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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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I'm starting to think this Jobs bill will pass. Boehner and Cantor's reaction so far has been neutral (which is to say, positive). I believe they understand now that if they don't pass a JOBS BILL, most people will completely lose patience with Republicans.

Edit: Doesn't mean it won't change somewhat, of course.
Rubenov said:
I'm starting to think this Jobs bill will pass. Boehner and Cantor's reaction so far has been neutral (which is to say, positive). I believe they understand now that if they don't pass a JOBS BILL, most people will completely lose patience with Republicans.

No, Republicans won't support the full jobs bill. It is Boehner and Cantor's job to look little bit responsible, once the bill is sent the full house GOP will vote against it.
cartoon_soldier said:
No, Republicans won't support the full jobs bill. It is Boehner and Cantor's job to look little bit responsible, once the bill is sent the full house GOP will vote against it.
And once they vote against it, Obama will hammer that in next year. He "wins" either way.
PoliGAF Podcast recording will start at 9:00PM tonight Central USA.

Please post or PM your Skype names if you want to join.

TacticalFox88 said:
And once they vote against it, Obama will hammer that in next year. He "wins" either way.

Why couldn't we have this Obama for the past 3 years?

Is Obama maturing as a president?

Is the sonic cycle broken?

Is this the Sonic Colors point of his presidency?


I liked Kevin Drum's take -

Republicans pass bill = Obama does something effectively + Obama helps economy = bad for republicans

Republicans reject bill = Obama wins "adult in the room" contest + public sympathy for agenda = bad for republicans

Solution? Tentative support for bill. Display of interest. Complain of certain parts. Pass watered down version that only included ideas furthest to the right and that is too small to do anything. Call it "weeding out the special interests." Good for republicans.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Gruco said:
I liked Kevin Drum's take -

Republicans pass bill = Obama does something effectively + Obama helps economy = bad for republicans

Republicans reject bill = Obama wins "adult in the room" contest + public sympathy for agenda = bad for republicans

Solution? Tentative support for bill. Display of interest. Complain of certain parts. Pass watered down version that only included ideas furthest to the right and that is too small to do anything. Call it "weeding out the special interests." Good for republicans.

This much is obvious. Too bad we can't just do what is best all the time, regardless of political party affiliation.
Cyan said:
I hear ya. Don't blame you for blocking the other guy from your memory. :/

Ah, Bush...

I forgot what grade I gave Bush earlier in this thread. I agree with some things he did, and disagree with others. I don't play revisionist history. For example, I supported the war in Iraq, and won't back away from that stance because it didn't turn out like I'd like.

The main things I disagree with Bush on are his spending policies. He spent faaar too much.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
SlipperySlope said:
Ah, Bush...

I forgot what grade I gave Bush earlier in this thread. I agree with some things he did, and disagree with others. I don't play revisionist history. For example, I supported the war in Iraq, and won't back away from that stance because it didn't turn out like I'd like.

The main things I disagree with Bush on are his spending policies. He spent faaar too much.
You gave him a B. A fucking B.


Passing metallic gas
Gruco said:
I liked Kevin Drum's take -

Republicans pass bill = Obama does something effectively + Obama helps economy = bad for republicans

Republicans reject bill = Obama wins "adult in the room" contest + public sympathy for agenda = bad for republicans

Solution? Tentative support for bill. Display of interest. Complain of certain parts. Pass watered down version that only included ideas furthest to the right and that is too small to do anything. Call it "weeding out the special interests." Good for republicans.

Unless Obama decides to be vocal and really makes a push for this.


more money than God
Flying_Phoenix said:
PoliGAF Podcast recording will start at 9:00PM tonight Central USA.

Please post or PM your Skype names if you want to join.

Why couldn't we have this Obama for the past 3 years?

Is Obama maturing as a president?

Is the sonic cycle broken?

Is this the Sonic Colors point of his presidency?
It's campaign season.
reilo said:
They all get equal blame, as evidenced by the 2010 midterms.

I didn't see any "equal blame" in the midterms; dems got slaughtered across the country. If nothing is done and the economy continues to bomb, maybe tea partiers get kicked out - but Obama won't be sent back to Washington either.
reilo said:
They all get equal blame, as evidenced by the 2010 midterms.

What do you mean? It was a very anti-incumbent time, but I think the reaction was still primarily partisan. So maybe PD's statement should have the caveat of, "it's the party of the current president that will be punished in a bad economy."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
By equal blame, I meant the presidency and both houses of congress, whoever is in charge.


SlipperySlope said:
I don't play revisionist history. For example, I supported the war in Iraq, and won't back away from that stance because it didn't turn out like I'd like.
Ummm, what?
So new evidence suggest that you were wrong in your original assessment, and you reject it because...?

Why are you not judging actions by results?
PhoenixDark said:
I didn't see any "equal blame" in the midterms; dems got slaughtered across the country. If nothing is done and the economy continues to bomb, maybe tea partiers get kicked out - but Obama won't be sent back to Washington either.
Luckily, Obama is still hovering between 40% and 45% approval rating, which is 30% more approval than congress (which is hovering around 15%-18% approval). The public still blames them more.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
ToxicAdam said:
It's election time. Time to pump up his boy.

I laughed at how put-on that article was when I read it this morning. A year ago he would have railed it as too limited and too reliant on tax cuts.

Really? He clearly states that it's not as big as he'd like but that it'd at least make a dent in unemployment. Seems fairly consistent with what he's been preaching for the past two years.
Oblivion said:
Really? He clearly states that it's not as big as he'd like but that it'd at least make a dent in unemployment. Seems fairly consistent with what he's been preaching for the past two years.

He also points out the debate on the effectiveness of those tax cuts. Circumstances are very different now from what they were when the first stimulus was being pushed.


Unconfirmed Member
ToxicAdam said:
Time for a game of "who said it". Hint - Someone that is or might be a presidential candidate:

Knew who it was but I read the article earlier. You didn't post a link?


ToxicAdam said:
It's election time. Time to pump up his boy.

I laughed at how put-on that article was when I read it this morning. A year ago he would have railed it as too limited and too reliant on tax cuts.

Whatever. He was as down on Obama as everyone else in this thread less than a week ago:


Apparently, between Sept. 3rd and Sept. 9th it suddenly became "election time."
Flying_Phoenix said:
PoliGAF Podcast recording will start at 9:00PM tonight Central USA.

Please post or PM your Skype names if you want to join.

Why couldn't we have this Obama for the past 3 years?

Is Obama maturing as a president?

Is the sonic cycle broken?

Is this the Sonic Colors point of his presidency?
Aw, I had other plans for tonight... I think my Skype name is on my profile anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
SlipperySlope said:
Ah, Bush...

I forgot what grade I gave Bush earlier in this thread. I agree with some things he did, and disagree with others. I don't play revisionist history. For example, I supported the war in Iraq, and won't back away from that stance because it didn't turn out like I'd like.

The main things I disagree with Bush on are his spending policies. He spent faaar too much.

The main source of spending during the Bush years were from the two wars, one that got botched up, and one that we never should have been in the first place.

And guess where the one fucking area we are NOT cutting? Yeah...

You guys act like Bush was friggin FDR or JFK, creating these new massive government programs to help out the poor or improve our education system or something.


I think the Dems out ousted in 2010 more because of how fickle the American public is right now. The Dems didn't fix the economy so they went to the Republicans. The Republicans have done nothing since 2010 but mess things up more so I expect a huge number of gains for Dems in 2012.

It's hard to say how this impacts Obama. It really depends if he's up against Perry or Romney.
Celsior said:
I don't get why people think Dems are less corrupt then repubs,
At least with Dems, they help the country out every once in awhile while doing their crony shit. Repubs just screw you over all the fucking time.


lacks enthusiasm.
Chichikov said:
Ummm, what?
So new evidence suggest that you were wrong in your original assessment, and you reject it because...?

Why are you not judging actions by results?
It's SlipperySlope, dude.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
TacticalFox88 said:
At least with Dems, they help the country out every once in awhile while doing their crony shit. Repubs just screw you over all the fucking time.

That and the Reps are fucking blatantly OPEN with their corruption.


ToxicAdam said:
This upcoming election is going to be framed around Republican obstructionism (and the Jobs Plan will be exhibit A), not Obama punting the EPA restrictions until 2013.

Could it maybe, just maybe, be that it's because Obama is finally vocally and forcefully pushing for demand-side economics rather than riding the deficit horse to the finish line and not just some cynical support from Krugman because it's "election time"?

Those in favor of crumbling infrastructure, rejoice.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair John Mica (R-Fla.) tossed cold water on Obama’s call for a national infrastructure bank Thursday night, just minutes after the president told Congress to put partisanship aside and pass his plan quickly.

“We’ve already had experience with some of these federal grant programs that requires Washington bureaucrats, Washington red tape, Washington approvals and then bowing and scraping to Washington. I’m strongly opposed to any type of a new federal infrastructure bank,” Mica said in an interview following the speech.

The White House’s vision for the bank includes $10 billion in “seed money” and an independent board to attract private capital to infrastructure projects. The point, of course, is the get the projects going and get workers digging without the taint of big government spending projects now out of favor. It’s all part of an overall $50 billion infrastructure proposal in the estimated $447 billion American Jobs Act proposed by Obama last night.

Youll note that the infrastructure bank was a republican proposal, as it's part of their public-private investment dream, which Bush rammed through during his years.
But wait, theres more

Just yesterday, the Republican leaders of the House Appropriations Committee unveiled their proposals for massive reductions in spending at the U.S. Department of Transportation, reducing highway expenditures to $27.7 billion in 2012 (from $41.8 billion in 2011) and transit formula spending to $5.2 billion (from $8.3 billion). No new New Start or Small Start transit capital grants would be funded. The high-speed rail program, which had once been one of Mr. Obama’s signature policies, would be entirely cut. These are austerity measures completely out of step with an economy desperately in need of stimulus, job creation, and infrastructure improvements.

Skype and recording works fine. Everything is perfectly fine.

Poligaf Cast recording starts in 39 minutes from this post.

Anybody who wants to get in on it please post or PM me your Skype usernames.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Skype and recording works fine. Everything is perfectly fine.

Poligaf Cast recording starts in 39 minutes from this post.

Anybody who wants to get in on it please post or PM me your Skype usernames.

I'll drink a few more. Then I will consider it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Flying_Phoenix said:
Skype and recording works fine. Everything is perfectly fine.

Poligaf Cast recording starts in 39 minutes from this post.

Anybody who wants to get in on it please post or PM me your Skype usernames.

Out of curiosity, who is joining the chat at the moment?
quadriplegicjon said:
Out of curiosity, who is joining the chat at the moment?

So far Puddles is 100% confirmed, Speculawyers 100% confirmed as well.

Byakuya769 said:
Are there any rules to contributing?

The format is similar to Real-Time With Bill Maher.

Essentially I have a set of topics that I want to discuss and people discuss them. Only this will be done much more loosely.

And if what you were asking is the language and tone, all is allowed.

Its the first episode so I'm not sure how it will all go down, but you are both more than welcome to come.

20 minutes left!!!


Flying_Phoenix said:
So far Puddles is 100% confirmed, Speculawyers 100% confirmed as well.

The format is similar to Real-Time With Bill Maher.
Can I be the guest who monopolizes the conversation while having nothing of consequence to say?
Flying_Phoenix said:
So far Puddles is 100% confirmed, Speculawyers 100% confirmed as well.

The format is similar to Real-Time With Bill Maher.

Essentially I have a set of topics that I want to discuss and people discuss them. Only this will be done much more loosely.

And if what you were asking is the language and tone, all is allowed.

Its the first episode so I'm not sure how it will all go down, but you are both more than welcome to come.

20 minutes left!!!

I'm interested, but I think I'll hold off until the next time.
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