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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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gcubed said:
haha, awesome. Pass the debt ceiling limit and get rid of Geitner.
I would "capitulate." But I doubt a president ever would.
GaimeGuy said:
I made this post a few months back, but I think it bears repeating.
First, that is an excellent post. I respect that. And while I disagree and could offer a rebuttal, that is irrelevant to my point. President Obama is operating under the presumption that our intervention does not constitute hostilities; therefore, he is not obligated to seek authorization. It is that rationale that I find exceedingly disagreeable. If he were to proffer your rationale instead, I would find it slightly more convincing-although not entirely.


Regarding presidents and respect. I don't think it's a big deal at all for someone in the media to call the president a name.

However, I do have a problem with a congressperson yelling out during a SOTU speech as if he's a heckler at a god damn comedy show. Low class.


Clevinger said:
Regarding presidents and respect. I don't think it's a big deal at all for someone in the media to call the president a name.

However, I do have a problem with a congressperson yelling out during a SOTU speech as if he's a heckler at a god damn comedy show. Low class.

100% agree. Those democrats who booed and hissed in 2005 over social security reform were disgusting. Probably because Bush was white.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood
By TIM MAK | 6/30/11 6:22 AM EDT


The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel – in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported. One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary.

“The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing… It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency,” said the official, who confirmed the news to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society – has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

The decision to resume contact with the Muslim Brotherhood group may worry members of the Jewish community and Israeli officials, Reuters reported. POLITICO’s Ben Smith wrote yesterday about the increasing anxiety of center-left Jewish Democrats who are losing faith in Obama, most recently because of the speech in which he called for the country’s 1967 borders to be the basis for peace talks, with “land swaps.”

Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni told Reuters that no American contact with the group has yet been made, but he added: “We welcome such relationships with everyone because those relations will lead to clarifying our vision.” In recent years, the Muslim Brotherhood has asserted that it renounces violence. The group is not considered a foreign terrorist organization by the United States – but organizations sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, like Hamas, have not renounced violence against Israel.

Egypt will hold parliamentary elections in September, and the country’s military government has promised an election for president by the end of this year.


Good move? I think so. You can't ask for regime change and then pick who you do and don't want to work with when different people are elected through the Democratic process.
mckmas8808 said:
U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood

Good move? I think so. You can't ask for regime change and then pick who you do and don't want to work with when different people are elected through the Democratic process.
Yes, a good move. They have long renounced violence and are a legit party. We certainly don't have to (nor do we) agree with them on everything but so what. And if they decide to take up terrorism then back on the shit-list they can go.

Israel needs to stop whining and deal with the new reality. And they bragged about being the only democracy in that neighborhood . . . well, there is now another one. Congratulate them . . . don't bitch & moan about it. Israel has hardcore hard-right Jewish parties that are just as loopy as the Muslim Brotherhood, so who are they to complain? Your shit stinks too.


Big Baybee said:
Show me a journalist who called Bush a vulgar name on national tv during his presidency.
I'm sure there are examples, but that's not the point.
This is not a partisan argument, I'm not implying that left is just as bad or that Bush got a harsher treatment, all I'm saying is that it's not the responsibility of the citizenry, and most certainly not of the press, to "show respect for the office".
That's the only thing I'm saying.
Chichikov said:
I'm sure there are examples, but that's not the point.
This is not a partisan argument, I'm not implying that left is just as bad or that Bush got a harsher treatment, all I'm saying is that it's not the responsibility of the citizenry, and most certainly not of the press, to "show respect for the office".
That's the only thing I'm saying.
I don't care about people being harsh about any president. But calling someone a dick or pussy or asshole or fuckwit on national tv is crossing a line. He could have been critical of Obama using his intelligence. He chose wrong and he is paying for it. Olberman eviscerated Bush night in and night out. Never called him a dick on the air.
speculawyer said:
Yes, a good move. They have long renounced violence and are a legit party. We certainly don't have to (nor do we) agree with them on everything but so what. And if they decide to take up terrorism then back on the shit-list they can go.

Israel needs to stop whining and deal with the new reality. And they bragged about being the only democracy in that neighborhood . . . well, there is now another one. Congratulate them . . . don't bitch & moan about it. Israel has hardcore hard-right Jewish parties that are just as loopy as the Muslim Brotherhood, so who are they to complain? Your shit stinks too.
IDK if I would call Israel a "democracy" per se. Much like I would call the US one either.


Big Baybee said:
I don't care about people being harsh about any president. But calling someone a dick or pussy or asshole or fuckwit on national tv is crossing a line. He could have been critical of Obama using his intelligence. He chose wrong and he is paying for it. Olberman eviscerated Bush night in and night out. Never called him a dick on the air.
Using any of those terms as part of a political analysis is unprofessional, yes, I agree with that.
I was merely responding to claim that we need to show respect to the president at all times, which I strongly disagree with.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Just what we need, more "Jews to abandon Obama in 2012?!?!?!" stories. The answer is the same as it's been since 08: no.

But they are already in the government. Why would we not talk to them? Don't you think saying no just to get some jewish votes is being too political?


mckmas8808 said:
But they are already in the government. Why would we not talk to them? Don't you think saying no just to get some jewish votes is being too political?
PD was saying: "Jews to abandon Obama? No."


mckmas8808 said:
Good move? I think so. You can't ask for regime change and then pick who you do and don't want to work with when different people are elected through the Democratic process.
Certainly. The MB has evolved, if only in practice, at least, from the teachings Of Qutb. The MB's nature is to work under the constitutional framework of the state. If we are to aid Egypt's democratic transition, we must recognize them.
Jackson50 said:
If we are to aid Egypt's democratic transition ...

Frankly, that sounds ominous, and my knee jerk reaction to anything done in the name of aiding somebody else's democracy is to run the other way.

The recognition of the MB is realpolitik. The MB now has some power in Egypt, and the US has to work with them. Of course, it isn't going to work with them to enhance Egyptian democracy, but to undermine it, because the US wants Egypt to do what the US wants, not what Egyptians want. And, for purposes of foreign policy, what the "US" wants is whatever its business and financial elite want. Democrats have never been any better than Republicans when it comes to foreign policy in this regard. (The one exception may be that I'm not sure that Gore would have invaded Iraq, although there would have been tremendous pressure on him to do so and it was a Democrat who maintained the low grade war against Iraq during the 90's (which was always intended to keep it weakened for future invasion and conquering).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
eznark said:
How old are you?

30. You?

eznark said:
100% agree. Those democrats who booed and hissed in 2005 over social security reform were disgusting. Probably because Bush was white.

Booing and hissing is disrespectful, I agree... but you know what is even worse? Yelling from the audience and interrupting the President's speech.

Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Nope. The media never mocked Bush. Not a single word of mockery was ever uttered.

Are you new?

The news media? When, where?

How about any instances of calling him names live on the air?
quadriplegicjon said:
I just watched the Halperin video, it actually wasn't that bad. He was sort of egged on.
I agree. I don't think it was said with malice. He just thought the guy was being a bit of a dick. Which he was. It's really no big deal- other than possibly showing a slight break in Obama's lusty relationship with 99.43% of all media.


quadriplegicjon said:
How many times are you going to respond to my post as if you haven't responded to it before?
Ha, sorry that was an accident. Were you not really into politics when Clinton was President? Or when Bush threw up in Japan? Presidents have been mocked since weve been old enough to remember.


Well look at this:

U.S. Reserve Oil May Be Stored by Traders

Some of the oil being released from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to bring down prices may be held by traders for later sale rather than sent directly to refiners for processing into gasoline or other fuels.

The U.S. Energy Department is offering 30 million barrels of light, low-sulfur crude for sale, half of the 60 million barrels to be released by International Energy Agency member nations to make up for the loss of Libyan oil exports during the civil conflict. Bids for the oil were due by 1 p.m. central time yesterday.

“The DOE has no preference for bids from refiners versus traders and both have participated significantly in past sales,” an official from the Energy Department wrote in an e- mail. “There is nothing to stop buyers from putting the oil they have purchased into their own storage.”

So they benefit from the speculation part of the pie being eaten away by the announcement that the US will tap its strategic reserve (which lowers oil prices), and then buy the oil and keep it for later days when prices will be higher.




White House press secretary Jay Carney announced Thursday that he called Mark Halperin's bosses at MSNBC after the network contributor called President Obama "a dick" on a morning show.

"The comment that was made was inappropriate," Carney told reporters in his daily briefing. "It would be inappropriate to say that about either president of either party."

Nothing like a little Executive pressure on the free press! Chilling.


What a dick.


The Department of Justice sent out a memo today instructing the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration and leading officials in the U.S. Attorneys Office to treat medical marijuana shops as top priorities for prosecutors and drug investigators.

The memo, authored by Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, "clarifies" a memo released in 2009 that declared medical marijuana sales in states that have legalized it to be a low priority for law enforcement and prosecutors. The so-called "Ogden memo" first appeared to drug law reformers as evidence that Pres. Obama was dialing back the war on drugs. The DEA and U.S. Attorneys office continued to go after state-legal grow operations and marijuana shops after the memo was first circulated, leading reformers to conclude that Obama was lying when he said on the campaign trail that he had no interest in going after medical marijuana.

States rights, remember when Obama cited them as key in his policy decisions lo that almost a week ago? Those were the days. Heady, hope-filled days of yore. Dashed a scant week later.

Legalalized pot shops...a TOP PRIORITY. Awesome.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
speculawyer said:
Israel needs to stop whining and deal with the new reality. And they bragged about being the only democracy in that neighborhood . . . well, there is now another one. Congratulate them . . . don't bitch & moan about it. Israel has hardcore hard-right Jewish parties that are just as loopy as the Muslim Brotherhood, so who are they to complain? Your shit stinks too.

Not really. Egypt had a great moment but they still need to actually hold elections and elected representatives. The military still runs the country and still are beating people up in Tahair. So all that as happened (so far) is a deposed leader and high rhetoric, they still need to come through with their promises which hasn't happened yet. So the bashing Israel and putting claiming Egypt is a real democracy is laughable.

On a side note about the claim ("only democracy") is that it can and I think should be pointed out that there is Turkey in the middle east (and also europe I guess) which is a true democracy (with their coups obviously a rough spot). So yes israel isn't the only democracy but egypt aint the other.

But I don't know if "recognizing" the brotherhood is good but working with them is. They are a powerful force and working with them and making sure they don't turn egypt into Iran is a good thing. I still think they are way too religious and really don't belong in any secular democracy has a political party if that is what they want.

eznark said:
What a dick.


States rights, remember when Obama cited them as key in his policy decisions lo that almost a week ago? Those were the days. Heady, hope-filled days of yore. Dashed a scant week later.

Legalalized pot shops...a TOP PRIORITY. Awesome.

I think not prosecuting them was a mistake. Federal law preempts state law when it comes to drugs (I think rightfully so) and federal law says its illegal. Just make medical legal on the federal level and there is none of these problems.


lo escondido said:
I think not prosecuting them was a mistake. Federal law preempts state law when it comes to drugs (I think rightfully so) and federal law says its illegal. Just make medical legal on the federal level and there is none of these problems.
Do you have any ideas how many laws are not being enforced by federal officials?
And this is now top priority for the DEA?
This is fucking bullshit, I can understand why it's politically difficult to legalize pot, but for fuck's sake, raiding dispensaries?
What can they even hope to gain of that?
Even politically it's not going to help anyone.

Obama's DOJ in an embarrassment, and he should get shit for that.


Chichikov said:
Do you have any ideas how many laws are not being enforced by federal officials?
And this is now top priority for the DEA?
This is fucking bullshit, I can understand why it's politically difficult to legalize pot, but for fuck's sake, raiding dispensaries?
What can they even hope to gain of that?
Even politically it's not going to help anyone.

Obama's DOJ in an embarrassment, and he should get shit for that.

I demand list revision

I also have a new platform for 2012 "Eznark...actually not that awful on a lot of stuff- Chichikov"


eznark said:
I demand list revision

I also have a new platform for 2012 "Eznark...actually not that awful on a lot of stuff- Chichikov"
Like I'm going to vote for someone who is endorsed by a communist.
Nice try comrade.


eznark said:
I need your endorsement to get the pinko vote. "Killajew Smith" does the rest.
We need to talk platform first.
Are you going to abolish all Boston sports teams and jail their fans?

This is non negotiable.


Background: In November, california voters voted that if the budget isnt passed on time, the legislators dont get paid until it is passed.

Republicans did everything they could to block a budget.

Five Assembly Republicans took a first step today toward ensuring that state Controller John Chiang can never cut their pay again.

The five lawmakers requested a legal opinion from Attorney General Kamala Harris about whether Chiang has authority to determine whether a proposed budget is balanced and, if not, whether he can freeze their pay.

"We are concerned that this issue is likely to return in future budgets proposed by the state Legislature," said the letter, which focuses on the question of authority without seeking to regain the $4,830 in pay that each lawmaker will have lost this month if the Legislature passes a budget sometime today.
Read more: http://fresnobeehive.com/news/#ixzz1Qopq4PfH


Chichikov said:
We need to talk platform first.
Are you going to abolish all Boston sports teams and jail their fans?

This is non negotiable.

I'll be redirecting the funding used in the War on Drugs into a new and more appropriate War on the Dropkick Murphy's. Once they are eradicated, Boston will surely (and mercifully) kill itself.


eznark said:
I'll be redirecting the funding used in the War on Drugs into a new and more appropriate War on the Dropkick Murphy's. Once they are eradicated, Boston will surely (and mercifully) kill itself.
I can't hate anyone who hates the Dropkick Murphys.
But I can try.
Where do you stand on universal healthcare again?

(okay, we shat this thread enough, put some charts or something).


jamesinclair said:


Background: In November, california voters voted that if the budget isnt passed on time, the legislators dont get paid until it is passed.

Republicans did everything they could to block a budget.

Read more: http://fresnobeehive.com/news/#ixzz1Qopq4PfH
The whole thing was pretty hilarious. They passed a bullshit, non-balanced budget just so they could get paid, knowing that they'd have to go back and fix it later.

Then Jerry Brown refused to sign it. Bahaha!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
worldrunover said:
Yeah, maybe you should stop trying to get your political information from watching the Daily Show. That clip was about futuristic gorillas throwing feces. I can't believe you're trying to parse that clip into some kind of political analysis. Christ.

Are you trying to say that Stewart wasn't trying to make an actual political point with that bit?

Chichikov said:
I think you missed the point of that bit.
It was making fun of the doom and gloom predictions on both sides, not a commentary on the outcome of our decisions regarding the debt ceiling.

The first part of your sentence contradicts the second part.

Stewart was clearly providing a commentary on how raising the debt ceiling would lead to the end of the world (albeit in a different way) as would not raising the debt ceiling. Does anyone here agree with that? Does any real economist agree with that? And yet, here's Stewart trying to mock both sides, as if they're equally absurd.

Look, I like Jon Stewart 99% of the time, but periodically he pulls shit like this. It's just like when he held his rally to restore sanity, and was (rightfully) called out by the likes of Maher, Olbermann, and Maddow for pulling the retarded false equivalency card when he mentioned the Bush protestors opposite the tea baggers. What's worse about this is that he KNOWS about the dangers of false equivalency since he's done many bits on the subject, yet he himself engages in it just to assure the right wingers that it's okay, he's going after the left too.

Mind you, it's fine to attack dirty libruls as well, but for fuck's sake, use some appropriate criticism/material.


Professional Schmuck
Hey guys -- I need to recruit my GLBT community to help me word this as inoffensively as possible, but I'll get to the point: has anybody heard Michele Bachman's husband's rant about gays and barbiarians?

No, I mean HEARD it! My gaydar is at level freaking 5, full-on sirens and glitterball flashing lights and fucking everything. THAT DUDE is hiding something.


Oblivion said:
Stewart was clearly providing a commentary on how raising the debt ceiling would lead to the end of the world (albeit in a different way) as would not raising the debt ceiling.
I actually don't think that this is the point that he was making.
I think those scenarios were suppose ridicule the way both parties talk about the other side.
You know - if the GOP wins it's a fascist market anarchy; if the dems wins it's communism.

I think his argument, ad absurdum, is that it's not that big of a deal.
And I sort of agree with him, to a degree.

PantherLotus said:
Hey guys -- I need to recruit my GLBT community to help me word this as inoffensively as possible, but I'll get to the point: has anybody heard Michele Bachman's husband's rant about gays and barbiarians?

No, I mean HEARD it! My gaydar is at level freaking 5, full-on sirens and glitterball flashing lights and fucking everything. THAT DUDE is hiding something.
I'm not gay but in my mind, any person that is offended by that is extremely over-sensitive.
I personally try not to worry too much about over-sensitive people, as they tend to get hurt anyway.
But like Barry, I'm kind of a dick.
Also, link?


PantherLotus said:
No, I mean HEARD it! My gaydar is at level freaking 5, full-on sirens and glitterball flashing lights and fucking everything. THAT DUDE is hiding something.

Hell yes! I heard that man's voice/tone/pattern and immediately thought, "Within five years, we'll see a sordid news story about him being busted on his knees with a mouth full of man-meat in the bushes behind a highway rest stop. Wait and see."

Yep.. my gaydar is pinging something awful with this guy.
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