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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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But how do people in other countries watch online then? People in Japan don't have the ability to have NBC's crappy services. That can't possibly be fair to prevent billions of people from watching like that.
The broadcast rights a territorial, this is only apply to US residents (which is why it's pretty fucking easy to circumvent).
Wait doesn't BBC do free streaming or if not streams they put all their content out there for free? If so, how would it be illegal to watch one of their streams?
Blocked in the US.
Because "consumer choice" is only a worthwhile idea if you're trying to privatize a government service.

Yeah, same here. We actually regressed, as far as technology and access is concerned, in the past four years. It's a shitty pattern.
Yeah, maybe I misremember, but I feel the 2008 streaming was sooooooo much better.
Yeah, it was silverlight, which I wasn't crazy about, but man, the 2012 site is so fucking clunky.
So is it actually piracy to watch games on these alternative streaming sites?
You wouldn't stream a car!!!



We should probably stop giving this attention whore her attention. Her and her whole family are just reality TV jokes now. Things like this picture shouldn't really be a surprise at all. I mean did you really think she wouldn't go there and try and stick her big nose into the controversy? Why are we making news stories about it? Who gives a fuck? As we say, haters are gonna hate. It's like making a news story about the sun coming up another day.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, maybe I misremember, but I feel the 2008 streaming was sooooooo much better.
Yeah, it was silverlight, which I wasn't crazy about, but man, the 2012 site is so fucking clunky.

I logged on to the site to see if I could stream anything, and instead it gave me a "Let Carson Daily tell you how streaming for the 2012 Olympics works" and I closed out.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I logged on to the site to see if I could stream anything, and instead it gave me a "Let Carson Daily tell you how streaming for the 2012 Olympics works" and I closed out.

My roomate said this morning that he was told that he needed to be an Xfinity customer to stream.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The broadcast rights a territorial, this is only apply to US residents (which is why it's pretty fucking easy to circumvent).
Blocked in the US.

During the opening ceremony many links were posted to sites that allowed you to circumvent the BBC's region lock. As a licence fee payer I do not endorse that sort of behaviour at all, but it can be done.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sorry, I'm just enjoying this shit too much. Here are some of the best tweets from the twitters:

Worst possible Romney gaffe he could make on his tour? How about: "I'm just not sure Israel is ready for Jesus' return."?

MI6 refuses to confirm #Romney meeting, fueling speculation he may have been fooled by an Austin Powers impersonator

'Some Americans just shouldn't leave the country', says Carl Lewis of Mitt Romney

Before #Romneyshambles, the most publicised fact about Mitt Romney was that he's a Mormon, although doubt is growing about the second 'm'.

I'm not usually a Sacha Baron Cohen fan, but this new character he's playing, "Mitt Romney," is hilarious.

"Obama has never apologized for America, but now America has to go around apologizing for Mitt Romney."

#RomneyShambles is the only candidate to make Borat look suave, Mr Bean look smooth & @SarahPalinUSA look sane

The Brits are saying that Romney is worse than Palin. Funny, John McCain thought so, too.

Dear America: in the future if you want your candidates vetted, just send them to London.

You can tell @MittRomney's doing badly when he starts getting booed by rich white people


Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London.

"Poor Mittens, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth" To paraphrase Ann Richards



Romney Campaign responds to the gaffes in the UK

The official said that Prime Minister David Cameron’s ‘wisecrack’ about it being harder to stage an Olympic Games in London than ‘in the middle of nowhere’ – an apparent reference to Salt Lake City, where Romney oversaw the 2002 Winter Olympics – was ‘probably appropriate, albeit awkward’ and unfortunate for Romney
‘Johnson on the other hand lived up to his reputation as an eccentric, odd fellow. It was unbecoming to attack Governor Romney in that way. There really was no need. But Johnson made it clear in 2008 that his vote would have gone to Obama.’

The campaign official, who was not directly involved organising the London trip, that that the Romney campaign had not prepared sufficiently for ‘a visit of this magnitude’ and that the candidate had not been briefed properly on how to answer questions about the staging of the Olympics.
‘What he gave was the honest assessment of the situation based on his previous experience. Unfortunately in a diplomatic context that's not the sort of thing that should have been coming out of the candidate's mouth. It was bad messaging and media prep.’
The trip should have been a straightforward one, he said. ‘You show up, you smile, you do photo ops, you talk about the special relationship, the deep bonds that connect us and then you go home, or in this case on to Israel and Poland.

‘Unfortunately, it shows that the campaign by solely focussing on jobs has really neglected foreign policy and international affairs.’
He said that the campaign had not had a dedicated protocol adviser ‘to ensure there were no snafus’, such as when Romney addressed Ed Miliband, the Opposition leader, as ‘Mr Leader’ and when he stated he had been briefed by the head of MI6.
‘The first rule of diplomacy is that when you're in a foreign country you get titles and forms of address correct.
‘It played into some stereotypical impressions of Americans, that they’re ignorant of local concerns, that they don’t get names or titles right.’


Sidhe / PikPok
the candidate had not been briefed properly on how to answer questions about the staging of the Olympics

The suggestion a presidential candidate should have to be briefed at all on such things is ridiculous.


No Scrubs
The suggestion a presidential candidate should have to be briefed at all on such things is ridiculous.

Especially THAT question. He could have said "I've heard there have been a few issues, there always are with an event of this size, but I have the utmost confidence that the UK will come through and host a wonderful Summer Olympics".

I mean if you can't even come up with THAT on the fly...how incompetent are you? He still gets to acknowledged the problems, but doesn't make it sound like they're gonna screw up. It's like Williams tossed it right over the plate and somehow Romney managed to have it cut off his arm.


As opposed to Olympic officials (or something along these lines).
I mean, why would anyone object to a candidate getting prepared by his staff for a trip like that?

I wouldn't object to that notion, but even not prepped he should have been able to get past that question. I mean come on. As stated just above it's not exactly that hard.


As opposed to Olympic officials (or something along these lines).
I mean, why would anyone object to a candidate getting prepared by his staff for a trip like that?

So they guy who has been championing his past Olympic-running experience needs to be briefed on Olympic-running stuff?


No Scrubs
I just find the fact he screwed the pooch on that one amazing. It's like shitting in someone's hand when they offer to shake yours.


Sidhe / PikPok
I mean, why would anyone object to a candidate getting prepared by his staff for a trip like that?

I stand by my suggestion that the notion that a presidential candidate needs to be prepared by his underlings to handle such average questions which should otherwise be second nature to such an individual is ridiculous.

Preparing a VP maybe, given that individual needs to be in lockstep with the main candidate and would need to be clear on campaign policy.

The presidential candidate themselves should be telling his staff how they'll be dealing with such questions, not the other way around.


I stand by my suggestion that the notion that a presidential candidate needs to be prepared by his underlings to handle such average questions which should otherwise be second nature to such an individual is ridiculous.

Preparing a VP maybe, given that individual needs to be in lockstep with the main candidate and would need to be clear on campaign policy.

The presidential candidate themselves should be telling his staff how they'll be dealing with such questions, not the other way around.
I agree with you on the Brian Williams interview, it was a simple fluff softball question, I have no idea why Romney even went there.
However, I think a serious candidate should absolutely prepare for such trip, and I don't expect them to be experts on English internal politics.

So in summation - yeah, as excuse to this particular gaffe it's stupid, I concede that point, but as whole, I still think Romney should have prepared better for this trip.


I agree with you on the Brian Williams interview, it was a simple fluff softball question, I have no idea why Romney even went there.
However, I think a serious candidate should absolutely prepare for such trip, and I don't expect them to be experts on English internal politics.

So in summation - yeah, as excuse to this particular gaffe it's stupid, I concede that point, but as whole, I still think Romney should have prepared better for this trip.

Romney certainly should've been prepped for the trip, on the stuff that's a bit more arcane, especially protocol.

Softball questions along the vein of "What do you think of my decorating?" shouldn't need any prep at all.
The NBC talk is relevant. Was or not Obama that allowed Comcast to buy NBC?

Its no coincidence that you now must not just pay for cable, but have out under your own name to watch....a policy that directly fucks over urban Americans.

Comcast also took the free NBC sports network of the air


I agree with you on the Brian Williams interview, it was a simple fluff softball question, I have no idea why Romney even went there.

He was trying to play up his own Olympic experience/success. Kind of an idiotic thing to do at the expense of the people you're about to visit, but there you go.


omgzzz Obama is to blame for NBC's poor Olympics coverage. He doesn't want us to watch our team. More proof that he's foreign.
The NBC talk is relevant. Was or not Obama that allowed Comcast to buy NBC?

Its no coincidence that you now must not just pay for cable, but have out under your own name to watch....a policy that directly fucks over urban Americans.

Comcast also took the free NBC sports network of the air

I didn't realize he had control over such things.

“Israel’s current prime minister is not just a friend, he’s an old friend,” Mitt Romney, with whom Netanyahu worked at the Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s, told AIPAC in March. (Romney, Netanyahu suggests, may have overstated the tie. “I remember him for sure, but I don’t think we had any particular connections,” he tells me. “I knew him and he knew me, I suppose.”)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Romney said something that wasn't true?

This shocks me.

Funny thing about Romney is that even Palin had her defenders in poligaf, whereas even Kosmo never directly defends this assclown, and instead simply changes the subject back to Obama. Romney may well be the worst candidate in republican history. Or worst to get the nom, at least. Everyone hates the fucker. Everyone.

When Palin talked, there was 100% chance she would be stupid, but when Romney talks its a crapshoot of stupidity, flip floppery, weirdness, hypocrisy or lies. But there's 100% chance he will seem completely out of touch with anything or anyone normal.


I agree with you on the Brian Williams interview, it was a simple fluff softball question, I have no idea why Romney even went there.
However, I think a serious candidate should absolutely prepare for such trip, and I don't expect them to be experts on English internal politics.

So in summation - yeah, as excuse to this particular gaffe it's stupid, I concede that point, but as whole, I still think Romney should have prepared better for this trip.

You're absolutely correct. I think where the other guys are coming from is that this must be a pretty terrible campaign to have not done that. And he must be a fairly horrible politician to not have requested that, or been able to survive during what should have been an easy trip. (tutorial level, as someone else called it)
Er... can you cite a post of mine where I said Obama's going to lose in a bigger landslide than Dukakis? I don't believe you can, because I never said it. I've maintained that Obama has a good chance of winning but that it should not be assumed to be as likely as lot of people here think. This election is probably going to be pretty close, and in a close election you can't assume your guy is gonna pull away with a victory without a fight. And just because I react negatively at times to data or news that doesn't bode well for the President doesn't mean I'm a clone of PD. Nor does it mean I want him to lose, even if I'm not "actively rooting" for him to like he does. I want him to win.

Please don't try to paint me into a corner when a mod is present, it's pretty lame.
The Dukakis thing was an exaggeration but it actually gets really annoying that you have a tendency to go chicken little over everything, especially anything related to whenever Gallup shows a dip in Obama's approval ratings that even out a couple days later. I don't feel like scouring through your posting history but there have been several occasions where you're like "FUCK, Obama's SUNK now" to relatively minor things. The thing is you're generally a good poster otherwise imo but the DOOM thing gets old when you're doing it every week.

As optimistic as I am about the election I'm trying to temper my expectations especially after 2010. Pretty much all empirical evidence holds that Obama has a small but consistent edge over Romney, particularly in swing states and I don't think much will change in the final stretch. House and Senate are a bit foggier. I think after the conventions I'll take a crack at a thorough prediction for both, and see how it holds up.

Why in the world would you "take one" if you know it's bunk? This is why I'm inclined to question your rampant enthusiasm at times.
Rasmussen's m.o. of polling is to build a narrative and part of how they do that is by filtering their voter screens to show the most pro-Republican results possible. That's why their polls are bunk - their polling methods are about as good as anyone else's, but they skew their samples. So if Rasmussen gives a Democrat a big lead I'll take it.


Romney may well be the worst candidate in republican history. Or worst to get the nom, at least.

I'm not saying tax cuts for the rich is the most electorally sound strategy there is, but at least Mitt is not for nuclear war.
That Warren ad is particularly amazing BECAUSE it's empowering. I'm so goddamn tired of hearing that the government should not be proactive, that it should just leave things alone and hope they work out for the best.
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