Al-ibn Kermit
Junior Member
How is John Kerry's wife even relevant in any shape or form, past or present?
Well she's rich, like Romney. So these rules don't apply to them. I guess that's the best argument he has.
How is John Kerry's wife even relevant in any shape or form, past or present?
Yeah, but they probably lost more votes than they gained.Worked on some people. My boss (who's usually pretty smart and tends to be more liberal) voted for McCain purely because "well, he picked a woman VP."
Well she's rich, like Romney. So these rules don't apply to them. I guess that's the best argument he has.
lol. Has this been posted? Mittens says he's not going to release his tax returns cause John Kerry's WIFE never had to:
Here's the link
That's for March.
This link also says that in March more than ninety-seven per cent of the donations were for less than $250, and the average donation was $50.78.
This article also talks about things overall by the end of April
In June 98% of people gave less than $250. Average size was just over $50.
“I thought becoming rich and famous would make me happy. Boy was I right.” Mitt Romney
You’ll have to allow me the opportunity to change my view on that
McCain 2008 Campaign's file on Mitt Romney.
Have at it, gaf!
Romney Imposed Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Fee Increases, Affecting Virtually Everyone InMassachusetts, While Insisting They Were Not New TaxesRomney Imposed Over $500 Million In Fee Hikes During His First Year In Office – More Than Any OtherState That Year.
“Massachusetts has picked up another dubious distinction: It has imposed more fee hikes thanany other state this year…Of the 30 states the National Conference of State Legislatures found raised fees thisyear, only nine are bringing in $100 million or more from those fee hikes. Massachusetts $500 million boost eventopped the $367 million fee increase in New York, which has a much larger budget.”
(Editorial, “We’re No. 1,”
Sunday Telegram
, 7/27/03)
Romney Insisted Fees Were Not Taxes:
“Practically no one is spared from dozens of new and increasedstate fees proposed Thursday by Gov. Mitt Romney, who insisted they are not taxes.”
(Ken Maguire, “GovernorSays Proposed New, Higher Fees Are Not Taxes,”
The Associated Press
, 2/27/03)
Romney’s Fees Cut Into The Benefits Ordinary Citizens Received From President Bush’s 2003 Tax Cuts.
“If the Bush tax cuts revive the stalling economy they will do so in spite of the large fee increases levied by statesacross the U.S. with Massachusetts leading the way. If anything, these state fee increases not only diminish, but,for some people, even eliminate, the tax cuts passed by Congress and signed by the President.”
(Christopher Boyd,“Fees Put A Crimp On Tax Cuts,” Beacon Hill Institute’s
, Vol. 8, No. 1, Fall 2003)
Boston Globe
: Romney’s Fee Increases “May Have Enhanced [Massachusetts’] Reputation As‘Taxachusetts.’”
“This time it’s fees, not taxes. Still, Massachusetts may have enhanced its reputation as‘Taxachusetts.’ A survey of states grappling with spending crises has found that Massachusetts imposed morefee hikes than any other state in the nation this year - at least $500 million. Governor Mitt Romney and theLegislature, faced with a multibillion dollar shortfall, made it more expensive to get a marriage license or adivorce, file a court case, buy a house, renew a driver’s license, or tap into a host of other state services.”
(RickKlein, “Mass. Is Called No. 1 In Fee Hikes,”
The Boston Globe
, 7/24/03)
Massachusetts Called “The Most Fee-Happy State In The Nation.”
“With Massachusetts emerging as themost fee-happy state in the nation, lawmakers and advocates for groups targeted by fee hikes are lining up topush for some reversals. One bill would make the $100 fee for carrying a firearm valid for life, instead of having tobe renewed every four years. ‘It’s ridiculous,’ James L. Wallace, a spokesman for the Gun Owners Action League
McCain 2008 Campaign's file on Mitt Romney.
Have at it, gaf!
McCain 2008 Campaign's file on Mitt Romney.
Have at it, gaf!
Just a taste:
Looks like Romney is picking Pawlenty then for VP. As he pulled the same Fees aren't a tax increase BS here in Minnesota.
McCain 2008 Campaign's file on Mitt Romney.
Have at it, gaf!
Romney has no foreign policy experience.
lolWashington Posts Dana Milbank: Hes Getting A Little Bit Of A Kerry Problem.
He doesnt call them small animals, he calls them varmints. It sounds like Yosemite Sam here Say your prayers, varmints. Does it recall or bring to mind something that happened about this time in the 2004 cycle with John Kerry and his hunting? Its curious that these two from Massachusetts seem to have this sort of I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it problem going on here, just as Mitt Romney is rising to prominence in the Republican field, hes getting a little bit of a Kerry problem.
Nah, this oppo file was released by buzzfeed quite a while ago, back in January.
I even posted it in a past thread.
On Monday, Romney Said His Favorite Novel Is L. Ron Hubbard’s “Battlefield Earth.”
ROMNEY:“Favorite book… Well, has to be the Bible.” FOX NEWS’ MARTHA MCCALLUM: “And an interesting response tohis favorite novel.” ROMNEY: “Actually the one by L. Ron Hubbard, I hate to think … I’m not in favor of his religionby any means, but he wrote a book called ‘Battlefield Earth’ that was a very fun science fiction book.”
(Fox News’“Fox & Friends,” 4/30/07)
Romney Later Reversed Himself, Saying “Huckleberry Finn” Was Favorite Fiction Book And “BattlefieldEarth” Was Favorite Science Fiction Book
That's a fascinating read. Some of this stuff is all over the place. I find myself reading one thing only to say to myself "This is the same guy that's running today? He really said that?" then 2 seconds later it's like "Oh, yep, this is definitely that same guy..."
It really reinforces his flip flopping and political pandering.
Romney says the Harlem Globetrotters have trouble making touchdowns. (Tape 62)
Looks like Romney is picking Pawlenty then for VP. As he pulled the same Fees aren't a tax increase BS here in Minnesota.
Whats weird is that if he held now the positions he claimed to hold as the Mass. governor I might actually consider voting for him. I mean, pro-choice, gay rights, dude practically seems like a social liberal.
Man, just imagine if McCain did half that work on Palin.
So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
Hahahaha.So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
At least this gives them an opportunity to make a non-crappy ad.
He's right, though. When's the last time you saw a Harlem Globetrotter score a TD? Just sayin.
Still better than the Jaguars.
StLouisKing05 3 months ago 11
This is amazing. I'm almost starting to feel a little bad for Romney's camp.So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
So remember that lame Romney ad that copies the Firms ad? lol
'"Political Payoffs And..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BMG_Rights_Management.'
I can't fucking believe they're this incompetent.
Romney health insurance plan expanded access to abortion, required Planned Parenthood representative onstate panel.
Romney endorsed legalization of abortion pill RU-486 access during his 1994 Senate race and backedfederal funding of abortion, saying I think its important that people see me not as a pro-life candidate.
In 1994 and 2002, Romney confirmed his support for Roe v. Wade decision and forcefully positioned himselfas pro-choice in 1994 Senate race, saying you will not see me wavering on that.
It is funny, I didn't know you had to get permission for anything if it is a political message.
What was the copyright infringement of the video?