I liked him up until this election season began.
Why has that happened to the last two Republican candidates? I remember 2000 Mccain being likable and cool, then 2008 Mccain was grumpy and eh.
I liked him up until this election season began.
How did Kosmo get banned?
Wisconsin state Sen. Tim Cullen has reconciled with the Democratic caucus and Majority Leader Mark Miller, after Cullen bolted the caucus earlier this week in a dispute over the committee chairmanships.
Cullens decision to quit the caucus earlier this week had threatened to undo the partys narrow 17-16 majority, its biggest victory from the waves of state recall elections in which Democrats failed to unseat Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
I realize it was in large part because I was an idiot back then, but I know that was part of the reason I voted against Kerry. There was such a staunch movement against the war and ending it immediately that I thought that would be a disaster. A large part of why I (again, as an 18 year old moron) voted for Bush was because it made more sense to back out slowly and correctly, and I thought the man that was there and knew and did everything already could do that better. Handing a project off to someone to quickly kill it seemed stupid at the time. Now, I don't remember that testimony ever being played or his poignancy ever getting to me at the time. That was a larger part of why I voted, not switching over during a time of war, but the other part is because Kerry couldn't convince me. To me he was a wet blanket. He was a bad candidate that didn't inspire any confidence or anything really. And that, I think was a problem. In hindsight he mustn't have been that good if he couldn't convince me, the moron, to vote for him. That was a transition time for me, too, so I wasn't as heavily invested in Bush.
Yeah . . . someone needs to cite something specific in the bill as to why this is HCR's fault. Instead, you are stuck in the position of trying to prove a negative. How do you prove it is not in bill w/o forcing other people to read the entire bill?
I think the situation is just:
1) They are predisposed to not liking Obama.
2) Thus, they don't like his ACA.
3) So when something annoying related to healthcare happens, it is Obama's fault.
That's what they want to believe so they'll believe it.
Perhaps there was just a change in procedure for that particular private insurer . . . but that has nothing to do with the law.
This is so true. I recently had a conversation with someone (non political in nature) where I was talking about my grandmother's prescriptions and stuff (I've handled her finances for some time now) and how pricey a certain few are, etc. This person responded with "well, that's exactly what happens with Obamacare. Get the government involved, yada yada."
I wanted to facepalm. These medications have been the same price since before Obama even decided to run for election. It had absolutely nothing to do with any health care reform at all. It had to do with there being no competition (generic form) of the drug available. But just the fact that anything pricey or bad in health care is automatically blamed at Obama.
Oh, btw, this person is a nurse.
Wisconsin State Senator Rejoins Democratic Caucus
Chick-fil-a thread.How did Kosmo get banned?
Chick-fil-a thread.
He'll be back in a month.
Wow, that thread is still claiming victims. That is a graveyard thread.
He'll be back in a month.
It isn't wrong to eat, though, just to be clear, right? At least not moreso than giving patronage to a variety of other businesses/industries? Just want to be clear so I don't get banned when I make my thread in a couple of months when the Chik-fil-A that is being built down the street opens and I eat it every day for like a week.![]()
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2012/07/watch_this_space.php?ref=fpblgThe Romney campaign had at time of writing on Friday sent out two separate e-mail press releases chiding the Obama administration for its refusal to say whether Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
One quoted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and another, former Minnesota Senator and Romney surrogate Norm Coleman.
Actually . . . I'd assume that Romney is clueless on the topic but he does have some neocons like Bolton that are pushing a hardline view. Romney could flip-flop on it if he figures it out that our Arab allies would be alienated.I suppose its possible the Romney campaign is so unaware of the realities of the Middle East peace process, however moribund it may be, that theyre unconcerned with just how inflammatory an American presidents expression of support for an undivided Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would be to the Arab world. But even with the stumbles Mitt Romney has made this week on the international stage, that seems unlikely.
So, accepting that Romney is aware of the significance, it seems likely hes prepared to signal a very real, very controversial departure from decades of U.S. peacemaking policy, and put the weight of his potential presidency behind a declaration that he believes Jerusalem is Israels capital. That would be a very big deal.
That's.... so depressing.
No bans were made for just saying their food is good.If anyone on GAF gets banned for simply saying "yeah, I had Chik-Fil-A today and it was pretty good" then GAF is in serious trouble...
You know why they got banned.If anyone on GAF gets banned for simply saying "yeah, I had Chik-Fil-A today and it was pretty good" then GAF is in serious trouble...
It isn't wrong to eat, though, just to be clear, right? At least not moreso than giving patronage to a variety of other businesses/industries? Just want to be clear so I don't get banned when I make my thread in a couple of months when the Chik-fil-A that is being built down the street opens and I eat it every day for like a week.![]()
My sister, who hates Obama and the ACA, told me yesterday that she was at the doctor's office and they told her she needed to see a number of specialists for various things. She asked if they'd set her up some appointments with these people, and they told her they can no longer do that. They said she'll have to call up each office herself, make the appointments, then call back her doctor's office and confirm with them that the appointments were made. When she asked why, they said it was because of "healthcare reform". So she called up my parents ranting and raving about how I can support the ACA.
Sounds like they had a person who at one time did patient facilitation but either let them go or reassigned them for whatever reason. "healthcare reform" sounds like their umbrella catchall explanation for anything anti-patient.
I recall doing a faux presidential election between PoliGaf candidates and Empty Vessel was the front runner. I wonder if I should do it again this November?Empty Vessel fo' prez.
Isn't this going to be pointless since the majority is hardly going to be able to vote on anything until the election month?eznark am cry
I do political work in the healthcare field. Among healthcare workers, you would be absolutely astonished on how little knowledge of healthcare policy there is. Hell, isn't our little friend Kosmo a pharmacist?
edit: There is often obsecene loyalty to their employers as well, even when they see patients and themselves getting screwed by billing and employment policies. Some of these asshole CEOs working for "non-profit" health systems will be bringing down millions while they're dumping indigent patients without insurance on the steps of the nearest county hospital.
Vote Perpetual Motion, vote Empty Vessel.I recall doing a faux presidential election between PoliGaf candidates and Empty Vessel was the front runner. I wonder if I should do it again this November?
No bans were made for just saying their food is good.
Romney's a management consultant -- that's what he did in business. Management consultants conform themselves to their environment, because that's how consulting works -- you have to make the host believe you're part of them, while you change their management style. If you come in and say their policies are stupid and their business plan is bizarre, you're going to be out of a job really soon. You can see this exact process at work here: when he's governing Massachusetts, he was a moderate, shading towards liberal at all the points he had to, while creating a universal healthcare system along strong conservative lines. Now he's trying to lead the new Republican party, and conforming to that, with understandably disastrous results. So, in some sense, it doesn't necessarily matter what he's "really" like, because he's spent his adult life presenting himself as somebody other than himself in order to be successful.
Wisconsin State Senator Rejoins Democratic Caucus
lol. You're the equivalent of diablos in regards to your pessimism, despite the fact that Romney is the GOP John Kerry in this election.
Sounds like a parasite.Romney's a management consultant -- that's what he did in business. Management consultants conform themselves to their environment, because that's how consulting works -- you have to make the host believe you're part of them, while you change their management style.
Thanks for the shout outs, guys. I don't have enough time to run a blog; GAF gets all, or most of, my free internet time.
Kosmo in particular went all in with his usual partisan hackery, questioning whether the groups donated to were actually "anti-gay", and ignoring responses proving they were.
Nope. He wants Obama to win, but is just mentally preparing himself in the unlikely case Obama loses. It's desperation at it's finest.He's not a pessimist. he actively hates Obama, probably for some reasonable reasons (although his favorite one is a shallow reading of the economy), but ultimately and demonstrably because he was a Hillarista back in the day. He's not a republican shill, he's not even trolling, he just has this thing.
But I think David Lynch's Dune is one of the greatest movies of all time, so I have issues too.
As he awaited his verification, jackpot stewed on the destruction of one man: ToxicAdam.Must have sucked to go through so much of my posting history to find proof of me continually using "hackjob blogs" as evidence only to come away with an obvious troll quote.
Quite an axe to grind from someone so relatively new ....
A true leader with the courage and conviction in his believes. I really kind of doubt Romney even believed the shit he did before he believed the stuff he does now. It all comes off as just a political game. He wants power for the sake of it, for the title of it, and for the prestige. I don't think he wants to become president to change things or to run things well. He just wants to be president, because that's another accomplishment to add. Same with governor. The guy doesn't seem to me like he truly believes in anything.
Chik-Fil-A President: "We are anti gay"
People "I guess they are anti-gay"
Kosmo: "Typical liberal PC interpretation"
"We want to communicate to the world that we are ready for whatever they throw at us," a Romney adviser told BuzzFeed unsolicited. "After poor economic numbers today, we are preparing for them to throw out absurdities, distractions, and anything else they can to divert from the economy."
Team Romney believes there will be a surprise from Obama tomorrow
Romney in London: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to miss the NAACP."
He does realize the big story for the next week or two is gonna be the Olympics? I mean unless shit really hits the fan it's probably what people will be talking about.
Wow man how does Romney keep fucking up over and over again, is he really THAT bad of a candidate
This international trip has been nothing but a disaster for him
It isn't wrong to eat, though, just to be clear, right? At least not moreso than giving patronage to a variety of other businesses/industries? Just want to be clear so I don't get banned when I make my thread in a couple of months when the Chik-fil-A that is being built down the street opens and I eat it every day for like a week.![]()
Team Romney believes there will be a surprise from Obama tomorrow