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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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PhoenixDark said:
NWS costs the average US taxpayer about $3 a year, according to Nate Silver. Also this type of obsessive concern over millions of dollars was nowhere to be seen before Obama took office.
Really dude? Conservatives have been trying to eliminate federal agencies for decades. Let's not get all silly and unwrite history here.
elrechazao said:
Really dude? Conservatives have been trying to eliminate federal agencies for decades. Let's not get all silly and unwrite history here.

The republican party, sure. But I certainly don't remember any of this obsessive budget watching from Fox News or the average republican citizen during the Bush years. In fact, it rarely came up
PhoenixDark said:
The republican party, sure. But I certainly don't remember any of this obsessive budget watching from Fox News or the average republican citizen during the Bush years. In fact, it rarely came up
Then you have a selective memory. Bush got so much shit from the right for his spending. I'm not defending the point of the article, simply this idea that all of this is new and or specific to obama is just patently untrue.


It is pretty crazy to look at the NWS and see it as blatant waste of tax payer money. I can't even understand how someone would even have the thought enter their head.
elrechazao said:
Then you have a selective memory. Bush got so much shit from the right for his spending. I'm not defending the point of the article, simply this idea that all of this is new and or specific to obama is just patently untrue.

I'd imagine Bush got shit from some in the more intellectual right of the party, and he had some resistance from congress (the GOP had to be slapped around just to pass Medicare part D), but overall it would be very hard to argue he received "a lot" of shit from his base over spending. The party didn't throw Bush under the bus until it became politically necessary.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
ToxicAdam said:
It is pretty crazy to look at the NWS and see it as blatant waste of tax payer money. I can't even understand how someone would even have the thought enter their head.

More importantly, it's interesting that someone thought this would be a great subject to discuss at this particular point in time.


ToxicAdam said:
It is pretty crazy to look at the NWS and see it as blatant waste of tax payer money. I can't even understand how someone would even have the thought enter their head.
Also considering all of the private forecasters pretty much rip the NWS.


Oblivion said:
More importantly, it's interesting that someone thought this would be a great subject to discuss at this particular point in time.
Are you new to trolling?

This does not aimed at affecting policy, this is meant to attract attention.
I know I haven't heard about the Competitive Enterprise Institute or the celebrated book "Stealing You Blind: How Government Fatcats Are Getting Rich Off of You."
But I have now.
ToxicAdam said:
It is pretty crazy to look at the NWS and see it as blatant waste of tax payer money. I can't even understand how someone would even have the thought enter their head.
must not avatar quote, must not avatar quote, must not...
aghhhh fuck it.

Oblivion said:
More importantly, it's interesting that someone thought this would be a great subject to discuss at this particular point in time.

What better time for a conservative to point and laugh than when government is on the cusp of doing something effective? Of course if anything goes wrong we'll hear about that too ("is this Obama's 10th Katrina?")


I know this will not be news to people here, but people on the right really miss the boat when they complain about funding for NASA, NOAA or the NWS.

These three agencies (and many other groups around the world) are essentially helping to craft a giant Earth monitoring device. Every aspect of the Earth will one day have sensors and measurements taken. Once that happens, the next small leap, is taking all that acquired knowledge and making a computer simulation that can accurately depict ( and predict) every aspect of our planet.

That's a monumental achievement. Probably the greatest thing humanity would have ever done. I'm not sure the average person really thinks about it in this way. They would take more pride in us planting a flag on Mars, instead of accurately predicting a tornado or earthquake to within the minute.
Notrollious said:


I guess there's no point in saying anything about anything fox news related anymore...
We don't need NWS, and we don't reallllly need FEMA.
Ron Paul: We don't need FEMA

(CNN) - As Hurricane Irene barrels along the U.S. East Coast, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said the nation would be much better off without the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

"I live on the Gulf Coast. We put up with hurricanes all the time," the GOP presidential candidate told CNN after a New Hampshire campaign event Friday. "There's no magic about FEMA. More and more people are starting to recognize that."

Paul has long been a critic of the agency, which he calls a "great contributor to deficit financing."
"FEMA is not a good friend of most people in Texas," Paul said. "All they do is come in and tell you what to do and can't do. You can't get in your houses. And they hinder the local people, and they hinder volunteers from going in."
Granted it's Ron Troll. But I think FEMA is more than just people who come in and tell you what to do.
elrechazao said:
Then you have a selective memory. Bush got so much shit from the right for his spending. I'm not defending the point of the article, simply this idea that all of this is new and or specific to obama is just patently untrue.

This is revisionist history. Bush didn't get "so much shit" for his spending at all. That's not to say that there wasn't some dissension in the right, but to suggest that the right was monolithically or even mostly opposed is just so much utter nonsense.


leroidys said:
Huntsman is awesome. Too bad his realistic, pragmatic approach would get filibustered to shit in the senate. Only firebreathers need apply.

He's not that awesome. One of the first things he did after he entered the race was throw his support behind the Paul Ryan plan after he saw Gingrich's implosion. No one really remembers that because no one knew or cared who he was.

Right now he's making an increased effort to look pragmatic and sane because he realizes that's the only way he's going to be noticed at all.
Clevinger said:
He's not that awesome. One of the first things he did after he entered the race was throw his support behind the Paul Ryan plan after he saw Gingrich's implosion. No one really remembers that because no one knew or cared who he was.

Right now he's making an increased effort to look pragmatic and sane because he realizes that's the only way he's going to be noticed at all.

This should have been his plan from day 1. Coming out for Ryan's budget pretty much destroyed the slim opportunity he had to differentiate himself right out the gate. Another republican candidate talking about tax cuts and budgets isn't going to get noticed at this point. A republican candidate attacking Ryan's plan, and putting GOP candidates on the defensive would get noticed.

Maybe he just wants to play nice in hopes of a VP pick, RNC speech, or 2016


Clevinger said:
He's not that awesome. One of the first things he did after he entered the race was throw his support behind the Paul Ryan plan after he saw Gingrich's implosion. No one really remembers that because no one knew or cared who he was.

Right now he's making an increased effort to look pragmatic and sane because he realizes that's the only way he's going to be noticed at all.

Yeah the Ryan plan was abysmal but I can't say with a straight face that it's much worse than the super congress dogshit we got.


Definitely, I would say his campaigns entire aim is a VP spot. Its interesting that the "conventional wisdom" is that VPs don't matter, but I can't tell you how many people were saying "well at least Cheney has a lot of Washington experience c. 2000", and how wildly polarized people became in regards to McCain's pick. I think that the vp spot can certainly impact the race.


speculawyer said:
Aren't all the local weather forecasters (the private forecasters) completely dependent upon NWS satellites and data?

It is not like local TV stations have their own satellites.

So, are you saying that if we get rid of the national weather service local news will be shorter, or possibly disappear?

I think ill support this ridiculous proposal


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Gonaria said:
So, are you saying that if we get rid of the national weather service local news will be shorter, or possibly disappear?

I think ill support this ridiculous proposal

Yeah, but then websites with weather information would also disappear, except for the personal uncalibrated weather stations of course. Predictions? what's that?


Setec Astronomer
ToxicAdam said:
I know this will not be news to people here, but people on the right really miss the boat when they complain about funding for NASA, NOAA or the NWS.

These three agencies (and many other groups around the world) are essentially helping to craft a giant Earth monitoring device. Every aspect of the Earth will one day have sensors and measurements taken. Once that happens, the next small leap, is taking all that acquired knowledge and making a computer simulation that can accurately depict ( and predict) every aspect of our planet.

That's a monumental achievement. Probably the greatest thing humanity would have ever done. I'm not sure the average person really thinks about it in this way. They would take more pride in us planting a flag on Mars, instead of accurately predicting a tornado or earthquake to within the minute.
Chaos theory says hi.


speculawyer said:
Aren't all the local weather forecasters (the private forecasters) completely dependent upon NWS satellites and data?

It is not like local TV stations have their own satellites.
Yes you are exactly right. Its the same for hurricane forecasts as well. Also for stuff like Tornado warnings the weather channel will directly display the NWS warnings and info.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Does anyone else know people who love the Daily Show, but would never ever vote Democrat? I've met a surprisingly large amount of people that feel that way.
Oblivion said:
Does anyone else know people who love the Daily Show, but would never ever vote Democrat? I've met a surprisingly large amount of people that feel that way.
Then who WILL they vote for then? Dems may be pussies, but at least they don't actively try and screw the country over.


RustyNails said:
"FEMA is not a good friend of most people in Texas," Paul said. "All they do is come in and tell you what to do and can't do. You can't get in your houses. And they hinder the local people, and they hinder volunteers from going in."

I'm entertained by the notion that he thinks a state based FEMA is going to be functionally different than a federally based one in regards to his specific example.


Oblivion said:
Does anyone else know people who love the Daily Show, but would never ever vote Democrat? I've met a surprisingly large amount of people that feel that way.

Well, either they vote for some other political party besides republicans or have a huge capacity to poke fun at themselves


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's even stranger that they seemingly really like and respect FDR, but absolutely despise ?Obama. And not for the reasons a flaming liberal would, mind you. It's so bizarre. :/


Oblivion said:
Does anyone else know people who love the Daily Show, but would never ever vote Democrat? I've met a surprisingly large amount of people that feel that way.

Does this include people who love the Daily show but never vote, period?

If so, many.
Oblivion said:
It's even stranger that they seemingly really like and respect FDR, but absolutely despise ?Obama. And not for the reasons a flaming liberal would, mind you. It's so bizarre. :/
Connecting dots, how does it work. And therein lies the problem. People lack critical thinking skills. Democracy fails spectacularly when you have people who don't know shit about anything.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kusagari said:
Are they Libertarians?

No, they're more along the tea bagger stripe. I could SOMEWHAT understand if they were libertarians, but they're not.

In other news, seems Perry doubled down on his SS being unconstitutional talk. And here I was worried about Obama's re-election...


Oblivion said:
It's even stranger that they seemingly really like and respect FDR, but absolutely despise ?Obama. And not for the reasons a flaming liberal would, mind you. It's so bizarre. :/

Even more funny if it's LBJ over Obama. That doesn't even make sense, if you knew anything about LBJ.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Cyan said:
It comes from the Boston Tea Party. The acronym (backronym?) is after the fact.

Taxed Enough Already was dropped when it was proven that the group as a whole didn't know shit about historic tax rates.

But that's beside my point. To suggest there was anything even remotely similar to the Tea Party around giving Bush a hard time about budgets is silly.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know there's a thread on Richard Dawkins being a meanie right now, but here he is doing an epic smackdown on Rick Perry and his retarded evolution denialism:


HyperionX said:
Even more funny if it's LBJ over Obama. That doesn't even make sense, if you knew anything about LBJ.

See, at least with LBJ, I could sorta understand because most people generally don't have a clue what he's actually done. But you would think with fucking FDR, the poster boy for radical communism in the right wing universe, these people would be just a little more aware.
I love the FoxNews hyperbole article on the NWS. Wasting a billion dollars and failing to predict flooding in Tennessee? Oh how about our intelligence agencies who said Saddam had WMDs? Or the billions of dollars that've DISAPPEARED in Iraq and Afghanistan. Should we eliminate our intelligence angecies for being so dangerous?

What a fucking joke.


Unconfirmed Member
I have a new thread meme idea.

Instead of "GAF" threads I am going to start posting headlines followed by "The Onion or Fox News"
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