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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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C'mon guys, I know you have an answer for this:

Imagine: A Republican president submits to Congress a bill abolishing the capital gains tax. Congress rejects it. The president then orders the IRS to stop collecting capital gains taxes and declares that anyone refusing to pay them will suffer no fine, no penalty, no sanction whatsoever. (Analogy first suggested by law professor John Yoo.)

What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.
C'mon guys, I know you have an answer for this:

What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.

Federal government deports illegal immigrants at its discretion, so Obama could increase deportations like he did in the first two years and he can do the opposite too.


Professional Schmuck
C'mon guys, I know you have an answer for this:

What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.

I dunno. It's a good question. My guess is that there's legal room for the executive to order certain things to not be enforced, like DADT or this first effort at the DREAM act. Does the President have the same authority over the IRS that he does over the DOJ and the Military?

Let's find out, because Kosmo has a good question here.

Dude Abides

C'mon guys, I know you have an answer for this:

What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.

Nothing. But it's pretty funny that Yoo came up with it, since he thinks that US law against torture shouldn't be enforced.


C'mon guys, I know you have an answer for this:

What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.

Well, to an extent it's already happening and started under Bush (but in the opposite direction). In the mid 2000's the IRS was instructed to go after small businesses in a number of ways. S-Corp designations, contract workers, designation (women owned, disadvantaged, etc.) shading...all kinds of tax dodges that were heretofore overlooked were suddenly getting cracked down on.


This is true, naturally, but I read somewhere yesterday, maybe even here, that hispanics are a much smaller percentage in the swing states, than they are in states that are solid blue.

They make up 9-12% of the voting population in the swing states, you get them to turnout you will win. Its really that simple, especially in close states.

Of course getting them to turnout is the key and easier said then done.

The importance though is its just another group the GOP has lost along with women and the young

You cannot continue to win elections solely betting on old white religious americans


Oil prices could hit $2.50 by November

Thank you based Newt


I wish he was still campaigning so I could see the spin on it.


Interesting perspective on Obama's stance that he can simply not enforce the deportation of illegals:


"President Obama’s claim that he can refuse to deport 800,000 aliens here in the country illegally illustrates the unprecedented stretching of the Constitution and the rule of law."

Says the guy who wrote the literal book on torture.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone, pot meet kettle. John Yoo was absolutely embarrassed on Daily Show two years ago
"our worst presidents were the ones who deferred to congress" -Yoo

Yoo has no credibility and yet managed to tarnish ours, Krauthammer is hit or miss, but at least credible.

"That was then. Now he’s gone and done it anyway. It’s obvious why. The election approaches and his margin is slipping. He needs a big Hispanic vote and congress did jack shit with the Dream Act."


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
What would be the issue with this, legally, if you accept Obama's ability to essentially do the same with immigration.

There is no "legal" issue. It's a consequrnce of the separation of powers and is the kind of dispute left to politics to resolve rather than the courts. Pres. Obama calculated that any political price he pays for ignoring Congress is worth the potential rewards.

If a Republican ever feels the same, maybe she will try that and quit collecting capital gains from all of the blond haired, blue eyed genetically engineered supermen in the .1%. A brief news item announcing the change will pop up on our VR visors while we are waiting to join a game of Modern Warfare 8.


I think this about sums up the past 7-8 years:

We find a statistically significant and rather large effect of housing
wealth upon household consumption. This effect is consistently larger than the effect of stock market wealth upon consumption. This reinforces the conclusions reported in our previous analysis.

In contrast to our previous analysis, however, we do find – based on data which include the recent volatility in asset markets – that the effects of declines in housing wealth in reducing consumption are at least as large as the effects of increases in housing wealth in increasing the course of household consumption.


It makes you wonder if we didn't just erase all the bad mortgages (at the consumer level), we wouldn't find ourselves in a much stronger place right now. It probably would have paid for itself in a very short time.

foreign policy recently ran a great piece on why Oil is about to bottom out, and there was also a supplemental piece at FT's alphaville that buttressed this view of oil dropping further. basically, it comes down to five factors that involve Saudi Arabia. 1)saudi is playing a very long game and is upset at russia for vetoing security council resolutions against syria. russia, along with iran and Venezuela, are economies that are dependent on oil being above $110 (brent) a barrel in order to sustain a balanced budget. while saudi needs for oil to be above $95, they can sustain a lower price due to their holdings of US debt. thus, by dramatically lowering the price they increase pressure both on iran and russia 2) strangle the emerging shale and natural gas markets in the United States, primarily in North Dakota and South Texas, and tar sands in Canada 3) last time SA flooded the market with cheap oil was late 90s and in their view, helped to contribute in solving asian debt crisis 4) wants to forestall US policy geared towards energy conservation and new technologies and 5) would like to be included in the G20.

if anyone has a membership to FT Alphaville, i'll gladly post the link that expounds on this topic more.
From what I understood on the deportation thing, the law basically moves illegal immigrants who match the criteria (brought in by their folks, currently working, etc) to the back of the deportation line instead of in front of it. To use the tax collection anology, it would be the like prosecuting people who cheat on their income tax first and moving the people who cheat on capital gains to the back of the line.

I could be completely wrong on this though.


Rick Scott Goes Off Message: Florida Economy Is Doing ‘Extremely Well’
“Our state is doing extremely well,” Scott told the NALEO conference, which was held in Florida. “We still have 800,000 people out of work, but we’re changing it. Tourism is way up, jobs are up, housing prices are staying stable. If you want to buy a house, now is the time. “

He noted that Florida’s unemployment rate had gone down significantly in recent months after suffering the worst effects of the 2008 housing collapse.

“We’ve had the biggest drop in unemployment of any state but one in the last seventeen months,” Scott bragged. He went on to boast that local businesses were becoming more competitive as well relative to states like Texas.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Interesting analysis re: Saudi production of oil. That is the long view, and it all makes sense. I've read speculation that the Sauds were pumping more to buy off people with bread and circuses to forestall the spread of the Arab Spring.
Report: Issa Staffer Offered To Stop Holder Contempt Vote For DOJ Scalp

Rep. Darrell Issa’s chief investigative counsel offered to stop the contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder in exchange for the resignation of Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, Newsweek’s Dan Klaidman is reporting.

Issa staffer Stephen Castor brought up the issue of “accountability” during a phone call with a senior DOJ official last week, according to the report. Castor reportedly said they could head off the contempt vote if Breuer stepped down.

Breuer, who heads the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, apologized in October for not telling other Justice Department officials that guns were allowed to “walk” during the Bush administration when Congress first raised questions about Operation Fast And Furious in early 2011.

Breuer said in a statement last that he “did not draw a connection between the unacceptable tactics used by the ATF years earlier in Operation Wide Receiver and the allegations made about Operation Fast and Furious, and therefore did not, at that time, alert others within Department leadership of any similarities between the two. That was a mistake, and I regret not having done so.”

Emails show that Breuer was aware that the tactics were used during the Bush administration and met with ATF officials to discuss the matter.

“At the time, I thought that dealing with the leadership of ATF was sufficient and reasonable, and frankly given the amount of work I do, at the time I thought that was the appropriate way of dealing with it,” Breuer testified last year. “I thought we had dealt with it by talking to the ATF leadership.”

DOJ officials think the offer to drop the contempt vote in exchange for Breuer’s scalp was further evidence that Issa’s investigation was more about making headlines than determining facts.

“The reason that this contempt motion happened is that Issa didn’t come up with any evidence and didn’t get a scalp,” Matthew Miller, DOJ’s former communications director, told Klaidman. “When you set expectations that high and you don’t deliver, you have to explain why.”

Totally not about politics right


They make up 9-12% of the voting population in the swing states, you get them to turnout you will win. Its really that simple, especially in close states.

Of course getting them to turnout is the key and easier said then done.

The importance though is its just another group the GOP has lost along with women and the young

You cannot continue to win elections solely betting on old white religious americans

You are right, but here's the article, it was a N. Silver joint.

Hispanic Voters Less Plentiful in Swing States


Professional Schmuck

In between lowering gas prices (I'll believe it when I see it here in the SHOW ME state), Issa's bumbling witch hunt exposed, the new thing about Romney outsourcing, movement in the polls towards Obama (outliers be damned), and the mini DREAM act catching Romney/Rubio/everyone off-guard, it's hard not to say that Obama didn't have a very very good week, jobs notwithstanding.

Obviously all of this is small potatoes to what's happening in Syria, the Euro, and the fed's refusal to do its job for political gain. But still. Everything at this moment -- other than the economy -- points to a 290+ EV win for Obama.


Professional Schmuck
I await the days Texas is a swing state

Other than size, it looks an awful lot like Missouri to me. Lots of rural racists, entrenched conservatives in the suburbs, and a gigantic liberal core in the urban districts - Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas/FW. Add an ever-growing Mexican immigrant population (and their voting progeny), and I can see it.

Not likely, and probably disappointingly not likely for the next decade and a half, but I can see it.


Texas used to be democratic, LBJ was a Gov. from Texas, redistricting kinda fucked it.

Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia used to be solid Democratic as well. The parties aren't quite what they used to be. A lot of the south went red after civil rights.


something something Great Migration ....

--- /// ---

Looks like Obama is rolling out the second wave of Bain attacks by trying to tie Romney as a pioneer in outsourcing jobs overseas. lol



Interesting analysis re: Saudi production of oil. That is the long view, and it all makes sense. I've read speculation that the Sauds were pumping more to buy off people with bread and circuses to forestall the spread of the Arab Spring.
I concur that Saudi Arabia is focused on the future, but it's not to forestall the Arab Spring. I suppose that's a possibility, although increasing production would decrease the price of oil which diminishes the government's ability to award patronage. Rather, their policy is predicated on impeding the development of alternative energy and, more importantly, oil in the U.S., Canada, and other states; alternative sources of oil diminishes their power. Moreover, depressed energy prices can ignite the economy which ultimately benefits oil producers. There could be a broader political aspect where they're attempting to discipline adversarial regimes. But I find the notion dubious as the benefits I previously described would also apply to their adversaries.




Professional Schmuck
Hey quick question to the Obama is doomed crowd (PD): which swing states are you guessing will go to Romney that will cost Obama reelection? A quick glance at 538 has him at 290ish.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well now that the Finals are over I can return to the sober drunkenness (or drunken sobernity) of American politics.
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