Betting time. How much longer do you guys think Romney can go without releasing taxes? I'm betting 2 months.
Betting time. How much longer do you guys think Romney can go without releasing taxes? I'm betting 2 months.
Betting time. How much longer do you guys think Romney can go without releasing taxes? I'm betting 2 months.
2 months? Lol two weeks. He can't possibly be stupid enough to hold out for 2 monthsBetting time. How much longer do you guys think Romney can go without releasing taxes? I'm betting 2 months.
no,no,no. If they wait that long, they won't do it at all. I reckon that the clamoring will hit a fever pitch around this week or next. If he doesn't do it by then, it will probably fade out into background noise. If they wait 2 months, they might as well not do it at all.
has the debate schedule been set?
I'm thinking it's going to be noise until the full swing of general election, with "Whats Mitt Hiding" ads tearing him down.
I think Sept 3rd is the first one.
It would be interesting to see how it plays out in debates if he holds out that long.
Yeah the debates alone is reason enough to release it now. Obama can be absolutely brutal with messaging during debates as Hilary Clinton can attest to. He flew the "didn't vote for Iraq War" flag so strong he strung it into a ton of his other policy narratives. Its more then just the tax returns, its the whole story around the returns that can vividly depict in a live broadcast that Romney really can't refute till he actually puts the tax returns on display for everyone to scrutinize.
Made up? Really?
The main argument is that not having to charge tax gives Amazon an unfair advantage over the competition.
Obviously states can set their own sales taxes so a consumption tax/VAT isn't really relevant to the situation with Amazon since it still gives them cheaper prices than the local retailers.
If it isn't than it should be (but I'm pretty sure it's illegal).It's very unethical, but is it really illegal?
Why would the president need to see a person's tax return?Why shouldn't the President be able to see the IRS record, which is part of the Federal government. How does the firewall work here?
Guys something is happening to me. The more I research politics and history the more "radical" I become with my viewpoints. Is this normal?
Made up? Really?
Guys something is happening to me. The more I research politics and history the more "radical" I become with my viewpoints. Is this normal?
Guys something is happening to me. The more I research politics and history the more "radical" I become with my viewpoints. Is this normal?
Yes, I am. It doesn't have to be direct: it could have been leaked to the White House. I'm not justifying it, just saying it's possible for them to know this information
ughHe might be desperate enough
That the government allowed straw purchases of significant amounts if guns to be made and told the dealers when concerned about not to worry....and never tracked then where they wound up being used by cartels to kill Mexicans and turning up in the murder of a border patrol agent. Let's not forget some turned up back in the us with street gangs. Im pretty sure that wasnt made up.Which part of it do you think is not made up?
Your team is currently claiming it was a clever ten year assault on the 2nd ammendment, so not only is it nonsensical to begin with, but you doubled down on the retardation to go beyond full retard, into Overtard. And broke through to the O Dimension.
Eric Holder said:We need to do this everyday of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different
I think claiming people need to be brainwashed is beyond full retard.
That the government allowed straw purchases of significant amounts if guns to be made and told the dealers when concerned about not to worry....and never tracked then where they wound up being used by cartels to kill Mexicans and turning up in the murder of a border patrol agent. Let's not forget some turned up back in the us with street gangs. Im pretty sure that wasnt made up.
You're saying that brainwashing is a good thing DEEP he clearly means to lie and re enforce the fun cowwntrol myth.That has nothing to do with the veracity of the theory Republicans are positing and spreading around the right wing talk shows. It wouldn't do the slightest bit of harm to think of guns more cautiously. Any normal person would think of that as a positive idea. And if you are inferring he means literal brainwashing then DERP.
Except the scale and scope of the fuckup occurred with the Obama Admin not under Bush DERPWho exactly is disputing those facts? Everyone thinks F&F was a shit idea (started under Bush, ENDED under Obama) that went very badly wrong. The disputed facts are that it was Obama's idea and that it was an attempt to thwart Second Ammendment rights. Which is fucking DERP.
I have to wonder if there's anything that particularly damaging in Romney's tax returns. His defense for not releasing them is the same as his defense for his tax rates, he did all he was legally obligated to (Not even sure releasing the tax returns is even a legal obligation in this instance), and not one bit more. It's as though in his mind, asking him to release more returns is akin to asking him to voluntarily pay more taxes than he owes.
Guys something is happening to me. The more I research politics and history the more "radical" I become with my viewpoints. Is this normal?
Guys something is happening to me. The more I research politics and history the more "radical" I become with my viewpoints. Is this normal?
Mitt Romney has been determined to resist releasing his tax returns at least since his bid for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and has been confident that he will never be forced to do so, several current and former Bain executives tell The Huffington Post. Had he thought otherwise, say the sources based on their longtime understanding of Romney, he never would have gone forward with his run for president.
Bain executives say they've been instructed to keep company and Romney-specific information completely confidential, tightening the lockdown on an already closed company.
Let me go on the record and say that he's should be impeached and thrown to jail if he done this.
Also, you're crazy, but that was already on the record.
Mitt Romney Never Thought He'd Have To Release Tax Returns: Bain Sources know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the banks, the investors. Theres no question your mom and dad, your school teachers, the people that provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help. But let me ask you this, did you build your business? If you did, raise your hand. Take that, Mr. President.
Romney Doubles Down On You Didnt Build That Then Affirms Obamas Point new poll commissioned by Fox News shows President Obama with a 4-point overall lead over Mitt Romney, 45 percent to 41 percent nationally. The internals of the poll underscore the incredbly close nature of the race: 50 percent of those registered voters polled said that Obama deserves re-election, while 48 percent said he does not.
On one of the classic measures of the political winds, 48 percent of voters answered no when asked Thinking about your situation today compared to what it was four years ago, are you better off than you were four years ago, or not? while 37 percent said they were better off. But one of Obamas latest proposals fares well ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. When asked (after some descriptive information), Which do you agree with more those who support or oppose tax increases on high-income earners? 52 percent prefer to let the tax cuts expire.
Why do you keep talking about third world countries? We are talking about people living in the US - those that start businesses and what level of income they achieve through some risk and initiative, and grow to employ other Americans, versus those who build roads and collect a salary with little to no risk or need for initiative other than showing up to work and putting in the hours.
Despite the distractions, this election is still going to come down to unemployment, consumer confidence, and whether voters feel they're better off. All three of which benefit Romney
We'll find out how much personality and running a good campaign truly matter. I think Obama can win, but my money remains on Romney simply due to the economic outlook. And whether he sucks or not doesn't really matter to voters who feel Obama doesn't need four more years
You CAN'T be serious anymore PD. Just stop.
It's OVA son!
(I) Fuck with your soul like ether
(Will) Teach you the king you know you
(Not) "hope and change" across the belly
(Lose) I prove you lost already
Because the last two weeks has shown most people on the fence that he really ISN'T capable of being an effective leader. You're holding out hope for a Romney win when there is NOTHING that will make that happen unless Obama is involved in a big scandal of some sort. The economy IS improving no matter how you want to cast it in a negative light.
Impressive resume my ass. All the shit he brags about, we've seen the other side of the issues and learned that he really isn't all that special.
Haha,he really has no idea what he is doing.Yeah, take that Obama. You're absolutely right!
This is just disgraceful lol
And yet Obama is still hovering around 45%...
And yet Obama is still hovering around 45%...
That's just devastating to watch. I feel horrible those workers.