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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ClovingSteam said:
Ah yea. Wasn't sure if that was your son or what. But it goes perfectly with your persona here for some reason lol.
Yes, TA has been known to be quite childish.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
reilo said:
Yes, TA has been known to be quite childish.

Yes, but we can all fall into that rut. On the other hand he is considerably more sane then most conservatives these days. Plus I like to hear other viewpoints when there is logic and reason put into them.


Suikoguy said:
Yes, but we can all fall into that rut. On the other hand he is considerably more sane then most conservatives these days. Plus I like to hear other viewpoints when there is logic and reason put into them.

TA isn't really a conservative.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Tamanon said:
TA isn't really a conservative.

Who really is these days? ;)
Sorry to place a label if it's incorrect.


Passing metallic gas
Byakuya769 said:
I thought the speech was extremely good. Policy seems ok, tepid as usual, but it should do some good.

You underestimate the GOP. The speech was great but it wont do anything.


Suikoguy said:
Yes, but we can all fall into that rut. On the other hand he is considerably more sane then most conservatives these days. Plus I like to hear other viewpoints when there is logic and reason put into them.
TA is a CINO. Aside from the climate change skepticism. :p


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Flying_Phoenix said:
The political candidates;

Toxic Adam
Empty Vessel


BigSicily is going to run as an independent in Ross Perot-like fashion and show up with lots of charts and graphs.
Gaborn - The Libertarian Party
Empty Vessel - The True Left Party
RustyNails - The Labor Party
Toxic Adam - The Troll Party

EDIT - So far 1 for Toxic Adam and 1 for Empty Vessel.
PhoenixDark said:
EV's campaign would be sunk by reports that he has read and supports The Black Agenda Report

They could spin RustyNail to supporting Mooslims as he is hates Izlam.

They could spin Gaborn by calling him Gayborn (GAF isn't ready yet).

And they could call ToxicAdam a troll.
Flying_Phoenix said:
They could spin RustyNail to supporting Mooslims as he is hates Izlam.

They could spin Gaborn by calling him Gayborn (GAF isn't ready yet).

And they could call ToxicAdam a troll.

I'm in possession of a shirtless ToxicAdam picture. October surprise bitches
PhoenixDark said:
EV's campaign would be sunk by reports that he has read and supports The Black Agenda Report


I'd write in myself and my running mate, Somdude.

I don't believe secession is coming, but who best to have by my side in case it does?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In today's political environment, TA, who believes in raising taxes to cut the deficit would be slightly to the left of Karl Marx.

CF_Fighter said:
Just saw Bachmann's response, no words to describe it.

What was her response?


Zachary Karabell said:
President Obama’s speech to Congress hewed closely to the details that had already been leaked, save for the dollar amounts, which were considerably larger. Even so, the $450 billion price tag is somewhat misleading in that much of that is not new spending or new tax breaks but rather an extension of breaks and unemployment benefits that are already in place. Given that payroll tax cuts have not generated employment in the past two years, it’s is a stretch to see how they will suddenly do so now. As for unemployment benefits, they are a vital safety net, but that isn’t the same as job generating.

I concur.

BertramCooper said:
How the fuck should I know?

At no point did I ever suggest that I knew a solution. I said that he won't even try. And he won't.
Even if he tries, how would you know? Because you just said you have no clue how one goes about applying pressure on a majority party. Keep throwing generalities out there though.

Here's your answer. In America, if you are the President, you apply pressure on elected officials only through taking your message to public. You apply pressure through media and through things like the jobs speech today. There is no "balls" quotient here. I'm not gonna defend Obama. He has failed to deliver on many things, but many times it was not due to him lacking balls, but due to congress failing to act. For example, the GOP wasn't going to ratify the START treaty unless bush tax cuts were extended. GOP wasn't going to pass the debt ceiling raise if the budget included tax streams. Either Obama could have thrown his weight around and risk destroying the country, or he could acquiesce to GOP demands and save it. Of course, not all the legislation was this critical (the smog bill for ex), and Obama is a centrist, corporatist Democrat by himself.


ToxicAdam said:
I concur.

This is a real question - what would new ideas look like? I can't think of any proposals that wouldn't be some variations on government spending more or less money, increasing or decreasing taxes, and modifying laws/regulations.


KHarvey16 said:
I don't know. He says he does though, and I'm asking how. He also includes unemployment and other payroll tax cuts, not just employee social security.

Do you think extending unemployment benefits will create new jobs? Or cost us jobs?

I don't think you are really talking about enough money to 'move the needle' on demand for goods either way.
RustyNails said:
Even if he tries, how would you know? Because you just said you have no clue how one goes about applying pressure on a majority party. Keep throwing generalities out there though.

Here's your answer. In America, if you are the President, you apply pressure on elected officials only through taking your message to public. You apply pressure through media and through things like the jobs speech today. There is no "balls" quotient here. I'm not gonna defend Obama. He has failed to deliver on many things, but many times it was not due to him lacking balls, but due to congress failing to act. For example, the GOP wasn't going to ratify the START treaty unless bush tax cuts were extended. GOP wasn't going to pass the debt ceiling raise if the budget included tax streams. Either Obama could have thrown his weight around and risk destroying the country, or he could acquiesce to GOP demands and save it. Of course, not all the legislation was this critical (the smog bill for ex), and Obama is a centrist, corporatist Democrat by himself.

The Obama is a centrist corporate Democrat thing is BS, he is definitely not a left wing liberal, but the whole corporate thing is just born out of the fact that he has had to compromise with Republicans to not throw this country into turmoil.

Obama has attempted to use the Media but when you have one channel dedicated to opposing him and spreading anti government ideas and then add the fact that the other channels are literally afraid of Fox News and do their best to not appear "liberal leaning" it is hard. It was probably easier for Bush to throw his weight around.

Not discounting MSNBC's bias, but your average worker knows more people who watch Fox News than MSNBC I would say. And people who are turned out of the news after the Presidential cycle are hearing more and more about Obama from their friends/colleagues who watch/follow Fox News.


ToxicAdam said:
Do you think extending unemployment benefits will create new jobs? Or cost us jobs?

I think allowing more people to spend money creates jobs.

ToxicAdam said:
I don't think you are really talking about enough money to 'move the needle' on demand for goods either way.

There are certainly plenty of unemployed in this country, and I think it's silly to simply dismiss unemployment compensation as having any effect on aggregate demand or job creation. If the author is stating his opinion that these things do not stimulate job creation, he hasn't justified it one bit. I don't think he has even tried but if he did, I suspect he wouldn't be able to.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Gaborn - The Libertarian Party
Empty Vessel - The True Left Party
RustyNails - The Labor Party
Toxic Adam - The Troll Party
You have a choice people. The way your America will look in the future will depend on your vote. We need a choice other than Rapture from Bioshock or Soviet Union under Lenin. And that choice my friends, is me! Vote for me, and we'll vote for America. We need a broom, a dustbin and a real American to dust the capitol hill, and dust them we will!!
speculawyer said:
You my friend, just qualified yourself for the VP position.

Rusty Spec 2012! Bring the Brooms!


jay said:
This is a real question - what would new ideas look like? I can't think of any proposals that wouldn't be some variations on government spending more or less money, increasing or decreasing taxes, and modifying laws/regulations.

I posted this the other day, but Al Franken has a great idea:

“We have to create jobs with no money. I’ve seen jobs that do that,” Franken said. “There’s an air conditioning company called McQuay International in Owatonna and Faribault. What they do is essentially lend money to people who would use the air condition systems — colleges, university and such. There is no money out of pocket for the clients. They pay them back through the energy savings.”

Franken proposed such a system for broader job creation. If, for example, such a system had been used to renovate the ice center, the contractors would have fronted the money to the city and the city would have paid them back with the $77,000 in annual energy savings.

“There’s our perpetual motion machine,” Franken said. “We know that 40 percent of the energy used is used by buildings. With so many people in the building trades out of work, and out of work a long time, it feels to me that this is an area where we can put people back to work and not spend money out of pocket. Then we use the energy efficiency saving to pay off the capital.”

Good blog post from Ezra, things i like:

It completely eliminates the payroll tax for workers, which amount to a $175 billion tax break, and cuts it in half for businesses until they reach the $5 million mark on their payrolls, at a cost of $65 billion. The idea there is to target the tax cut to struggling small businesses, rather than the cash-rich large businesses. It also extends the credit allowing businesses to expense 100 percent of their investments through 2012, which the White House predicts will cost $5 billion.

It offers $35 billion in aid to states and cities to prevent teacher layoffs, and earmarks $25 billion for investments in school infrastructure.

It sets aside $50 billion for investments in transportation infrastructure, $15 billion for investments in vacant or foreclosed properties, and $10 billion for an infrastructure bank. It also makes mention of a program to “deploy high-speed wireless services to at least 98 percent of Americans,” but it doesn’t offer many details on that program.

Obama needs to follow this up with a bill for the high-speed wireless deployment. Stop waiting for Congress, write the bill and send it.

If all of that could be spent out in 2012 -- a big if, but given the reliance on tax cuts and state and local aid, much of it could certainly hit before the year’s end -- it would be bigger, in annual terms, than the Recovery Act. The White House also promises the entire proposal will be paid for, and the specific offsets will be released next week.

I am assuming Liberals won't be happy when the accompanying deficit reduction plan is released next week (although I am also hoping that 1 trillion of that plan is tax hike on 250k+ households and closing of corporate tax loopholes)

Tax Cuts in the proposal, even if opposed by Liberals, I think are great. Will have immediate impact and causes Republicans to oppose a plan that is 50% tax cuts.


We've all heard the government finances = household finances argument before, and most of us agree that it isn't a good comparison.

But what if instead of dismissing it, we used it? Here's my idea: Sure, the "household" is racking up unsustainable debt. One of the family's chief expenditures is Papa's membership in a really expensive gun club. He's spending nearly a quarter of the family's income on membership dues and ammo every month. Now the neighborhood used to be pretty rough, but it's gotten a lot safer over the last 20 years, so he might be able to cut back in that area a bit.

Mama is on some serious prescription medication, but refuses to get the generic brands that all her neighbors use. She also goes to the most expensive pharmacy in town. She could definitely reduce costs in that area.

Junior has been running a speculation business out of the guesthouse. It's gotten to the point where he's making more money than Papa, but they haven't raised his rent in years; they've actually lowered it. Papa could charge him a little more for the sweet deal he's getting.

We might be able to draw even more analogies.

Also, one vote for empty vessel here.


ToxicAdam said:
I posted this the other day, but Al Franken has a great idea:

That's interesting. I'll definitely read more about it.

In all likelihood the reaction to proposing that would be complaints that it's the same old green stimulus spending that already failed. I'm not saying you would dismiss it, but there's no chance the Republicans wouldn't write it off as tired. Some may even call it a ponzi scheme.


RustyNails said:
Puddles how dare you. No more cornhusker kickbacks for you when I'm in charge.

I'd definitely support a ticket with one of you as the VP. Or maybe he could make you his Secretary of Labor.
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