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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:
IF you would've told me back in 09 Obama would be like this I would've laughed in your face....but damn. Ugh. We need a real progressive in the White House. FUCK.

You're never going to get a real progressive in the white house. They think Obama's a socialist for Christ's sake.

I just got this in my e-mail:

Friend --

Today I asked for a joint session of Congress where I will lay out a clear plan to get Americans back to work. Next week, I will deliver the details of the plan and call on lawmakers to pass it.

Whether they will do the job they were elected to do is ultimately up to them.

But both you and I can pressure them to do the right thing. We can send the message that the American people are playing by the rules and meeting their responsibilities -- and it's time for our leaders in Congress to meet theirs.

And we must hold them accountable if they don't.

So I'm asking you to stand with me in calling on Congress to step up and take action on jobs:


No matter how things go in the weeks and months ahead, this will be an important challenge for our organization.

It's been a long time since Congress was focused on what the American people need them to be focused on.

I know that you're frustrated by that. I am, too.

That's why I'm putting forward a set of bipartisan proposals to help grow the economy and create jobs -- that means strengthening our small businesses, giving needed breaks to middle-class families, while taking responsible steps to bring down our deficit.

I'm asking lawmakers to look past short-term politics and take action on that plan. But we've got to do this together.

I will deliver this message to Congress next week, but I'm asking you to stand alongside me today:


More to come,


:sigh: I think I'm going to lay off politics for awhile...


Measley said:
You're never going to get a real progressive in the white house. They think Obama's a socialist for Christ's sake.

And in the 40s and 50s no one thought you'd ever get a real conservative in the White House. Things change, even it if will take time.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:
GAF picks the weirdest things to freak out about.

We don't live in a normal world it seems. Everything is a fight and everything needs to be picked apart.

I lose faith in this country more and more with every passing month. Now Obama will give the speech before one of the most highly ranked football games of the year and liberals will be extra pissed off, because Beohner wanted to it moved 24 hours.



Junior Member
Clevinger said:
And in the 40s and 50s no one thought you'd ever get a real conservative in the White House. Things change, even it if will take time.

What? 40 or 50 years? When even progressives are afraid to call themselves liberals, and the left is looked at as one step away from communism, you're not going to get a "real" progressive president for a very long time. Again, the general public thinks that Obama is far left when in fact he's center right.
mckmas8808 said:
We don't live in a normal world it seems. Everything is a fight and everything needs to be picked apart.

I lose faith in this country more and more with every passing month. Now Obama will give the speech before one of the most highly ranked football games of the year and liberals will be extra pissed off, because Beohner wanted to it moved 24 hours.


We certainly don't live in a normal world... a world where individuals put blind faith in someone because of their party... *cough*

To complain that liberals are pissed off too much, is to say dissent is unpatriotic. Our attitude should always be aggressive when it comes to policy and strategy. It isn't about showing love to the side you like more, its about molding your side to your beliefs. Democracy.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Measley said:
What? 40 or 50 years? When even progressives are afraid to call themselves liberals, and the left is looked at as one step away from communism, you're not going to get a "real" progressive president for a very long time. Again, the general public thinks that Obama is far left when in fact he's center right.

If you got a progressive in the WH, many of the left would think he's not progressive enough. And then when their stuff doesn't pass do to a Congress that's not as left as that progressive President, they'll blame him/her instead of the further to the right Congress.

They can't help themselves.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Karma Kramer said:
We certainly don't live in a normal world... a world where individuals put blind faith in someone because of their party... *cough*

To complain that liberals are pissed off too much, is to say dissent is unpatriotic. Our attitude should always be aggressive when it comes to policy and strategy. It isn't about showing love to the side you like more, its about molding your side to your beliefs. Democracy.

I'm not saying liberals are pissed off too much. Dissent all you want. Fuck if I care. I agree mold your side to your beliefs. That's how it's done.

But moving the speech to Thursday is something stupid to be mad about. We just learned about it like 12 hours ago and now it's changed. Big deal. Shouldn't we care more about the details and amount of spending in the speech?

Anybody thinking that the speech won't get a high rating it crazy if the White House can work out a way to get it on TV before the NFL game. I care more about the details. Guys like you should want to shape those and not what day it's seen on TV.
mckmas8808 said:
I'm not saying liberals are pissed off too much. Dissent all you want. Fuck if I care. I agree mold your side to your beliefs. That's how it's done.

But moving the speech to Thursday is something stupid to be mad about. We just learned about it like 12 hours ago and now it's changed. Big deal. Shouldn't we care more about the details and amount of spending in the speech?

Anybody thinking that the speech won't get a high rating it crazy if the White House can work out a way to get it on TV before the NFL game. I care more about the details. Guys like you should want to shape those and not what day it's seen on TV.

mckmas8808 said:
If you got a progressive in the WH, many of the left would think he's not progressive enough. And then when their stuff doesn't pass do to a Congress that's not as left as that progressive President, they'll blame him/her instead of the further to the right Congress.

They can't help themselves.

These two posts contradict each other. Unless you think Obama's lack of progressive defense is beneficial and leads to progressive policy? I don't see much evidence to back this up though.
Karma Kramer said:
These two posts contradict each other. Unless you think Obama's lack of progressive defense is beneficial and leads to progressive policy? I don't see much evidence to back this up though.

Look no further. There is none. Progressive policy was never once made by keeping quiet.
seriously. there is no substantial progressive political movement in this country. the reason obama is a center-right president is because the electorate is center-right. it is not rocket science. if you want a progressive president, a strong progressive movement needs to be built up.

it shouldn't really even be that hard, theoretically. polls show that most americans do tend to fall on the progressive side of many issues (like the infamous public option.) the problem is that these people don't vote. the ideas are out there, people just need to get involved and start voting. as long as the majority of the electorate is elderly white people, politicians will have to cater to them.

that being said, my problem with obama on a personal level is that he is an incompetent leader and makes very poor political choices. i do not resent him for being too conservative; as outlined above, he isn't at fault for this. guy needs to get re-elected. but ffs, grow some balls man, stop being bitched around by your opponents.


how will republicans be able to attack Obama in 2012 if he has went their way almost all the time?

"He listened to us and failed!!! Oh wait....."
Frank the Great said:
seriously. there is no substantial progressive political movement in this country. the reason obama is a center-right president is because the electorate is center-right. it is not rocket science. if you want a progressive president, a strong progressive movement needs to be built up.

it shouldn't really even be that hard, theoretically. polls show that most americans do tend to fall on the progressive side of many issues (like the infamous public option.) the problem is that these people don't vote. the ideas are out there, people just need to get involved and start voting. as long as the majority of the electorate is elderly white people, politicians will have to cater to them.

It is very difficult to get a progressive movement when the media is owned by 5 corporations. Tea Party gets all the coverage, but massive protests from the left barely get a blip.


Cubsfan23 said:
how will republicans be able to attack Obama in 2012 if he has went their way almost all the time?

With lies, like usual, and lots and lots and lots of corporate money further marketing those lies. Like how they effectively framed the debt ceiling as giving Obama a blank check.

Karma Kramer said:
It is very difficult to get a progressive movement when the media is owned by 5 corporations. Tea Party gets all the coverage, but massive protests from the left barely get a blip.

What massive progressive protests?
Clevinger said:
What massive progressive protests?

Haha, kind of proves the point. I am positive I have read of large progressive movements outside of the whitehouse that don't get mentioned at all in the media. But I will need to do some digging to give you specific examples. You can't deny the heavy tilt of coverage to the corporate funded tea party movement and movements of the opposite, I guess such as... http://www.pdamerica.org/

Perhaps you could argue that size matters in this circumstance, but you would think an objective news organization would want to frame the tea party narrative with more balance. As it stands, it seems like the only people active in changing government right now are the insane right.


Junior Member
Interestingly, the right says that Obama is a dictator who refuses to compromise and rams through legislation that ruins the country. Meanwhile, the left says that Obama is a weakling who gives the Republicans everything they want and compromises on everything.

As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle....


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Frank the Great said:
seriously. there is no substantial progressive political movement in this country. the reason obama is a center-right president is because the electorate is center-right. it is not rocket science. if you want a progressive president, a strong progressive movement needs to be built up.

it shouldn't really even be that hard, theoretically. polls show that most americans do tend to fall on the progressive side of many issues (like the infamous public option.) the problem is that these people don't vote. the ideas are out there, people just need to get involved and start voting. as long as the majority of the electorate is elderly white people, politicians will have to cater to them.

that being said, my problem with obama on a personal level is that he is an incompetent leader and makes very poor political choices. i do not resent him for being too conservative; as outlined above, he isn't at fault for this. guy needs to get re-elected. but ffs, grow some balls man, stop being bitched around by your opponents.

And this is the answer. But you're right there isn't a progressive push in the country like I wish there was. Sadly I've seen too many times were DEMs would say that the Recovery Act (ie the stimulus) failed.

Saying things like that when they aren't true doesn't help the progressive cause. I hope the refinancing some homeowners mortgages and turning some Fannie Mae forecloused homes into rental makes it into the WH's plans for 2011 though.

It'll do the country good and it'll also be something that progressives can get behind. How can the GOP push back on something like helping out people that are about to lose their homes, when the Congress gave the banks access to $700 Billion?


lacks enthusiasm.
speculawyer said:
Why is this high school squabble relevant?
Seriously, who the fuck cares what day the speech is or that Obama moved it. This is the epitome of making a mountain out of a molehill.
speculawyer said:
Why is this high school squabble relevant?
It's not an issue of huge significance, to be sure, but it is another point of evidence for people who see Obama as an incompetent tactician/negotiator. If he had wanted to poke the Republicans in the eye by upstaging their debate, he could have done so. Instead, you have a situation where his intent to upstage is made known, but he does actually succeed in executing it because the Republicans simply hold the line. A "high school squabble" is an apt way to describe this, but if you're going to pick such a fight, you should (given the amount of leverage he could have brought to bear) be able to win it.


Story: Obama admin sends a letter to Congress asking to make a speech on Sept. 7. The Speaker of the House says okay but can we wait a day, bro? Sure thing, says the President.

Media Filtered Story: "Today President Obama has fired a shot across the bow of the GOP, demanding time for a speech on major new jobs initiatives. Republican John Boehner has returned fire, and called for a MASSIVE 24-hour delay. Is Speaker Boehner challenging the Constitution itself, and is the President risking his very election on this speech? So far neither Obama nor Boehner will back down, and continue to be fighting a political battle that may change the fate of the entire nation. Who will cave, and who will devour their opponent's still-beating heart? Stay tuned to this thrilling political theater.............BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama surrenders Presidency to John Boehner. Sasha and Malia to be offered as hostages. Bo Obama to be delivered to Michelle Bachmann, completing her Portuguese Water Dog fur coat."


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yeah, I rarely swear, but I FUCKING hate the media.

They all need to die in a fire and return to straight reporting of the facts.

That is why 9 times out of 8, PBS and NPR get it right. No sensationalism, no pandering to driving home story after story about one kidnapped white girl, a monkey who can play the banjo, or other inanities of popular news coverage. Just the facts.

Up the hell out of funding for PBS and NPR, then, only allow them on press junkets to the White House, Congress, etc.

I am tired of the game of politics. I am half tempted to run for city council of the small town where I currently live, but just so I can tell everyone to screw off. Then run my reelection campaign on the slogan of "None of the Above"


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Measley said:
Interestingly, the right says that Obama is a dictator who refuses to compromise and rams through legislation that ruins the country. Meanwhile, the left says that Obama is a weakling who gives the Republicans everything they want and compromises on everything.

As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle....

Interestingly enough, the right also says that Obama is simultaneously weak leader who would be the first one to surrender to his enemies (such as bin laden).

logic how does it working!


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah. This scheduling thing is a non-story. Someone fucked up (by either missing the sched conflict or doing it intentionally). They moved it now we can move on. Media wants to make this debt ceiling 2.0 :/

With that said I do like Ezra Kleins idea of giving his speech to an audience of unemployed Americans, rather than congress. Let them ask questions at the end. F congress, they are going to do the same thing in the end whether or not the pres addresses them.


This whole thing has been stupid from end to end. Obama's initial stance, the Republican rejoinder, Obama's modified stance, the media coverage of it all, and people's reaction to it. Just completely fucking brain dead. Manufactured outrage on all sides.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Obama or the Republicans, and this isn't close to being one of them. I know it's silly season, but really...
Breaking News:

Obama to use September 8 speech to reveal new national flag.

Apparently, the stars and stripes are too violent and divisive.


There will be photo ops



It is truly shocking to see how much PhoenixDark hates the President. He should just donate to Romney or something, maybe it'll help him feel better.

"98/2" - lol. Boehner would have said that no matter what happened to assure his base he has his shit together. It's really easy to say Obama caved on the debt ceiling deal when it's all said and done.

Those in the Congressional GOP leadership say a lot of things, so I think it's funny that all of the sudden liberals are taking Boehner and McConnell at their word after 3 years of nothing but misleading the public. Quite frankly these lies are no different.

If Obama didn't pass anything they would have found a way to shift blame onto him and allow default to occur by throwing their hands up and saying "it's up for the President to sign this, not us." The Tea Party trolled all of Washington.

I can see that the GOP's strategy of demoralizing anyone who isn't a Republican is finally starting to work. No matter what the President puts forward it's not going to pass because the GOP is hellbent on stopping everything that comes their way from Democrats.

Since day one the Republicans have gone far beyond challenging Obama; it's full-on political assault on a scale not seen since the build-up to the Civil War. Go on a demoralizing campaign and it'll eventually take its toll on you. And it has, from the WH all the way down to the everyday voter. What's happening in this country right now is really fucked up, you just don't realize it because it's the norm.

I think if, even 10 years ago, people woke up and could see how Washington works today they'd be absolutely sick to their stomach and in a state of utter shock and disbelief.


Gold Member
Hokuten said:
Story: Obama admin sends a letter to Congress asking to make a speech on Sept. 7. The Speaker of the House says okay but can we wait a day, bro? Sure thing, says the President.

Media Filtered Story: "Today President Obama has fired a shot across the bow of the GOP, demanding time for a speech on major new jobs initiatives. Republican John Boehner has returned fire, and called for a MASSIVE 24-hour delay. Is Speaker Boehner challenging the Constitution itself, and is the President risking his very election on this speech? So far neither Obama nor Boehner will back down, and continue to be fighting a political battle that may change the fate of the entire nation. Who will cave, and who will devour their opponent's still-beating heart? Stay tuned to this thrilling political theater.............BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama surrenders Presidency to John Boehner. Sasha and Malia to be offered as hostages. Bo Obama to be delivered to Michelle Bachmann, completing her Portuguese Water Dog fur coat."
That made me laugh. Funny because it's more than likely true.


Snaku said:
Fixed. Perry could take Michelle out on a date and Obama would let them borrow his car at this point.

Obama strikes me as the kind of guy who would watch from the closet at this point.

Oh wait, that's Mitch.


Austin woman gets 30 years for smuggling guns to Mexican gangs.

In Washington? You get a new job.

Kenneth Melson, the now former acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at the center of the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, appears to be getting the treatment now. Attorney General Eric Holder announced Tuesday that Melson has a new job as a "senior adviser" in the Justice Department's Office of Legal.



gcubed said:
well, now he is particularly acquainted with what is legal and illegal, so he is a great adviser.

In order to catch tax cheats and gun smugglers, you gotta think like tax cheats and gun smugglers.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:
In order to catch tax cheats and gun smugglers, you gotta think like tax cheats and gun smugglers.
Is this the Frank Abagnale Jr. argument?
Hokuten said:
Story: Obama admin sends a letter to Congress asking to make a speech on Sept. 7. The Speaker of the House says okay but can we wait a day, bro? Sure thing, says the President.

Media Filtered Story: "Today President Obama has fired a shot across the bow of the GOP, demanding time for a speech on major new jobs initiatives. Republican John Boehner has returned fire, and called for a MASSIVE 24-hour delay. Is Speaker Boehner challenging the Constitution itself, and is the President risking his very election on this speech? So far neither Obama nor Boehner will back down, and continue to be fighting a political battle that may change the fate of the entire nation. Who will cave, and who will devour their opponent's still-beating heart? Stay tuned to this thrilling political theater.............BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama surrenders Presidency to John Boehner. Sasha and Malia to be offered as hostages. Bo Obama to be delivered to Michelle Bachmann, completing her Portuguese Water Dog fur coat."

That's a funny post. But here's my problem: Let's go on the premise that Obama knew there was a debate Wednesday. Let's just go out on a limb and say that someone told him about it. So he purposely chose that date and time, for what reason? If he wanted to stick it to the GOP, then he should stick it to the GOP and stick hard to the date and make Congress oblige. He's the PRESIDENT for Christ's sake. Instead he acquiesced and is made to look like he is either A) disorganized for not knowing about the debate or B) wanting to pick a fight until Boehner slaps him in the mouth, causing him to give in.

I don't see either scenario being particularly flattering.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
worldrunover said:
That's a funny post. But here's my problem: Let's go on the premise that Obama knew there was a debate Wednesday. Let's just go out on a limb and say that someone told him about it. So he purposely chose that date and time, for what reason? If he wanted to stick it to the GOP, then he should stick it to the GOP and stick hard to the date and make Congress oblige. He's the PRESIDENT for Christ's sake. Instead he acquiesced and is made to look like he is either A) disorganized for not knowing about the debate or B) wanting to pick a fight until Boehner slaps him in the mouth, causing him to give in.

I don't see either scenario being particularly flattering.
Or C: He doesn't care about the debate since he has a country to run and the election isn't for another 14 months.
The benchmark of job creation for the President to gain some momentum has been getting tougher as well. To get below 8% by Election Day would require 272,000 jobs per month going forward. This is up again since last month. To reach a more modest 8.5 percent unemployment rate by Election Day 2012 would require the creation of 220,000 jobs on a monthly basis.

We outlined previously that in a tough economic environment, the likely strategy for the President’s reelection campaign is to define his eventual opponent as unacceptable and frame the election as a choice. Despite continued and recent references to Reagan’s success in 1984 with 7.2 percent unemployment, we are not going to see a “Morning in America” campaign, because voters won’t believe it in current conditions. This is going to be a traditional negative campaign, the beginnings of which we have already seen, both in a strategy of blaming a “do-nothing” Congress and in the early framing of likely general election opponents.

The interesting thing is that the economic forecast has now become bad enough that even a negative strategy may be ineffective. In 2008, Ben Smith wrote up an item from a GOP consultant. The source detailed how a focus group he conducted believed every negative thing they heard about then-Senator Obama, and that they were going to vote for him anyway.

The danger for Obama 2012 now is the same as their advantage in 2008. By Election Day 2012 if the economy has been bad for all four years of the Obama presidency, voters may not care what he has to say about his opponent. Or worse, they’ll believe it all and vote the President out anyway.

The only way Obama gets re-elected is if Bachman wins the nomination, or maybe Perry.
GaimeGuy said:
Or C: He doesn't care about the debate since he has a country to run and the election isn't for another 14 months.

Bullshit. He has people working 24/7 on the optics of everything he does. This wasn't made willy nilly.


GaimeGuy said:
Or C: He doesn't care about the debate since he has a country to run and the election isn't for another 14 months.

You seriously believe this? So that campaign bus tour he just took was...?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
My point is who gives a shit it's a standard scheduling conflict. Jesus christ
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