it.

Dictionary.app said:
tithe |tīT͟H|
one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.
• (in certain religious denominations) a tenth of an individual's income pledged to the church.
• [ in sing. ] archaic a tenth of a specified thing: he hadn't said a tithe of the prayers he knew.

If you don't tithe to a church you aren't tithing at all.

It's okay to admit you're a bad Christian. So am I.
I'm an atheist
Cyan said:
You're better than this.

He has defended pretty much every dictator. Chavez, Gaddafi, Castro. He's also said living in North Korea is better than living in palestine. Pretty much the stock West=evil meme stuff


KingK said:
I should mention that I think continuing to argue this in the context of Christian teachings is pointless. We don't live in a theocracy. We should pay taxes and have programs that help the poor because it's the right thing to do as a society. Period. What Jesus and the Bible have to say on the subject is rather irrelevant.
It's fun because the people arguing it care strongly about the Bible etc, and yet are even more wrong in a Biblical context than in a regular political one.

el retorno de los sapos said:
He has defended pretty much every dictator. Chavez, Gaddafi, Castro. He's also said living in North Korea is better than living in palestine. Pretty much the stock West=evil meme stuff
ev has some rather out-there opinions, and I sometimes find that I strongly disagree with him. He almost never resorts to name-calling, though, and his posts are usually cogent and on point. When I say "you're better than this", I mean it.


Cyan said:
It's fun because the people arguing it care strongly about the Bible etc, and yet are even more wrong in a Biblical context than in a regular political one.

And I'm an atheist, which makes it double-fun.
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