Just like women were gonna flock to McCain because of Palin?
If she didn't come off as a complete moron, they may have.
Just like women were gonna flock to McCain because of Palin?
Meh. Summer is always bad for Obama. He'll break away after the conventions. And he's still leading.I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
If she didn't come off as a complete moron, they may have.
We Ask America - a GOP pollster - showed Obama leading Romney by 8 in Ohio. 48-40.
They found 18% of Republicans going for Obama. They actually called them back to make sure they had it right and they did.
Romney's so screwed.
I can't see how "you didn't build that" out of context = Romney winning the election.I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
We Ask America - a GOP pollster - showed Obama leading Romney by 8 in Ohio. 48-40.
They found 18% of Republicans going for Obama. They actually called them back to make sure they had it right and they did.
Romney's so screwed.
Since when is republicans going home to the republican nominee analogous to the ridiculous notion of women flocking to McCain due to Palin? Try harder next time
I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
I forgot that there's never been an instance in US presidential elections where a candidate gets a significant chunk of voters to break for them from across party lines. That has never happened before, you got me.
They always come home.
If she didn't come off as a complete moron, they may have.
19%? Give me a break. Obama might get 6% of republicans, as Romney gets around the same amount of democrats.
Romney has had an atrocious month, perhaps even two, yet is still within striking distance and is narrowing the gap. The fact is that Obama is running out of time, and after the Olympics this race will effectively be over unless Obama's camp has some major bombshell (as Halperin suggests). With another anemic jobs report on the way in a week plus these horrible GDP numbers, Obama should be glad the focus is mainly on the Olympics right now.
19%? Give me a break. Obama might get 6% of republicans, as Romney gets around the same amount of democrats.
Romney has had an atrocious month, perhaps even two, yet is still within striking distance and is narrowing the gap. The fact is that Obama is running out of time, and after the Olympics this race will effectively be over unless Obama's camp has some major bombshell (as Halperin suggests). With another anemic jobs report on the way in a week plus these horrible GDP numbers, Obama should be glad the focus is mainly on the Olympics right now.
I guess you and Sullivan are both wrong then.I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
Except diablos actually wants Obama to win.lol. You're the equivalent of diablos in regards to your pessimism, despite the fact that Romney is the GOP John Kerry in this election.
Except diablos actually wants Obama to win.
lol. You're the equivalent of diablos in regards to your pessimism, despite the fact that Romney is the GOP John Kerry in this election.
19%? Give me a break. Obama might get 6% of republicans, as Romney gets around the same amount of democrats.
Romney has had an atrocious month, perhaps even two, yet is still within striking distance and is narrowing the gap. The fact is that Obama is running out of time, and after the Olympics this race will effectively be over unless Obama's camp has some major bombshell (as Halperin suggests). With another anemic jobs report on the way in a week plus these horrible GDP numbers, Obama should be glad the focus is mainly on the Olympics right now.
lol. You're the equivalent of diablos in regards to your pessimism, despite the fact that Romney is the GOP John Kerry in this election.
John Kerry would have beaten Bush if the economy was this bad.
John Kerry would have beaten Bush if the economy was this bad.
Kerry would've beaten Bush if he was someone that people actually gave a fuck about
PD's still butthurt is gal Clinton didn't win. Poor guy![]()
PD needs to stick to a narrative, FOR HIS AVATAR
I used to be a libertarian until discussions with friends and forums steered me away from the crazy. So I suppose that it does happen.Vote swung, I doubt it. Some people have changed their opinions based on stuff said in this thread, though really, that's not the point. Largely it's just sturm und drang like most of GAF.
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/karl-rove-romney-blew-it-in-london-video.php?ref=fpaYou have to shake your head. Gov. Romney went to the London Olympics at invitation of the International Olympic Committee. It was a great opportunity for him to talk about his experiences, look, he stepped away from the leadership of Bain Capital for three years in order to step in and save the floundering Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in 2002. I bet there is lots of stories he could be talking about what a wonderful experience that was and how uplifting and inspiring it was. Instead he got stuck making a, somehow or another that the comments the Brits took as insult, and walked it back pretty quickly and walked it back adroitly but nonetheless the damage was done.
If you mean during this election, the no. If you mean since joining NeoGAF, then yes. Ask a few folks around here. I voted Bush in 2004, McCain in 2008, will be voting Obama 2012. Came to NeoGAF being against gay marriage, against a public option/universal health care, supporting the GOP. That isn't the case any longer and most of that metamorphosis took place during my time in PoliGAF.
I think we might have to tie him to a chair a Clockwork Orange him to the Hillary fanficiton miniseries on USA.PD's still butthurt is gal Clinton didn't win. Poor guy![]()
I think we might have to tie him to a chair a Clockwork Orange him to the Hillary fanficiton miniseries on USA.
I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
If you mean during this election, the no. If you mean since joining NeoGAF, then yes. Ask a few folks around here. I voted Bush in 2004, McCain in 2008, will be voting Obama 2012. Came to NeoGAF being against gay marriage, against a public option/universal health care, supporting the GOP. That isn't the case any longer and most of that metamorphosis took place during my time in PoliGAF.
If you mean during this election, the no. If you mean since joining NeoGAF, then yes. Ask a few folks around here. I voted Bush in 2004, McCain in 2008, will be voting Obama 2012. Came to NeoGAF being against gay marriage, against a public option/universal health care, supporting the GOP. That isn't the case any longer and most of that metamorphosis took place during my time in PoliGAF.
I barely remember that LovingSteam. Also, I can't believe I've been posting on GAF this long.
Right. And the payroll tax is quite regressive. If we could replace the payroll tax with a high-end tax increase, you could reduce the burden on low-to-middle class households while mitigating the decrease in revenue or, from your perspective, reducing inequality. Notwithstanding, the locus of any potential economic plan should concentrate on repairing our deteriorating infrastructure. Not only would it spur economic activity in the near term, it would bolster our future capacity. It's gradually becoming an albatross on the economy.Tax cuts are stimulus if directed towards consumers. I support a repeal of the payroll tax, and that would be stimulating, because tax cuts are a form of spending. However, other than repealing the payroll tax, I prefer increasing spending without tax cuts, because I think federal programs are useful. The less a government taxes, the less fiscal space it has to operate within before bumping up against inflation. (This is really why business interests seek to cut taxes--to constrict the government's ability to operate.)
Although the sentiment on the electoral consequences is correct, a point I've long iterated, Romney's performance isn't inconsequential. Understandably, this thread focuses heavily on the election. But the candidates' respective performances transcend the election. Political and governmental elites, bureaucrats, and foreign leaders are watching intently. And I imagine they're disconcerted at the prospect of a Romney Administration.Just wow...
Mittens didn't do anything as serious as say throwing manure on the British flag or something, but him stumbling over British protocol like a blind mouse has been extremely embarrassing and undercuts his foreign policy message against Obama.
Yes it's true voters two months from now won't remember the specific gaffes from this trip. But this trip will certainly help solidify the impression that Romney is a gaffe machine and is basically completely out of touch with almost everything when he's not in a corporate boardroom.
Romney was suppose to be the "adult" that was going to come and take over the country from the inexperienced and naive Obama. But with each passing week, Romney is looking less and less like the competent adult father-figure and more like an overgrown man-child that actually knows very little about what's going on in the world and who plays by a separate set of rules than everyone else (ie. by not releasing tax returns).
I think the Romney camp was hoping to make Romney the "Generic Republican" since they figured the generic republican would beat Obama this fall. But all this is doing is making Romney look artificial. Also the general campaign is exposing just how weak a candidate Romney is. He looked legit in the GOP Primary primarily because he was sharing the stage with literal joke characters. And he still needed a TON of negative ads via SuperPacs to take them down.
I definitely sense a campaign shake-up coming soon. It's also criminal that no-one in the campaign upgraded Romney-Bot with the latest foreign policy firmware with the London Olympic Patch v1.05. That patch among other things would have suppressed his BashEuro subroutine until he was back on US Red-state soil.
lol what? Bush was one of the most despised Presidents at the time. Iraq had taken a huge turn with disapproval. It wasn't that Bush was such a great President, it was that like Romney, liberals weren't turning out in droves for Kerry. Do you even want Obama to win?
I was the same, in some sense, except for voting for McCain and Bush.
I was a social conservative, Christian, just a little over five years ago. Then I started to use regularly a little thing called the "Internet".
Now I'm a liberal who spits in disgust at religion or any type of conservative viewpoint. Whether that's a "good" or "bad" thing, I'm not really sure, nor do I frankly care, unless, that view point is directly contradicted by real world facts and I adjust my views accordingly.
Kerry lost due to a few thousand votes in Ohio. If the economy was this bad in 2004, he likely wins the state and thus the presidency. It wasn't about enthusiasm - even a highly motivated base would not have changed the electoral map at the time. Like Romney, Kerry's hopes were pinned on Ohio. I think people re-write history when they argue Kerry lost because he didn't enthuse the base. He lost due to a few thousand independent and moderate votes in Ohio
If your willing to listen to alternate points of view and don't out right dismiss facts, then you'll change your mind sometimes. It's one of the great things about discussion forums like this.
Is Sullivan's opinion material? Although I don't read him regularly, I don't mind his analysis. But does he have any expertise on electoral studies? Most who systematically study elections estimate that Obama's a modest favorite.I see Romney as favorite to win the election right now, with the current state of the economy + the Obama out of context comments.
Sullivan agrees
What people have a problem with in regards to Obama's spending is the increase in the DEFICIT, not year over year budget dollars. This is the graph they are referring to:
[ IMG ]http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/obama-deficit-2011.jpg[ /IMG ]
(*cue "Bush" tax cut talking points*)
You honestly think the majority of those republicans won't come home by November? lol
It's amazing what the internet can do to some. Some people blame college professors for turning people liberal, but I think the internet has a larger hand in that, lol. It helped me along, too. I still think the catalyst was someone in real life, though. A friend of mine I went to school with was insanely liberal and raised by liberal parents, etc. I went to a conservative college, and so everyone else had that viewpoint except him and maybe a handful of others. Whenever he expressed disagreement in what they said he'd just get dog piled by countless people, but in my mind he still emerged victorious. I'm sure in most of their minds they won some of those arguments, but not in mine.
That was part of my turn. After that, the internet took over. I would see so many discussions that mirrored that real life experience on places like here. People who talked like I used to believe would just get annihilated, and I just couldn't stay that way any longer. Once the interest took hold I had to keep going with it. I was raised by a hardcore conservative family, and my dad lives and breathes politics. So, part of the push was just to see if the things he had been believing all my life were really true.
Which he didn't get, likely because he was a crappy candidate that didn't get anyone enthusiastic. Look, outside circumstances do play a large role, and sometimes you can elect people that aren't charismatic or well loved, but for the most part I think you still need to elect someone. People have to believe at least a little bit in who they're voting for. If you don't inspire anything like that, then you've got an uphill battle.
Which he didn't get, likely because he was a crappy candidate that didn't get anyone enthusiastic. Look, outside circumstances do play a large role, and sometimes you can elect people that aren't charismatic or well loved, but for the most part I think you still need to elect someone. People have to believe at least a little bit in who they're voting for. If you don't inspire anything like that, then you've got an uphill battle.
That's just not true. A great example is Kerry's testimony before Congress during the Vietnam War. A moving speech.
What did we want in 2004? To bring the troops home. How much more poignant can it get? There was no lack of enthusiasm for Kerry.
Empty Vessel in particular has changed a lot of my beliefs about government and such on here.
I mean, I was always staunchly socially liberal and fairly economically liberal as well but just reading some of the perspectives on how the economy and the government can be linked with regards to society and social change has been eye opening. The danger is that I really want to believe in these ideas because they're so appealing to me as an engineer.
While I don't agree with TA on the environment, he's not a "nutjob" on the issue.
Yea he can form coherent arguments. If you want to see nutjobs just look the global warming threads in the off topic and watch loofy post.
Yeah Sullivan is all kinds of wut