I spent a few minutes reading over various policy proposals from Republican presidential candidates, and now I'm pretty sure I have to vote for Obama, even though he sucks. Under the Republican luminaries who represent an alternative to four more years of Obama, the following could definitely happen:
- A full repeal of Dodd-Frank (lunacy, the bill should be made stronger if anything).
- A full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (insanity, if anything the public option should be added).
- Elimination of the capital gains tax (possibly not a high priority, but Huntsman would make it a part of his economic platform).
- Closing down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (I don't see how anyone can successfully spin this as being beneficial to the populace, but somehow they will).
I doubt they'd make any headway on abortion or gay issues, but those four alone are enough to make me question the sanity of anyone who would vote Republican.
Oh, and the Bush tax cuts would NEVER expire for the top bracket.
I HATE how anti-populist ideas can be spun as pro-populist with braindead strawmen arguments.
"So you want to punish success?"
"So you don't think you should keep what you earn?"
"So you think some unelected czar should be able to tell you what to do?"
"So you want us to be like Cuba?"
The left needs quick, easily-digestible talking points like these.
- A full repeal of Dodd-Frank (lunacy, the bill should be made stronger if anything).
- A full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (insanity, if anything the public option should be added).
- Elimination of the capital gains tax (possibly not a high priority, but Huntsman would make it a part of his economic platform).
- Closing down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (I don't see how anyone can successfully spin this as being beneficial to the populace, but somehow they will).
I doubt they'd make any headway on abortion or gay issues, but those four alone are enough to make me question the sanity of anyone who would vote Republican.
Oh, and the Bush tax cuts would NEVER expire for the top bracket.
I HATE how anti-populist ideas can be spun as pro-populist with braindead strawmen arguments.
"So you want to punish success?"
"So you don't think you should keep what you earn?"
"So you think some unelected czar should be able to tell you what to do?"
"So you want us to be like Cuba?"
The left needs quick, easily-digestible talking points like these.