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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Who the fuck advises Obama?

They cant all be such bumbling idiots can then?

For fucks sake. If this was 24, Id bet money on 60% of his advisers being GOP moles


Dr. Pangloss said:
I don't understand why Obama needs Boehner's permission talk about the economy. He should just show up in Congress at the appointed hour. They are in session. If the Republicans want to leave let them. Bad publicity for them. Also, this is one debate of many for an election that won't happen till next year. I hate the new age of the constant campaign. Can't get anything done.

Thing is, that way the political fallout overshadows the jobs speech (if it hasn't already)


jamesinclair said:
Im so angry Im posting twice.

When history is written about how Obama lost 2012, September 8 2011 will be considered the deciding factor.

GAF picks the weirdest things to freak out about.


{this is usually the part where some "Obama-can-do-no-wrong" person comes along and derides PoliGAF for being too melodramatic/doomy/emotional}

{edit: ahh.. although I wouldn't put Tam in that "do-no-wrong" category.. hehe..}

Sky Chief

jamesinclair said:
Who the fuck advises Obama?

They cant all be such bumbling idiots can then?

For fucks sake. If this was 24, Id bet money on 60% of his advisers being GOP moles

Seems to be the case. Scheduling for the seventh was incredibly stupid in the first place. You go through with it and a lot of people look at you as being a grandstanding jeckass, cancel and then you look incompetent. Either way you end up looking bad.
jamesinclair said:
Im so angry Im posting twice.

When history is written about how Obama lost 2012, September 8 2011 will be considered the deciding factor.

The sad part is Obama is going to win and give us 4 more years with a leadership vaccuum. Hope! Change!


HylianTom said:
{this is usually the part where some "Obama-can-do-no-wrong" person comes along and derides PoliGAF for being too melodramatic/doomy/emotional}

{edit: ahh.. although I wouldn't put Tam in that "do-no-wrong" category.. hehe..}

Just waiting for mckmas8808...


Oh Howard Dean! Where are you now? ::swoon::

The answer has to do with Obama's much-discussed "adult in the room" strategy, which was on display in the recent debt ceiling impasse. The idea is that Obama can score points with swing voters by showing a willingness to compromise with Republicans -- and that if the GOP then rebuffs him, he'll only end up looking more reasonable.



worldrunover said:
So basically Obama is the guy willing to xo anything for the pretty girl in hopes she'll go out with him, when in fact she just wants his money and free ride to her next date. Gotcha.

You switched the sexes. Obama thinks she can change the boy into a man. The boy only wants to fuck her.
I'm sure the ratings on Thursday will be A LOT higher than they would've been on Wednesday. Wouldn't surprise me if the NFL postpones the game to accommodate the speech.
Another great chess move by Obama.


theviolenthero said:
I'm sure the ratings on Thursday will be A LOT higher than they would've been on Wednesday. Wouldn't surprise me if the NFL postpones the game to accommodate the speech.
Another great chess move by Obama.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Let's be honest--nobody will be watching this speech. The NFL isn't going to postpone the start of the game and the ratings for NBC will be fantastic.

NBC will show the speech on MSNBC.


DrForester said:
So instead of pissing off the GOP, he pisses off NFL fans by doing it Thursday night during the season opener...

Way to go.
Who gives a shit. There's more important things going on with this country than football.

The number of jobs will help the economy grow. Not the number of touchdowns.


RustyNails said:
I think Boehner pretty much lost this one judging by his remarks. It's what White House wanted, to show that Boehner isn't serious.

If Obama does move it to the 8th though Boehner would have won as well.

Obama can't even get the date of his speech on the day he wants, whose to say he can get any sort of jobs bill passed?

Basically, Republicans continuing to make government inefficient in order to win elections.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Door2Dawn said:
Who gives a shit. There's more important things going on with this country than football.

The number of jobs will help the economy grow. Not the number of touchdowns.

And if he actually wanted people to watch and pay attention to the number of jobs that will help the economy grow, he wouldn't have scheduled it during the first NFL game of the season. Sorry, but that's the way it goes.
Stupid battle to pick anyway. First, let's remember that Obama wasn't expecting to have to fight for Congress's time. Boehner started this whole thing. Second, the average football fan has a short attention span and will not care come 2012. Lastly, this kills the story. Speech moved to Thursday. Nothing to see here. I don't really care what Obama has to say anyway. We all know he can speak till he passes out. What matters is how Congress acts on the legislation and how hard he'll fight for his plan. I don't want to see another debt deal where his call for a balance plan leads only to cuts.


Tamanon said:
GAF picks the weirdest things to freak out about.

This is kind of the straw that's on top of the camel who had its back broken a long ass time ago.

worldrunover said:
So basically Obama is the guy willing to xo anything for the pretty girl in hopes she'll go out with him, when in fact she just wants his money and free ride to her next date. Gotcha.

And she's told him as much to his face. "I just want your money." "Oh, OK. Cool."
Dr. Pangloss said:
Stupid battle to pick anyway. First, let's remember that Obama wasn't expecting to have to fight for Congress's time. Boehner started this whole thing. Second, the average football fan has a short attention span and will not care come 2012. Lastly, this kills the story. Speech moved to Thursday. Nothing to see here. I don't really care what Obama has to say anyway. We all know he can speak till he passes out. What matters is how Congress acts on the legislation and how hard he'll fight for his plan. I don't want to see another debt deal where his call for a balance plan leads only to cuts.
Maybe Obama isn't done courting the Republicans?


He had to have known it was the same night as the GOP debate. So why would he pick that night for his speech, if he never actually intended to fight the inevitable objections from GOP leaders? He just comes off as a capitulating pussy...AGAIN.

No we can't.


Kills Photobucket
Was kind of a dick move. Not like this is a national crisis that needs to be addressed (or who's success depends on being delivered) that night. This is a plan that he's been working on for a while, and will take a while to even try to pass the house. Can't imagine they don't plan these things with the TV schedule in mind and that no one knew there was a debate planned already.


Plinko said:
Let's be honest--nobody will be watching this speech. The NFL isn't going to postpone the start of the game and the ratings for NBC will be fantastic.

NBC will show the speech on MSNBC.
And if they do, how do you think sports fans will react when they see some bullshit jobs speech instead of football?
Fuck, I'll be pissed and I care about that stuff.

That being said, I think there might be a tad of overreaction here.
Though it wouldn't be poligaf if there wasn't...


Kills Photobucket
PhoenixDark said:
Why the FUCK would you pick a fight you don't even need to pick, then run away? This is hilarious

I would think the honest answer is that someone on his team who would be in charge of checking TV scheduled screwed up big time.


Dear god, Congressional Republicans are the luckiest sons of bitches in the world right now. He gives them everything they want, and when he takes a swing at them he somehow manages to punch himself in the face.
DrForester said:
I would think the honest answer is that someone on his team who would be in charge of checking TV scheduled screwed up big time.

Oh come on, just a few hours ago the official White House line was "suck it up, he's speaking on the 7th." The network even agreed to post-pone the debate by an hour or so to give Obama time.

This is utterly pathetic.


Haha you fucking pussy. Bring on the next loser Democrat to help run this country into the shitter with fucktard Republican whims. WHAT A FUCKING PUSSY
IF you would've told me back in 09 Obama would be like this I would've laughed in your face....but damn. Ugh. We need a real progressive in the White House. FUCK.
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