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It is funny, I didn't know you had to get permission for anything if it is a political message.

There's no legal way a commercial paid by any backing funder can go without securing the rights to a commercialized song. They can't claim a fair usage because that's only a defense, not apart of the law.


I don't think the VP pick will be who you guys think it will be.

They'll pull a Palin. They'll get someone of contrast, someone who isn't from the corporate side, probably someone extremely religious and war-mongering, even thought the whole terrorism thing is sort of going over people's heads now.

Romney is limited in his ability to cover those topics. They'll get someone who's going to attract the spotlight, to take it away from Romney.

It will still be a losing strategy, but at this point it seems to be a risk-all or GTFO situation.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Damn, now I want to see the ad.

I mean, I remember the Obama singing thing. I'm just curious.

Its just Obama singing the famous opening lines or whatever while the ad flashes a few messages implying that Obama rewards influential donors with favoritism. Its a laughably useless ad because the background of Obama singing is a bunch of people cheering.


I don't think the VP pick will be who you guys think it will be.

They'll pull a Palin. They'll get someone of contrast, someone who isn't from the corporate side, probably someone extremely religious and war-mongering, even thought the whole terrorism thing is sort of going over people's heads now.

Romney is limited in his ability to cover those topics. They'll get someone who's going to attract the spotlight, to take it away from Romney.

It will still be a losing strategy, but at this point it seems to be a risk-all or GTFO situation.

I will dance in the streets if this happens.

Santorum it is then.

Because Huckabee's not stupid enough to go in as VP.

DeathbyVolcano said:
Romney Perry '12

Don't play with my heart.


How the hell is Romney going to debate Obama with a file like this. I'm sure the Obama campaign has just as good of a file, if not better, but still. I would think all Obama would have to do is study this crap he's completely and utterly flip flopped on and bring it to his attention every single time he tries to speak on something. There's literally something for everything in here.


I don't think the VP pick will be who you guys think it will be.

They'll pull a Palin. They'll get someone of contrast, someone who isn't from the corporate side, probably someone extremely religious and war-mongering, even thought the whole terrorism thing is sort of going over people's heads now.

Romney is limited in his ability to cover those topics. They'll get someone who's going to attract the spotlight, to take it away from Romney.

It will still be a losing strategy, but at this point it seems to be a risk-all or GTFO situation.

Santorum it is then!


I would think playing it safe and hoping the economy gets worse would be the better strategy. I mean, generally I'd agree with you--when you're in the losing position, go for broke. But I can't imagine that any VP pick could possibly improve Mittens' position as much as the economy sliding.

Also, Romney has to win Ohio, so it'll be Portman, even if he only helps by a point or two. If he can't manage to get Ohio, he might as well quit now.


One more


In a filing dated July 21, 1999, GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was listed as a "general partner" for Bain Capital Partners, a California Limited Partnership. Romney's signature is on the document declaring that he certified "that the statements contained in this document are true and correct to my own knowledge. I declare that I am the person who is executing this instrument, which execution is my act and deed."


Here's an interesting article on the making of the Obama ad


- It took 6 days to make by six staffers, whereas most ads are made in an hour or so.
- They took great care in the audio design, to make it sound more striking.
That's exactly what I thought of when I saw the Romney version today. That even if the visuals looked amateurish, they couldn't be as chilling as the Obama one because it lacked the well-done audio of the Firms ad. The radio-like effect they put on Romney's voice when they showed the empty factory, the sound of the Swiss flag, the sound of the water for the Bermuda and Cayman island scenes—when I watched it again after the Romney version I thought it's a pity this sort of chill couldn't be properly conveyed to deaf people.
New Minnesota polling numbers drop sometime this week from our ABC affiliate/Survey USA. Can't wait for the laughable President and Senator polls but hopefully they show some close house races as well in the 2,3,6 and 8th districts under Republican control at the moment and of course the current state of the Minnesota Marriage Amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman. It'd be great if all the Republican House races were within 5 points. I definitely think we'll pick up the 8th and at least one more...2 or 6(Bachmann). It'd be really awesome if the Democrats had all 8 districts come November.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question, men: At this stage, is Romney providing more lulz than a Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann or Newt Gingrich would be at this point?

edit: Oh, and I forgot the frothy one.
As if the hilarity can't get any higher.

Romney top donor apparently did Business with Chinese Mob

Things are getting awkward for Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate who pledged to spend a “limitless” amount of money to get Mitt Romney elected. Adelson’s latest woes stem from business practices surrounding his lucrative casino in Macau, the only Chinese city with legalized gambling.

The Macau operation has long been under scrutiny but a new in-depth investigation from ProPublica and PBS focused on allegations of improper, and perhaps in some cases illegal, business dealings by Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands company in China. While focusing on the possibility that Sands violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with a $700,000 payment to a Chinese associate, PBS also released documents that bolstered accusations of business ties between Adelson’s shop and Chinese organized crime figures.
PBS reports that Sands was clear that, in order to drive business from mainland China to their Macau casino, they would need to use “junkets” — trips arranged by private companies to ferry high-stakes gamblers to Macau:

Among the junket companies under scrutiny is a concern that records show was financed by Cheung Chi Tai, a Hong Kong businessman.
Cheung was named in a 1992 U.S. Senate report as a leader of a Chinese organized crime gang, or triad. A casino in Macau owned by Las Vegas Sands granted tens of millions of dollars in credit to a junket backed by Cheung, documents show.

Cheung did not respond to requests for comment.

Another document says that a Las Vegas Sands subsidiary did business with Charles Heung, a well-known Hong Kong film producer who was identified as an office holder in the Sun Yee On triad in the same 1992 Senate report. Heung, who has repeatedly denied any involvement in organized crime, did not return phone calls.

:lol :lol :lol Can't catch a break!


I'm kinda wondering, if Obama wins, how will things go over the next several years? Unless a miracle happens, Republicans will keep the house, and they'll likely only increase their control over the 2014 midterms. This will tie Obama's hands, and I find it hard to believe Republicans won't be able to take the White House in 2016, campaigning on 6 years of "ineffective" Democratic rule.

So it's like, what's the point? We can have weak Democratic control for a few more years then Republicans take over? Then weak Republican control for another 8 years?
Although it's difficult to project given the current state of the Republican Party, I expect the next session to resemble Reagan and Clinton's second terms as opposed to the current session. We'll experience more gridlock interspersed with, at best, mediocre legislation. After the 1982 midterm elections, the federal government experienced substantial gridlock. But the prospects of another wasted session impelled cooperation. If the next session were to follow a similar trajectory, they might pass a revision of the federal tax code and neutered immigration policy. The likelihood of any progressive legislation being passed is negligible. And the current iteration of the Republican Party could scuttle the entire session.


Also, speaking of Clinton, the HHS announced last week it would grant waivers to state governments for the work requirements of the TANF. The waivers would not eliminate the work requirements as critics have inveighed. Rather, they permit states to test new methods for enhancing employment outcomes instead of concentrating on stringent tracking procedures. And if the state governments attempt to circumvent the work requirements, the HHS can rescind the waiver. Now, I oppose the present construction of our inadequate welfare system. But as long as our current focus is on employment, I prefer we actually concentrate on the goal.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, I take back what I said about that "Firms" ad from Obama. It's actually better than I initially thought.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I don't think the VP pick will be who you guys think it will be.

They'll pull a Palin. They'll get someone of contrast, someone who isn't from the corporate side, probably someone extremely religious and war-mongering, even thought the whole terrorism thing is sort of going over people's heads now.

Romney is limited in his ability to cover those topics. They'll get someone who's going to attract the spotlight, to take it away from Romney.

It will still be a losing strategy, but at this point it seems to be a risk-all or GTFO situation.

Christine O'Donnell or Michelle Bachmann it is.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
New Minnesota polling numbers drop sometime this week from our ABC affiliate/Survey USA. Can't wait for the laughable President and Senator polls but hopefully they show some close house races as well in the 2,3,6 and 8th districts under Republican control at the moment and of course the current state of the Minnesota Marriage Amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman. It'd be great if all the Republican House races were within 5 points. I definitely think we'll pick up the 8th and at least one more...2 or 6(Bachmann). It'd be really awesome if the Democrats had all 8 districts come November.

I'm more concerned about the local races. The republicans taking the MN house and senate has stopped the Minnesota Health Act dead in its tracks (single payer health care bill that passed both the senate and house with identical language, but is designated as a two year bill and so requires an additional reading/vote in the house).

Make sure everyone you know votes, Erasure! (and make sure everyone votes no on the Voter ID amendment and the marriage amendment)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's a nice talking point.

McCain looked at 23 years on Romney's returns
McCain picked Palin

Was there something in those tax returns? We don't know...

It is amusing, and Romney can make it all stop by releasing his tax returns... but...
I had this conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about Jindals' implementation of the ACA here in Louisiana, and I thought you guys would be interested:

makingmusic476: maxwell tells me jindal is fucking you over
Gnizmo: I want to qualify this first mostly so I never get sloppy and screw myself over
Gnizmo: this is not [name removed] typing, as he cannot give an opinion on politics without being fired quicker
Gnizmo: Jindall is ass raping the health industry cause he is butt hurt at Obama
Gnizmo: the whole fucking hospital is being shut down
Gnizmo: and we found out from the fucking news
makingmusic476: whaaaat
makingmusic476: i thought he just wasn't implementing the exchanges
Gnizmo: he hates obamacare
makingmusic476: he's shutting down hospitals?
Gnizmo: oh no
Gnizmo: he is, in fact, cutting medicare/medicaid to as low as it can go
Gnizmo: 890 million or so
Gnizmo: including a lot of matching funds the feds offer
Gnizmo: so he is cutting into free dollars
makingmusic476: oh yeah
Gnizmo: fun fact, the hospital is located in the parish with the highest suicide rate
makingmusic476: i heard he wasn't taking the fed's offered extra medicaid funds
makingmusic476: had no idea he was cutting back on how much we were already getting
Gnizmo: yup
Gnizmo: so he cut
Gnizmo: fucked up part? they had already started implementing the exchanges
Gnizmo: so [name removed] and all the state workers get to be laid off because Jindall feels like playing politics
Gnizmo: probably to up his chances at a VP slot
Gnizmo: the level of bullshit is amazing
Gnizmo: popular thought though is he found someone to buy the hospital
Gnizmo: but they didn't want the state workers there
Gnizmo: so they are closing it first
makingmusic476: ouch
makingmusic476: if true
makingmusic476: and the entire time we were at UNO, he was cutting staff at all the state schools
makingmusic476: we were bleeding teachers like mad
makingmusic476: dammit jindal
Gnizmo: who the fuck voted for him?
Gnizmo: do they hate education and health care?
Gnizmo: I feel I should have the right to punch them in the fucking face
Gnizmo: cause [name removed] was real clear that voting for jindall was voting for me on the unemployment line
makingmusic476: he has an R next to his name
makingmusic476: tbh, i would've voted for him last election if i could've at the time
makingmusic476: because i was still caught up in all that
Gnizmo: I have the right to punch you in the face then
Gnizmo: last november?
makingmusic476: ok =(
makingmusic476: wait wait wait
makingmusic476: then the first time
Gnizmo: I am talking second term here
Gnizmo: first I can excuse
Gnizmo: no one knew it would be this fucked
makingmusic476: what hospital do you work at?
Gnizmo: South East Lousiana Hospital
Gnizmo: fucked up part is we had a bunch [of patients] sent to us from Jackson cause their forensic unit shut down
Gnizmo: and now we are sending them right back
makingmusic476: this wole situation is fucked
makingmusic476: whole*
Gnizmo: big time
Gnizmo: so yeah I get to start seriously job searching again
Gnizmo: hope it doesn't take another year and a half
makingmusic476: which is terribly unfun

And he asked that I add this in:

Gnizmo: Make sure to note one thing though
Gnizmo: About 4 months ago there was a LOT of noise about selling to a private company
Gnizmo: This would normally keep the staff on
Gnizmo: However if you close it you get around that
Gnizmo: Suspiciously, New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (noah) is re-opening under Children's hospital ownership 2 years after closing
Gnizmo: History is very likely to repeat here
Gnizmo: Noah was expanding as were we to meet the high demand for beds

And in regards to the patients that had been sent from Jackson to SELH:

makingmusic476: a bunch of... patients? supplies?
Gnizmo: Patients
Gnizmo: Forensic units are psych jail
Gnizmo: Its where murders, rapists, etc are sent for competency evaluation
Gnizmo: The competency takes years sometimes
Gnizmo: We literally had to have juvenile pedophiles around little kids because Jackson's forensic unit shut down under Jindall
Gnizmo: And there was no where else to send them
Gnizmo: The poor kids? They are straight fucked
Gnizmo: Cause they are all going to private hospitals they can't afford
Gnizmo: That is, roughtly, 99% of our clients


Carville is using the "McCain looked at Romney's taxes and chose Palin" line as well. Seems like this is a concerted talking point

I think a variation on that would work better.

"Romney gave 23 years of tax returns to John McCain in order to get a job. Why can't he do the same for the American people?"

Or something to that effect, where John McCain/being chosen as VP is much more important than voters.


Carville is using the "McCain looked at Romney's taxes and chose Palin" line as well. Seems like this is a concerted talking point

After seeing this document from the McCain campaign on Romney it very well may not have been the taxes at all that made him pick Palin...
I'm more concerned about the local races. The republicans taking the MN house and senate has stopped the Minnesota Health Act dead in its tracks (single payer health care bill that passed both the senate and house with identical language, but is designated as a two year bill and so requires an additional reading/vote in the house).

Make sure everyone you know votes, Erasure! (and make sure everyone votes no on the Voter ID amendment and the marriage amendment)

GAF is everyone I know. =/


I had this conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about Jindals' implementation of the ACA here in Louisiana, and I thought you guys would be interested:

makingmusic476: maxwell tells me jindal is fucking you over
Gnizmo: I want to qualify this first mostly so I never get sloppy and screw myself over
Gnizmo: this is not [name removed] typing, as he cannot give an opinion on politics without being fired quicker
Gnizmo: Jindall is ass raping the health industry cause he is butt hurt at Obama
Gnizmo: the whole fucking hospital is being shut down
Gnizmo: and we found out from the fucking news
makingmusic476: whaaaat
makingmusic476: i thought he just wasn't implementing the exchanges
Gnizmo: he hates obamacare
makingmusic476: he's shutting down hospitals?
Gnizmo: oh no
Gnizmo: he is, in fact, cutting medicare/medicaid to as low as it can go
Gnizmo: 890 million or so
Gnizmo: including a lot of matching funds the feds offer
Gnizmo: so he is cutting into free dollars
makingmusic476: oh yeah
Gnizmo: fun fact, the hospital is located in the parish with the highest suicide rate
makingmusic476: i heard he wasn't taking the fed's offered extra medicaid funds
makingmusic476: had no idea he was cutting back on how much we were already getting
Gnizmo: yup
Gnizmo: so he cut
Gnizmo: fucked up part? they had already started implementing the exchanges
Gnizmo: so [name removed] and all the state workers get to be laid off because Jindall feels like playing politics
Gnizmo: probably to up his chances at a VP slot
Gnizmo: the level of bullshit is amazing
Gnizmo: popular thought though is he found someone to buy the hospital
Gnizmo: but they didn't want the state workers there
Gnizmo: so they are closing it first
makingmusic476: ouch
makingmusic476: if true
makingmusic476: and the entire time we were at UNO, he was cutting staff at all the state schools
makingmusic476: we were bleeding teachers like mad
makingmusic476: dammit jindal
Gnizmo: who the fuck voted for him?
Gnizmo: do they hate education and health care?
Gnizmo: I feel I should have the right to punch them in the fucking face
Gnizmo: cause [name removed] was real clear that voting for jindall was voting for me on the unemployment line
makingmusic476: he has an R next to his name
makingmusic476: tbh, i would've voted for him last election if i could've at the time
makingmusic476: because i was still caught up in all that
Gnizmo: I have the right to punch you in the face then
Gnizmo: last november?
makingmusic476: ok =(
makingmusic476: wait wait wait
makingmusic476: then the first time
Gnizmo: I am talking second term here
Gnizmo: first I can excuse
Gnizmo: no one knew it would be this fucked
makingmusic476: what hospital do you work at?
Gnizmo: South East Lousiana Hospital
Gnizmo: fucked up part is we had a bunch [of patients] sent to us from Jackson cause their forensic unit shut down
Gnizmo: and now we are sending them right back
makingmusic476: this wole situation is fucked
makingmusic476: whole*
Gnizmo: big time
Gnizmo: so yeah I get to start seriously job searching again
Gnizmo: hope it doesn't take another year and a half
makingmusic476: which is terribly unfun

And he asked that I add this in:

Gnizmo: Make sure to note one thing though
Gnizmo: About 4 months ago there was a LOT of noise about selling to a private company
Gnizmo: This would normally keep the staff on
Gnizmo: However if you close it you get around that
Gnizmo: Suspiciously, New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (noah) is re-opening under Children's hospital ownership 2 years after closing
Gnizmo: History is very likely to repeat here
Gnizmo: Noah was expanding as were we to meet the high demand for beds

And in regards to the patients that had been sent from Jackson to SELH:

makingmusic476: a bunch of... patients? supplies?
Gnizmo: Patients
Gnizmo: Forensic units are psych jail
Gnizmo: Its where murders, rapists, etc are sent for competency evaluation
Gnizmo: The competency takes years sometimes
Gnizmo: We literally had to have juvenile pedophiles around little kids because Jackson's forensic unit shut down under Jindall
Gnizmo: And there was no where else to send them
Gnizmo: The poor kids? They are straight fucked
Gnizmo: Cause they are all going to private hospitals they can't afford
Gnizmo: That is, roughtly, 99% of our clients

Might be worth him going to the local news outlets to try and get some coverage. Might cost him his job, but it sounds like he's losing it anyway.


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