Does anyone honestly think the US does not have a military option on the table for Iran, outside of far right ideologues? Fucking Netanyahu
Why does he look so sad? He's at the Olympics! I'd give my left nut to see the hundred meter final live! Hec k I'd probably throw in my right one as well.
Does anyone honestly think the US does not have a military option on the table for Iran, outside of far right ideologues? Fucking Netanyahu
So has Obama.
I will never get it. Obama has always said he is prepared to launch at attack on Iran if needed. He is just not war mongering it in the way GOP and Bibi want.
Does anyone honestly think the US does not have a military option on the table for Iran, outside of far right ideologues? Fucking Netanyahu
Does anyone honestly think the US does not have a military option on the table for Iran, outside of far right ideologues? Fucking Netanyahu
The US has a military option for Canada for fucks sake. It's like you're some obtuse flatulent child who announces every time he blows his colon as though the rest of the people in the room can't smell it.
Cheney would not comment on what he told Romney and Myers, but he was harsh in his assessment of McCain's decision to pick Palin.
"That one," Cheney said, "I don't think was well handled."
"The test to get on that small list has to be, 'Is this person capable of being president of the United States?'"
Cheney believes Sarah Palin failed that test.
"I like Governor Palin. I've met her. I know her. She - attractive candidate. But based on her background, she'd only been governor for, what, two years. I don't think she passed that test of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake."
I loved that this came from Dick Cheney because he is even less popular than Palin. Hopefully the Palin supporters will rally for her.
It is to the two ugly base instincts of the GOP fighting against each other . . . the greedy/war-monger part against the stupid/evangelical part.
You must have misread my post. I am saying it's quite clear the US has a military option "on the table" for Iran, but Netanyahu and those on the right continually act like we don't. It's pathetic
Horrible coverage. Horrible delivery.
I wish there was a way to forcibly void their contract without reimbursing them a cent and give another company a chance.
You must have misread my post. I am saying it's quite clear the US has a military option "on the table" for Iran, but Netanyahu and those on the right continually act like we don't. It's pathetic
Israel is so crazy. Poll after poll shows the broad majority wants peaceful resolutions, but Warhawk right wingers and settlers have other ideas.
Kind of gives you hope that the unheard majority can get it done some day, though.
anyone rooting for romneys horse on thursday?;-)
Jewish voters are highly educated and favor a pragmatic approach to the issue of Israel and Palestine rather than a cowboy solution that involves declaring whole Jerusalem as Israel's capital and nuking Iran. Only people Romney can court with his nonsense are Evangelicals.
anyone rooting for romneys horse on thursday?;-)
I have this long list of items where I wonder what would Republicans say if Obama:
-Had a horse in an Olympic event with a French name (Dressage) and often known as "Horse ballet"
-had 5 sons with none in military
-Refused to release more than 2 years of his tax returns
-Avoided the draft by hanging out in Paris, France trying to get people to join his outside-the-mainstream religion
You know they would go berserk with all that material.
DeWitt Clinton and James Madison (1812) never served IIRC.
That was the first campaign where there were really only two candidates.
And yet Jews broke for Obama 78 to 22.Amazing generalization.
I remember in 2008, a friend who is Jewish was telling me McCain had to win, if Obama won Iran would attack Israel. And this is not something only he believed, all the kids from his generation in his entourage believed the same: must attack Iran, Obama is weak, if Obama is elected there will be war. And that was in Canada.
Add to this the people who directed US foreign police during the Bush years and pretty much all PNAC directors (Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Randy Scheunemann (McCain foreign adviser in 2008), etc.), you'd have to be joking to think Romney's doing this only for Christian evangelicals.
What the Israeli population themselves believe is a whole other story, and is often completely at odds with what the political figureheads believe, and of absolutely no bearing to the opinions and agenda US presidents, congressmen, etc. Israelis are facing the same problems we are facing when it comes to lack of political representation and accountability.
She's lucky Kobe doesn't really like black chicks.Anyone see Michelle hug the entire Olympic team?
I just realized.
Is this the first election for the US presidency where neither of the two lead candidates have been in the military?
Anyone see Michelle hug the entire Olympic team?
Da beats. DA BEATS!!!
also I like how the guy apparently has no job. Fitting
Holy crap at the shit spewing out of Romeny's mouth on CNN in his Israeli speech.
Disgusting speech. He would literally destroy our relation with every arab state.
Calling Jersualem the capital, no mention of Palestinians nor peace. Bathering on about Values and Capitalism. This guy can't become president.
And I'm considered disgustingly pro-israel on here.
Sure. There are lots of stupid uneducated Jewish people, but it's fair to say that even a Jewish, or specifically Israeli dumbass, has a far better grasp of the local geopolitics than Mitt Romney and his base, no matter how mild, middling or radical their biases may be.Amazing generalization.
I remember in 2008, a friend who is Jewish was telling me McCain had to win, if Obama won Iran would attack Israel. And this is not something only he believed, all the kids from his generation in his entourage believed the same: must attack Iran, Obama is weak, if Obama is elected there will be war. And that was in Canada.
Add to this the people who directed US foreign police during the Bush years and pretty much all PNAC directors (Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Randy Scheunemann (McCain foreign adviser in 2008), etc.), you'd have to be joking to think Romney's doing this only for Christian evangelicals.
What the Israeli population themselves believe is a whole other story, and is often completely at odds with what the political figureheads believe, and of absolutely no bearing to the opinions and agenda US presidents, congressmen, etc. Israelis are facing the same problems we are facing when it comes to lack of political representation and accountability.
oh boy, lemme buy a pizza to listen to Obama's speech!
also I like how the guy apparently has no job. Fitting
oh boy, lemme buy a pizza to listen to Obama's speech!
also I like how the guy apparently has no job. Fitting
if cruz wins ive lost all hope for texasRomney is a clown. Bush was more eloquent on foreign policy than the gutless Romney. I enjoy the fact that the whole frickin world doesn't mock the president anymore.
Speaking of fun things, the GOP Texas Senate runoff is tomorrow. I'm interested to see if all of the out of state support for Cruz fails. He's running on a platform that Dewhurtst has *gasp* cooperated with Democrats and thus is not fit for the GOP nomination. I hate to have been inspired by Newsroom, but the idiocy of the Tea Party never ceases to amaze me.
I'm actually pulling for Dewhurst in this one.
No one should be surprised. He has to be to the right of Obama on foreign policy, so the only way you can go from there is to declare war on the Arabs.
He also wants to line the pockets of numerous businesses that would benefit from a ramped up U.S. war machine.
Is that the stock market? That's not the economy.Last economic boom started with the Iraq invasion (March 19 2003).
Good for America or global finance?I have a serious question for republican GAF. Does anyone think Romney is a good candidate?
I have a serious question for republican GAF. Does anyone think Romney is a good candidate?
Can someone please explain the 'let's move the capital to Jerusalem' idea? Why is America dictating to another country where they should have their capital?
Like Obama, you wouldn't understand. Its a special relationship because of our shared Sun/War God heritage.Can someone please explain the 'let's move the capital to Jerusalem' idea? Why is America dictating to another country where they should have their capital?
Amazing generalization.
I remember in 2008, a friend who is Jewish was telling me McCain had to win, if Obama won Iran would attack Israel. And this is not something only he believed, all the kids from his generation in his entourage believed the same: must attack Iran, Obama is weak, if Obama is elected there will be war. And that was in Canada.
Add to this the people who directed US foreign police during the Bush years and pretty much all PNAC directors (Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Randy Scheunemann (McCain foreign adviser in 2008), etc.), you'd have to be joking to think Romney's doing this only for Christian evangelicals.
Israel says that Jerusalem is the capital, but Tel Aviv is the internationally recognized capital. Basically a lot of the israel/palestine tension is over Jerusalem as well as the west bank. The way it is now is we are sort of on the fence about it so we don't fuck over the peace process.
Thanks. So basically moving the capital there would enflame the Palestinians and push back the peace process back, no? Seems like an awful idea, which is why I'm not surprised Gingrinch and Romney are for it.
Amazing generalization.
I remember in 2008, a friend who is Jewish was telling me McCain had to win, if Obama won Iran would attack Israel. And this is not something only he believed, all the kids from his generation in his entourage believed the same: must attack Iran, Obama is weak, if Obama is elected there will be war. And that was in Canada.
Add to this the people who directed US foreign police during the Bush years and pretty much all PNAC directors (Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Randy Scheunemann (McCain foreign adviser in 2008), etc.), you'd have to be joking to think Romney's doing this only for Christian evangelicals.
What the Israeli population themselves believe is a whole other story, and is often completely at odds with what the political figureheads believe, and of absolutely no bearing to the opinions and agenda US presidents, congressmen, etc. Israelis are facing the same problems we are facing when it comes to lack of political representation and accountability.
Jerusalem is a city claimed as holy by all three of the Abrahamic religions. Israel had part of Jerusalem pre 67 but took it all in the 6-day war. Both the Palestinians and the Israelis would like to claim Jerusalem as their capital. A lot of peace plans like to punt on the issue and just say Jerusalem should be declared an international city. Giving it solidly to Israel ensures no peace.
No one should be surprised. He has to be to the right of Obama on foreign policy, so the only way you can go from there is to declare war on the Arabs.
He also wants to line the pockets of numerous businesses that would benefit from a ramped up U.S. war machine.
without the slightest sense of irony?We both believe in democracy, in the right of every people to select their leaders and choose their nation's course.
We both believe in the rule of law, knowing that in its absence, willful men may incline to oppress the weak.