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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Invisible_Insane said:
My point is that saying there's a link between climate change and earthquakes is not abjectly preposterous.

Maybe not, but blaming "man made global warming" most certainly is, unless you have another awesome Raw Story article about the caveman industrial revolution?


GOD SAVE US ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!11111

aronnov reborn said:
i know.. one side want's to give them fish off my plate by their standards (I already give to charity by my free will).. the other side wants them to learn how to fish... i really do wonder which side is closer.... to the "christian" teaching.

Just reposting due to my curiosity concerning whether or not you'll follow this up with any biblical examples.


GhaleonEB said:
On a related note, I peeled my Obama'08 bumper sticker off yesterday.

"Better than the alternative" didn't see to justify having it around at PAX.
I feel like we're at a turning point.

It's over, isn't it. :(
speculawyer said:
You can always find the crazy in the comment sections. Try here:

In fairness the left has a healthy supply of crazy in the comment sections.

Anyway I think we should all acknowledge that going on in Libya right now is one of the few acts of wealth redistribution that all Americans can get behind. Rep, Dem...well besides that little shit troll from Oho...we can all enjoy this!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So Dominique Strauss-Khan got his charges dropped, and the appeal was denied by another judge. Wonder if this shit is gonna fuel the fire some of the crazy people had that certain people are just out to try and get SK by any means necessary.


Diablos said:
I feel like we're at a turning point.

It's over, isn't it. :(
PAX is in three days. Neither Gallup nor eathquakes will take me down a notch from the high of excitement I'm riding right now.

The country is screwed, but hey.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Anyway I think we should all acknowledge that going on in Libya right now is one of the few acts of wealth redistribution that all Americans can get behind. Rep, Dem...well besides that little shit troll from Oho...we can all enjoy this!

Don't be too sure. I'm skeptical that we haven't just created a Western puppet state. The pictures circling around don't make me smile. They make me nervous for Libyans who want democracy.



aronnov reborn said:
i know.. one side want's to give them fish off my plate by their standards (I already give to charity by my free will).. the other side wants them to learn how to fish... i really do wonder which side is closer.... to the "christian" teaching.

I try not get involved in these sorts of debates, but this metaphor was so poorly chosen I had to speak up. John 21, Verse 12:

Jesus said to them, Come and take some food. And all the disciples were in fear of putting the question, Who are you? being conscious that it was the Lord. 13 Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish in the same way.

Jesus literally gave people fish. He did not teach them how to fish; he made their nets miraculously full of fish and then handed them out (along with bread).

I'm not quite sure why Jesus helped these men; they were obviously bad fishermen (as evidenced by their inability to catch any fish before Jesus showed up -- John 21, Verse 3). Jesus should have left the free market alone and allowed these terribly unsuccessful fishermen to fail/starve.

Edit: I see empty vessel already made the same basic point; I'll leave my post because it explicitly quotes the verse in question.


GhaleonEB said:
PAX is in three days. Neither Gallup nor eathquakes will take me down a notch from the high of excitement I'm riding right now.

The country is screwed, but hey.
GOP WH/House/Senate is armageddon.

Looks like 2012 is true after all!


Opiate said:
I try not get involved in these sorts of debates, but this metaphor was so poorly chosen I had to speak up. John 21, Verse 12:
To be even clearer about what Christ demands of his disciples, let's take a look at Matthew 25, verse 41:
Then shall he say also to them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungered, and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and you took me not in: naked, and you clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and you visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we you an hungered, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to you? Then shall he answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.


PhoenixDark said:
On the plus side, businesses will no longer be plagued by uncertainty
Yeah because they'll be even deeper in the pockets of what will be a GOP majority across the board.

A year is a long time in US politics, but man, Obama has a lot of work to do. I think he's in over his head at this point.
empty vessel said:
Don't be too sure. I'm skeptical that we haven't just created a Western puppet state. The pictures circling around don't make me smile. They make me nervous for Libyans who want democracy.

What a bullshit website. I can't believe you visit such tripe. A few golden nuggets:
“President Obama has, in effect, been arming a racist lynch mob and calling them freedom fighters.”
The mostly black town of Tawurgha has fallen to NATO-backed rebels after a long siege, according to al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based media mouthpiece for the rebels. It is an event only racists could celebrate, a triumph of hate and Euro-American arms and money over an enclave of dark-skinned Libyans descended from Africans once sold in the town’s slave market.

Full of unfounded tripe and utter nonsense.


speculawyer said:
Black Agenda report? Wow. Really?

What sad racist name. Imagine if it were "The White Agenda Report".
Come on, spec. You know that's a non-starter of an argument.

Still, I'm surprised ev would read such garbage, let alone post it here.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh many talk about all the stuff from the loony left on that site.

Check this one out

Man what a nut.

About the author of that piece:

Glen Ford is a veteran of more than 40 years in broadcast, print and Internet journalism. A former Washington Bureau Chief and White House, Capitol Hill, and State Department correspondent, Ford co-founded and hosted “America’s Black Forum,” the first nationally syndicated Black news interview program on commercial television. He also launched and owned the radio syndications “Black World Report,” “Black Agenda Reports,” and “Rap It Up,” the first national hip hop music show. He has worked as a radio newsman in Washington, Baltimore, and Atlanta, Columbus and Augusta, Georgia, and produced over 1,000 radio and TV commercials.

In print, Glen Ford has edited or served as staff reporter for three newspapers, two of them dailies; was national political columnist for Encore American & Worldwide News magazine; founded The Black Commentator and Africana Policies magazines; and authored “The Big Lie: An Analysis of U.S. Media Coverage of the Grenada Invasion” (IOJ, 1985).

On the Internet, Ford co-founded BlackCommentator.com in 2002 and BlackAgendaReport.com (BAR) in 2006. He is currently executive editor of BAR, a weekly magazine of “news, commentary and analysis from the Black left.” Along with co-host Nellie Hester Bailey, Ford hosts and produces the weekly, one-hour Black Agenda Radio program on the Progressive Radio network. He also produces two weekly radio commentaries that air on approximately 40 radio stations.​


What a nut!


Horrible numbers for Obama today on Gallup. But despite that, PPP still shows him beating the probable (their words) GOP nominee.


Rick Perry is looking increasingly like the Republican favorite for President- he led in the Iowa poll we released this morning and he leads by double digits in the national poll we'll release tomorrow. The biggest beneficiary of Perry's rise? It might be Barack Obama.

In our first national poll pitting the two Obama leads Perry 49-43. That six point advantage is pretty comparable to Obama's margin of victory over John McCain. Perry has certainly come on strong with Republicans but independents view him negatively already by an almost 2:1 margin, 29/55, and Democrats pretty universally give him bad ratings at a 10/71 spread. As a result Obama leads Perry thanks in large part to a 24 point advantage with independents at 56-32.

It's a different story for Obama when it comes to the match up against Romney. There he can only achieve a tie at 45%, and because there are a lot more undecided Republicans than Democrats in all likelihood Romney would come out ahead if voters had to go to the polls and really make a decision today. Romney does better than Perry because he holds Obama to only a 9 point advantage with independents, 48-39, and because he loses only 5% of the Republican vote to Obama where Perry loses 10%.

None of the rest of the Republican hopefuls even fare as well as Perry. Obama leads Michele Bachmann by 8 points at 50-42, Herman Cain by 10 points at 49-39, and Sarah Palin by 13 points at 53-40. This poll is more confirmation of what's become a broad trend in our polling- against Romney Obama faces a toss up and against anyone else he's in decent shape for reelection.


empty vessel said:
About the author of that piece:


What a nut!
Dude... none of that speaks to his fringeness or lack thereof. I note it's very vague about what newspapers, broadcast shows, and radio stations he worked for. But even so, anybody can be a nut; it doesn't really matter what their career looked like. Let's try an example.

Our man started out as a professional footballer who played for Coventry and Hereford United before retiring due to arthritis.

After his retirement, he moved into reporting, where he worked in print, tv, and radio for several decades, including a decade-long stint with the BBC.

He went into politics, becoming an important figure in his party, so much so that some referred to him as his party's Tony Blair.

He's now a prolific and well-known author and speaker, who has written on subjects from politics to television to the environment, and has lectured in dozens of countries.

Sounds pretty good, right?


War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Cyan said:
Dude... none of that speaks to his fringeness or lack thereof. I note it's very vague about what newspapers, broadcast shows, and radio stations he worked for. But even so, anybody can be a nut; it doesn't really matter what their career looked like. Let's try an example.

Our man started out as a professional footballer who played for Coventry and Hereford United before retiring due to arthritis.

After his retirement, he moved into reporting, where he worked in print, tv, and radio for several decades, including a decade-long stint with the BBC.

He went into politics, becoming an important figure in his party, so much so that some referred to him as his party's Tony Blair.

He's now a prolific and well-known author and speaker, who has written on subjects from politics to television to the environment, and has lectured in dozens of countries.

Sounds pretty good, right?


Bravo, did not expect him to be referenced here.
empty vessel said:
Or the NAACP.

The NAACP was formed in 1909. It is 2011. Things are a little different now.

Calling a modern internet blog the "Black Agenda Report" is needlessly provocative and counter-productive.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:

But, you're you.

Dude... none of that speaks to his fringeness or lack thereof. I note it's very vague about what newspapers, broadcast shows, and radio stations he worked for. But even so, anybody can be a nut; it doesn't really matter what their career looked like. Let's try an example.

Our man started out as a professional footballer who played for Coventry and Hereford United before retiring due to arthritis.

After his retirement, he moved into reporting, where he worked in print, tv, and radio for several decades, including a decade-long stint with the BBC.

He went into politics, becoming an important figure in his party, so much so that some referred to him as his party's Tony Blair.

He's now a prolific and well-known author and speaker, who has written on subjects from politics to television to the environment, and has lectured in dozens of countries.

Sounds pretty good, right?

Of course. And a bunch of white people dismissing somebody as a nut because he is black is not very persuasive either. Nobody has yet to say a thing of substance.

speculawyer said:
The NAACP was formed in 1909. It is 2011. Things are a little different now.

Calling a modern internet blog the "Black Agenda Report" is needlessly provocative and counter-productive.

So I take it you protest BET too? Black history month?

Damn, implicit biases all over the place up in here. Some of you should be embarrassed.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh many talk about all the stuff from the loony left on that site.

Check this one out

Man what a nut.

Yeah this is just some stupidity.
Western-backed rebels have made good their vow to “purge slaves, black skin,” with their reported capture of Tawurgha, a black Libyan city, after a long siege.
Now I don't doubt that some of that happened. But the reason the rebels were going after them was not because they were black but because they are imported mercenaries that Quadaffi hired to protect himself against his own people. Mr.BlackAgenda is ginning it up into some "kill the black man" race war. It was a civil war between a dictator and rebels that wanted to overthrow the dictator.

Does he really think Obama supports killing black people just because they are black? Really?

Quadaffi spread a lot of money around other poorer African countries (which was nice of him) and it help him get support. I was hoping one of those countries would give him exile. Perhaps they did but he didn't take it.


speculawyer said:
The NAACP was formed in 1909. It is 2011. Things are a little different now.

Calling a modern internet blog the "Black Agenda Report" is needlessly provocative and counter-productive.
In what way? Are you suggesting that black people might not have an agenda that differs from that of non-black people? Because that's ridiculous, and ignores any number of black centered political groups, including the Democratic Black Caucus.

Or are you one of those guys who thinks racism is dead and there's no need for minority specific groups? You've already rolled out the false equivalence of suggesting how horrified people would be over a White Agenda Report (we call that the WSJ, by the way) so one has to wonder.
speculawyer said:
Does he really think Obama supports killing black people just because they are black? Really?

I have a strong suspicion the problem lies in your reading comprehension and summarizing skills rather than his words.[/QUOTE]
empty vessel said:
So I take it you protest BET too? Black history month?.
No because those fucking stupid comparisons. I have no problem with black entertainment or black history.

What I do have a problem with is 'black agenda' since it is needlessly provocative and implies a desire to only help black people (with a possible detriment to others). You hear nonstop about the "gay agenda" from conservatives and they are using it in a pejorative manner if you have not noticed. A major gay rights fund understands PR better and call themselves the Human Rights Campaign.
Averon said:
Horrible numbers for Obama today on Gallup. But despite that, PPP still shows him beating the probable (their words) GOP nominee.


It's just going to get worse for Obama.

Whatever they are doing to for the jobs plan can't come soon enough. Right now all people are seeing is economy in the shit and Obama not doing anything about it.

Obama needs to pick a fight even if Republicans will block all his proposals.
cartoon_soldier said:
It's just going to get worse for Obama.

Whatever they are doing to for the jobs plan can't come soon enough. Right now all people are seeing is economy in the shit and Obama not doing anything about it.

Obama needs to pick a fight even if Republicans will block all his proposals.

Why wasn't he doing that back in 09, or most of 2010. This situation can largely be blamed on him for not focusing on the economy.
besada said:
In what way? Are you suggesting that black people might not have an agenda that differs from that of non-black people? Because that's ridiculous, and ignores any number of black centered political groups, including the Democratic Black Caucus.

I'm suggesting that that is exactly what the name of his group implies! Why not "The anti-racism agenda"?

Why give your critics such ammunition? I have no problem with minority groups supporting their interests. I just find it cringeworthy and counter productive when it is done in such clumsy poor manner.
PhoenixDark said:
Why wasn't he doing that back in 09, or most of 2010. This situation can largely be blamed on him for not focusing on the economy.

1. He still felt that Republicans would compromise
2. HCR was important and people don't realize that passing HCR was needed for US's long term future. No doubt it should have been done in 1/4th the time it actually took them. Same reason here though, he believed that his Election Victory was clear indication that US supported HCR and though some Republicans could be made ot back their own Ideas.
3. Their economic team and a lot of other people for that matter underestimated the recession. The hope then was that by the time the Stimulus effect is going down, economy would have picked up at a rate far higher than it has.

The beginning of 2010 had encouraging signs, then everybody got tied into Midterm Elections and then nothing has been able to be got done by this Congress because to even do the simple thing we have to deal with crazy republicans.

Dude Abides

speculawyer said:
I'm suggesting that that is exactly what the name of his group implies! Why not "The anti-racism agenda"?

Why give your critics such ammunition? I have no problem with minority groups supporting their interests. I just find it cringeworthy and counter productive when it is done in such clumsy poor manner.

Maybe he's not all that concerned about offending white people.


speculawyer said:
What I do have a problem with is 'black agenda' since it is needlessly provocative and implies a desire to only help black people (with a possible detriment to others).

Black agenda doesn't inherently suggest a desire to help black people at the expense of others. It suggests that their focus is about helping black people. That's all. You can attempt to turn it into a pejorative, like conservatives have attempted to turn the "gay agenda" into a pejorative, but as far as I can tell, that places you on the same footing as them.

Politics is largely about white people, because white people still make up the majority of voters. There is absolutely a need for minority groups, including the Democratic Black Caucus, the NAACP, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, the National Council of La Raza, Queer Nation, and even the National Organization of Women, etc.

Frankly, the guy sounds like he's off base to me, but rather than attack that, you attacked the need for minority political groups.

I'm suggesting that that is exactly what the name of his group implies! Why not "The anti-racism agenda"?

Why give your critics such ammunition? I have no problem with minority groups supporting their interests. I just find it cringeworthy and counter productive when it is done in such clumsy poor manner.

Because groups don't decide on their names to placate people who are going to hate what they have to say anyway. Cringe all you want. It's easy to do that when the entire system is designed to placate you.

As for why not the "anti-racism agenda" one presumes they're involved with issues that disproportionately effect black people, above and beyond racism. That includes urban crime, poverty, urban education, etc. In the same way that NCLR is concerned about racism, immigration, poverty, etc. And NOW is concerned about sexism, fair pay, abortion rights, etc.
speculawyer said:
I'm suggesting that that is exactly what the name of his group implies! Why not "The anti-racism agenda"?

Why give your critics such ammunition? I have no problem with minority groups supporting their interests. I just find it cringeworthy and counter productive when it is done in such clumsy poor manner.

Seems like a back peddle. You originally called it a racist name. Now you're just concerned with how its critics will view it?
empty vessel said:
Of course. And a bunch of white people dismissing somebody as a nut because he is black is not very persuasive either. Nobody has yet to say a thing of substance.
People are dismissing the claims of a crackpot not because he's a crackpot, but because he's black? His shit is no different than any other conspiracy nutcase out there. Obama's propping up lynch mobs to destroys blacks in Libya? For fuck's sake. Because he wrote a couple of books and did a stint in press doesn't mean he's a mountain of knowledge and a beacon of truth. You're gonna be so disappointed when you find out about teabaggers and right wing zealots with PhDs.
RustyNails said:
People are dismissing the claims of a crackpot not because he's a crackpot, but because he's black? His shit is no different than any other conspiracy nutcase out there. Obama's propping up lynch mobs to destroys blacks in Libya? For fuck's sake. Because he wrote a couple of books and did a stint in press doesn't mean he's a mountain of knowledge and a beacon of truth. You're gonna be so disappointed when you find out about teabaggers and right wing zealots with PhDs.

If you can't even be bothered to accurately restate a position, why would I value your assessment of anybody? The piece to which Manos linked contains no assertions about Obama's specific intent (other than an implication of ignorance or indifference). It does contain assertions about the effects of actions.


One big reason Obama's doing pretty well in these match ups is the Hispanic vote. Exit polls in 2008 showed him winning it by a 36 point margin over McCain but he builds on that in all of these match ups with a 37 point advantage over Romney at 66-29, a 46 point one over Perry at 72-26, a 48 point edge over Bachmann at 74-26, a 49 point lead on Palin at 74-25, and a 53 point spread on Herman Cain at 75-22. This is a good example of what Republican strategist Mike Murphy has described as the economics vs. demographics tension for next year's election. The economy could sink Obama but at the same time an ever growing expanding Hispanic vote that he wins by a huge margin could be enough to let him eek out a second term. It's certainly propping him up on this poll.

Even in worse case scenarios, Obama will win due to the hispanic vote (blacks turning out also helps of course)
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