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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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jamesinclair said:
This is where I agree with ron paul 100%.

If James Air wants to let people load their own bags and board the plane 5 minutes before takeoff....why the fuck not? Works with greyhound. Works with Amtrak. Works with private aviation.

As long as the cockpits are secure....whats the problem?

An explosion/crash of a large aircraft over a city would cause massive casualties.


Junior Member
jamesinclair said:
Bomb in the mall is more deadly.


Oh no, the plane got bombed and had to land with a hole. That sure warrants hundreds of billions in security.

Oh no indeed;



Did Newt just suggested we outsource our immigration to Visa?
I mean, I know the USCIS issues visas, but really now.

Also, did he say the reason for that is so we don't have fraud?
Good thing CC fraud does not exist.
tokkun said:
An explosion/crash of a large aircraft over a city would cause massive casualties.

Actually, no.

Look at the history of bombs on planes. Deaths, if any, were on the plane only. And most bombs on plane = no problem.

3,000 people didnt die on 9/11 because of bombs, they died due to hijacking.

Bombs are amateur hour.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Hey, Bachmann, he offered you a hypothetical where the fence was already built. there's no reason to argue on why the fence needs to be built!


They can't answer the question on what to do with 11 million people.

You know all of them wanted to say "round them up and send them back".
Chichikov said:
Did Newt just suggested we outsource our immigration to Visa?
I mean, I know the USCIS issues visas, but really now.

Also, did he say the reason for that is so we don't have fraud?
Good thing CC fraud does not exist.
What I gathered from it is he doesn't want to allow Mexicans to use cash money.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I thought the last debate was crazy.... but this takes crazy town to a new level... I didn't know it could go this badly....


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Measley said:
Obama's poll numbers should be climbing nicely after this debate.

Should? Yes...

Will they? Might not as they are appealing to a group of crazy people that lap this stuff up!


Brettison said:
I thought the last debate was crazy.... but this takes crazy town to a new level... I didn't know it could go this badly....

I know. Every time I convince myself that I'm at peace with whoever wins next year, and that's we're fucked no matter who wins, this debate's steady, relentless kind of crazy pulls me back in.



more money than God
jamesinclair said:
Wait wait, in the past immigrants had to prove they had money...?



Are republicans allergic to history?
For a good deal of the 20th century, the US was isolationist, and had strict immigration laws.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
PhoenixDark said:
They're tearing Perry apart. At the previous debates no one would throw stones at Romney

Which is why I found it stupid for people to be crowning Perry the winner already.
Jackson50 said:
Yes. Let us marginalize non-English speakers. That will solve the problem.

That is the fast path to the Presidency

I swear, Obama must be cracking up right now watching this debacle. The GOP is now a caricature.
Immigration is fair guys.

David Joyce marched his way to the front of the U.S. immigration line using his pocketbook, sinking half a million dollars into a Vermont ski resort.

The British citizen had spent years in a futile effort to secure green cards for himself, his wife and their 9-year-old son so they could relocate to sunny Florida. Then, a fellow emigre tipped him off to a little-known federal program that helps foreigners gain permanent U.S. residency by investing in American businesses.

"In six months, we had our green cards," said Joyce, 51. "Considering everything we've been through, this was easy."

Those who invest $500,000 in a U.S. enterprise that creates at least 10 jobs in a rural area or a community with a high unemployment rate are eligible for special visas that put them and their families on the fast track to becoming permanent residents.


Just be a millionaire.


scorcho said:
if they weren't around, who would've built all those houses that now remain vacated and foreclosed? no one.
But then who would have built my retaining wall at my house? My hands stay clean!
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