Fork 'em, Sparky!
Didn't he say, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that." That is a terrible way of signaling the previous sentence. Like I said, we KNOW what he meant and it is true, but what he SAID was poorly stated.
Didn't he say, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that." That is a terrible way of signaling the previous sentence. Like I said, we KNOW what he meant and it is true, but what he SAID was poorly stated.
Then why don't we see businessmen of Jobs and Gates stature, or any stature, coming from these countries relative to their populations?They still would have done more than fine. Genius and drive works in any setting. They wouldn't have billionaires, of course, but highly successful all the same.
Why do you keep talking about third world countries? We are talking about people living in the US - those that start businesses and what level of income they achieve through some risk and initiative, and grow to employ other Americans, versus those who build roads and collect a salary with little to no risk or need for initiative other than showing up to work and putting in the hours.
Times like these are when you can tell who here is being reasonable and objective and who is being protective and feeling hurt.
and I am not calling you out RDreamer or anything.
Then why don't you highlight the next sentence in Romeny's "Corporations are people" where he clarifies he talks about the fact that a corporations is made up of people and shareholders and he wasn't saying literally a corporation is a person?
I just saw an Obama ad about the outsorcing and It had a good line about "Romney has never stood up to China" sublet hit at the anti-china rhetoric Romney has been trying to use to hype up his foreign policy
Note to self: Manos is weak on 20th Century world history.Obama hasn't really either, far east FP isn't an area he should be pointing too, especially with the clusterfuck of North Korea, which for any incumbent is a minefield.
I mean "Obama's failed polices made him the first US President to allow North Korea to attack South Korea, due to cowering and being weak"
Man this stuff writes itself and I bet I could sell it with ease.
Note to self: Manos is weak on 20th Century world history.
If you're going to do that then why not "Obama sat idly by while communists took power in China."
Obama hasn't really either, far east FP isn't an area he should be pointing too, especially with the clusterfuck of North Korea, which for any incumbent is a minefield.
I mean "Obama's failed polices made him the first US President to allow North Korea to attack South Korea, due to cowering and being weak"*
Man this stuff writes itself and I bet I could sell it with ease.
* Disclaimer, this is not meant to reflect actual history, but of the ability to bullshit with it, and still be able to sell it in an attack on Obama, despite the same situation being true for all US presidents since Clinton.
Cal Thomas wrote a piece last week about how we should privatize roads.
Mitch Daniels sold 75 years of toll rights to foreign investors on a 157-mile road for a $3.8 billion lump sum payment to get the government in the black. Government taxes and bonds to build infrastructure? BAD! Private tolls and (what are functionally) bonds to build infrastructure? GOOD!
Slow news day? Slow news day.
So is the Ron Paul Gambit still on for RNC or is it squashed?
I'm not entirely sure the average voter, even semi-intelligent gives a shit enough about South Korea to make this sort of attack effective.
Ron Paul isn't even speaking at the RNC like all his cultists said would happen.
Dude's fucking done, to much hilarity.
Funny about creating tolls and privatizing infrastructure is that we did it in the past with the railroad network. This led to the monopolization of access to markets with the railroads calling the shots on who had to pay what to be even able to enter the marketplace. Also started the expansion of federal power with the interstate commerce clause due to this abuse by private corporations.
Slow news day? Slow news day.
So is the Ron Paul Gambit still on for RNC or is it squashed?
Why in the world does anybody in the media even give any attention to "Sheriff Joe" in Arizona?
Ron Paul isn't even speaking at the RNC like all his cultists said would happen.
Dude's fucking done, to much hilarity.
See, you're thinking about this, when then actual people behind such claims certainly aren't.I'm trying to target middle of the road, and those who don't follow FP or NK that much, but are of average to decent intelligence, not out and out drooling idiots who would believe that Obama is planning to "institute Rape Camps for all the White Women!:"
A good lie is one based in fact, short term memory, able to partially defend, and/or playing with the wording, at the other end is just shit with no basis in reality...say Syrian State Media.
I would use the fact that the attack was the first artillery attack on SK since the war.
I'm stunned that we have 34% of people who say he shouldn't release his tax returns. Lunacy.
Show me the Obama ad where he used that quote.
He hasn't, as far as I'm aware.
See, you're thinking about this, when then actual people behind such claims certainly aren't.
Needs more "Obama went on a NK apology tour."
On Wednesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid began reading an op-ed by Mann and Ornstein on the Senate floor as objective proof of Republican obstructionism. Mitch McConnell broke out in guffawsthen cut him off. The reason Im having a hard time restraining my laughterI know Norm Ornstein and Thomas Mann. Theyre ultraliberals. Their problem with the Senate is their deputies dont have 60 votes any more, the Senate GOP leader said. Their views about the dysfunctionality of the Senate carry no weight, certainly with me.
It has been used it ads before. Can't find it right now
Some interesting senate floor action this morning:
Effectively, we're seeking a similar outcome. The majority must be respected and the Senate allowed to function, yet we must also protect the deliberative process. If we could ensure the access of the minority party to the debate, I'd support the fifth provision. Alternatively, as I noted earlier, the second provision would largely solve the problem. Further, the procedural filibuster should be eliminated as its only purpose is to impede legislation and inhibit the Senate from functioning properly. It does not enhance the deliberative process.I am for extended debate, but opposed to the minority's ability to block legislation. In no particular order, here are some reforms I support. These cover a spectrum from minor fixes to full removal:
- Annual spending bills and debt ceiling votes are not subject to filibuster. This would prevent the minority party from shutting the government down, or threatening to do so. Rules should be in place to ensure only germane amendments are included in the bills to prevent bundling, along with rules to ensure ample time for debate.
- Harkin's idea for a diminishing filibuster. The first time a bill is voted on, the filibuster is set to 55 votes. Then drops two votes in each subsequent round of voting, with a few days of debate set between votes. After several days, a bill can pass with a simple majority.
- Exempt all but SCOTUS confirmations from filibuster. The minority party should not be able to prevent the government from fully functioning, as the GOP has been doing.
- Elimination of the cloture motion on anything but the final vote of a bill. This would prevent the rule from being abused as it is now, which is to halt bills from even getting to the floor of the Senate for debate, a true perversion of the original intent.
- Full removal of all super majority requirements in the Senate, but with rules in place to ensure lengthy debate of all bills. This is my preferred choice.
There are many other combinations and possiblities along these lines, but this is the range I hope that reform lands in.
Right. Employ "Juche" in an attack on Obama and the public's eyes will glaze over. Foreign policy is not a fruitful topic for Republicans. Not only are they bereft of any credibility, Obama has been moderately successful outside a few notable mistakes. And that's a function of both a reasonable strategic vision and succeeding the Bush Administration. Further, the GOP has attempted to portray Obama as pusillanimous on a host of issues. And they're either disregarded, derided, or both.Well you can dumb it down and go up the stupid scale.
Obama lets the Communists walk all over him.
Obama Cowers To Kim
Obama Kim Alliance to Leave US Troops and SK at Risk!
Obama sympathy to Juche resulting in his weakness towards the Kim's
"While the causes of the 2008 crisis will be debated by scholars for decades to come, we can all agree that excessive risk-taking by financial institutions, irresponsible decisions by lenders and borrowers, and market-distorting government policies all played a role," Bush says in the book's foreword. "The question now is which policies we should adopt to fix the problems, speed the recovery, and lay the foundation for another long, steady expansion."
Glassman said ideas in the book for stimulating the economy include broad tax reform that would keep taxes low extending the Bush-era tax cuts, broadening the tax base by getting rid of special exemptions and loopholes, taxing consumption rather than income and lowering corporate taxes.
W has returned with an economic plan!
LOL did Bush ever even get to 4% growth? I doubt it.
W has returned with an economic plan!
LOL did Bush ever even get to 4% growth? I doubt it.
McConnell laughing at a speech by the Majority Leader.Some interesting senate floor action this morning:
Can someone explain to me how does it makes sense to tax consumption rather than income?W has returned with an economic plan!
.Right. Employ "Juche" in an attack on Obama and the public's eyes will glaze over. Foreign policy is not a fruitful topic for Republicans.
When has that stopped anyone, same with the truth of the claim?Not only are they bereft of any credibility,
<Reads....goes to dictionary> Thanks Lovecraft!Further, the GOP has attempted to portray Obama as pusillanimous on a host of issues. And they're either disregarded, derided, or both.
haha can you imagine if Obama proposed a consumption tax? The VAT freak out would be hilarious
Can someone explain to me how does it makes sense to tax consumption rather than income?
This makes zero economic sense to me.
See, consumption taxes mainly negatively affect middle and lower income people. Income taxes (if implemented properly) affect wealthy people more.
So really, it's perfectly in line with GOP economic thinking.
See, consumption taxes mainly negatively affect middle and lower income people. Income taxes (if implemented properly) affect wealthy people more.
So really, it's perfectly in line with GOP economic thinking.
And yet, the only ones throwing around the idea in the US are the Dems:
Their conundrum is they can't put on in place with a straight face and exempt low income earners.
Can someone explain to me how does it makes sense to tax consumption rather than income?
This makes zero economic sense to me.
See, consumption taxes mainly negatively affect middle and lower income people. Income taxes (if implemented properly) affect wealthy people more.
So really, it's perfectly in line with GOP economic thinking.
Then shouldn't people claiming Amazon should collect sales taxes realize that they are only hurting the middle and lower class?
Apparently Mitt Romney didn't fully disclose all of his tax returns for 2010.
Yes. Also people advocating for extra gas taxes. Not saying there is no place for regressive taxes anywhere, but it's kind of hard to call them a SOLUTION, when middle income wages have been so stagnant for 25 years already.