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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Are you telling me that had Obama pushed harder on the public option or other areas of the health care bill that it wouldn't have gotten through? That had he used his bully pulpit a bit more with the blue dogs that he couldn't have gotten one or two more votes? Or perhaps HE wasn't for the public option which in of itself is problematic.

The financial regulatory bill is a joke. Everybody knows it. Has anybody been brought to trial for their work in the financial meltdown? Anybody? No. They got off Scott free. Are you telling me that Obama couldn't have pushed harder on the derivative market to be regulated? Are you telling me that had he been more of a leader that it couldn't have been stronger? Perhaps he wasn't in favor of it being stronger which in of itself is problematic.

With the deficit debacle. Are you telling me that Obama couldn't have gained more and given up less with how it went down had he used his bully pulpit more? Had he not let the Republicans form the debate from day one? Had he told them from day one that he isn't budging even if it means he won't be reelected? Obama gave into the tax extensions for the very wealthy because he is horrible at negotiating. He gives up before he gets into the door and the Republicans know it. They know it because they have seen him consistently do it. He isn't a leader.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Mckmas, how about Obama's handling of the oil spill in the gulf? His administration shutting up marine biologists and other scientists. Him doing shit to BP. Him opening up the same area for more drilling. Him offering MORE licenses to drill despite these oil companies showing such disregard for safety.

YES! That's exactly what I'm telling you. Why would the GOP pass bills to help the country and the President when they said that their number 1 goal is to stop him from getting a 2nd term. I think he liked the idea of the public option, but he did a deal with insurance companies to not run ads stopping the ACA bill if it didn't have a public option.

Yeah he could have done alot more on the Frank-Dodd bill though. I agree with you 100% there. But I too wonder how strong he wanted it to be. I'm guessing that he didn't want it to be as strong as you and I would have liked it to be.

With the deficit deal I honestly don't see how he could have given up less without nothing passing and the country going straight to default status. Hell the some of the craziest GOP members in the House wanted that to happen. Bachmann said herself that she wanted that to happen. Did you see the freaking GOP Presidential debate on Fox News? ALL of them said that they wouldn't have voted for a 90% deficit cut - 10% tax increase deal.

Why you think a Super Obama with a cape could have changed that is unthinkable to me. I loved what he was saying about the balanced approached and I think it worked in the eyes of the public. They wanted a balanced approach after Obama kept pushing it in speeches. But the GOP are fucking bastards and would NOT let that happen.

Maybe it would have been just better if no deal got done and we could have said that Obama stood his ground. It would have made him a stronger leader and a man with balls. Now would that had been best for the country? I don't know.
mckmas8808 said:
YES! That's exactly what I'm telling you. Why would the GOP pass bills to help the country and the President when they said that their number 1 goal is to stop him from getting a 2nd term. I think he liked the idea of the public option, but he did a deal with insurance companies to not run ads stopping the ACA bill if it didn't have a public option.

Yeah he could have done alot more on the Frank-Dodd bill though. I agree with you 100% there. But I too wonder how strong he wanted it to be. I'm guessing that he didn't want it to be as strong as you and I would have liked it to be.

With the deficit deal I honestly don't see how he could have given up less without nothing passing and the country going straight to default status. Hell the some of the craziest GOP members in the House wanted that to happen. Bachmann said herself that she wanted that to happen. Did you see the freaking GOP Presidential debate on Fox News? ALL of them said that they wouldn't have voted for a 90% deficit cut - 10% tax increase deal.

Why you think a Super Obama with a cape could have changed that is unthinkable to me. I loved what he was saying about the balanced approached and I think it worked in the eyes of the public. They wanted a balanced approach after Obama kept pushing it in speeches. But the GOP are fucking bastards and would NOT let that happen.

Maybe it would have been just better if no deal got done and we could have said that Obama stood his ground. It would have made him a stronger leader and a man with balls. Now would that had been best for the country? I don't know.

McConnell and Bohener from day 1 said they would not let the country default. DAY 1. Obama never gave them the opportunity to follow through on that promise. Instead he caved and caved BIG. HUGE. Do you honestly think Boehner would have let the country default? Same with McConnell? No. They wouldn't. If Obama had stood his ground MORE and gotten a better deal, they wouldn't have required the Republicans in the house to vote for it since Dems would have made up for it anyhow and you'd still get the moderate Republicans voting for it. Obama never called their bluff.

While the public may have applauded Obama on his handling of it (not really, they just approved of his job more so than the Republicans) all of that will be moot come election time. In doing so Obama also lost a portion of his base. Was it worth it to cave day 1?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
speculawyer said:


Of course, that is the reality-based world. Your AM radio and Fox news will generally tell you that Obama has done everything possible to stop all domestic oil drilling.

BTW, Joseph Romm who wrote that article is a great source of info on these topics. He's no slouch . . . he has a BS & PhD from MIT in physics.

This shit cray! But my year's phrase is going to be "but this is the world we live in." Nothing matters anymore. It's times like these where I understand why people hate politics. The GOP lies over and over about stuff like this and they make it one of their top campaign slogans, yet it's not even true.

It reminds me of the illegal immigration stuff too. The GOP constantly says that the DEMs don't care about keeping the "illegals" out and enforcing the current laws. Well what do the DEMs do? They crack done on illegal immigration, yet we still hear the GOP saying the same thing over and over.

But what pisses me off the most is the for profit media that doesn't care about the facts across the board. They just want to see a fight because it's what helps their ratings go up. Damn the facts (unless we caught someone in an obvious lie and can point it out to make fun it them and increase our ratings even higher)!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
LovingSteam said:
Mckmas, how about Obama's handling of the oil spill in the gulf? His administration shutting up marine biologists and other scientists. Him doing shit to BP. Him opening up the same area for more drilling. Him offering MORE licenses to drill despite these oil companies showing such disregard for safety.
Woah woah woah, Obama DID close down the gulf for drilling. The courts said he couldn't do that, though.

The executive branch's largest power is its ability to nominate supreme court justices and force a 2/3rds majority approval on any piece of legislation passed by congres. Always remember that.

Obama put a moratorium on deep-water drilling which the 5th circuit unanimously struck down. He can't do anything about that.

He could go scorched-earth and force Congress to enact exactly whatever legislation he wants or nothing gets done at all, and he could stack the courts with ideologues and personal friends so that he could overstep the confines of the law unopposed by the courts, but that would be extremely dickish on his part and would start turning the US into a police state/dictatorship. We saw a lot of this under Bush, and even under Clinton, where the legislative branch and even the courts would defer to the executive branch for legislative or judicial duties.

Almost all of the complaints about Obama should be directed towards Congress. Direct your anger at the right people, for the love of god. At the very least, get the branch of government right.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
McConnell and Bohener from day 1 said they would not let the country default. DAY 1. Obama never gave them the opportunity to follow through on that promise. Instead he caved and caved BIG. HUGE. Do you honestly think Boehner would have let the country default? Same with McConnell? No. They wouldn't. If Obama had stood his ground MORE and gotten a better deal, they wouldn't have required the Republicans in the house to vote for it since Dems would have made up for it anyhow and you'd still get the moderate Republicans voting for it. Obama never called their bluff.

While the public may have applauded Obama on his handling of it (not really, they just approved of his job more so than the Republicans) all of that will be moot come election time. In doing so Obama also lost a portion of his base. Was it worth it to cave day 1?

HELL YES LovingSteam. HELL YES! Why do you guys blame Obama for trusting the GOP, yet you and PD constantly keep trusting them to not let the country default. McConnell and Boehner probably would have voted to not let the country default, but their were enough Tea Party republicans that would have.

Think about it. Boehner couldn't even get his own party to vote on a deficit package that was $4 Trillion! They ended up passing a bill that cut the deficit half as much because the tail was waging the dog. Boehner wanted the $4 Trillion at first.

And LovingSteam day 1 was like in the Spring of 2011, not in summer.
Obama in my opinion could easily describe the situation he has faced, go over examples of how Republicans are blocking legislature not because they disagree with it, but because it is legislature put forward by him. He can play offense and still negotiate, if he doesn't win the public's support, then compromise. But even on issues where he has had greater public support he doesn't frame the situation in that light (extension of Tax Cuts). When one side is using lies and propaganda to argue against policy, it should be made aware. We elected our governance and his priority should be (regardless of party) to set the record straight to us. So far he has mostly played the games of the GOP out of some kind of deluded passion to see everyone holding hands.

He's like a parent and the Republicans are his 12 kids... they yell and complain for new toys everyday and he can't stand yelling so he gives them their toys.


mckmas8808 said:
HELL YES LovingSteam. HELL YES! Why do you guys blame Obama for trusting the GOP, yet you and PD constantly keep trusting them to not let the country default. McConnell and Boehner probably would have voted to not let the country default, but their were enough Tea Party republicans that would have.
Again, GOPers are hypocrites, but they absolutely telegraph their intentions clearly. McConnell is unrelentingly honest in his obstructionism. Last year, as Dems were debating rules changes for the new Congress in the Senate, he cheerfully declared his intention to make the obstructionism of the last two years look like nothing at all compared to the next two. And he's delivered. (It was in effect a dare to Dems to change the rules, which they declined to do.) He outlined a path to get the debt deal passed - and that was adopted. The list goes on and on and on.

And he said, in no uncertain terms, that the debt ceiling would pass. Full stop. As did Boehner. Because they knew they couldn't shoot that hostage. There were enough sane GOPers in the House to huddle with the Dems in passing a clean extension if need be; McConnell's original plan had no strings attached, just a polical victory in making the Dems pass it alone. Pelosi was working on that contingency plan when Obama air-dropped in concessions that changed the dynamic and empowered the GOP's brinksmanship.

At the risk of sounding like a condescending twerp, you can't make the argument you're making unless you have not paid sufficient attention to watching the process unfold.

We were not going to default, and everyone knew it. Obama pushed for what he actually wanted - which were cuts.
The man ran on "change" from 8 years (6 of complete government control) of Republicans in power. If congress is broken, it is understandable that it is out of his power. However in such a circumstance where there is very little to lose, he should ensure he doesn't let the Republicans get away with the same old tactics, tactics that cloud facts and put the health of our country at risk. What good will these compromises be if we get to 2012, he loses, and Republicans are back in the driving seat. The measly few steps of progress he did make will either cease or be repealed. The way our government is functioning currently is unprecedented and unless there is a leader who has the voice box to reveal its dis-functional attitude, the virus of fear and misinformation will spread.
GhaleonEB said:
Again, GOPers are hypocrites, but they absolutely telegraph their intentions clearly. McConnell is unrelentingly honest in his obstructionism. Last year, as Dems were debating rules changes for the new Congress in the Senate, he cheerfully declared his intention to make the obstructionism of the last two years look like nothing at all compared to the next two. And he's delivered. (It was in effect a dare to Dems to change the rules, which they declined to do.) He outlined a path to get the debt deal passed - and that was adopted. The list goes on and on and on.

And he said, in no uncertain terms, that the debt ceiling would pass. Full stop. As did Boehner. Because they knew they couldn't shoot that hostage. There were enough sane GOPers in the House to huddle with the Dems in passing a clean extension if need be; McConnell's original plan had no strings attached, just a polical victory in making the Dems pass it alone. Pelosi was working on that contingency plan when Obama air-dropped in concessions that changed the dynamic and empowered the GOP's brinksmanship.

At the risk of sounding like a condescending twerp, you can't make the argument you're making unless you have not paid sufficient attention to watching the process unfold.

We were not going to default, and everyone knew it. Obama pushed for what he actually wanted - which were cuts.

Exactly. The Tea Party members may be psychotic but Boehner and McConnell are not. Neither is Cantor. They are career politicians and understand that letting us default would have been their undoing. They wouldn't let that happen. Obama caved in. There is no ifs ands or buts about it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Again, GOPers are hypocrites, but they absolutely telegraph their intentions clearly. McConnell is unrelentingly honest in his obstructionism. Last year, as Dems were debating rules changes for the new Congress in the Senate, he cheerfully declared his intention to make the obstructionism of the last two years look like nothing at all compared to the next two. And he's delivered. (It was in effect a dare to Dems to change the rules, which they declined to do.) He outlined a path to get the debt deal passed - and that was adopted. The list goes on and on and on.

And he said, in no uncertain terms, that the debt ceiling would pass. Full stop. As did Boehner. Because they knew they couldn't shoot that hostage. There were enough sane GOPers in the House to huddle with the Dems in passing a clean extension if need be; McConnell's original plan had no strings attached, just a polical victory in making the Dems pass it alone. Pelosi was working on that contingency plan when Obama air-dropped in concessions that changed the dynamic and empowered the GOP's brinksmanship.

At the risk of sounding like a condescending twerp, you can't make the argument you're making unless you have not paid sufficient attention to watching the process unfold.

We were not going to default, and everyone knew it. Obama pushed for what he actually wanted - which were cuts.

I watched every single minute of it unfold and was here with you guys while it happened. A clean bill would have NEVER passed. Like ever!

House nixes debt limit increase in symbolic vote

WASHINGTON - House Republicans dealt defeat to their own proposal for a $2.4 trillion increase in the nation's debt limit Tuesday, a political gambit designed to reinforce a demand for spending cuts to accompany any increase in government borrowing.
The vote was lopsided, with just 97 in favor of the measure and 318 against

House Democrats accused the GOP of political demagoguery, while the Obama administration maneuvered to avoid taking sides — or giving offense to majority Republicans.

The debate was brief, occasionally impassioned and set a standard of sorts for public theater, particularly at a time when private negotiations continue among the administration and key lawmakers on the deficit cuts Republicans have demanded.

The bill "will and must fail," said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., the House Ways and Means Committee chairman who noted he had helped write the very measure he was criticizing.

"I consider defeating an unconditional increase to be a success, because it sends a clear and critical message that the Congress has finally recognized we must immediately begin to rein in America's affection for deficit spending," he said.

But Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., accused Republicans of a "ploy so egregious that (they) have had to spend the last week pleading with Wall Street not to take it seriously and risk our economic recovery."

He and other Democrats added that Republicans were attempting to draw attention away from their controversial plan to turn Medicare into a program in which seniors purchase private insurance coverage.

The proceedings occurred roughly two months before the date Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has said the debt limit must be raised. If no action is taken by Aug. 2, he has warned, the government could default on its obligations and risk turmoil that might plunge the nation into another recession or even an economic depression.

Republicans, who are scheduled to meet with Obama at the White House on Wednesday, signaled in advance that the debt limit vote did not portend a final refusal to grant an increase.

The roll call vote was held late in the day, and there was little, if any discernible impact on Wall Street, where major exchanges showed gains for the day. At the same time, it satisfied what GOP officials said was a desire among the rank and file to vote against unpopular legislation the leadership has said eventually must pass in some form.

Republicans said they were offering legislation Obama and more than 100 Democratic lawmakers had sought.

But Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the second-ranking Democrat, accused the GOP of staging a "demagogic vote" at a time lawmakers should work together to avoid a financial default.

All 97 votes in favor of the measure were cast by Democrats, totaling less than a majority and far under the two-thirds support needed for passage.
For its part, the administration appeared eager to avoid criticizing Republica

"It's fine, it's fine," presidential press secretary Jay Carney said when asked about the Republican decision to tie spending cuts with more borrowing.

"We believe they should not be linked because there is no alternative that's acceptable to raising the debt ceiling. But we're committed to reducing the deficit," Carney said.

The government has already reached the limit of its borrowing authority, $14.3 trillion, and the Treasury is using a series of extraordinary maneuvers to meet financial obligations.

By no longer would making investments in two big pension funds for federal workers and beginning to withdraw current investments, for example, the Treasury created $214 billion in additional borrowing headroom.

At the same time, the Obama administration and congressional leaders are at work trying to produce a deficit-reduction agreement in excess of $1 trillion to meet Republican demands for spending cuts.

Political maneuvering on legislation to raise the debt limit has become common in recent years, as federal deficits have soared and presidents of both political parties have been forced to seek authority to borrow additional trillions of dollars.

Because such legislation is unpopular with voters, presidents generally look to lawmakers from their own political party to provide the votes needed for passage. In the current case, though, Republicans control the House, and without at least some support from them, Obama's request for a debt-limit increase would fail.

However, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced months ago that he would demand spending cuts as a condition for passage.

"It's true that allowing America to default would be irresponsible," he said on May 9 in a speech to the Economic Club of New York. "But it would be more irresponsible to raise the debt limit without simultaneously taking dramatic steps to reduce spending and to reform the budget process."

He added that any spending cuts should be larger than the increase in borrowing authority, a statement meant to lay down a marker for the deficit-reduction talks led by Vice President Joe Biden.

Few details have emerged from those negotiations, although Biden said recently the negotiators had made progress. He expressed confidence they would be able to agree on specific cuts in excess of $1 trillion over the next decade, and then look to procedural mechanisms known as "triggers" to force further automatic deficit cuts adding up to another $3 trillion or so.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a participant in the talks, said afterward, "I am confident that we can achieve over a trillion dollars in savings at this point, and hopefully more."

Earlier, Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., had said the discussions centered on deficit cuts totaling in the range of $150 billion to $200 billion over a decade, but that was from a relatively small category of programs.

Among the areas eyed for spending cuts is the federal pension program, where the White House has signaled it is receptive to a Republican proposal for employees to make greater contributions.


No I do agree that Obama REALLY REALLY needs to pointing out that the GOP is stopping things from getting better. And do it by name. But a clean bill would have never happened.
mckmas8808 said:
This shit cray! But my year's phrase is going to be "but this is the world we live in." Nothing matters anymore. It's times like these where I understand why people hate politics. The GOP lies over and over about stuff like this and they make it one of their top campaign slogans, yet it's not even true.

It reminds me of the illegal immigration stuff too. The GOP constantly says that the DEMs don't care about keeping the "illegals" out and enforcing the current laws. Well what do the DEMs do? They crack done on illegal immigration, yet we still hear the GOP saying the same thing over and over.

But what pisses me off the most is the for profit media that doesn't care about the facts across the board. They just want to see a fight because it's what helps their ratings go up. Damn the facts (unless we caught someone in an obvious lie and can point it out to make fun it them and increase our ratings even higher)!
Yeah . . . I'm pretty alienated about politics at this point. Reality just doesn't matter it seems. Truth is out . . . 'Truthiness' is in.

Cut taxes! . . . Uh . . . we are already at the lowest rates in 50 years.

Dems suck at defense! . . . uh . . . Obama nailed Usama and the Quadaffi regime was deposed in 6 months with zero US casualties.

Drill, baby, drill! . . . uh . . . we quadrupled the number of rigs. Domestic production has risen during the Obama administration whereas it went down during during the Bush administration.

Any of that matter? Nope . . . he's still the Kenyan socialist muslim to nearly 1/2 the country.
mckmas8808 said:
I watched every single minute of it unfold and was here with you guys while it happened. A clean bill would have NEVER passed. Like ever!

No I do agree that Obama REALLY REALLY needs to pointing out that the GOP is stopping things from getting better. And do it by name. But a clean bill would have never happened.

Tell me, how close to the end date did that vote take place? Oh yea. Symbolic votes me shit. Everybody knows that. Do you REALLY think that if we were at the 11th hour and the Republicans knew Obama wasn't going to budge that they'd SERIOUSLY not sign onto a clean bill? Boehner and McDonnell being the first leader and minority leader with a default on their record? Big businesses calling for their resignation because on their watch we defaulted? You HONESTLY think that would have happened? Hell. No. They may have required some cuts but if they knew Obama meant business they wouldn't have gotten what they did get. Obama gave up day 1. HE gave them the house before they even asked for it.
A clean bill would have been passed if it came down to that or a default. McConnell's original plan was basically a clean bill with political scores attached, remember. Obama did not want a clean bill. At one point he said he'd only accept a bill with spending cuts and tax increases, which should tell you everything you need to know. He was willing to put SS age increments on the table in exchange for a grand deal he could campaign on.

And he's STILL talking up his Grand Bargain. This administration has put politics ahead of policy for some time now imo, it's just that this case seemed to be the final demoralizing blow for his supporters.

This smog shit is a perfect example of poor negotiating. Why not offer that in exchange for a payroll tax increase for employers and employees? And if republicans refuse, take it off the fucking table. Instead he offers his hand before the debate even begins, again and again. We've been talking about this type of stupid behavior since Jan 09, and nothing has changed. At some point you have to determine that Obama is either a poor, stupid leader or he actually wants to pass watered down, conservative legislation.


Jtyettis said:
We are .7 on the GDP for the first half of the year and heading toward job losses. We are already razor thin close to recession. Not going to take much at this point.

I always thought this guy was a nut, but Roubini on the other hand he pretty much nailed 08 real early on.

Close to recession? We never left the first recession, and prepare for even more as the Fed will have to enact QE3, or at least that's what they'll choose to do. We're going to see some seriouly crazy things in the next few years.

Peter Schiff has been right this entire time, and those that aren't paying attention at this point blow my mind. What does it take for people to wake up?
PhoenixDark said:
A clean bill would have been passed if it came down to that or a default. McConnell's original plan was basically a clean bill with political scores attached, remember. Obama did not want a clean bill. At one point he said he'd only accept a bill with spending cuts and tax increases, which should tell you everything you need to know. He was willing to put SS age increments on the table in exchange for a grand deal he could campaign on.

And he's STILL talking up his Grand Bargain. This administration has put politics ahead of policy for some time now imo, it's just that this case seemed to be the final demoralizing blow for his supporters.

This smog shit is a perfect example of poor negotiating. Why not offer that in exchange for a payroll tax increase for employers and employees? And if republicans refuse, take it off the fucking table. Instead he offers his hand before the debate even begins, again and again. We've been talking about this type of stupid behavior since Jan 09, and nothing has changed. At some point you have to determine that Obama is either a poor, stupid leader or he actually wants to pass watered down, conservative legislation.

Have to agree. Its inexcusable.


Anyone ever just feel like giving up?

Every day I look at dozens of job listings with requirements that are so easy I'd probably get bored doing the job, yet I can't get an interview. I'm 27, with a BA, and I can't get the kind of jobs my parents' generation could get with an associate's degree, or fuck it, a high school diploma. I'm not trying to make this a personal sob story, because there are hundreds of thousands in the exact same situation. Millions of unemployed overall. It's been three years since Lehman Bros failed, and the only aspect of the situation that's improved is that we're not losing half a million jobs per month.

Meanwhile you've got people in Washington and on Wall Street playing games with real lives.

It just feels like the whole social contract is broken. In the name of efficiency, we've allowed most of our economy to become consolidated into large-scale businesses; however we believe those businesses have no obligation to employ anyone and are perfectly justified in collectively laying off millions of people and squeezing two workers' worth of production out of everyone left. Doesn't it bother people that we've set up a system that allows for massive consolidation and enables people to become fabulously wealthy, but we don't ask anything in return? Employment is like... the most basic of basic societal functions. We're failing miserably in that regard.

If I believed in an afterlife, I would have headed there some time ago.
Puddles said:
Anyone ever just feel like giving up?

Every day I look at dozens of job listings with requirements that are so easy I'd probably get bored doing the job, yet I can't get an interview. I'm 27, with a BA, and I can't get the kind of jobs my parents' generation could get with an associate's degree, or fuck it, a high school diploma. I'm not trying to make this a personal sob story, because there are hundreds of thousands in the exact same situation. Millions of unemployed overall. It's been three years since Lehman Bros failed, and the only aspect of the situation that's improved is that we're not losing half a million jobs per month.

Meanwhile you've got people in Washington and on Wall Street playing games with real lives.

It just feels like the whole social contract is broken. In the name of efficiency, we've allowed most of our economy to become consolidated into large-scale businesses; however we believe those businesses have no obligation to employ anyone and are perfectly justified in collectively laying off millions of people and squeezing two workers' worth of production out of everyone left. Doesn't it bother people that we've set up a system that allows for massive consolidation and enables people to become fabulously wealthy, but we don't ask anything in return? Employment is like... the most basic of basic societal functions. We're failing miserably in that regard.

If I believed in an afterlife, I would have headed there some time ago.

If I ever were to want to end my life it wouldn't be because of the assholes on wall-street or those in Congress. I'd never give them that much power. Fuck them. If I were to end my life it would be due to having lost my entire family or where I simply didn't care about life any longer.


unomas said:
Close to recession? We never left the first recession, and prepare for even more as the Fed will have to enact QE3, or at least that's what they'll choose to do. We're going to see some seriouly crazy things in the next few years.

Peter Schiff has been right this entire time, and those that aren't paying attention at this point blow my mind. What does it take for people to wake up?

Well Schiff could be right on the extreme except the dollar hasn't totally tanked out like he said years ago and it may simply bottom it will have taken forever for that prediction to happen. I think we did leave the first recession, but maybe just barely. I do think this next year will be quite terrible indeed however. Roubini has been on the money.


Puddles said:
Anyone ever just feel like giving up?

Every day I look at dozens of job listings with requirements that are so easy I'd probably get bored doing the job, yet I can't get an interview. I'm 27, with a BA, and I can't get the kind of jobs my parents' generation could get with an associate's degree, or fuck it, a high school diploma. I'm not trying to make this a personal sob story, because there are hundreds of thousands in the exact same situation. Millions of unemployed overall. It's been three years since Lehman Bros failed, and the only aspect of the situation that's improved is that we're not losing half a million jobs per month.

Meanwhile you've got people in Washington and on Wall Street playing games with real lives.

It just feels like the whole social contract is broken. In the name of efficiency, we've allowed most of our economy to become consolidated into large-scale businesses; however we believe those businesses have no obligation to employ anyone and are perfectly justified in collectively laying off millions of people and squeezing two workers' worth of production out of everyone left. Doesn't it bother people that we've set up a system that allows for massive consolidation and enables people to become fabulously wealthy, but we don't ask anything in return? Employment is like... the most basic of basic societal functions. We're failing miserably in that regard.

If I believed in an afterlife, I would have headed there some time ago.

Welcome to a society of greed, a society of how many ipads can I have for my children, and how many BMW's will fit in my garage. There is no do for your fellow man from these large corporations, it's all about greed, or at least its swung violently in that direction with little opposition.


PhoenixDark said:
A clean bill would have been passed if it came down to that or a default. McConnell's original plan was basically a clean bill with political scores attached, remember. Obama did not want a clean bill. At one point he said he'd only accept a bill with spending cuts and tax increases, which should tell you everything you need to know. He was willing to put SS age increments on the table in exchange for a grand deal he could campaign on.

And he's STILL talking up his Grand Bargain. This administration has put politics ahead of policy for some time now imo, it's just that this case seemed to be the final demoralizing blow for his supporters.

This smog shit is a perfect example of poor negotiating. Why not offer that in exchange for a payroll tax increase for employers and employees? And if republicans refuse, take it off the fucking table. Instead he offers his hand before the debate even begins, again and again. We've been talking about this type of stupid behavior since Jan 09, and nothing has changed. At some point you have to determine that Obama is either a poor, stupid leader or he actually wants to pass watered down, conservative legislation.
What's particularly inexcusable here is the GOP had no leverage at all on the smog regulations. It's a rule the EPA was drafting, a process they could go through with on their own. The GOP could howl and scream, but not block it. Obama chose to reverse course on his own, which tells you all you need to know.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Art Institutes, one of the nation’s largest for-profit school systems where people can receive an education in photography, has come under fire. Last month, the US Department of Justice filed a massive lawsuit against the company behind the schools, Education Management Corporation, accusing it of fraudulently collecting $11 billion in government aid by recruiting low-income students for the purpose of collecting student aid money.


I am not surprised.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Wrong. And I like how you ignored everything I said to paste an article about a clearly "symbolic" vote failing.

I read what you said. And for some reason you (like Obama on other bills) had faith that the GOP would pass a bill to help the country. Which in turn would help Obama. Their first rule is to make him a one term president. That's rule number 1. They've stated so out loud.

If a symbolic vote couldn't pass (and it's on the record), then what makes he think 100s of GOP congressmen and women would "flip-flop" on that and pass a straight debt ceiling deal? Because Mr. mean finger waving Obama would rebuke them in front of the press? Psssshhh....like they would care. He did that during the health care debate plenty of times and obviously the record shows that it didn't help at all!

It's the one thing that liberals which he didn't spend so much time doing. Now all of a sudden it would have worked. BAM! Just like that. Like magic. I'm sure Boehner would have tried to group enough people together, but it wouldn't have worked because it went 100% against everything the GOP were saying at the time.

PhoenixDark said:
A clean bill would have been passed if it came down to that or a default. McConnell's original plan was basically a clean bill with political scores attached, remember. Obama did not want a clean bill. At one point he said he'd only accept a bill with spending cuts and tax increases, which should tell you everything you need to know. He was willing to put SS age increments on the table in exchange for a grand deal he could campaign on.

And he's STILL talking up his Grand Bargain. This administration has put politics ahead of policy for some time now imo, it's just that this case seemed to be the final demoralizing blow for his supporters.

This smog shit is a perfect example of poor negotiating. Why not offer that in exchange for a payroll tax increase for employers and employees? And if republicans refuse, take it off the fucking table. Instead he offers his hand before the debate even begins, again and again. We've been talking about this type of stupid behavior since Jan 09, and nothing has changed. At some point you have to determine that Obama is either a poor, stupid leader or he actually wants to pass watered down, conservative legislation.

THE FUCK? Obama was cool with a clean bill. He stated so 1000s of times. Do you watch the news? If it was going to be between a cut only bill and a cut and tax increase bill then THAT's when he would have only been for a bill like that. Originally he wanted a clean bill. Why do you think the GOP in the house put it up for a vote where only DEMs voted yes?

It was because the white house and DEMs (not all of them) were okay with that. You are purely rewritting history to fit a narrative. But I do agree with you on the smog thing. He shouldn't have taken it off the table. Use it for negotiating. I agree with that. Dumb ass move to do it this early.


Oblivion said:
So I hear Obama done fucked things up again with the smog regulations. Good jon, guys.

Completely unrelated, but anytime anyone says that Dems and Republicans are the same, I will forever point them to the following video:


(yes, it was posted in the political ownage thread, but regardless COME AT ME BRO)

Well, I can sort of understand the reasoning due to the economy being in the crapper. He probably didnt want to add more expenses to businesses. Still, I think that sort of thinking is ass backwards. The problem with our economy is demand. Solve that and environmental regulations won't be that big of a deal


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
unomas said:
Welcome to a society of greed, a society of how many ipads can I have for my children, and how many BMW's will fit in my garage. There is no do for your fellow man from these large corporations, it's all about greed, or at least its swung violently in that direction with little opposition.

Why are you blaming everyday people that bought a BMW and an ipad for the recession that we were in? It was purely a financial recession. Bought on to us by regular and investment banks. People buying two ipads for their kids didn't create our problem.

Why are you defending corporations?
mckmas8808 said:
THE FUCK? Obama was cool with a clean bill. He stated so 1000s of times. Do you watch the news? If it was going to be between a cut only bill and a cut and tax increase bill then THAT's when he would have only been for a bill like that. Originally he wanted a clean bill. Why do you think the GOP in the house put it up for a vote where only DEMs voted yes?

It was because the white house and DEMs (not all of them) were okay with that. You are purely rewritting history to fit a narrative. But I do agree with you on the smog thing. He shouldn't have taken it off the table. Use it for negotiating. I agree with that. Dumb ass move to do it this early.

A complete timeline
In April, Press Secretary Jay Carney Made Clear The President Supports A Clean Debt Limit Increase. “... we believe that we should move quickly to raise the debt limit and we support a clean piece of legislation to do that. (Press Briefing, 4/11/11)

President Obama Declared A Debt Ceiling Increase Was Not Going To Happen Without Spending Cuts. "I think it's absolutely right that it's not going to happen without some spending cuts," the president told The Associated Press in an interview in his hometown, agreeing with House Speaker John Boehner's assessment. (The Associated Press, 4/15/11)

The Next Day: Press Secretary Jay Carney Walked Back The President’s Statement Saying, “That’s Not His Position At All.” (Pool Report, 4/15/11)

At The End Of April, WH Chief Of Staff Bill Daley Admitted A Clean Debt Limit Vote Shouldn’t Happen Without Addressing Spending. "Nobody thinks there will be a clean debt ceiling extension vote," Daley said. "There probably shouldn't be, without some changes [in spending]. The budget deficit is a real thing that has to be addressed." (The Los Angeles Times, 4/29/11)

He was on the record against a clean bill in April. The goal was to pass some type of bipartisan massive spending cut bill to neutralize the deficit argument.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
A complete timeline


He was on the record against a clean bill in April. The goal was to pass some type of bipartisan massive spending cut bill to neutralize the deficit argument.

It looks like he was on record for a clean bill. Then he felt for some reason that one couldn't pass without spending cuts so he jumped on that talk.

I can't find the video, but he was asked in a press conference if he still supports a clean bill and he said yeah. But yeah walking it back that early was a problem.


According to Bloomberg, since World War II almost every time that the year over year change in real GDP has fallen below 2% the U.S. economy has fallen into a recession....

Since 1948, every time the four-quarter change has fallen below 2 percent, the economy has entered a recession. It’s hard to argue against an indicator with such a long history of accuracy.

This is the most clearly defining indicator I have seen yet that recession is upon us. I have seen this indicator mentioned one other time in another article by an economist in a RCP article awhile back, but it just sticks out so bad. Economics has always been like a second hobby, but after 08 it has made me paranoid as hell.

Edit: Though I must say at this point the most amazing thing is with all this data Bernake still thinks we will see moderate growth heh. Amazing, but I guess we shall see if that view changes with the Fed meeting this month.
The stakes have really gone up on the upcoming Bam's Jobs speech. Wishful thinking, but he better take names and kick ass. Anything lower than that is a failure.
RustyNails said:
The stakes have really gone up on the upcoming Bam's Jobs speech. Wishful thinking, but he better take names and kick ass. Anything lower than that is a failure.

Let me preview it for you

"In order to get out of this temporary economic situation, we must work together. Both sides. I am willing to work with speaker Boehner and the house republicans, and I trust they are willing to work with me. Spending money will not get us out of this mess, which is why all my proposals tonight will be paid for with cuts elsewhere.

Tonight I am proposing that alongside an employer and employee payroll tax cut extension, I am also willing to support a repatriation tax holiday for corporations that bring their business and profits back into the US economy."
TacticalFox88 said:
PD's tag should be changed to "Pull string for an Obama failure rant" But I suppose it's too much to expect from Obama at this point. He'll probably give a middle of the roader speech, perfectly baked for that elusive independent voter demographic, which will forget everything after the game anyway.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
LovingSteam said:
McConnell and Bohener from day 1 said they would not let the country default. DAY 1. Obama never gave them the opportunity to follow through on that promise. Instead he caved and caved BIG. HUGE. Do you honestly think Boehner would have let the country default? Same with McConnell? No. They wouldn't. If Obama had stood his ground MORE and gotten a better deal, they wouldn't have required the Republicans in the house to vote for it since Dems would have made up for it anyhow and you'd still get the moderate Republicans voting for it. Obama never called their bluff.

While the public may have applauded Obama on his handling of it (not really, they just approved of his job more so than the Republicans) all of that will be moot come election time. In doing so Obama also lost a portion of his base. Was it worth it to cave day 1?

They said that day 1, but they later changed their tune. I fully believe that they would have let the default happen, and try to pin it on Obama.
quadriplegicjon said:
They said that day 1, but they later changed their tune. I fully believe that they would have let the default happen, and try to pin it on Obama.
Completely agree. Close to the debt date, Boehner even claimed that a credit downgrade would be something that's "out of his hands". He was washing away his sins.

McConnell on the other hand is on record saying that he wants to tank Obama's presidency. Nothing more needs to be said.


PhoenixDark said:
Let me preview it for you

"In order to get out of this temporary economic situation, we must work together. Both sides. I am willing to work with speaker Boehner and the house republicans, and I trust they are willing to work with me. Spending money will not get us out of this mess, which is why all my proposals tonight will be paid for with cuts elsewhere.

Tonight I am proposing that alongside an employer and employee payroll tax cut extension, I am also willing to support a repatriation tax holiday for corporations that bring their business and profits back into the US economy."


and in the end nothing will get passed anyway
does anyone find the wikileaks coverage highly assuming, I have read wikileaks released all the files (as if on purpose)...

WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange could face arrest in his native Australia as a result of the organization’s decision to publish its entire cache of 251,000 unredacted U.S. Embassy cables.

WikiLeaks threw open the doors Friday to its archive of more than a quarter million secret U.S. diplomatic cables, unfiltered and unedited, exposing and possibly endangering confidential diplomatic sources.

LONDON, England (AP) — WikiLeaks disclosed its entire archive of US State Department cables yesterday, much if not all of it uncensored - a move that drew stinging condemnation from major newspapers which in the past collaborated with the anti-secrecy group's efforts to expose corruption and double-dealing.




It is certainly possible they released them all, but it can't be assumed. And correct me if I am wrong (I feel I must be missing something, cause it seems so blatant)... they were leaked on accident I thought...


quadriplegicjon said:
They said that day 1, but they later changed their tune. I fully believe that they would have let the default happen, and try to pin it on Obama.
They didn't, actually. McConnell put forward a way to pass the debt ceiling lift without a filibuster (the three tier structure that was adapted) and Boehner was insisting they wouldn't default right to the end. Once Obama rejected a clean bill, they were simply pushing for leverage over where the cuts came from.
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