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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Kosmo said:
Yes, Coulter was blatantly wrong on that and looked foolish. Also:

-Maher agrees everybody should pay SOME taxes. EVERYONE.

I'm with him on that.

Poor people pay consumption taxes.

Rich people pay taxes on property and capital but not nearly enough taxes.


Kosmo said:
Yes, Coulter was blatantly wrong on that and looked foolish. Also:

-Maher agrees everybody should pay SOME taxes. EVERYONE.

I'm with him on that.
Everybody pay taxes.
Well, maybe some crazy sovereign citizens don't, though I doubt it, but even homeless people do.

Seriously dude, we've been through that countless times, IRS is not the only tax in the US.

Edit: beaten, twice, and by communists no less.
StopMakingSense said:
See we just need to bundle US Bonds with other bonds, creating a new security, and BAM! back to AAA.
If we bundle a bunch of highly dangerous explosives with enough additional sets of highly dangerous explosives, duct tape a few medkits, and buy off a weapons inspector to pronounce the whole package as safe, who could possibly bitch at us for dropping the entire payload on top of Moody's corporate HQ?

(of course, the only way this kit would be dangerous if if housing prices drop en masse, but really, how likely is that?. I say go for it because it will make me feel better right now.)


Kosmo said:
Yes, Coulter was blatantly wrong on that and looked foolish. Also:

-Maher agrees everybody should pay SOME taxes. EVERYONE.

I'm with him on that.
Everyone does pay some taxes.


slit said:
You really gotta love the irony at play here. The very underwriters of a lot of Tea Party activity have now created a monster they cant control. Wall Street knows what will happen if we default but the idiots they rabble roused are now the ones that stand between them and economic ruin. The GOP has backed themselves into a corner and now each of them are going to have to take a bite of the shit sandwich they helped make. Obama played this like a pro. He dangled a carrot in front of them and took it away at the last minute making them scurry to figure out what to do. The GOP is getting exactly what they deserve by playing both sides of the coin and watching them squirm is just so funny.

Obama gave nearly everything the GOP wanted in his first offer to the GOP. But the GOP rejected because Obama proposed it. This insistence to reject whatever Obama puts forth--even when it's the GOP's own idea, or at least a modification of it--is what screwed them over. I don't know if Obama anticipated it, but he has definitely capitalized on it. And now that Obama isn't caving in (yet) like the GOP (Cantor in particular) wants, they are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.


Professional Schmuck
You guys really need to watch Lawrence O'Donnell tonight to get a full grasp of the cold-as-ice mindfucking Obama just pulled on the GOP. If I had to boil it down to a single analogy O'Donnell makes, it goes something like this:

1. Somali Pirates took American Hostages and made ridiculous demands.
2. President Obama ordered their heads blown off.

1. Republicans took the American Economy hostage and made ridiculous demands.


PantherLotus said:
You guys really need to watch Lawrence O'Donnell tonight to get a full grasp of the cold-as-ice mindfucking Obama just pulled on the GOP.

Wow. You've got to know you're a hack (O'Donnell, I mean) when you not only defend, but prop up, Obama's negotiating skill.


Unconfirmed Member
Clevinger said:
Wow. You've got to know you're a hack (O'Donnell, I mean) when you not only defend, but prop up, Obama's negotiating skill.
O'Donnell pretty much props up every single thing the Dems do. I find the guy completely insufferable.
ezekial45 said:
Do we know what Obama said to him?
Cantor, R-Virginia, told reporters after Wednesday's meeting that he proposed a short-term agreement to raise the federal debt ceiling, a position Obama has previously rejected.

"That's when he got very agitated and said I've sat here long enough -- that no other president -- Ronald Reagan -- would sit here like this -- and that he's reached the point that something's gotta give," Cantor said, adding that Obama called for Republicans to compromise on either their insistence that a debt-ceiling hike must be matched dollar-for-dollar by spending cuts or on their opposition to any kind of tax increase.

"And he said to me, 'Eric, don't call my bluff.' He said 'I'm going to the American people with this,' " Cantor quoted Obama as saying.

"I was somewhat taken aback," Cantor said. When he continued to press the issue, Cantor said, Obama "shoved back from the table, said 'I'll see you tomorrow' and walked out."

A Democratic source familiar with the talks said on condition of not being identified that Obama cut off Cantor at the end when the Virginia Republican questioned the president for a third time on his opposition to a short-term extension of the federal debt ceiling.

Another Democratic source, also speaking on condition of anonymity, described the tone of the meeting as tense but constructive and said that at one point, Cantor was challenged on what the source called "talking out of both sides of his mouth."

Obama has insisted on one deal that will raise the amount of money the government can borrow to sufficient levels to last through 2012 -- after his campaign for re-election. Cantor's call for a short-term agreement also could win the support of House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, an aide to Boehner said.


Averon said:
Obama gave nearly everything the GOP wanted in his first offer to the GOP. But the GOP rejected because Obama proposed it. This insistence to reject whatever Obama puts forth--even when it's the GOP's own idea, or at least a modification of it--is what screwed them over. I don't know if Obama anticipated it, but he has definitely capitalized on it. And now that Obama isn't caving in (yet) like the GOP (Cantor in particular) wants, they are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I don't know either, for sure, but I have to believe that Obama knew what was being offered would never get through congress as the Dems were calling for his head last week. A lot of the Dems were planing on running in 2012 on the fact that the GOP wanted to take away, or at least severely limit, the major entitlement programs. Forcing the Dems to vote to make cuts to those programs would take that advantage away. I believe Obama had to know how that would pan out in the end.


"Eric don't call my bluff. I'm going to the American people on this," the president said, according to both Cantor and another attendee. "This process is confirming what the American people think is the worst about Washington: that everyone is more interested in posturing, political positioning, and protecting their base, than in resolving real problems."

"I have reached the point where I say enough," Obama concluded, according to Reuters. "Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."

Thank you, sir, for finally doing what we expected of you.


besada said:

“Cantor’s account of tonight’s meeting is completely overblown. For someone who knows how to walk out of a meeting, you’d think he’d know it when he saw it,” a Democratic aide said. “Cantor rudely interrupted the president three times to advocate for short-term debt ceiling increases while the president was wrapping the meeting. This is just more juvenile behavior from him and Boehner needs to rein him in, and let the grown-ups get to work. “

I said godDAMN.


"Eric don't call my bluff. I'm going to the American people on this," the president said, according to both Cantor and another attendee. "This process is confirming what the American people think is the worst about Washington: that everyone is more interested in posturing, political positioning, and protecting their base, than in resolving real problems."

"I have reached the point where I say enough," Obama concluded, according to Reuters. "Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."

Translation: If I go down I'm taking your leadership with me. Considering the GOP's power lust you have to think they'll back down. I think Obama is just fed up with the Repubs bullshit at this point and is throwing caution to the wind.
Averon said:
Where was this Obama in 2009/2010?

That is going to be one of the frustrating results of this, if indeed he stands his ground. Where was this fortitude with the other big issues that his administration faced or took on?


There's always a chance that he'll take the biggest issue he can find, try to compromise to the end of it, and then show everyone that the Republicans aren't serious.

He could still turn the tables on them, but he needs an issue on which he actually does turn the table on them, not just an issue where he could but doesn't and end up compromising poorly.


besada said:
Still deluded into thinking he could engage in joyful bipartisanship.

His error was wanting to be seen as a great uniter and be everyone's friend. Charming as it is especially after the recession crisis, it was highly unrealistic when the opposition has moved so far to the right that the "middle ground" (aka where the right was a decade ago) is now some idealogical battle ground that they will never suffer to go to.

It's past time for Obama to truly be presidential...by being a dick.
From RedState.com

This isn’t a surprise to anyone who has been playing attention to our child president over the past three years. The Obama administration has been a veritable Mecca for narcissism and incompetence from the time Obama took the oath of office.

Now, for the first time since taking office, Obama is forced to make a decision that entailed personal risk. It isn’t a pretty sight.

Like how he capitalizes Mecca. lol.


I am Wayne Brady.
dabig2 said:
His error was wanting to be seen as a great uniter and be everyone's friend. Charming as it is especially after the recession crisis, it was highly unrealistic when the opposition has moved so far to the right that the "middle ground" (aka where the right was a decade ago) is now some idealogical battle ground that they will never suffer to go to.

It's past time for Obama to truly be presidential...by being a dick.

He needs to throw some folks under the bus.


dabig2 said:
His error was wanting to be seen as a great uniter and be everyone's friend. Charming as it is especially after the recession crisis, it was highly unrealistic when the opposition has moved so far to the right that the "middle ground" (aka where the right was a decade ago) is now some idealogical battle ground that they will never suffer to go to.

It's past time for Obama to truly be presidential...by being a dick.

Pretty much. I don't think Obama's incapable of being a good negotiator, but he's been waaaaay too hung up on seeming like a bipartisan leader, to an incredible fault.

TacticalFox88 said:
....Holy shit! Damn, and wasn't it just five days ago that we all cynical motherfuckers who knew Obama would cave?

It's not over yet. I'll be the first to give him kudos if he doesn't back down, though.


Uh, did Obama walk out of negotiations or did he just walk out of the room when the meeting was finished :lol

And how can professional journalists confuse the two?
Chichikov said:
Ummm, why wouldn't you capitalize Mecca?

Also, why would you read such drivel?

Dude, he's proving Obama is Muslim!!!!

Why would I read such drivel? Same reason I periodically cruise down to RaptureReady. To see the crazies.
Is walking out of a meeting what passes as strong leadership these days?
I can see you guys getting excited if Obama picked up Cantor by the throat and threw him across the table, but all he did was grab his water bottle and walk out.
Talks resume tomorrow, no?


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Is walking out of a meeting what passes as strong leadership these days?
I can see you guys getting excited if Obama picked up Cantor by the throat and threw him across the table, but all he did was grab his water bottle and walk out.
Talks resume tomorrow, no?

It's admittedly kind of sad, but Obama saying "I'm had enough of this bullshit. I'm not backing down" is an incredible occasion for liberals.

We'll see what comes of it.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Is walking out of a meeting what passes as strong leadership these days?
I can see you guys getting excited if Obama picked up Cantor by the throat and threw him across the table, but all he did was grab his water bottle and walk out.
Talks resume tomorrow, no?

It's not walking out of the meeting, its stating that he will not budge even if it means it brings down his presidency. Sure, at this point its all talk but if it ends up with him not budging on a smaller token increase then yes, that is leadership.

Mike M said:
Almost as though it were a proper noun, like the name of a city...

Clevinger said:
It's admittedly kind of sad, but Obama saying "I'm had enough of this bullshit. I'm not backing down" is an incredible occasion for liberals.
Indeed, it is. Now we need a little something called consistency.
thekad said:
Uh, did Obama walk out of negotiations or did he just walk out of the room when the meeting was finished :lol

And how can professional journalists confuse the two?

Sounds like the latter. I assume the confusion resulted from the fact(at least partially) they're getting this story second-hand.

And it's now odd that the GOP, who went so heavily against a debt ceiling increase, are crying out for an extension. Sounds like they expected Obama to cave and he didn't do as they expected ... and that that was their only plan, so they're scrambling to save face.
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