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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Besides just the Bane name, isn't there also a
wealth inequality theme running through the movie or something? I thought one of Catwoman's lines in the trailer hinted at it.
Plus there was something about Nolan putting
Occupy Wallstreet
in it as well.

Sorry for the spoiler tags, but I know some people are really touchy about spoilers here, especially for Batman.

Yes, it's a big theme in this movie.

There's also another scene where MOVIESPOILER
Bane and his mercenaries judge the corrupted bankers, politicians, and the uber-wealthy in a kangaroo court after they take over the city.

If you saw the MTV movie award footage, then you know what i'm talking about. In any case, Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities was a big influence on the movie.

EDIT: Also, they decided against filming real Occupy Wallstreet protesters in the movie because they didn't want to be disrespectful.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is why Romney needs to take "Bain" back by embracing Amrit Bains.

Plus the autotune factor means crossover appeal to robots!

Since we're on the subject, my one and only request to ever ask a mod, be it Hitokage or Opiate is to temporarily change Poligaf's thread title to "Poligaf 2012: The Dark Knight Rising Against Bain"* just for one day (the day the movie appears.

*or something to that effect


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also too, your daily dose of Godwin:

Pam Gellar said:
Every movement needs a minority group to scapegoat for nation’s troubles.USSR it was bourgeoisie; Germany,the Jews; in US, its businessmen


Heh. This is kinda funny.

Romney says waiters at fundraiser "aren't having a good year"
Addressing 300 contributors who paid $2,500, $10,000 or $50,000 to hear him speak, Romney acknowledged that the people in the room were well-off compared to many Americans. It was the middle class that had been let down by Obama, Romney said, and he pointed to the wait staff serving finger foods as an example.

"It's tough being middle class in America right now," Romney said. "The waiters and waitresses that come in and out of this room and offer us refreshments, they're not having a good year. The people of the middle class of America are really struggling. And they're struggling I think in a way because they're surprised because when they voted for Barack Obama...he promised them that things were going to get a heck a lot of better. He promised hope and change and they're still waiting."

I'm honestly not sure if he realizes that the income these specific waiters get depends almost exclusively on how much rich people like him and his donors decide to tip them.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


Heh. This is kinda funny.

Romney says waiters at fundraiser "aren't having a good year"

I'm honestly not sure if he realizes that the income these specific waiters get depends almost exclusively on how much rich people like him and his donors decide to tip them.

This quote makes me especially kind of angry, actually:

Romney said it is "not true," as some have insinuated, that the Republican Party is only concerned about the rich. "We're the party of people who want to get rich...We also want to make sure people don't have to become poor. And we know what it takes to keep people from becoming poor."

I just want to punch anyone that buys into the whole "I could be rich any day now, and then I definitely won't want the government taking all my hard earned moneys!" especially since a lot of time it comes from people who definitely won't be getting rich unless it's from winning the lottery. I had this argument with my dad one time... Just the whole party of the rich and soon to be rich thing just bothers me. It's like they all don't understand how statistically not everyone can be rich no matter how hard they tug on their bootstraps. It just makes them all sound deluded, like people with a gambling addiction if they're on one side, and some get rich scheme selling asshole on the other.

And yeah, I'm sure you, Mitt Romney know exactly what it takes to keep normal people from becoming poor. You totally know all their trials and tribulations. I'm sure you've totally been there, Mr. I've-been-rich-my-entire-fucking-life.
That Oppo file is going to be a stone around his neck.

  • Romney spent most of his business career as CEO of private equity firm Bain Capital – as of June 2007 hemaintained an investor’s stake in the company.
  • 
  • Bain Capital has been criticized for relentless focus on bottom line at expense of workers and jobs.
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  • Romney describes himself as a “business legend” in his campaign ads and once said of himself: “I’m basicallyin the investor’s Hall of Fame.”
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  • Bain Capital and Bain & Co. employees donated at least $171,000 to Romney’s presidential campaign in Q12007 and gave tens of thousands more in support of his previous political activities.
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  • Bain Capital financed 1988 buyout with junk bonds issued by Drexel Burnham – when SEC filed chargesagainst the firm and CEO Michael Milken, Bain Capital maintained their business relationship; Romney laterreminisced about “the glorious days of Drexel Burnham.”
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  • In 2004, Bain & Co. received a multi-million dollar contract from the National Iranian Oil Company.
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  • Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 wasfined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney’s tenure.
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  • Bain Capital owned company named Ampad that purchased an Indiana paper plant, fired its workers andoffered to bring them back at drastically reduced salary and benefits – the firings became an issue in the 1994Senate race when workers blamed Romney for their situation and appeared in Kennedy campaign ads.
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  • After Romney became governor, Bain Capital teamed up with Chinese appliance maker Haier Group in 2005in effort to purchase Newton, IA-based Maytag Corp. and send jobs overseas.
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  • At least two Bain Capital companies – Stream International and Modus Media – focused on outsourcedtechnical support services, expanding facilities abroad while contracting operations in the United States.
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  • Bain Capital operated steel company called GS Industries which went bankrupt in 2001 after years of laborstrife, closing a plant in Kansas City and laying off over 700 workers
You got problems, son.

I've got a conspiracy theory: the Romney campaign lurches along as one big pile of fail. At the GOP convention, the delegates and elders decide to replace Mitt as the nominee and select a new candidate: Rand Paul.


That Oppo file is going to be a stone around his neck.

You got problems, son.

I've got a conspiracy theory: the Romney campaign lurches along as one big pile of fail. At the GOP convention, the delegates and elders decide to replace Mitt as the nominee and select a new candidate: Rand Paul.

There's a lot of hilarious nuggets in there. Here's some of my favorites:

Medical fraud
Romney Was Board Member Of Company Fined Over $100 Million For Medicare Fraud – At The Time, It Was The Largest Criminal Fine For Health Care Fraud In History Romney Sat On Board Of Damon Clinical Laboratories, A Bain Capital Portfolio Company Fined Nearly$120 Million In 1996 Due To Medicare Fraud.
“A Needham clinical laboratory agreed yesterday to pay $119 million in criminal and civil fines after pleading guilty to charges that it defrauded the nation’s Medicare system by seeking reimbursements on millions of dollars worth of unnecessary blood tests. … Damon Clinical LaboratoriesInc. admitted it tried to boost its profits by submitting the unnecessary tests. The company, the government said,misled doctors into ordering the tests, ensuring that they would be covered by Medicare, the federal health careprogram for the elderly.”
(Kimberly Blanton, “Needham Lab Fined $ 119m For Fraud,” The Boston Globe, 10/10/96)

One of the probably many plant closings and layoffs he and his boys perpetrated.
Romney’s Firm Owned Company Named Ampad That Purchased Indiana Paper Plant, Fired Its Workers And Offered To Bring Them Back At Drastically Reduced Salary And Benefits In 1994, Bain Capital-Controlled Company Named Ampad Bought An Indiana Paper Plant And Promptly Laid Off Hundreds Of Workers – Firings Became An Issue In Romney’s Senate Race.
“Romney’s business background became a liability in his unsuccessful 1994 challenge to US Senator Edward M. Kennedy … The issue erupted over Ampad Corp., a paper company Bain Capital controlled. In July 1994, Ampad bought an Indiana paper plant, fired the existing workers, and gave most employees their jobs back at reduced wages and benefits.”
(Stephanie Ebbert, “Romney Seeks High Office With Confidence, Pedigree,” The Boston Globe, 8/11/02)

And of course, no 80s shady business dealings wouldn't be complete without a Michael Milken connection...
Two Months After Hiring Drexel, The SEC Filed Extensive Complaint Alleging Insider Trading And Market Manipulation – Romney Defended The Decision To Keep Using Drexel In Transaction.
“On Sept. 7, 1988 -roughly two months after Bain Capital hired Drexel to issue junk bonds - the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a 184-page complaint against Drexel, Milken and others alleging insider trading schemes,manipulation of stock prices and other violations of federal securities laws. Bain Capital was put in the position of trying to close a deal with junk bonds from a company being sued by the SEC. Romney and Bekenstein defended their decision to hire Drexel before the SEC suit – at a time when rumors of the investigation were rife on WallStreet – as well as after the suit was filed.”
(Mitchell Zuckoff and Ben Bradlee Jr., “Romney’s Business Record Gives Larger Picture,”
The Boston Globe, 8/8/94)


Romney Later Reminisced About “The Glorious Days Of Drexel Burnham,” Saying “It Was Fun While It Lasted.”
“The deal that jump-started Bain’s business came along in 1986, a $200 million buyout of Accuride Corp., the wheel and rim manufacturing unit of Firestone Co., Phoenix. Bain financed the deal with just $5 million of its own equity and borrowed the rest. Just 18 months later, Bain sold Accuride to Phelps Dodge Co. for $320 million. Its return on its investment: $130 million. ‘That was in the glorious days of Drexel Burnham,’ Mr. Romney recalled. ‘It was fun while it lasted, but fortunately, it came to an end.’”
(Jennifer Goldblatt, “Boston Buyout Firm Cashes In by Adding Value,” The American Banker , 12/23/97


What that McCain Oppo tells me is that Obama has enough ammo for a new attack a week to keep the narrative going. Romney is fucked if he can't get ahead of this somehow


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
according to reuters, Romney's vp pick is down to 3 people



LOL at Jindal. Why they keep clinging to that guy is beyond me. His GOP "response" to the SOTU years back was one of the worst political performances I've ever seen.

Do any of those guys have any personality?


More BS

Fresh Off Fast And Furious, Issa Finds New Obama Admin Target
Following an investigation that led the House of Representatives to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) has set his sights on other members of President Barack Obama’s cabinet — sending all of them a letter asking whether government resources were used when they spoke in front of pro-Obama “super PACs.”

One problem: according to recent reports, none of them have made any such appearances. In fact, the pro-Obama “super PAC” known as Priorities USA Action has only had a single member of the Obama administration — senior adviser David Plouffe — appear at an event.

Issa’s July 12 letter states that the House Oversight Committee is “investigating the frequency with which Cabinet Secretaries appear at super PAC events and whether government funds have been used for travel to and from these events.

In an email to TPM, Issa spokeswoman Becca Glover Watkins said the committee was aware of the Roll Call report when they sent the letter.

“Concerns and questions about the use of taxpayer funds supporting political travel have persisted through multiple administrations,” Watkins said in a statement. “Rather than implementing meaningful changes to put these questions to rest, the current administration’s actions have only enhanced concerns about abuses of taxpayer funds to further campaign interests. If the Obama Administration truly has nothing to hide then they should have no difficulty promptly providing all requested information.”
LOL at Jindal. Why they keep clinging to that guy is beyond me. His GOP "response" to the SOTU years back was one of the worst political performances I've ever seen.

Do any of those guys have any personality?
well i guess jindal is the most staunch conservative of the three no question there, could help with the far right crowd

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You know, the more I think about it, for a guy who supposedly is good at thinking in terms of cost/benefit the whole tax situation seems really stupid of Romney. If you know you want to try running for president in the next decade or so why on earth wouldn't you be on your best behavior. Eat the cost of the taxes, you're a multimillionaire, you can easily afford it if you really care about getting the presidency.


LOL at Jindal. Why they keep clinging to that guy is beyond me. His GOP "response" to the SOTU years back was one of the worst political performances I've ever seen.

Do any of those guys have any personality?

Completely agree on Jindal. That being said, James Carville said yesterday that he actually likes the guy and he's done a lot of good things for Louisiana.

I look forward to the "Fast and Furious" version targeting Obama.

"A border agent was killed with a gun the Obama administration let walk across the Mexican border in the hands of a known drug gang. The President says he and AG Holder knew nothing of the program, and yet claims "Executive Privilege" in hiding the documents related to the case. Makes you wonder what else he is hiding."

Funny thing is, there is an agency dedicated to making sure Romney has been on the up and up with his taxes - the IRS. He can be audited at any time.


LOL at Jindal. His GOP "response" to the SOTU years back was one of the worst political performances I've ever seen.

Jindal got defined so hard that night. It was like a Howard Dean scream moment minus any yelling.

Completely agree on Jindal. That being said, James Carville said yesterday that he actually likes the guy and he's done a lot of good things for Louisiana.

Oh c'mon it's only because Carville gets all misty eyed over his hometown. ;)

I can still feel the Palin announcement megaton aftershocks, I get phantom pain every now and then, flares get worse during election years...
im starting to think portman might not be the choice if romney is scared to death of him being named bush III by dems, i can already see the ads

main budget guy under bush? good luck spinning that


glen beck already had a meltdown saying romney will lose if he picks him,

oh boy

Pawlenty is a safe pick - who does Beck want, Rubio? I'd be cool with that (and prefer him), but I think Rubio is looking at 2016.

This election is still going to be about Obama and we won't have a good feel for things until the debates. Romney will get a bounce out of the convention (most get a quick 10% bounce, even McCain got it) and then it will be on. These Bain attacks are nothing but noise at this point and will be settled once they are brought up in the debate.
Pawlenty is a safe pick - who does Beck want, Rubio? I'd be cool with that (and prefer him), but I think Rubio is looking at 2016.

This election is still going to be about Obama and we won't have a good feel for things until the debates. Romney will get a bounce out of the convention (most get a quick 10% bounce, even McCain got it) and then it will be on. These Bain attacks are nothing but noise at this point and will be settled once they are brought up in the debate.

You're wrong about it being 'nothing but noise'. These attacks significantly alter how Romney can use his business experience to back his Presidential bid, what functions he can us them at, and how he's going to justify his version of events and his corporate know-how during televised debates without looking like he's answering to someone. Because if the public is quick to pounce on one person, it's the guy who plays defense.

Whether you agree with the ad attack or not, it's hard to argue against the fact that Romney's talking points are going to be seriously revised, and that's going to be a crucial difference going forward for the independents who aren't paying much attention right now who view Romney as "that business guy."
The "Look who Obama's hugging now" defense?

"Obama's been pallin' around with capitalists."

Romney's VP pick is going to be safe and bland, because everything he has done in this political season has been safe and bland. Pawlenty will change the subject... for like a day. I'm not saying he should go with someone wild and crazy, but the pick won't do anything to change the headlines for too long, I don't think.


You're wrong about it being 'nothing but noise'. These attacks significantly alter how Romney can use his business experience to back his Presidential bid, what functions he can us them at, and how he's going to justify his version of events and his corporate know-how during televised debates without looking like he's answering to someone. Because if the public is quick to pounce on one person, it's the guy who plays defense.

Whether you agree with the ad attack or not, it's hard to argue against the fact that Romney's talking points are going to be seriously revised, and that's going to be a crucial difference going forward for the independents who aren't paying much attention right now who view Romney as "that business guy."

Aside from some heavy manufacturing blue-collar types, I don't think outsourcing is going to be a huge resonator come election day. Romney has stated that we need to revive manufacturing in the country and all he needs to say in a debate is "I don't think putting the CEO of a company that has over 200 factories outside the US and recently paid $0 in federal taxes as head of a jobs council is the best way to go about that."

Now, I don't know how Immelt really feels about Obama (sources say he has private disdain) but he is essentially the type of CEO Obama rails against, and then people are going to give him credibility when he puts him as head of a jobs council?

How does that compute in your brain?


The lengths that Kosmo is going to do try and convince himself that the last week doesn't dismantle Romney's "guy with business experience" argument is really precious.

*cue him responding to this by saying Fast and Furious is going to be the thing that brings Obama down when Romney starts talking about it, even though it's already been all over the news and is completely played out at this point*

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
LOL at Jindal. Why they keep clinging to that guy is beyond me. His GOP "response" to the SOTU years back was one of the worst political performances I've ever seen.

Do any of those guys have any personality?

I hope he chooses Jindal. The debates with Biden would be amazing.
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