worldrunover said:That's a funny post. But here's my problem: Let's go on the premise that Obama knew there was a debate Wednesday. Let's just go out on a limb and say that someone told him about it. So he purposely chose that date and time, for what reason? If he wanted to stick it to the GOP, then he should stick it to the GOP and stick hard to the date and make Congress oblige. He's the PRESIDENT for Christ's sake. Instead he acquiesced and is made to look like he is either A) disorganized for not knowing about the debate or B) wanting to pick a fight until Boehner slaps him in the mouth, causing him to give in.
I don't see either scenario being particularly flattering.
I don't think the purpose was to "stick it to the GOP". I think Obama chose that date because it is the first day that Congress is reconvening. He wanted to send a message that he wants to start on his job creation initiatives as soon as possible.
When he saw that his message would be overshadowed by the story of the partisan fight over the date if he continued, he decided to quickly give in.